Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Find her.


Avril has barely stopped the car in front of my house and I'm already out. I run inside and go straight at Duncan. I push him against the wall.

'Where is she? Why didn't you protect her?!' I growl at him. He's not really the one I'm mad at, I'm mad at myself. But I need to get my anger out somehow. The whole drive I've been thinking, what if they kill her? My wolf is pacing back and forth in my head, waiting for me to release him.

I look up at Duncan and see that his head has turned red. I release him and mumble an apology.

'She didn't come home. She always comes home. She always texts me to ask me what we're eating or to ask me for coffee. She didn't come home and I waited so long. I notified the police.' a voice from behind me says. I turn around and see Stacia's friend sitting on the couch.

'Did anything change lately? Did someone new come into your lives? Do you know if she actually arrived at work? Tell me everything. We will find her.' I walk towards her and put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her. She needs to be calm to be able to answer all my questions. Avril slowely joins us in the living room and nods at Duncan. She sits down on one of the chairs.

'Yes, there was a new guy at her work. The other day when Duncan came by he quickly vanished and now a day later she is gone. Could he be it? His name was Marcas. I am sure she was at work, because she texted me when she got in.'

Without wasting any time I get up and walk outside again. I mindlink Duncan to stay with Stacia's friend while I go check out her workplace. If it was him I could smell him there. My heart beats a thousand beats. I can't believe this is happening.

She would have been safe with us. You should have let her in. It is your fault she is gone now!

His words open a wound in my heart. Someone is going to die again. And this is my fault. I get in Avril's car and drive away fast. I should have broken the Mate bond immediatly. I should have just called Pops instead of visiting him. I should have forced him to tell me how. If the link was broken she wouldn't be in danger anymore. DAMMIT!

You could have accepted her as our Mate! Our Luna! She would have been safe with us, with me.

Fear takes over me. What have I done?

I arrive at the coffeeshop to see a cop car standing outside. I look in through the windows and see two cops talking to an older woman. Without knocking or a warning I walk in. The cops look at me, both turning their heads at the same time.

'I'm here to gain information about a missing friend of mine. Anastacia McCarthy. I'm a PI, the owner of Everything Investigations.' I say to the officers before they can say anything to me. One of the officers reconizes the same and gestures me to sit down next to him. I shake my head and tell him that I'd like to look around first. Without waiting I walk behind the counter. This whole place smells like coffee and flowers in a field after rain. She came here often, her smell lingers everywhere. I faintly smell the older woman and Stacia's friend. I walk into the back and a new smell hits me there. It's a strong one and definitely one of a wolf. I make sure the smell is imprinted in my brain when I take the front door. I lose his scent there, so I walk back in and try to focus on his smell throughout the coffeeshop. The older woman looks at me curiously but quickly looks back at the officers.

'She has opening shift. Her and the one she works with Marcas Hayes have the key. Nobody else could have opened them but they. Stacia's friend Tiffany called me just an hour back all panicked that Stacia didn't come home at all. That isn't like her. Stacia has worked here for 2 years now and not once did she come in late or just leave suddenly. Something is wrong.'

'Didn't her friend go to the police?' the left officer askes while the other writes down all that is been said.

'She did, but the police won't help unless that person has been missing for 24 hours. Which is a damn shame because after 48 hours the chance of finding someone alive isn't big.' the older woman answers with a scowl.

I have heard enough and walk out. I quickly get in the car. That last name sounded familiar but from where? I drive straight to my office. When I come in some pack members are working and they look at me with worried eyes. I don't look anyone in their eye and walk straight into my office. I start my computer and start typing; Marcas Hayes. There aren't many names coming up and from what I heard of the conversation he must have been around Stacia's age. I click on one who would fit the description and start reading. There isn't really much, just a date of birth, which hospital he was born in and a address that's 4 years old. DAMMIT!

When I get back to the house there's even more people. Stacia's friend is gone, I believe her name is Tiffany, is gone. Kacey, Duncan, Avril and Hardy (Kacey's mate) are all staring at me. I don't know what to say or what to do. That Marcus is a dead lead. Yes, I know his name and old address, but there have lived four people in that house ever since he moved. I have his smell but the different smells of humans that walk the streets everyday have faded his. Kacey walks to me with shielded eyes. I try to read her but her face is absolutely blank. As blank as it was when she had bad news about my mother..

'We got a call. We know where she is, Conan..' she starts, uncertainty now dripping from her voice. 'Eadon has her and he wants to keep her.' My vision turns black, I hear people screaming in the background but the screams don't quite reach me. Suddenly someone hits me in my face and I slap back to reality. I look around to see that I have kicked my whole bookcase to the ground in anger. Books are shattered everywhere and it is almost a beautiful sight. She loves books too.. She complemented me on my collection. Avril stands in front of me, grabbing me by my chin.

'We get her back and we rip them apart.' she says with anger in her eyes. The same anger that radiates in mine. Avril has always been the sister I never had. I nod at her and sit myself down.

'Eadon wants to keep her which means he doesn't want to kill her to get me killed. This also means that he would do anything for her to trust him, so she won't try to escape. That is good news.' I sigh before I continue. 'However knowing Anastacia she is going to try to escape anyway. We need to find him and we need to do it fast. I have some contacts around his packhouse. I will call them and ask them for an update. Duncan, you will hire us a private jet and a pilot to get us there. Kacey, you need to make sure our pack is safe here. I will order all the warriors that they have to obey your orders. Avril, you'll stay here to help Kacey.'

Avril gets up in one motion, shooting daggers my way. 'Like hell I am, I'm going with you. You know I'm strong and that I can take care of myself. I will call Pops and let him send warriors to help us. You are not going in alone, he wants you dead and that's not something I am going to let happen, ever.'

I smile weekly at her and nod. 'We have one day to find her. With every day that passes from that day on I will become weaker. I assume that's his plan so he can fight me for Alpha. I will not let that happen.'

Everybody agrees with my plan and get's up to do their part. Avril goes up to a spare room to freshen herself up before we go. I will find her, I will find her and I will kill him. I have lost enough people because of him. I will not lose her too. The minute I find her I will break the bond so she will become useless to anyone.

You're ruining us.

No, I am saving us. Love is weakness.

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