Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Shopping


I wake up to something dripping on my arm. I roll over to the side where the dripping is coming from and open one eye. Tiff lays on my arm with her mouth slightly open. Great, she is drooling on me. I give her a gentle nodge and immediatly her eyes open.

'You're drooling on me, you animal.' I say with a harsh sleepfilled voice.

Tiff looks down at my arm, back at me and down at my arm again. And then she starts laughing, hard. I join in her laughter and whipe her drool from my arm.

'I'm so disgusting' she says inbetween her laughs. Then as fast as she started laughing she stops and starts crying.

'Hey.. what's wrong?' I ask her pulling her into me. 'Please, don't cry.'

'I thought you were gone, I was so scared. You are the only one I have, the only one who loves me and the only one who would miss me. You are my sister, not by blood but by heart and the heart is much stronger.' She cries. I softly pet her head, playing with her hair. I don't know what to say. If anything would ever happen to her I would be devestated too. She is the only reason I am still alive today. The one who saved me.

'I will never leave you, you hear me? I will always be here, like we have always been together. No matter what happens. You and I against the world.' I whisper in her ear. After a few minutes her breathing slows and her sobs fall quiet. She looks up to me with a smile I know holds no good.

'So who was that guy huh? He was pretty hot.' I think about Conan. Who was he? He was rude and mean. But yet he seemed to care about me.

'He saved me I guess. I don't remember much, but he told me or well the doctor he called that I was about to get raped when he jumped on the guy and saved me.' Tiff holds her breath, knowing what it means to me to almost get raped.

'He has a wolf as pet. That's weird, right? I woke up in a bed with it's head laying on me.' I continue.' It didn't wake up thankfully, but it's weird to keep a freaking wolf as pet!'

'He seems intense, a wolf suits him.' Tiff giggles. Somehow she is right. He doesn't strike off as a pet owner but indeed if I had to choose an animal it would be a wolf. 'So, ice cream and shoppings today in order to get our minds off of things?' Hopeful eyes stare at me. I let go of her and get out of bed. 'Sure, but I need a shower first. I stink.' I say half smiling to her. Tiff jumps out of bed too. 'Indeed you do, ma'am' she says back before walking to her own room.

After my shower I take a long look in the mirror. I'm a little paler then I'm usually, but nothing make-up can't fix. I seem to have lost weight too, but that is never a problem is it? That's not what bothers me about myself, there is something else. I can't quite put my finger on it, but something has changed inside of me. It is reflecting on the outside. Not wanting to look longer at myself then I have to anymore I quickly put on a thin layer of foundation and some mascara. I pull out a shredded lightblue jeans and a tanktop. I hardly ever wore anything else then black tanktops. Slipping on my leather jacket I hear Tiff call from downstairs.

'I'm hungryyy, let's go!' A sadness comes creeping over me. I can never lose her and I'll be damned if I will ever let her lose me.

When we come to the shopping mall I feel a lot better. Yesterday is not on my mind anymore. Tiff and I go from store to store, trying on the most ugly outfits laughing at eachother. I buy two more tankstop, army green this time and a new leather jacket. Tiff buys a babyblue dress that brings out all the best in her. When we're walking to the italian for some icecream I see the bookstore. I stop in my tracks, Tiff however keeps walking talking to the air where I once walked.

'Hey! What the hell? What are you doing?' She follows my gaze to the bookstore and cringles her nose. 'You're not going to buy books, are you?'

In the window shop there is a big sign that says Now, exclusively here. First editions of the most classic wonderful stories from all times. Without answering to Tiff I walk into the bookstore.

'Pffft, our icecream is melting in there.' Tiff says with a sign, hoping to convince me.

'I want to buy a thank you for Conan, the one who saved me. I saw his collection of books.' I say without looking up to her. I turn my head to the side to read all the titles on the books, untill I see the one I was looking for. The Great Gatsby. I know he likes his classics and I did not see this one on his shelves. After buying it Tiff and I proceed to the italian. Tiff is talking but I can't make out a word she is saying. My mind keeps going back to Conan. His scent and his warmth as he carried me to my bedroom. Will I ever see him again? Why do I even want to? He was an ass, though he still saved me.

'Uhum, earth to your bighead. Where are you?' Tiff taps me on my shoulder. I take another bite from my ice and lift my shoulders.

'Just wondering how I'm going to give it to him.' I say. Tiff pulls out her phone with a big smile on her face. 'Ladies and.. well lady. Welcome to the future, where everything can be googled.' She opens Google Maps and hands the phone to me. I go to the richer side of town and within minutes I have found his address. I make a screenshot of it and text it to myself.

'I need a card. Where do they sell thank you for saving my life cards?'

Tiff burst out in laughter. 'Probably in the Hero Shop. Have one with a wolf on it. Maybe he'll get the joke and if not, atleast we do.'

After eating our icecream we go hunting for a card. It takes us four shops but finally we have found a card with a wolf on it, above it says howllllllll. Tiff and I spend ceveral minutes laughing at it untill I write a simple message in it. What do you say to someone who stopped you from getting raped? No card is big enough. So I just take a quote that is fitting and deliver the book and card in a box the post office. Done is done, now I can forget that night and the man that came along with it.

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