Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Fight.


I wake up gasping for air. My skin on fire, my own sweat filling my mouth. Duncan shoots up to me and puts something in my mouth, making me choke even further. 'SWALLOW IT!' He yells at me. I close my eyes in pain and try to concentrate on swallowing not breathing. I swallow whatever he puts in my mouth before that disgusting taste fills my mouth and my throat again. I cough, my muscles not enough energy to gag. I lay there painting heavy for a while. Then I slowely feel the strength come back to me.

Duncan is still bowing down over me, looking at me with the most concerning face I have ever seen on him. Duncan always tries to make every situation into a joke. But right now there isn't an inch on his face that is not serious. I must really look like shit. I frown at Duncan and he slowely backs away. I sit up on the bed, the muscles in my back hurting. I take a deep breath and reach out to my wolf. Orcan fortunally feels a little better already too.

'You can't go up against him like this.' Duncan says angry. He starts pacing from left to right, making me feel dizzy. 'You are way too weak. What happens if in the middle of your fight your body suddenly decides that whatever they put in that disgusting drink doesn't work anymore? He'll kill you!' I look at him silently. I don't care if I die. Duncan sees the look in my eyes. His anger suddenly flashes to sadness. 'NO! I can't be without you. You are my Alpha, you haven't by far taught me everything I need to know. You are my best friend, you're like my brother. You can't do this to me OR the pack. We need you, eventhough we hate you sometimes.'

I smile. He doesn't need me. I may be pissed at him sometimes to, but the truth is that I never really gave him a chance to do anything alone. Deep down I know he can. 'I'm not going to lose. I am your Alpha, you know how much strength I need to keep your ass alone in check?' I chuckle. 'I know Eadon, we both know. We are trained the same way. I know every move before he makes it. I have always won of him and I will again.' These words start to calm Duncan down a little. Still upset he just nods at me and walks out of my bedroom. I sink back into the bed, the pain in my back vibrating through me. It takes a little longer this time for the potion to work.

When I feel a little better I remember Duncan's word about Stacia's friend being his Mate. Great, the Goddess plays a trick on me. Stacia will never be out of my life. I growl up to the ceiling, hoping the Goddess knows I'm growling to her. I quickly get up and go take a shower. Today is the day.

We just had dinner and I received a call from Eadon. He expects to see me at 22:00 tonight. I notice the men are nervous. Some are pacing back and forth and some just stare into nothing. Duncan has been keeping a close eye on me. We have three hours left untill we go there. The plans has been discussed. We will all go, most of them staying to watch the fight. Others going inside to find Stacia and Avril. If they aren't inside of the main house, the ones on standbye will help find them in the other houses and dug-outs.

I take Duncan to the side. He instantly worries about me, but I am not worried. 'I want you to know that I'm happy that you found your Mate, I hope she'll make you feel like the luckiest man alive.' I pull him in an embrace. He chuckles and hugs me back. 'Well, well, well, the Alpha getting emotional huh. I should threaten to kill you more often.' I push him away and slap his arm. We stand there laughing for a moment and I know Duncan is just trying to laugh away his fears. Maybe I am too. I am not ready to die, but that doesn't mean I won't do it for them, for Avril and Stacia.

Jackson comes up to us with another of those gross potions, he has been feeding me them every hour to make sure I don't get weak again. Trying to kill me with the grossness of the potion before I even get a chance to die tonight. I drink it up quickly, trying to hold back my gag again. Jackson gives me a brotherly slap on the arm. 'We're gonna kill it tonight.. literally' he says with a laugh. I slap him back and nod at him. Yes, they are.

We walk up all in wolf form, the full moon shining above our heads. Six of Eadon's men are standing in a half circles, all in wolf form too. They're smaller then us, probably just young warriors. We outnumber them, atleast the ones standing here. I know he has a big pack and I know he has more of them hiding somewhere. Probably guarding Stacia and Avril. Eadon stands in the middle of the small circle, he eyes me closely. He must see that I'm not as weak as he thought I'd be. I am weaker tho, I can feel it in my bones. Even with the potion I'm not in full strength. Eadon's wolf seems grown since the last time I've seen him. Ofcourse he wasn't an Alpha back then, but he has always been strong.

I walk up to Eadon, stopping at a distance of about fifteen feet. He puts his paws down in front of him, almost like a cat getting ready to attack. The wind blows through my fur and that's when it hits me. I smell her, the unmistakenly smell of flowers and rain. But her scent is mixed with his. She has been touching him! Orcan takes over for a moment, he growls from deep within his chest. Hurt, jealousy and anger flushing over him, controlling him. I take back a little control. I can't go in blindly. My growl triggers Eadon and he dashes forward to me. I put my back paws down in the sand harshly, making sure I have enough strength to keep standing up. Eadon however doesn't attack me, he starts circling around me with me moving with him every step he takes. Every now and then he bites at me, almost playful. I know what he's doing, he is trying to make me nervous. Ain't gonna happen! I break from the circle to jump at him. Eadon immediatly stands on his backpaws to catch my weight. When I come down on him I sink my teeth in his ear. I feel his teeth sink into my neck. I turn my head and bite him in his nose. He lets go of me and pushes me away, before I even hit the ground he comes at me again. Trying to bite me everywhere but I keep dodging him with my own head.

I feel my fur get wet in my neck, blood.. I jump at Eagon's back and bite him deep down in his neck. He tries to get me off by shaking from the left to the right. I don't let go, my teeth sinking even further. Suddenly Eadon drops himself to the floor, I sit my side to something hard on the ground and I whimper. Eadon sees his chance to get up again. I push back when he tries to get in my neck, he gets ahold of my paw instead. He strong jaws close and I hear something break. I howl in pain biting him at his head again to get him away. He lets go of me and takes a step back. He shows his bare teeth to me and growls. His growl a challenge for me to get up. Behind me I hear Jackson growl and take a step forward. I mindlink Duncan quickly who stands next to him, to make sure he stops Jackson from interfering. This is MY fight. I give Orcan more control. He stands on three legs, baring his teeth back. Eagon jumps forward and Orcan quickly catches him. Feeling a heavy pain through our back, but Orcan is beyond control. He keeps tearing Eadon, tearing his flesh with him. The pain in our back gets heavier and Orcan pushes Eadon away with his front paws, whimpering as he holds their weight on his bad backpaw.

I see Eadon's wolf panting in pain too. His fur mixed with blood. Our blood dripping over his teeth and chin, making him look more like a monster. Suddenly glass shatters from our right. We both turn our heads quickly to see where it came from. Out of one of the windows in the house jumps a wolf. AVRIL! She gracefully lands on her paw, her teeth immediatly bare at one of Eadons warriors. She wastes no time to attack him. Jackson takes this as a clue and attacks the other warriors, our own quickly following him. Eadon turns his head to make and then up to the house again. Before I can come at him he runs inside, I follow him not nearly as fast as him with three paws. I know he's going to Stacia!

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