Chapter 11

Chapter 11

It’s been two days now, and Anna hasn’t talked to anyone. I have been spending the last two nights in her room and I’m glad she is not cold to me anymore.

We don’t talk though, the moment I get in her bed she cuddles me and I hold her back till morning. This is much better than nothing

Mum and Dad left for an alphas meeting this morning, leaving me in charge of the pack. After training the teenagers and newly shifted wolves, I hand over everything else to the beta and head back home to have a shower, and hopefully spend time with my mate.

The only people around the house when I walk in are the workers doing their jobs. I walk further into the kitchen for a bottle of water, and the food on the dining table reminds me of Ana.

“Has she eaten?” I ask the chef who is still making more meals and piling them in the fridge.

“No alpha, young Luna said she will wait for you”

“Where is she?” I quickly look around. Is Ana waiting to have a meal with me? Maybe she’s finally coming around.

“At the pool” I rush out before he can complete his sentence. No one will ever understand what she makes me feel or what Ana means to me.

At the said swimming pool, Ana is lying face up on a swim bed with her wet hair sprawled in all directions. My mate has dark sunglasses on, and her long legs are crossed on top of each other. I have never seen an image so S** y. I regret not carrying my phone here. This could have made a great wallpaper

Goddess! I still can’t believe my Anna turned out to be this hot. The red swimming suit she’s wearing barely covers anything and it angers me. No one should see her this way but me.

Her well-toned b*dy is on full display. The butterfly tattoo on top of her right breast captures my attention and it’s tempting not to look at her.

I swear, Ana is awakening every emotion in me that has been hidden for

long time. The feelings that only she can trigger.

I just want to hold her, k*ss her, and do all the stuff that I have been dreaming about all my life. Goddess! It’s been a long time since I had her to myself. I miss my Ana so much,


+5 vouchers

“Stop staring at my Jace, it’s rude you know” she whispers without glancing my way. Goddess, I am caught and she is still as blunt as she was before.

“I can’t help it, you are hot” I mumble, taking a step closer. Maybe I should start to lighten the tension between us. I know everything about her, like she does about me. And I also know the way back to her heart.

“Oh yeah? And let me guess, you wish to get burned by this, right?” she slowly gestures to her b*dy using her two index fingers, and I smirk biting my lower l*p. She never altered her teasing habit.

“Yes, baby. Please burn me” I whisper crouching beside her and she chuckles, shaking her head in amusement. Goddess, I missed that.

Her skin is so radiant up close. I want to lick it. She changed so much.

I will never f u c k up again if she gives me a chance.

“What is his name?” I ask, expectantly staring at her. I still can’t believe that I have a son. And more importantly, with the woman I love and my


Please don’t push me away.

“Leon” she mumbles with a smile sitting up. It’s one of those real smiles. she has when she is happy, or when you give her something she wishes to have.

“Yeah? “I co c k my brow in disbelief. I risk sitting on her bed and Anna doesn’t push me away, instead, she moves to create space for me and I feel a verve kicking in my heart again.

I will be patient. It doesn’t matter how long she’s willing to take to forgive me, I will wait.

She pulls down the glasses and her smile only gets wider. The mischief in her grey eyes makes me realize something.

“It was you, was it?” I slowly whisper trying to frighten her and she quickly gets up, and runs to the house.

When I was a kid, I used to have an old teddy bear named Leon. In fact, it was Mum’s and she passed it over to me. The bear had one eye poked out and its place sewn. Nevertheless, it served its purpose and it was adored.

I used to imagine him as my protector because most nights I feared. sleeping alone. Dad hated it. He believed that as an alpha pup, I was supposed to be strong from a young age.

Kids are kids, human or wolf. He didn’t understand that.


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Then one day when I was seven, Mum and I went for our normal walk in the forest, and that’s when I saw her. The crying little girl.

Just one glance at her and I felt the need to protect her. She was so beautiful it amazed me. Especially her big, and sad green eyes.

She was alone and crying for her mommy. We took her home with us when we couldn’t find her family and from that day, I started acting. strong to protect Ana.

I used to sneak into her room every night and hold her because she could always cry for her mom even in her sleep.

Then it continued that way throughout our childhood until the day I had to go for alpha training.

However, Leon magically went missing a few days after she came, and she even helped me look for him. I wasn’t sad though because In order to be strong for her, I couldn’t continue depending on a k i n g doll.

I follow the sound of her giggles to her room. Everyone around stares at us in astonishment. They know everything that has been happening for the past two years and they didn’t expect us to be laughing at each other right now.

Maybe she woke up on the right side, I’m not sure yet but I will use this moment to my advantage, I will use this moment of her happiness to remind her of us.

“Come here, Anna” I open her unlocked door and her scent leads me to

her closet.

“I’m sorry, okay, that teddy used to creep me out, and I just had to do something,” she says, struggling to get in tight black jeans. It amuses me how she’s jumping up and down so the thing could fit her,

“Why don’t you just wear sweatpants or something simple? Isn’t that uncomfortable for indoors?” I point at the countless outfits in her closet. Courtesy of mother.

“I’m going home Jace,” she says looking away and it’s like a stab to my sour wound. So this is the reason she is happy.

“What about me? “My voice lowers and breaks at the end. Is she going to throw away what we had just because of one stupi d mistake? Don’t you feel anything for me anymore? “I walk closer and for the first time since she came here, she stares at me with the same emotions as before. Love and care, she still feels the same way.


+5 vouchers

I hold Ana’s cheeks in my palms and the sparks erupting from our contact feels beautiful. Her green eyes keenly regard my face and I notice admiration in them. Like always.

I think the vulnerability in my eyes is lowering her walls.

“Don’t I deserve a second chance, baby? I’m still your Jace, Ana” I grab her hand which is still on the waistline of her jeans and gently place it on my chest.

It’s still beating for her. Even harder from the day, she became my mate.

“It has always been yours, Ana. I wouldn’t know what else to do if you left. I’m so tired” my shaky voice whispers as I lower my forehead to hers. Her scent is like a drug. A special prescription to my aching heart. I close my eyes savoring this moment.

I just want my girl back. Our breaths are mingled and the only sound. coming from us is the erratic beating of our hearts. Yearning and pleading for each other.

“Ana” I open my eyes and longingly stare at the beauty in front of me. “Jace” she responds, opening hers and my heart ski p s when I stare into the familiar eyes of my girl. The Ana I grew up with. The eyes I fell in love with.

For once, she’s not hiding her emotions from me anymore.

Ana drapes her hand behind my n*eck and pulls my head down to her level. My heart completely stops when her soft cherry l*ps slowly touch mine in a k*ss.

Our first k*ss.

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