Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter One.

It is 2023 and scientists discovered a strangely constructed building created by some advanced race who used material not readily available on earth, and certainly not in the quantity used to create the magnificent pyramid type structure, that they now had discovered and over two-thirds up on Mount Everest.

It was accidently discovered after a group of terrorists had hijacked a Boeing 347, and the military forced its diversion, and prevented it from landing, unfortunately it ran out of fuel and had crashed into Everest.

Only the terrorist had received help and smuggled aboard high-end military explosive and five suitcase size nuclear warheads within the cargo hold. It was for this reason the military had taken such action, as intelligence although almost too late, had alerted them to their intended action.

The resulting explosion of five nuclear bombs deliberately detonated in a moment of panic by one of the terrorists, and at the exact moment the huge 347 impacted into the mountain destroying billions of tons of rock and ice, and took down over a third of the mountains, resulting in earth tremors and avalanches, killing all who were unfortunate to be below the impact site.

Days later as teams of so-called rescue services approached the now partly destroyed mountain, and there before their eyes they saw for the first time what the satellites had seen, and they could only describe as a pyramid appearing at first to be made of glass, only they later discovered it was not glass but an ultra-rare metal having undergone an unknown process, and to give the appearance of what they could only describe as glass, yet the building was undamaged, and now they had to find the entrance and discover from where this structure came.

Alien life had been confirmed not long after the discovery of the Everest Pegasus station as it was later to be called, and it effectively forced a united military involvement, as it had taken a mixture of the world’s top scientist to even find an entry point and no amount of force could even damage the strange material, from which the entire structure was made from.

Also, there appeared to be a strange energy field activated upon its discovery and had started affecting people’s minds preventing aggression of any kind.

Two years and some months later the scientists had managed to enter the structure and discovered technology beyond their dreams, including a triangular structure, and which on activation created a bubble of what can best be described as looking like liquid Blue colored mercury, only it was suspended within the structure of the triangle, and upon sending in drones, they discovered it was a gateway to a wormhole leading directly to a moon orbiting a distant planet in the Pegasus galaxy.

Now a united earth galactic response team had been established, as the Pegasus Station still broadcasted the energy field with its effects surrounding the planet and created for the first-time true peace in earth’s history of tribal dominance and wars.

However, the scientist realised that they needed to find a way of nullifying the effects as it could lay them open to an aggressive act from other off-world sources.

There was one huge benefit however of the Pegasus Station, it later transpired Millions of years earlier Earth had been used by Aliens as a staging point for rich mineral exchange, only as civilizations grew so did the tribal factions and wars broke out, forcing in time for the aliens to create the energy field which now circulated our globe.

As the Palladium virtually ran out which was the main mineral these alien life forms had wanted, they eventually abandoned the station and although there were still usable deposits to be found, they just were not economically viable, and earth became abandoned to its primitive tribal development.

Now as time had passed the station was re-discovered, and still operating only it had been covered by millions of years of snow, ice and rock, and which had over a period of time shielded the effects of the energy field, also it had alerted intelligent life upon other worlds as the previously inactive gate was opened and travelled through for the first time in over a million years.

Only caretakers had previously used it to occasionally return and check all was well, now to their surprise life upon earth had evolved, and the humans were no longer the savage beasts, but growing in intelligence and possibly open for further trade, yet they remained unaware of the dangers they had opened themselves too, and what in time was to visit their planet.

As trade became established and the earth’s population started hearing rumors of alien contact, simply the pyramid had been seen, photographed and was placed across the net, its structure was such that none could logically deny, and it would have been impossible to build so high up on Everest, let alone with material earth even to this day could not obtain in any large quantity.

The energy field had altered people’s responses and no amount of aggression could be shown, also making it difficult to prevent acts of forced will to deny something.

Eventually, it was agreed the citizens of earth were ready to receive confirmation and as such it became known that up to seven alien races had been contacted and were in negotiations for a possible trade alliance.

A secret world united government was set into place, and the spokesperson was designated to reveal the united agreement of the world’s leaders and inform the citizens of what was happening.

Even North Korea, Iran, Afghanistan, China, Russia and all other world leaders had signed up, wanting involvement and been unable to act aggressively.

