Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Shelter


We have been running for ten minutes when suddenly everybody stands still. The childeren in front of me slowely disappear and as I move up front to the line I see where. An underground shelter place. Huge stairs that go downwards. Evan turns around and grabs my hand. He keeps holding it as he walks off the stairs. I can't see anything so I depend myself on the movement of his arm. After fifty-two stairs, yes I counted them, we finally settle on normal ground. Still walking forward in the light I wonder how all these kids can see where we going. I whisper by question to Evan. 'We can see in the dark.' he responds back. That made sense. As we keep moving forwards the air becomes less cold. After another five minutes or so we reach a huge hallway.

When I look around me I see that more kids have collected here. There were now about a hundred of them, some were crying for their parents and some just staring blankly in space. Pain fills my heart as I see a little boy not older then nine sit on the floor crying his eyes out. I walk over to him and grab one of his hands that he has put in front of his eyes. 'Sssht, little one. Everything will be alright. You're safe.' The boy looks up to me and a faint smile touches his cheeks. 'But-but-but my mommy. Where is my mommy?' He lets out a sob again. I put my arms around him and begin sing a lullaby in his ear.

Hush little baby don't say a word,

Stacia is gonna buy you a mockingbird.

And if that mockingbird don't sing,

I'm gonna buy you a diamond ring.

As I continue to sing more and more kids gather around me, softly whispering the words with me. I feel the boy underneath me relax, his breaths coming more even now. I softly pull away from the hug, plant a kiss on his forhead and stand up.

'I know you are all scared. Want to know a secret? I am scared too. So we can all be scared together. I am sure our big bad Alpha will help us all. For now we must be very sweet and it is okay to cry. It is okay to want your mommy. But just know that I'm here, we are all here and we are all together.' I say to them with a soft tone in my voice. My eyes dart over all the kids. Some are nodding and some are just simply staring with an open mouth. Then I see a bookcase at the end of the hallway. 'What if I read you all a story?' I hear childeren say yes from every part of the room. I walk through the crowd and pick up a book. I vaguely think I remember it, but I can't quite collect from where. Just Me and My Puppy.

Wow! I wanted a puppy, just for me.

So I traded my baseball mitt for one.

I start reading. My voice echoes through the hall. Not a child moves or talks. All lost in the words that come from my mouth. I walk back and forth while telling the story, making sure each and every kid sees the pictures in the book.

Then we get ready for bed,

just me and my puppy.

I finish the story and turn around again. I see Eadon stand at the entrance looking at me intensly. I want to run over to him, but I don't want to scare the childeren. So I walk slowely with Eadon coming my way. 'What happend?' I ask him in worry. His nose is bruised and a trace of blood still at his chin. 'They came to free you, using a bomb.' he responds. I hear a few childeren gasp and though I feel sorry for them, I have to ask. 'Did they know there are childeren here?' I ask in anger. Eagon nods. 'Yes, there has also been some deaths. Fortunally none of them had childeren. Some did have a Mate tho. They are widows now.' A tear escapes my eye. The childeren close to me notice it and begin to whimper in fear. Hearing a sob from my left I get down on my knees and pick the girl up. I hold her close to me while I face the room.

'Okay, we are all safe again. None of your mommies or daddies are hurt. We will get out the way we came in. And when we are outside we will have to line up. I want to know how good all of you can count. There will be lines of ten, all ten kids standing next to eachother. While we are counting, Eadon will get your mommies and daddies okay?' I see kids nod while others say their yesses. I turn around to Eadon, suddenly realising what I've done. I didn't even consult him for this plan. He will be so mad.. After being with all these kids I momentairly forgot that I am kidnapped.

Eadon however nods at me with a smile and then heads back up again, leaving me in confusion. Maybe he just doesn't want to get mad at me in front of the childeren.

I let a couple of kids walk out first before I walk behind them. Outside I let them stand in a line of ten. Everytime a line of then is made, I give each and every kid a highfive. After a solid fifteen minutes all the kids stand in lines. I smile at them and compliment them for being so smart. Some kids begin to jump up and down impatiently.

'Who wants to play a game?' I say with a smile. I hear cheers coming from left and right. Just as I'm about to explain what kind of game we're going to play I see kids running away. Quickly looking over my shoulder I see their parents running up for them. Some of them nod at me in gratitude. Quickly collecting their kids and getting back to their own houses. Now I'm further into their territory I see that there are small homes divided over the field. Some of them walk even farther away and I wonder where their homes are. Eadon walks up to me with a grin. I blush at the sight of it and quickly look down at my feet.

'I'm sorry for what happend in there. I should have asked you what to do instead of just making decisions like that. I truely hope you can forgive me.' I say trying to sound as small as possible. Eadon is an Alpha, as long as I show him he is the boss of me I will hopefully be fine. Eadon grabs my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes.

'Thank you for today. The way you took care of those pups. It was amazing. You cared for them as if they were you family. I sometimes forget that they are mine. So thank you.' I smile weakly at him. Relieved he isn't mad and hurt because I won't ever know my family. Eadon takes my hand and starts walking toward his house. I let him take my hand because honestly I could use someone right now. All the adrenaline has left my body and now my emotions take over me. They came to rescue me, almost killing those kids. What if we'd had to run the field and accidently come too close? Anger suddenly washes over me and in the heat of the moment I squeeze Eadon's hand. He stop walking and looks down at me.

'What's wrong?' Before I can stop the words coming from my mouth I tell him 'Let me call them. I will tell them I want to stay here.'

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