Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Breaking In


I wake up to shouting voice. A drop of sweat falling into my mouth as I yawn. I'm sick.. It's already happening. Wolfs don't ever get sick, that's why I instantly feel that my body is off. 'Shut up!' Avril's voice takes me away from my thoughts and makes me smile. I get up and without even bothering to have a change of clothes or a shower I walk down. In the living room there are around fourty people cranked up. All looking at Avril who is standing in front of the room.

'If we want her back, we'll have to work together. You will all get get a chance to talk. Two minutes to convince as much people as possible about your plan. We will vote.' Avril turns around to look at me. 'The Alpha will have the winning vote.'

I thank her with a nod before I take a step forward to go stand next to her. 'I thank you all deeply for being here. I know how dangerous this fight is and that you are all here to help me moves me beyond words. I will listen to each and everyone of you, my respect for you greatly.' I gesture at a tall man who stands closest to me. The scar in his neck telling me he has won a great battle.

'We come in from every side. That way they won't know who to focus on. It'll cost lives, this I am sure off. But it is our greatest chance to get past a whole pack.' When he is finished I nod at him and gesture the next one to tell his plan.

One after another speaks up. Some saying they need to barge in together for strength, some saying they have to come in through air, some taking the approach of the man with the neck tattoo. Then Avril turns around to speak. 'I say two man place a bomb, while the others go in on the other side.' The small whispers that were heard now quiet down. A huge distraction.. Avril never disappoints me. A man in the back stands up. He looks a little like a nerd. He is musculair, just like all wolves but in a different way. He is just a little less build then the rest of us. Big glasses rest on his nose, making me doubt if he in fact is a wolf. 'I know how to make a bomb.' he says shyly.

I give each and every single one of the man a piece of paper to write their name on. I put all the names in a bowl, shake it up a little and pull two out. Everybody wants to be fighting, but two men have to get the bomb going and then run away as far as possible. 'Jackson.' I name the first one I draw. A blond pale man stands up and nods. 'At your duty, sir' He says with a low deep voice. I nod at him in return. Reading the second name relief washes over me. 'Avril.' I say unable to contain my smile. Annoyance washes over her face but she doesn't say a word. We have made these rules up together so they will be respected.

Exactly six hours later we are hiding in the forest. Each and every one of us naked and covered in dirt, leaves and everything else we could find to hide our scent a little. We wait, we wait a solid fourty minutes before we hear the bang we need. Every one of us counting till thirty. At thirty the ones from my pack change into wolfs and start running. The warriors from Avril's clan run in their human forms, the wolves sharing their power with them. I'm the first to arrive by the house. I jump in through a window and hear two wolves jumping after me. Two women maids appear, run in opposite direction from us. I growl to the two wolves to leave them alone.

I stick my nose in the air smelling for Stacia. Immediatly a scent of flowers fill my nose. I follow it while the wolves follow behind me. Suddenly I see one of the wolves get jumped from the corner of my eye. I prepare for impact too, looking sideways. A big black wolf comes charging for me. The moment he makes the jump I lay down. He flies over me and I jump after him setting my teeth in his neck. My wolf howls will biting down, feeling the struggle of the enemy becoming less and less. I let him take over completely. He lets out all his rage, his paw pressing the other wolfs eye while Orcan's teeth sink further in the wolf's neck. The wolf stills and the breaking of bones fills my ears. I take over a little control of my wolf and step back. The wolf turns back to his human self. The moment I see him I'm in shock. He was just a kid, not older then 19. I shake my head before darkness can creep over me and turn around.

I see the other two have also succesfully killed their attackers. I follow the scent of flowers again to a room with a white door. I instantly know that this is her room, remembering Eadon calling her an angel. My wolf jumps on the handle of the door and it opens. Her full scent comes at me now and my wolf howls in pain. I look around quickly, opening all the doors in the room but Stacia is not here. Anger flashes through me in the speed of light. Orcan taking the hint taking over completely in rage too. We run back into the hallway trying to find more scents of her. The two warriors follow me closely. Following her scent I come in at a dinner room. So he has been taking good care of her. I don't smell her blood anywhere but unfortunally nor do I smell his. She has not fought back yet. Following her scent further in the house I come at the backdoor. He let her out? Just as I'm about to turn around to get us through the window we came in the front door opens. Eadon steps in with a face filled with rage. I immediatly charge at him. Since Eadon is an Alpha he is strong too. But his wolf is bound by the Moon Curse, so he can't fight back with the same strength as I posses.

I hold him onto the ground breathing heavily in his face. 'Big bad wolf. Look at you not caring about a Luna huh.' Eadon says with a smirk. I growl at him, showing him my teeth. 'You want to know where she is huh? I'm sorry to disappoint, but she is not here.' I sink my teeth into his shoulder. I feel him tense up underneath me but he doesn't let out any sign of him being in pain. 'The question is, would you be willing to let your little friend die for her?' I let go of his shoulder an immediatly change back into my human form. As adrenaline shots through my body I am changed back within seconds. 'What little friend, EADON?!' I scream at him. 'Ofcourse you would let her set off the distraction, not wanting to let her get hurt. Our dogs got by her quickly tho.' I launch forward and punch Eadon in his nose. He staggers back with his head to the left, but he manages to stay up right. 'Watch out now, we wouldn't want that beauty to die. Or would we?' The warriors behind me start to growl, stepping forward. I gesture them to stay put, not knowing how long I can keep them in their place. 'What do you want, Eadon?' I literally spit out in his face.

'I want you and your little friends to leave. We will meet in three days. You will fight for your pack or your little girlfriend dies. And maybe if you're being really annoying your Mate will die too.' I feel my arms break, Orcan trying to take over in anger. Breathing out in pain I try to hold him back. Eadon looks at me with an amused look. 'Atleast one of you wants their Mate.' Just to be sure I won't punch him in the face again I set three steps backwards. Every nerve in my body hurts as I nod to him in agreement. 'When I win, I will kill you. I will leave you to death just like my mother should have done.' I growl at him. 'Oh, but brother. Mother loved me.' Eadon laughs and he turns around to head upstairs. 'Call your dogs back. I will see you in three days, Conan.'

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