The spokesperson was a Lieutenant Susan Dents from Canada. “My fellow citizens it gives me great pleasure to finally confirm what the world’s population have long suspected, that we have discovered an alien structure created over many millions of years past upon Mount Everest, and yes, it is using a technology unknown to humankind which was found within.”

She paused allowing her words to take effect, “Also we can now confirm, that a type of gate, or entrance, and to what scientists can best describe is a wormhole, or more accurately a device that transports objects from point A to point B undamaged.”

Susan breathed in and held her breath momentarily and then exhaled. “Also, we can now confirm we have contacted the original owners of this facility and six other alien races, and that we are in negotiations for possible future trade. I apologise I am not yet authorized at this moment to disclose further information but assure you it will be released soon.”

At that, Susan walked away from the podium and the news channels reverted back to broadcasters talking over the military statement.

Meanwhile, scientists were working to find a way to nullify the effects of the energy field, they realised early that should an outside force not subject to the fields energy and affects decide to invade earth, that we would be unable to defend themselves simply because acts of aggression were prohibited.

Incredibly it was a lone British citizen who had become injured while riding his bike to work and having not worn a helmet, and his brain had suffered injuries resulting in him waking full of aggression and Anger.

British scientists were eventually able to find the protein which the brain created and nullified the effects of the alien’s energy field.

Quickly this protein was synthesized in secret, and a process of treatment was established for selected personnel and creating a force of ultra-elite military to defend earth, using Alien and earth technology.

Now at the very least the world leaders felt able to defend the planet, and rather than to blanket cover the world with this cure, and which they knew would only revert to tribal aggression.

They reviewed selected individuals representing each of the world’s most elite service personnel, and from a range of skills, and created the first ever fully united task force in earth history.

The station was manned by such military and civilian staff, and Everest had a fifty mile no go area, secured not only by highly armed military but also technology not of this world, which effectively prevented unwanted intrusion from any unauthorized groups or individuals.

As the trade, advanced alien scientist or their representatives gained authorized access back to earth and new deals were created in exchange for technology, Palladium was still required, in fact, the entire worlds production, including other ultra-rare earth minerals.

This, however, was not agreed upon in the full as the leaders realised if such advanced civilizations required this material, then it was wise to withhold some back for our own future use.

Doctor Gresteller Olga Vinter discovered the link with Palladium, and the structure they were now inhabiting. It had taken over two years just to establish how everything worked, yet even now they were finding buried substructures leading deeply under Everest.

One such structure held a series of laboratories and within one room they discovered Palladium samples and documents which only now was been translated, giving a breakdown in the construction of the material used to create the pyramid.

It was an incredible breakthrough, and Doctor Gresteller Olga Vinter was immediately promoted to head of scientific research of the alien structure.

The laboratory had strange paintings around the walls and one which showed some strange distortion and huge vamperic type teeth. Gresteller found some of the paintings disturbing but had an affinity for the one with the vamperic teeth.

Further investigation was ordered of the infrastructure and pumps had to be brought in as the lower rooms were now under water, sadly even with heavy pumps water returned making it near impossible to enter the lowest structures without deep sea diving apparatus and heavy lighting.

Gresteller Olga Vinter was forced to call in deep submersibles to explore the lower regions and try and explore the remaining structures yet, not entered.

Eleven months into the investigating of the discovered laboratory, Gresteller’s team found a previously hidden control panel which was sunken within the floor, a caretaker representative from the Pegasus galaxy had appeared with three orange type humanoid engineers and one negotiator.

Admiral Hughes was awaiting their arrival. “Welcome your visit is much appreciated if you can truly solve some of the lower infrastructure problems it would be greatly appreciated,” he said.

It was one of the orange type humanoids who responded, no sooner had it walked from the gate when a beam of light appeared, and two extra-large briefcase size containers appeared by its feet.

Admiral Hughes ordered staff to carry the said items, but the orange alien smiled, as six team members could not budge them. “Thank you but it is impossible for them to lift these as they are biogenetically coded to me alone,” stated the orange alien.

The alien then waved a hand and the cases levitated and started following the alien to a circular platform, where the alien then stood, and yet another beam of light engulfed it and the cases and the alien materialized in the laboratory, where it immediately set up a workstation.

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