Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter A Loud Bang.


The next morning I wake up in the most comfortable bed I have ever slept in. For a moment I'm at peace, untill someone knocks at my door.

'Goodmorning angel, can I come in?' Eadons voice comes from the other side of the door. I tense up immediatly, crawling away from the door as much as possible.

'Come in.' I say with a shaky voice. My heart is beating in my ears and tears fill my eyes. Eadon opens the door, but doesn't walk in my room. He looks down at the carpet of my bed, his eyes never finding mine. His submissive behaviour makes me feel a little saver.

'I want to apologize for losing my temper yesterday. It is very hard for me to accept the fact that you're still a little afraid of me. So I thought that maybe if I told you more about your parents, you'd learn to trust me.' The moment the word parents leave his mouth I'm all tensed up again. My parents died when I was young. I didn't know much of them. I had two memories left but with time their faces has began to fade. Nobody ever told me what happend. However nothing he would do or say will have me trust him.

'Okay. I'd love to hear it. Sit down.' I say back. He looks at me, before sitting on the farest edge of the bed. He looks at me uncertainly before he starts.

My mother used to make art with flowers. She had this little shop downtown. I loved coming there, the colours and the smell. It was the most happy time of my life. One day I was helping my mother at the shop. A woman with darkbrown hair and blue eyes walk in. Hand on her big pregnant belly, eyes serious. Once my mother sees her walking in she goes to close the door and tells me to go in the back. I have always been a curious boy and that day was no different.

'You're pregnant.. is it his?' My mother asks the unknown woman. I don't hear her answer so I guess she nodded her head. 'If they find out they will kill you both.' I hear a sob from who I assume is the woman. 'You need to help me. My child must never find out who her father is. I will go far away so they won't find me.' The woman says. Her voice is beautiful, she sounds like an angel. 'You must tell him!' My mother yells franically. 'I can't. His Mate can never find out, she will kill us both. If he runs, she'll know. She'll know and she will kill my baby. My sweet innocent baby.' My mother goes through stuff and it is silent for a while. Then I hear my mother say 'Go to this adress. They will help you.' The woman lets out a sob again, saying a thousand thank you's. I hear the unlocking of the door. 'Is she one of you?' The woman asks uncertainly. 'No. She smells like a human.' Is my mothers last answer before she comes to get me.

'That woman was my mother?' I ask in confusion about his story. Eadon nods. 'I never saw her again. The day I saw you I knew you were her daughter. Your smell, it is simulair to hers. Your voice is an exact copy and you long brown hair shines just like hers did.' I sit there not saying anything for a while. It can't be true. My mother must have told father anyway, since they died together. Or maybe.. Maybe that man wasn't my father. Maybe my father is still out there somewhere.

'I'm sorry I can't tell you more. My parents died too.. I asked my mom about the woman when I was younger, but she told me I must never speak of her again.' Conan says with sincerity in his eyes. I nod, not quite sure what to say. I have more questions then I ever had about my parents.

'So my father was a uhm like you?' I ask, not sure wheter I believe this whole wolf thing. I mean it's crazy. Eadon must have heard my uncertainty in my voice. He gets up, cocks his head and looks at me with a smile. He is almost handsome, almost.

'I can show you? I mean my wolf.' He says. My heart picks up speed again as I think about it. I must see it otherwise I will never believe it. Werewolfs are in movies and books, played off by crappy movie effects. Not in this world, not in this life. Nobody has ever come across them, well atleast not for centuries. I nod at him in agreement. Like an excited puppy he jumps up and down. Touché, he did really look like a puppy right now. For a moment I forget who he is and I smile at the sight. My smile quickly fading when realisation hits me again. He kidnapped me.

'Full moon is tomorrow evening. I will turn then. When I am turned I will visit you.' I shake my head to his words. 'No, I want to be there when you uh turn. I want to see it or I will never believe it.' His eyes begin to sparkle, an emotion I not quite understand written in the sparkle. He nods. 'Good. Take a shower and come down. It is time for breakfast.' Once he gets out the room I walk over to my indoor closet. Still uncomfortable with the ammount of clothes I walk quickly to the side of the basic clothes. I get another ripped black skinny jeans and a black tanktop. Black sneakers for my feet and comfortable black lingerie. Heading to the shower all kinds of questions run through my head. I need to find out who my mother really was. If she ran, she must have had a different name then the one I have of her. If I can find out who she was, I can find out where she lived. Maybe look up some of her highschool friends. I will get to the bottom of this.

After my shower I get quickly dressed and walk downstairs. When I'm heading towards the dinner room a woman I have never seen before walks by me. When she looks at me her eyes grow big and she quickly looks down to the floor.

'Hey, ma'am. Do you live here too?' I ask her but she almost runs away into a room I haven't been in yet. Flustered by her strange behaviour I continue my walk towards the dinner room in confusion. What was that about? When I walk in I see Eadon is already there. He looks up to me with a frown.

