Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Two.

Within minutes there was stunned silence as the earth technician’s saw hidden panels emerge from the floor and screen showing every lower section below them, rooms were appearing which had not yet been discovered by the humans, and the water levels could be seen to be visibly lowering.

“You will be able to access these areas within three days, but to do so earlier would subject your bodies to having the fluid within you drained resulting in immediate death,” stated the alien.

Gresteller blinked, “Thank you I had wanted teams to enter almost immediately,” she stated and the alien grimaced, “That certainly would not be wise unless you intend killing them,” he responded.

Gresteller blinked and then saw the alien smile realising it was teasing her. “Please forgive me, but are you male or female,” enquired Gresteller. “Correct”, stated the alien and Gresteller looked confused.

The alien grinned and spoke, “Our species is both male and female and we have the ability to choose what you call gender specifics, only we lay eggs with our young already alive awaiting hatching,” it replied.

Doctor Gresteller looked stunned, “My colleagues have been authorized to teach your leaders of our kind, we already knew of your kind millions of years past, when a civilization we worked with, which I believe you call Atlantis was upon your planet,” stated the alien.

Gresteller blinked at this revelation, “Atlantis, Plato talked about them, but we thought they were a myth,” she stated. The alien laughed, “No myth and they were here long before even us, and we negotiated use of your planet with them, they were highly evolved and a peaceful race, only venturing to war as an uttermost last resort.”

He paused a moment to allow time for that revelation to be absorbed, and then continued talking. “When our resources ran out and it became not viable for us to mine the minerals we required, we found other planets to obtain it from more easily and earth was abandoned. It was us who gave the Atlantians use of the energy field to prevent further wars, but it appears over thousands of years the mountain grew around our structure and nullified the energy field, resulting in further wars and Atlantis was forced to leave earth,” stated the alien.

Gresteller thought over its words, “Please forgive me, but did you just state Atlantis itself left earth,” she enquired.

The alien looked at her, “Why yes, Atlantis was one huge spacecraft, more like a city, and was capable of interdimensional flight,” replied the alien.

Gresteller took in this information, “Do you still have such ships or crafts available,” she enquired. The orange alien lifted a hand and orbiting above earth a huge space ship appeared uncloaking itself. “We have been authorized to make seventeen of these available to your world, so you can start exploring the galaxies,” it stated.

As Gresteller viewed the monitor before her Admiral Hughes contacted her, “Doctor Venter do you see what we are looking at,” he enquired. “Yes sir, I have only just this moment been informed we are been gifted with seventeen of these crafts, I assume they will come with suitable alien personnel to teach us to operate them,” she replied.

The alien nodded yes as she was speaking, and then Admiral Hughes and Gresteller were beamed aboard one of the crafts and introduced to selected aliens who were to teach them to use these highly advanced interstellar craft.

The orange alien introduced Admiral Hughes, “Admiral this is our fleet commander, in some ways your equivalent upon earth, only he, sir is responsible for our entire interstellar fleet,” stated the alien.

Admiral Hughes was stunned at this unexpected abduction and introduction to such an important member of their race. “It is an unexpected honour to meet you, sir, I must request you accept my apologies in been unprepared,” he was cut short. “No apologies required Admiral Hughes, I have been ordered to assist your kind in adjusting to the use of some of our older surplus ships, I have organised a team of two thousand technicians and pilots, engineers etc. to aid your personnel in learning,” it stated.

At that, Admiral Hughes was yet again beamed to a separate room where the fleet admiral could talk in private. Gresteller was given a guided tour and introduced to scientific engineers who she could relate too.

“Doctor Gresteller I would like to introduce you to Zivem, one of our engineers previously responsible for maintaining the Everest station,” stated the orange alien.

Gresteller blinked and her eyes grew large in startled shock, “Forgive me, but…, but did you just say original engineers,” she enquired.

The Alien smiled, “Why yes our race does not die, unless there is a deliberate act to sabotage to end our lives,” replied the orange alien. Gresteller blinked in shock, “If it is not a delicate question just how old are you,” inquired Gresteller.

Both aliens responded together and then stopped realising each other had answered; the engineer waved a hand to allow the orange alien to speak first.

“My kind what you describe in your mind as orange aliens, are over five million years old, my colleague there the Grey kind, and are four million years old and were created by us as sub servants, but evolved in their own right and are now recognized, and free to act as a species in their own right,” it replied.

This information took Gresteller some seconds to adjust within her mind, “Do you not become sick or unwell,” she inquired. “No, we adjusted our genetic structure over two million years ago and illness as you call it is simply non-existent among our kind,” it replied.

Gresteller suddenly became aware of the paintings upon the walls, “These are similar to that within the Everest Station,” she stated.

The Grey looked pleased, “Yes I created those, our kind loves the Arts and express our feeling in such ways as you see here, they also in some way represent life upon other planets only abstractly.

Gresteller looked at the work hung upon the walls, “They are stunning, and you say they represent in part other life you have come across,” she inquired.

The Grey walked over to the first, “This is only a general abstract, it represents the mind of a species who appears to see everything so different to us, yet they are peaceful, highly intelligent and…, well let’s just say they prefer to remain unseen wherever possible,” stated the Grey. The second here is of life forms evolved from what you on earth describe as birds, but which were originally of your dinosaur type, only their world became polluted and this is how they see themselves now,” stated the Grey.

Gresteller moved to the next painting, it was so strange, and she was trying to visualize its true form. “Arr, I see you are interested in this one, it represents how we see this particular race, your closest would be an octopus, only this species can live in and out of water, it is even more intelligent and older than our race and is the colour’s of your rainbow, but can mimic perfectly any shape colour or background, basically rendering it invisible to our eyes and yours,” stated the Grey.

Gresteller was fascinated, as she had thought these were only general paintings. She moved to the next, but the Grey moved passed it and stood next to another. “This we call dragon slayer as upon one world are immense dragon type creatures which attack at will, and almost wiped out one of our outposts, we had to vacate the planet at some loss of life, so I created this as a reminder for our kind,” it stated.

Gresteller blinked in amazement, never before had she even dreamed such life could be real. The Grey stood next to another painting, “This is from the moon which orbits not far from here, the gas upon the surface distorts the mind, there is life there only we cannot view it as the gas hallucinates our minds and this is the closest representation that even photo images have given us.” Gresteller stared at the strange painting, “Yes I can see an image of a face, but truly is that genuinely accurate,” she inquired.

The Grey smiled, “Near enough as I had to create that from digital images actually recorded by probes,” it stated. Then the Grey walked over to the final painting, “This is a race of entertainers who can alter their shape but are kind of bipedal as you can see, but love culture and performing arts,” it replied. Gresteller walked back to the one painting the Grey had missed. “I have a copy of this in the laboratory and it is one of my favorites,” she replied.

The Grey alien shifted uncomfortably, “Yes we prefer to not talk about that, but you will need to be aware of its existence,” it stated. “It represents a race of beings that even we avoid, I can only best describe them as what you on earth would describe as vampiric in nature, and we avoid contact at all costs,” it stated. Gresteller could sense the very fear from this alien and its discomfort in even talking about this creature or representation of its kind by a painting. “I assume this is possibly how you see it,” stated Gresteller.

The Grey grimaced. “This is how all of our kind view this life form in our dreams or nightmares as you on earth would call it,” at that he refused to elaborate further and had Gresteller and himself beamed back to Everest Station, and where they checked upon the drainage process. “As expected all is drained you only need to await the drying out process now, and that is the most dangerous to your kind, as I believe you were told it can withdraw the fluid in your bodies if you enter before it is switched off,” it stated.

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