Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Shock


I open my eyes slowely, wincing to a headache. For a moment I don't know what happend. I look around but I'm surrounded in complete darkness. Trying to get myself up I feel that my hands are tied to the bed. Marcas.. Why did he take me? Is it really because of my parents? Is it because of Conan? Conan never treated me like this. Suddenly the room is covered in a bright light. I shut my eyes, pain going through my head. Dammit, why does everybody keep freaking drugging me?!

'I will untie you. You will get up and take a shower. You are allowed to have one meal upstairs. If you try to run or disobey you will be brought down here again with no chance of getting upstairs ever again. Ever.' His voice sounds like it could cut you in two. I peak through one of my eyes, not fully adjust to the light yet. A tall, very tall man stands before the bed. From here I can't see much but his undeniable musculair body. It almost looks unnatural. 'Get up.' the man growls. I try to push myself up by my hands again but I'm still too weak. The man growls again and pulls me up by my arm in one move. Shit! That hurts.

I say nothing and let him drag me along. If I don't obey I don't get to get upstairs ever again. Being locked up won't make me able to escape. He drags me into a hallway that has barely any light in it. The walls are a light colour of gray, like in a mental ward. Where the hell am I? We reach a stairs and he stops walking. 'Get up.' he growls. Him dragging me along has waken my legs up a little, so I start climbing the stairs. On the top of the stairs is a door, not sure wheter to open it or not so I stay still. 'You can open it.' the man says a little less creepy.

When I open the door my jaw almost hits the floor. There is a beautiful hal with a big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The light that comes in from the huge windows makes all the walls sparkle. Two huge staircases that you only see in movies curl their way up. In the middle of the hall there is a beautiful table in the shape of a rose. The man grabs my arm again and start dragging me toward one of the staircases. When we get on top I see another beautiful hallway. This one is a little more personal though. I see paintings of beautiful women and powerful looking men. Everything looks like as if it has a touch of gold. I don't have much time to look around because the creep starts pulling me forward again.

'Let. Her. Go.' a dominant booming voice echoes through the halls.

The creep let's go of me immediatly, causing me to almost trip. I slowely turn around to see where the voice has came from. A tall man with light blond hair and the darkest eyes I have ever seen is shooting daggers at the creep. I quickly glance at the floor, hoping that this gesture makes me look submissive. I instantly feel that this is an important man and since the creep is scared of him, so am I. I hear his footsteps come closer but I dare not look at him. Two black shoes stop in front of me.

'Look at me, lady.' he demands me. I slowely turn my head up, afraid of making any sudden movements. His voice has my neckhair stand up and a shiver runs through my spine. I am in big trouble. When I meet his eyes I see his pupil is almost unnoticable by the black colour of his eyes. My throat burns as tears are starting to threaten to fall. 'Do not fear me. I am not going to hurt you, yet. You have a very nice smell, I can see why you have been chosen. I might keep you around for myself.' His face changes from anger to a smile and if this man wasn't so scary I would have liked his smile. But right now it makes me want to run, hard. 'It is unpolite not to introduce yourself to a stranger. Speak up, human!' His angry face is back again and he spits a little in my face while he scream. I suck in a breath being completely frozen by fear. A tear escapes my eye.

The intimidating man takes a stand next to me and puts a hand on my lowerback. 'Walk with me, you must be hungry.' He gently pushing me forward and I walk along. What do they want from me? Why am I here? He walks us into a kitchen and gestures me to sit. I do as he says and sit on a high bar stool at a cooking island. 'You must have a lot of questions but I will answer them before you have the chance to ask them.' The man says while moving in the kitchen perfectly picking up ingredients. 'My name is Eadon. The man that has mated you is one I grew up with. As kids we stood side by side. His father loved me as his own son. I was supposed to become an Alpha but because I was not of true blood Conan became the Alpha. There is a way of becoming an Alpha and that is to defeat the current Alpha. So I waited untill Conan was and our wolves fought eachother. However I did not win.'

Wait what? Wolves? Alpha? This sounds like a crappy werewolf movie. What the hell? I'm much more confused as I was. Then I think about Olcan. The blue eyes that matches Conan's. Is Conan Olcan? Or Olcan is Conan? Or wait what? I look around me finding anything to indicate that this is a bad dream. I nearly fall off my stool as Eadon smashes his hand on the counter in front of me.

'PAY ATTENTION!' He growls. I quickly nod and look down at the counter again. 'I finally became Alpha of my own pack that I originally belong to. But I am not satisfied. You see, Conan's pack has broken the Moon Curse. The curse that binds us to only being able to shift when it's full moon. If I take his pack, become Alpha my curse and the curse of my pack will be broken. We will be able to swift always, anywhere. You see, you being his Mate means that if I kill you, Conan will die too.' I stop breathing. Will he kill me? 'But that way his pack will be able to reject me and kill me. So I need you so I can weaken him.' Eadon places a plate of cut fruits and bread with bacon and eggs in front of me. I immediatly dug in, knowing I need my strength to get away from this nutjob. 'So you see, we can have a good time here. You can sit in my office as I do my work, we can watch movies or go out swimming. I don't have to be an evil man if you coöperate. After all, I do not have to harm a human. But I will if you disobey.'

He stops talking for a second so I look up at him with my mouth full. I see him eyeing me curiously, giving him almost a innocent look. Almost. When I swallow my food I look up at him asking for permission to speak with my eyes. He nods and steals off a piece of fruit from my plate.

'I don't understand. Do you have a wolf too? Is Alpha some kind of code word? And what is mated?' I ask softly.

He looks at me with a frown on his face. His head cocks a little to the right before he asks; 'Did he not tell you?' I shake my head not knowing what he is talking about. 'We are werewolves, darling. They are real, but we're not like in the books or movies. Well, not entirely atleast.' Werewolves? What. The. Actual. Crap. Is. Happening. To. My. Life. I must have made a funny face or anything because Eagon starts to laugh.

'Don't worry, lady. I will teach you everything in the next few weeks. And if you're lucky, I might make you my Luna.' he says with a smirk that promises no good.

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