'You'll have to change after breakfast. You can't train in those clothes and that top is way too revealing.' He says with anger in his voice. When I'm seated I look down at my top. It shows a little cleavage but not too much. I don't tell him how I feel tho. Don't want him to get mad again. Training actually sounds good. That way I can look for a way out and meet some people here. Maybe some will help me. I'll have to be careful tho.

Eadon holds out his hand for us to pray again. 'Goddess of the Moon, thank you for every day we live. Thank you for showing me the girl. Thank you for your guidance on this dangerous journey.' He lets go of my hand and fills my plate in silence. When he puts a set of pancakes on, my mouth starts to water. I love pancakes.

After breakfast I go to my room quickly to change into a t-shirt with a high neckline and a pair of sweatpants. All black again ofcourse. When I walk out of my room again Josephine is waiting for me. 'Alpha asked me to show you to the training field.' She turns around and walks away. I follow her closely. Field? That means it is outside. I could try to find out where I am or atleast where I can run to. However if it's true and they are all wolves I'll have to wait untill after the full moon or they'd catch me instantly. Fear bubbles up by the thought of being caught. What would Eadon do? I have seen his temper, he would surely hurt me. But how far would he go? I can take a lot since I have been beaten often in my past, but something tells me this man has cruel ways of punishment.

The moment we step foot outside I stop walking and breath in the air. It rained yesterday so everything smells fresh. Just like Conan's house this one is surrounded by trees. Thinking about how I failed to escape Conan twice, doubts start to fill in my stomach. I need to plan this as best as I can. After a solid ten minute walk we come to a huge field filled with what must be fourty kids. The moment one sees me he starts whispering to the others, pointing at us. Looking down to the ground I make my way over them.

'It's her.'

'She looks like an angel.'

'She looks too small.'

'She will save us.'

Voices whisper around me everywhere. I stop walking when I see two bare male feet in front of me. I look up at him with a scared look. The man must be in his fourties, his hair fully grey, a thick scar over his left cheek. I quickly look away from the scar into his grey eyes, not wanting to piss him off.

'Welcome, lady. I heard that you will be training with us. My name is Michael and I'll be your teacher.' He flashes a smile at me, causing me to relax a little.

'I'm Anastacia. I'm sorry for the trouble.' I say to him with an apologic smile. He starts to laugh in confusion. 'What trouble girl?' Looking around at some of the kids that stare at me with open mouths I shrug. 'For having to babysit me.' The man starts laughing even harder now. 'I'm not babysitting you. I'm the one that asked Eadon if I could train you. Now you can go over there next to the boy with the ginger hair. His name is Evan, he will be your partner for today.' I throw Michael a confused look before I walk over to Evan. He doesn't weirdly stare at me or points like the other kids. He just gives me a hand and introduces himself. I return the favor and turn my head to our trainer.

'Today we are going to start with a little game to get warm. The person standing next to you is going to be your opponent. The first who gets the other to the ground is team Red. They will stand on the left. The one who gets on the ground is team Blue. They will stand to the right.' This makes me highly uncomfortable. My opponent is a kid, they are all kids. I can't shove him on the ground.

I eye Evan uncertainly as he mistakes it for fear. 'Don't worry, I won't really hurt you.' He says with a sweet voice that makes me smile for a bit. 'I'm not scared, little one. I'm afraid I will hurt you.' The boy starts to laugh loudly. 'I'm not a human, I'm stronger then your kids. I can take down ten human kids on my own.' He says proudly. He steps closer to me, giving me a push that almost knocks me over. Damn this kid is really strong. 'Bring it on.' I smile.

Evan and I take turns trying to grab eachother. I'm way bigger then him, so it works in my advantage, but Evan is strong with a good balance. We struggle to get eachother one the ground. I even try picking him up, but he dashes his head under my arm putting all his weight down which causes me to quickly put him on his feet before I drop him. Evan takes a step back and circles around me. I turn with him trying to figure out his weaknesses. He looks at me in concentration, apperantly he is doing the same. For a moment I notice that everybody is quiet and looking at his. Evan uses my distraction to give me a hard push while he keeps his foot behind my left foot. I almost trip backwards but catch myself with my other foot. Smart kiddo. I walk to him, I see him flex his muscles and just as I'm close to him I suddenly drop myself low and push his legs from under him. He slides over my back on the ground. I jump up and down in victory, clapping my hands before I offer him one of them to get him up.

Evan flashes me a big grin. 'You're smart, but next time I will get you for sure!' He says. The kids around me start clapping in awe. I blush and take a little bow.

'Well done, Anastacia. Evan is our strongest one. A human should have lost against him.' My trainer compliments.

Suddenly the ground begins to shake and a loud bang echoes through the sky. The kids all start to run in one way, I look around me and follow Evan. What the hell was that? Where are we going? The trainer comes beside me and orders me to keep following the kids. I run with them, shivers shacking over my body and my breath comes shaggered in fear. Are we under attack? Who would attack kids?

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