Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Werewolf


After I’m back inside Eagon doesn’t say a word about what happend outside. This makes me angry, but at the same time I’m kinda relieved. He tells me to take a shower and change for dinner. For a second I want to go against him, but when I look down at my clothes I see that I’m covered in grass stains. Might not be such a bad idea after all. After taking my shower I pull out a black dress with boots to wear. It’ll do for dinner. I walk downstairs an amazing scent filling my nose. When I come in the dining room Eadon is already waiting. He gestures me to sit and holds out his hand. I take it while rolling my eyes before closing them.

‘Dear Goddess, thank you for giving me the strength to try and be a better man. I hope you will give me the strength to get me what I earned in the first place. Once again thank you for bringing an angel in my home and my pack.’

He lets go of my hand, grabs a plate and fills it with a delicious looking pasta. I eye him carefully but his face is blank. I can’t read a single emotion on his face. He hands me the plate and I murmer a quick thank you. We eat in silence for about ten minutes.

‘Tonight you will see me shift. I will do it at my room this time, since you’ll be there. You can come by at 21:30. Josephine will guide you.’ I nod at him, hearing the tone in his voice saying that this conversation is over. Suddenly I’m nervous. What if it’s real? Are vampires real too? What about elves or fairies? Would there really be a TinkerBell? My mind keeps going over these questions.

After dinner Eadon just stands up and walks away, so I leave to go to my room. I sit on my bed a little while thinking about everything that has happend lately. I almost got raped, then I woke up in a bed with a huge wolf laying on me, then I got kidnapped, which suprisingly isn’t much like a cliché kidnap, then I found out that my kidnapper knew my mother, then the one who tried to save me almost blew up some kids.. So much has happend. And now tonight I’m going to witness a man turn into a wolf. I pinch myself in my arm, letting out a small ouch. Okay, so I’m not dreaming...

I have taken a small nap to pass the time. It’s 21:15 now, my nervous are spiking. I take extra time on changing clothes and doing my make-up. When I look up I see it’s 21:28. I bit my lip nervously staring at the door. A small knock echoes through my room. I straighten my posture, drag my hands over my clothes to whipe away the sweat in them and walk towards the door. Josephine stands there with a scowl on her face. I have no idea why, but I don’t even bother asking her. She walks in front of me without saying a word. We go through the large hallway, up another stairs. When I see two giant wooden doors I know enough. That must be his bedroom. Josephine point at it and turns to walk away. I almost stop her, my nerves getting the best of me but I don’t. I just follow her untill she disappears from sight. Okay, here we go.

I knock at Eadons door and his voice lets through a ‘come in’. I open the door and close it behind me. When I turn around Eadon stands in the middle of his room.. NAKED! I’m so shocked I forget to turn away and can’t stop staring at the V from his hips and well.. his manhood. My eyes big, my mouth open, goosebumps all over my body. His chuckle pulls me from my shock and I quickly turn around.

‘YOU’RE NAKED!’ I yell, exclaiming the obvious. This makes him laugh even harder. My cheeks are red with embarrassment. That was the first manhood of a grown man I have ever seen in my life and I stood there staring at it as if it came from Mars. 'WHY ARE YOU NAKED?!' At this point Eadon is laughing so loud that his laughter echoes through the room. Soon I laugh with him to throw to hide my awkwardness.

'I'm so sorry for laughing. Excuse me.' Eadon says while he continues to laugh. 'I need to be naked for the shift or else I'll rip my clothes.' More laughter coming from him. I slowely turn around again, this time making sure I'm only looking up and not down. Eadon stops laughing, well he takes a few minutes to stop laughing so I just watch him. For the first time that I'm here he looks carefree. It is as if I see a completely different man. Once he is done laughing he looks at me seriously.

'Don't be scared. For a human who has never seen this before it looks like I'm dying. I am not. All the bones in my body will break, however I have turned so many times that the pain is minimal for me. You must stay where you are. It will only take a few minutes. Are you ready?'

