Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Pain


I stare at Conan. '..Someone tried to rape her, but I pulled him off.'

My heart starts beating rappidly. Why don't I remember this? Then a flash comes before my eyes, a tall man hitting someone next to me. My head hit the pavement.. I was out with Tiff. He really did save me. Damn, I tried to run away all day thinking he kidnapped me. Now I understand why he laughed. Conan makes an angry face and I quickly look away. I have been so ungrateful. In my defense tho, I woke up in a strange bed without any memories. The doctor turns me and asks me if he can listen to my heart beat. I am sure it is way too high. He gets a light and shines it into my eyes. Then he asks me to follow his fingers. I know I'm not hurt. My head is still painful but it's probably because of the impact and the drugs. A little food will make me feel better. I should really thank Conan when the doctor is gone.

'I don't see any damage. Your heart rate is a little high, which is not unusual for someone with drugs in their system. You are probably a little stressed too. There is a small bruise on your face, but I don't think you have any serious injures.' The doctor concludes with a smile.

Conan nods at him and stands up. I'm lost for words. I want to thank the doctor, but I am in shock. I could have been raped.. And the worst thing is that I wouldn't even remember. I would just feel dirty. Tears fill my eyes. I think Conan noticed, because he orders the doctor to get out. The doctor gives me a small wave and walks away.

I didn't notice tears were running down my face untill I feel two warm arms around me.

'Ssssht, you are okay. I got you.' Conan whispers.

This is just all too much for me.. How could this happen? I search my memory for anything. The bar.. someone bumped into me at the bar and I lost sight of my water for a second. I have always heard the warnings and this surely wasn't the first time I was drugged. But I never let my drink out of sight, ever. I was so foolish.

'I-I-I'm sorry.' I stotter into Conan's chest.

He saved me, even called a doctor and I accused him of being a kidnapper. I pulled back softly and look at him. He looks intirely different now. What was once intidimidating now seems beautiful. His grey eyes match his flawless skin beautifully. His hair is thick and a soft wave falls over it. He is quite the sight. I blush at my own thoughts. Suddenly Conan gets up.

'Are you hungry or are you ready to go home?' He says almost irritated.

Did I do something wrong? Why is this man such a beautiful ass?

'No, I am not hungry. Take me home.' I order.

He did save my life but he doesn't have to be so rude. I apologized, he clearly knows I have no memory of everything that happend.

'Great, lets go.' He growls back.

I look down at my body to see the now dirty t-shirt hanging on me, only inches below my thighs.

'Where are my clothes?' I ask.

Conan looks back at me, scanning my body. Some emotions flashes across his eyes, but it is gone too quickly for me to make out what it is.

'I will get them. I washed them.'

When he is out of the living room I take my chance to study it harder. It feels kind of empty. No pictures on the walls, all natural colours and it's insanely clean. As if nobody ever comes here. I walk towards a closet full of books on the other side of the living room. A lot of great names; Jane Austen, Oscar Wilde, Lewis Carroll. He did have great taste.

'You like it?' I suddenly hear behind me.

I jump a little at the sudden sound. I turn around to see Conan carefully eyeing me.

'Yes, you have a great taste in books.' I say with a soft smile.

'Hmm, so you don't think I have a great taste in furnish?'

What does it matter what I think..?

'Well, I love the colours, but I think it's all just a little distant. You have no pictures of anyone and everything seems as if it's just a showhouse.' I answer honestly. I mean he asked for it.

'I see the important people in my life everyday. I don't need pictures of them. But indeed, I don't use this room a lot.' He answers handing me my clothes. He doesn't move however.

'Uhm, where can I change?' I mean, he doesn't expect me to change in front of him right? Now that I think about it, who undressed me? Did he? A blush creeps over my face again.

'Oh yeah right, I'll turn around' he says with a half smile.

The moment his back is to me I quickly put on my pants. I slowely take his shirt off, appreciating his scent. When I'm all dressed I put my shoes back on. He must have heard that I'm ready, because before I can say anything he moves back to me.

'Who changed me into your shirt?' I ask.

