Love is Weakness. [1]

Chapter Beautiful Wolf


The next three days of work are the best days I have ever had. Marcas works along side me each and every single day. I find out that just like me, Marcas has a dark past. His mother used to be an addict, that is why his grandmother raised him. He never knew any better and if his grandmother hadn't decided against it he would have called her mom. He did not have only darkness in his life. He started medical school before his grandmother was diagnosed with cancer. He immediatly dropped out to take care of her. Now he is searching for a loan to to back to college, while being able to keep his grandmothers house. He wishes to buy it one day. After getting over his attractive looks I can honestly say Marcas has become a close friend now. I have invited him to a party with Tiff and I tonight and he said yes. After I told Tiff about Marcas, she finally came by in the shop to check him out.

'Holy mother of all musculair Gods, he is hot.' Tiff sighs when Marcas is in the back.

'Don't drool on the counter, please. I'll have to clean that.' I say to her in a teasing tone.

'Would you mind if I would ask him out? I mean like out just the two of us and not like tonight with the three of us? He is such a sweet piece of candy, you can't just lock it up in the closet.'

I laugh so hard I think I'm going to drown in my tears. Tiff and I are very different. She is wild and loves men, where I am still a virgin. Tiff gave up on talking me into meeting someone a long time ago, but for a while she tried. Now she knows better and just chases down the hotties herself. I nod at her, confirming she can take him out.

The little bell on the door rinkles and I walk to the register. Punching in my code I ask 'What can I help you with?'

'Stacia, nice to see you again.' A warm male voice says and my head cocks up.

The man at Conan's house.. What would he want? These past few days I had my memories come back at me knowing exactly what happend that night. My heart races in my chest and for a minute I can't breath. Two hands grab my shoulders and Duncan's face comes so close it almost touches mine.

'Breath.' He whispers while breathing out loud. I mimique his breath untill I'm calm again.

'I'm s-s-sorry. It's not you, I was reminded of something.' Suddenly embarrased I dare not look at him. His face is still close and I can feel his warmth on my face. 'What can I get you uhm..?'

'Duncan, nice to meet you. I was actually wondering if we could speak somewhere after work. I can wait here if you want?'

I look at him with my mouth open. What would he want to speak to me about? I suddenly remember the way I punched him on his nose. I was sure I broke it, but I see no evidence that it even happend.

'Uhm, yeah sure. Duncan, I am sorry for punching you. I thought you guys had kidnapped me and I wanted to escape.. I would never just punch someone like that, unless I have a good reason.' I say with sincerity. I really hope he accepts my apology. I haven't even thought of him eventhough I have hurt him.

'Oh, that's okay. I would do the same in your situation. Besides, I like a little spice. You have a nice right hook, woman.' Duncan winks at me, before turning around and taking place at one of the seats. In the corner of my eye I see Tiff looking back and forth between Duncan and I.

'You punched him?' she whispers in surprise. I just shrug and turn around to make a chocolate coffee. That is the least I can do for Duncan after punching me like that. I bring Duncan his chocolate coffee and he thanks me with a big smile. Then he goes back to whatever he was doing on his phone.

'Where is Marcas?' Tiff calls out from around the back. I quickly glance around the shop to see that Marcas isn't here either. 'That's weird, he left through the backdoor.' Tiff comes back walking to us with a sad face. 'Maybe he heard me speaking of asking him out.. What if he doesn't want to?' I give her a tight hug.

'Anyone would be lucky to go out with you, honey. Don't ever think for a single second that guys don't fantasize about a girl like you.' Duncan says from behind me. Tiff looks up at him giggling. Oh no, here we go again.

Twenty minutes later after hearing Duncan and Tiff giggle to eachother the whole time I can finally lock up the store. My relieve dies quickly though now that I turn to look in Duncan's eyes.

'Shall we, m'lady?' he says while holding his arm out. Great, now I'm giggling like a lovestruck puppy too. I take his arm and let him guide me to his car. He opens the door for me. I however do not get in. My eyes swift from him to the open door, momentairly having my doubts. 'It's okay, I just want to talk with you, you can even keep the door open if you want.' Duncan let's go of the door and get's in on the other side of the car. He doesn't seem like a bad person and he didn't hit me back when I hit him nor did he chase after me. I get in and close the door.

