Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Hide.


When she starts to cry my own heart breaks. My wolf wimpers in pain inside of my head intesifying my pain. Before I can even think I got her in my arms. Her friend signals me to bring her inside so I do. I walk behind them into their appartment. The minute I walk in I sense that she furnished it. Like me she used a cherry red colour. However she mixed it with babyblue and white to give it a more homey feeling. On one wall there is a huge collage of pictures. Mostly of her and her friend at different places. Her friend walks in front of me to a bedroom in the back of the appartment. There is a kingsize bed in it and a huge mirrored closet. That is pretty much all. And she said that my house is unpersonal, huh. Her friend turns back the bedsheet and gestures me to put her in. The moment I lay her down I want to crawl next to her.

Please, she needs us. Hold her. I want to hold her.

Panic hits me. I shouldn't stay near her. I don't want a Luna and this girl is pulling me way too far in. So I do the only thing I can think of. I run away, out of the appartment, out of the building, into my car. I drive home as fast as I have ever driven before.

When I come up my driveway I see three cars parked there. Duncan and his big mouth.

He is right, we need her. I want her. We should go back, we can't leave her like this.

I ignore his words. I don't need nor want her. I have never asked for a Luna and I will never take one. The moment I walk into the house I smell who my visitors are. Great, he has brought the elders. I walk to the meeting room with a fake smile on.

'Alyson, Kacey, Duncannn.' I say with a smile. Duncan turns red, not missing me stretching out his name in anger.

'Cut it, Con. You have found your Luna, where is she?' Kacey says.

Kacey is the oldest of the pack, once my mothers best friend. Probably the only one who would fight me to make me do something.

'She is home at her human life as she belongs.' I smile at Kacey. 'And she is going to stay there.'

'Isn't it a better idea to keep her here? You can't be away from your Luna.' Alysion says carefully.

Alysion has always been one to obey. No questions, just orders. She would never go against me if Kacey hadn't pulled her along. Duncan just sits next to them, looking anywhere but at me. He is damn lucky I love him, but he will not hear the end of this.

'I have been very clear. I do not want nor need a Luna. The pack is fine. No outlanders have crossed our territory in a long time.' My smile is slowely fading now.

This day has been too much, I just want to go to normal ways. I should have left her there.

You don't mean that. You know she would have gotten hurt.

Okay fine, maybe I didn't mean it. But I should never brought her here.

'You CAN'T be without your Luna. Once you have found her you can't be appart from her too long. I take it you know where she is?' Kacey spits at me.

I look up at the ceiling and take a deep breath.

'I don't have to do ANYTHING. I am the Alpha. I have protected you, I have kept you all happy and well fed. Do not go against me, Kacey. I love you for you are my family, my pack and my mother's oldest friend, but do not go against me. Now you will all leave. I have training to give to the pups.' I spit.

I am done with this. I am the Alpha. The pack does not need a Luna nor do I need one. Slowely all three of them get up. Duncan walks out first, closely followed by Alysion. When Kacey is next to me she stops

'You will be back to me to ask for my help. As an Alpha I will listen to you. But between you and me, you lost some respect today. You left a family member behind.' She walks off before I can even say something.

Her words pierce into me, leaving a painful mark but I quickly shrug it off. I am the Alpha.

Yes, we are. But we love her.

You might, but I don't I try to tell myself.

When I get to my bedroom to grab clothes I smell her. I smell the flowers, I smell the rain. I stop to smell the most beautiful, amazing scent for the last time in my life. I close my eyes and say goodbye, to her, to her scent, to my Luna. It is time to get back to my normal life. I throw open every window as far as possible, grab some clothes and hit the shower. Leaning my head against the wall I let the warm water brush over me. I let it wash away her face that's stuck in my head, the feeling of her soft skin, her tears and the fear in her eyes. I wash away everything untill there is nothing left. My life will go on as it should be, without her. After my shower I get dressed quickly and leave the house. I decide to run to the woods towards the garden next to mine. It is a huge field, divided by 7. One big open space in the middle, our trainingfield. It is surrounded by 6 different houses. 3 on one side, 3 on the other. The houses are far enough apart not to be close to eachother. But still not far enough not to be able to visit eachother. I can see the pups already running around. I smile to myself. I do love kids. They are still innocent and so bluntly honest. They do realise I am the Alpha but they don't walk on their toes with me.

Aiden, the oldest one of 11 walks to me. 'You're finally here! I can't wait to train.'

I laugh and pet him on his head. 'Hello everyone! Are you all ready?'

Aiden and 6 more others shout YES in union. Pups have more energy than human childeren. They can't switch yet, that happens when they hit puberity. But they do have the wolfblood already running through their veins. That's why I train with them 2 hours a day. It makes their parents and the pups lose their energy.

'Okay, let's start off by 3 laps around the wholeeeee field. The first one who finishes gets to choose the game of the day.' I say with a genuine smile across my face.

They all gather around on the start line, friendly bicker passes on between them. For a moment I forget all about my mate.

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