He shrugs. 'I did. Now let's go, I have some things to do.'

Damn does that dude ever not get annoyed? It was a question I had the fight to to ask. Maybe he didn't like what he saw. A small voice says in my head. I quickly shake it off. It doesn't matter if he liked it or not. I am not planning on ever seeing him again. I follow him out through the front door. This time I take a minute to look around and see where I am. Everything is mostly surrounded by trees. He has a huge driveway to match his huge garden. This guy must be loaded. He walks towards his car and holds the door open for me. I give him a small smile before getting in. Oh damn, his car smells amazing.

'Where do you live?' He asks when he gets in next to me.

'It's okay if you drop me off in the city.' I say back.

'I said, Where. Do. You. Live.'

What the hell? Okay, for a hero he is a damn fucking prick. I give him my address and stare out of my window the whole time.

He drives fast but yet carefully. I don't reconize the streets we go through. I have never been here, these must be the rich parts of the city. An awkward silence fills the car, making me want to stop breathing.

'Dick..' I mutter under my breath.

He hits the brakes, out of fucking nowhere. I charge forwards because of the sudden speed change and can barely catch myself with my hand.

'What did you just say?' He narrows his eyes on me, watching me intensly.

Guess he heard it after all, me and my big mouth.

'I said, dick. I am thankful for you saving me, but you're not really a nice guy.' I spit at him.

His eyes narrow even more, his upperlip goes up showing me his teeth. His beautiful lined teeth.

'I don't have to be nice to you, I saved your life and you tried to fucking run from me. THREE TIMES.' he spits back.

'Yes, because I thought you kidnapped me. You could have called an ambulance like a normal person does.'

He's really starting to piss me off now. I wake up in a strange house and that should just be normal?

'I am not normal and you weren't hurt that bad. You didn't need an ambulance.' He states with a tone saying this conversation is over.

I'm not fucking taking it. 'Then you should've called the cops, instead of taking me to your house. I woke up with no memories, in a strange house, underneath a fucking wolf! Who has a wolf as a pet?! Are you insane?!'

At this point I don't give a damn about him saving me anymore.

'I... Uhm the wolf lay on you?' He asks me with big eyes.

'Yes, on my stomach with his head. He could have decided that I am his next meal.'

Suddenly he starts laughing. The whole car fills with the sound of it, it sounds beautiful. I stare at him in awe. Who is this man?

'He would never hurt you. He was protecting you.' Conan looks at me with an unknown emotion across his face.

Protect me? Why? I decide not to ask as I see my appartment building coming up. Finally, Tiff will be worried sick. She is never going to believe this, ever. Or she'll probably kill him. Or maybe she'll kiss him for saving me. Who knows? He stops in front of my building and looks over to me. Suddenly I don't know what to do. Should I hug him? Should I wave? Or should I just get out?

'Uhmmm, well.. thank you for saving me.. and the doctor.. and driving me home. It's a shame you were a dick tho.' I say with a half smile.

Conan laughs again, giving me goosebumps. 'You are welcome. Next time, stay out of the streets and away from dicks.' I open the door to get out.

Suddenly I am being attacked with the biggest hug I have ever had in my life.

'OMYGOD! I was so worried! Where did you go?! I called the police! I thought someone took you.' Tiff yells in my ear.

It caught me off guard. I can't stop the tears falling from my eyes. I cry so hard it hurts. Tiff grabs me by my arms and looks at me, worry and anger written all over her face.

'Who is he? Did he hurt you? What happend? I'll kill him!!'

All I can do in responds is shake my head while the tears keeps falling. Tiff disappears from sight and a worried Conan comes up to me. He lifts me up and says something to Tiff. My own cries fill my ears. I can feel him carrying me up the stairs to our appartment. I try to stop crying, I try to breath but my whole body is out of my control. Everything floods over me. The fears from this morning, the running away, the headache and the rape.. It's just too much. Suddenly I am put down, I open my eyes to see I am in bed. Tiff lays in front of me with her legs over mine and her arms around my neck. We lay there for a while untill I fall asleep.

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