'Look, this is going to be weird what I'm going to ask you now. Can you come with me to go see Conan? He wants to speak with you, but he is uhhh sick so he can't come to you. I am sure he would have otherwise.' Duncan says with an intense serious face. I feel my cheeks get red. I tried to forget Conan for days, but I kept having dreams about him how he would kiss me.

'You know, normal people would just send a text or a facebook message. Or you know, call an ambulance when they see a girl laying on the streets. Conan is rather weird, isn't he?' I say to ease some of the tention that is rolling off of Duncan.

Duncan laughs again. 'You have no idea how right you are, m'lady. We can all become a tad bit weird when we see something we like. Especially when we can't have it.'

I think about his words. Conan wants me? But why wouldn't he be able to have me? And why do I care? I don't want to be in love or be with someone ever. I don't want my heart to ever get broken like that. Just like my dad broke my mother's heart. That is the mean reason I have never let anyone come close. All lost in thoughts Duncan drives us to Conan's house. The moment I see it come up at the end of the driveway, my heart starts beating fast. I have never really gotten the chance to look at it closely but now I do. It is beautiful. It is painted dark with light, as if the two colours are fighting with eachother.

Duncan walks around the car to let me get out.

'Here we are, you can just walk in. He knows you're here. He is probably in the living room. Unfortunally I have to get home. Have fun, it was nice to meet you under different circumstances, Stacia.' Duncan says with a bow. Before I can answer he gets into his car and drives away. What is it with these guys? They all act so damn weird.

I slowely walk inside to where I remember the living room to be. I'm way out of my comfortzone, right now. I just walk into a men's house that I have seen once without ringing the bell. When I turn the corner to the living room my breath stops. There is the wolf, just as beautiful as I remember. He sits as if he's a dog and he is eyeing me curiously. I don't know what to do. What if he eats me? Conan said he only wanted to protect me, but he is a wolf and wolfs are unpredictable. I slowely set a step back, not wanting to make any sudden movements. I know I am a fast runner but I could never outrun a wolf.

'Conan? I'm here.' I say raising my voice a bit.

The wolf steps towards me, making me freeze. Then he does the last thing I expected him to do. He drops to the floor and rolls on his back, showing me his belly. I have never had a pet before, but I know that if an animal rolls on his back and shows you his belly, his most vulnerable spot that means he submits. I slowely let myself sink to my knees. I crawl a little closer and offer my hand to the wolf.

'Good boy, aren't you beautiful?' I whisper to him.

The wolf lifts his head a little, but I do not move my hand. His big pink tongue comes out and he licks my hand. I giggle and pet him on his head.

'Aren't you a friendly one huh? Such a beautiful boy.' Not sure if I should call a wolf a good boy I think before I pet him even further. The wolf turns around and lays his head on the floor, with his backpaws he pushes himself closer to me. 'It's okay, you can come closer. Come here, boy.' I say to him with a reassuring smile. He gets up and rubs his giant body against me, almost making me fall over. I have never seen a wolf before, not even in zoo's. But I am pretty sure that this is a big one. His head towers a little over me while I'm on my knees and he breaths in my face. I stand up, keeping my hand on his head. 'Where did your boss go, baby? Do you know?' I look down at the wolf and then shake my head to myself. A wolf as a pet okay, but talking wolfs? I eyeroll at myself and continue back further in the house. The wolf keeps his head against my hand the whole time walking with me. When I have searched every room downstairs, except for one that was locked I glimps up at the staircase in doubt. Would he be up there?

'Conan!! I am here!!' I shout. I wait for an answer but never receive one. This is weird, why would he invite me here and then not be home? How am I gonna get home now? The wolf moves from underneath me up the staircase. For a moment I doubt but I stay put. 'Go get your owner for me, beautiful wolf.' I say to him, hoping he understands me. I have met a lot of weird people in my life, but Conan is beginning to become the top of that list.

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