Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Taken


My alarm is pushing me from my sleep. I growl to my phone and put it off. Too damn early. I have to work again today. I hope Marcas will be there, since he has some explaining to do about yesterday. He suddenly disappeared at work and didn't show up at our night out. I tried to call him ceveral times but he didn't pick up. This made Tiff sad, she thinks she scared him away. So we just had a girls night in with lots of ice cream and some crappy movies that made us laugh untill we cried. Thinking about yesterday.. The way Conan said goodbye was sudden and weird. I don't know why but it hurt me. I'm happy to be watching after my beautiful wolf tho. Conan send me an email yesterday and I will see the wolf again in two days. I can't wait! He also send a list of instructions, where Olcan's food is, about running with him and swimming in the lake. Apperantly there is a lake closeby in the woods, he said that Olcan would know what I mean if I'd ask him. Which again is kind of weird, but atleast he doesn't talk.

I quickly take a shower and change into my work clothes. Tiff is still asleep, having a day off so I decide to just eat some pie at the shop. When I near the shop I see it has already been opened. I raise my eyebrow and think deeply about my shifts. Yes, I'm supposed to work today. When I walk in I see Marcas come up from behind the counter, hitting his head on the counter behind him. 'Son of a b...' the moment he sees me he instantly stops his cursing. 'Oh, Stacia. I didn't know you were here yet, I'm sorry.'

I try my best to put on my angry face, but seeing him stumble like that makes it kinda hard to do so.

'Where did you go yesterday? You disappeared from work and then didn't show up at our night out nor did you answer you phone. You have some serious explaining to do.' I don't tell him that Tiff thinks it is her fault, not wanting to give her away. Perhaps it had nothing to do with her.

'I had an issue.' Marcas walks around me and closes the shop's door. Okay this is getting freaky. 'I haven't been completely honest with you, Anastacia.. Can you please sit down?' Marcas nearly begs me. His whole posture changes, his head is faced to the ground and his shoulders slump. This most be serious so I take a seat. Marcas takes a seat in front of me and I gesture him to talk. 'I did not come work at this shop by accident..' Okay, this is getting weird already. 'I knew you worked here so I was ordered by my actual boss to come work here and protect you. The thing is.. This is so hard to explain. The thing is that you're in great danger, Stacia. There are people that want you because of things that happend to your parents. People that want to use you in a game of revenge.' Wait, what? How does he know my parents? Where are they? I open my mouth to speak but Marcas puts up his hand and continues. 'I can explain everything, but I need to know something first. Did you go see Conan yesterday?' My heart starts beating fast, I hear it in my ears, I feel it in my stomach. Conan? What has Conan to do with this? Does he know my parents? Does he want to hurt me? Why would he save me if he wants to hurt me? That makes no sense. And why would he let me go afterwards?

'Yes. How do you know Conan? Does Conan know my parents? How do you know my parents? What is..' Marcas interups me again. 'I know Conan because he is one of the people that wants to hurt you. Your mother and father have a long history, a history that wasn't pretty at all. But now they believe you are in danger. I need you to come with me, Stacia. I can protect you and explain everything much better if you do.' Marcas moves forward to touch me but I sit back, dodging his touch. This is too much. He said have a long history. Are they still alive? I can't help but hear the alarm bells ring in my head. Something is wrong, something is very wrong here. Conan wouldn't hurt me, he protected me. Yes, he is strange. But he did save me, he send a doctor to make sure I was okay. He trusts me with Orcan. I stand up and shake my head. I have so many things to say, but no words leave my mouth. Marcas stands up too.

'Stacia, I really. really. need you to come with me.' he says a little threatening now. I set back a step. Marcas is closest to the door, so I'd have to make an excuse to get closer to the door. The back door is too far away. I know nothing about this boys speed or his strength. I need to get my sell an advantage. He can't hurt me in the middle of the streets. I look him deeply in his eyes to see something I have never seen on him before, somewhere deep within there lays a monster. If life has taught me anything, it is to reconize monsters. I can't believe I didn't see it. I nod my head to him and slowely begin to speak.

'I will come with you. But I need to call Tiff first to let her know or she'll send the police.' I walk around him with confidence to my jacket that hangs next to the door. The moment I am in front of the door I pull it open and start to run outside. 'NO! ANASTACIA, COME BACK! YOU'RE GOING TO REGRET THIS.' Marcas screams following me. I run as fast as I can, dodging people left and right. Why has my life gotten so complicated? Everytime I think that everything is alright, something happens. To my left I see an alley. I look back to spot Marcas but I don't see him, so I take my chance. I jump into the alley and hide between a few boxes. Breaths come in and out of my longs fast and my heart is beating in my ears. I am so scared. I sit there for a couple of minutes, untill I decide to peak. Using the boxes as my cover I carefully peak over them. No Marcas in sight. Maybe he is gone. I stand up and set two steps forward before I feel an arm around my waste. Something is pushed over my mouth and nose. I try to wiggle myself free but the person is much stronger. I kick and try to scream but then the whole world becomes dizzy. A strong chemical scent fills my nose and the whole world turns black. Not again.

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