I swallow my nerves down and nod my head. Okay, here we go. Suddenly he falls down to the ground, a loud crack coming from his legs. I step forward, but then I remember his words. He continues down while his legs are in weird forms, followed by his arms. His back goes up and his legs stretch. Hair grows with a speed I have never seen before. It starts at his neck, covering his arms and his back all the way to his feet, who are looking now like paws. I can no longer watch this so I close my eyes. For a few minutes everything is quiet. I feel something wet touch my hand so I open my eyes. A large wolf standing in front of me. His fur is shining in the bedroom lights, a beautiful black colour. From his back to his tail it gently starts getting lighter, his tale fully white. His ears are a beautiful shade of grey. He is beautiful. He is about as large as Conan's wolf.. or well Conan. Maybe a little smaller. I pet his head and look at him in awe.

He pushes head against me, so I move to the door. He walks past me down the stairs. I follow him, his walk gracefully as a wolf. We walk through an open front door and Eadon lays down before me. He nods his head at his back, gesturing me to get on. I doubt for a second. What if I hurt him? Eadon growls a little to me so I quickly get on. I hold on tightly around his neck and he gets up. I lay my head down on his soft fur. He felt amazing. Suddenly he starts running forward. I grab him even tighter, clawing my hands in his fur. After a few minutes of adjustment I put my head up a little. Eadon is running through the forest. He jumps over branches and dashes forward. He is so fast that everything comes in a blur. I laugh, tears filling my eyes costed by the wind getting in them. My ears are cold but I don't care. I feel like I'm flying.

When Eadon stops we're at a lake. He lays down again and I get off. He sits next to the lake, so I go sit next to him. I softly touch him. This is amazing, he looks amazing. How is this even possible? Suddenly Eadon jumps up in the water, waves crashing over me. I sit there gasping for air. A beautiful sound comes from Eadon, it looks somewhere between a howl and a pur. I take it he is laughing. I take off my shoes and jump in next to him. I climb on his back, while Eadon swims us around the lake. I look up at the full moon, stars sparkling all around it. And for a moment I forget all my troubles in the world.

Somewhere outside I have fallen asleep on Eadons back. When I wake up I lay in a bed on top of Eadon.. in human form. I quickly get off of him. Dashing to the other side of the bed. When I look around I see I'm in his bedroom. I see last night clothes hanging over a chair. I slowely pull the blankets up and see that I'm wearing pyjama's.. Why do these men keep putting clothes on me. My cheek turn red once again as I think about the fact that he probably saw me naked or half-naked. I get up quietly, take last nights clothes and disappear into the bathroom. When I get out I see Eadon sit up straight in bed. I stand still, suddenly unsure what to do or say, so I wave.. OMG, I just waved.. My cheeks turn red again. A smile creeps up on Eadon's face.

'You're not scared of me.' He claims. I frown and think about what he has just said. No I'm not scared of him anymore. He showed me a big secret, he hasn't actually hurt me only made empty threats. I nod with a smile. 'I'm not scared of you. You're beautiful.' Suddenly realising what I just said my cheeks turn red once again. 'I mean uh your wolf, it's beautiful.. he's beautiful.' I stotter. Eadon laughs again and taps on the bed. I sit next to him, he grabs one of my hands and takes it in his.

'Thank you for not being scared of me. I'm sorry for the way things went, but I do hope you know I care for you. I would never hurt you. However there are some things I haven't told you and I can't tell them right now either. I just hope that I've earned your trust and I will show you that you have earned mine.' Eadon says with a pleading look in his eyes. I don't like the fact that he hasn't told me everything. But he indeed didn't hurt me, however he did kidnap me. If it was under different circumstances I might even be friends with him. But he did kidnap me, I did have a life. Eventhough it has been great, I need to get back to my life.

'I don't like it that I don't know everything. However you have showed me that you won't hurt me, so I trust you.' I say to him only half lying. He smiles and nods. 'You can go play with the childeren today. I think their parents will be very happy to hear that after the long night they had. A huge grin appears on my face. I truly cared for those childeren. I get up quickly and walk to my own room, reading to take a shower. Today will be a good day.

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