Love - An Alien Vampire

Chapter Chapter Three.

Within the constellation of Andromeda lay a sole interstellar craft, only the size of some five meters and held only enough room for one single occupant, it had appeared in the Cassiopeia Dwarf system and orbited over a moon-sized planet, beaming its contents upon the surface. The predominant life forms were bipedal and similar to the Grey Life forms only much taller and slimmer, having evolved from millions of years, and they were a high technological race, and who lived among less fortunate smaller human type life forms.

As Gresteller now having been ordered and acting as an undercover scientific secretary walked the canal path, there she saw a group of lesser beings taunting a strange looking humanoid who appeared to be looking like a painted fool and was been bullied and taunted by ruffians from this world.

For Gresteller’s protection and as an undercover story, it had been hypnotically implanted into Gresteller’s mind, that she had been representing the Orange alien race, apparently, their cover stated she had been a subspecies and almost human in appearance, apparently created by the orange aliens as a sub servant race, and less than three thousand years ago.

Immediately she felt sympathy and care towards the feeble looking creature which was mercilessly been taunted. Yet it appeared to ignore the taunts and enacted the fool, cartwheeling and whistling and on occasion singing to itself. Three of the thugs kicked it and forced it to the ground drawing blood and they laughed until Gresteller came to its aid. “Stop this immediately or I will summons assistance and you can face justice,” she angrily shouted.

They went to respond until they saw the insignia upon her shirt and immediately dispersed without saying a further word. “Please forgive those thugs,” stated Gresteller, they are uneducated, ignorant and not of my kind,” she stated.

The unusual looking creature smiled, “I am used to such treatment, I was born different and some life forms kind of react badly towards me, while others love my entertainment,” he replied, but Gresteller could not understand why the energy field preventing aggression was inoperative.

Gresteller looked at him, thinking he was actually kind of good looking and seemed to have a beautiful nature, the creature studied her face and laughed, “Oh I am OK young lady, but thank you for coming to my rescue,” he stated and at that he continued with his walk along the canal path.

Gresteller felt drawn toward him and watched him been genuinely concerned for his safety but decided to allow him to continue. As the creature moved away, he noted into memory the facial recognition and alerted his military sending a mental image that this person was not to be harmed upon fear of certain death, to any who disobeyed this order.

As Gresteller carried out her functions and returned to her home planet with her employer, she continued with her life as if all was normal, only occasionally she thought of the strange creature and the unusual tune it had been singing, the words and tune almost mesmerized her, and at times would echo within her mind, making it difficult to forget the creature.

As the months went by Earth increased its trade and built a fleet of trained military to man and in time pilot the huge interstellar crafts which had been gifted to them.

They also started developing material and weapons of their own, only taking a path of using industrial and medical Nano-robots to create structures at a quantum level in the Quark realm, and smaller than that of atoms. This elevated their military status and although they never once showed aggression, the alien representative was becoming concerned at earth’s development, as they were entirely a non-aggressive race believing their technology prohibited violence of any kind.

It was not until the planets in the Cassiopeia system started to fall under an unknown military force that the Orange alien race became concerned. As the tall thin bipedal alien race was as old as theirs and was equally scientifically proficient and encouraged non-aggression.

Yet there were no logical reasons for their falling victim to another race and apparently almost instantly handing over control of their world, and with the governmental leaders not even placing calls for help or resisting.

What concerned them, even more, was within a single year the entire inhabited planetary systems within the Dwarf Galaxy were now under military control, and from an unknown race, and the previous residence appeared totally loyal to the new regime.

Diplomatic trade was encouraged, and representatives were sent to negotiate new agreements, in fact, it was actively encouraged as the new regime also sent representatives to other galaxies to negotiate further trade.

Earth became aware of the situation and by having a different perspective on the state they could see past the thinking of the other alien races who had sought peace for so long and lost their aggressive acts.

It gave them a reason to fear and understand that some type of galactic takeover was immerging, and from a race who never even apparently fired a single weapon.

Immediately Doctor Vinter started secretly researching into how the brain could be taken over so easily. She suspected it was similar to that of the energy beam, which was still been generated by the Everest Station, and nullifying all aggression upon planet earth. It suited the government to allow its citizens upon earth to remain in this state and enabled them to control industry and unions, as well as reduce crime to near zero, with only accidental fatalities and deaths.

Gresteller spoke with Zivem requesting its help, “Zivem we need to work together, you have seen with your own eyes that an entire galaxy has fallen victim to an almost non-aggressive takeover, which you cannot tell me these planets wanted,” stated Gresteller.

Zivem shuddered at this thought, “It should not have been possible for a single planet let alone an entire galaxy to fall victims to such a move. It simply does not make sense as the energy fields within that galaxy is identical to that of our own, and all within its field should respond none aggressively,” it stated.

Gresteller grimaced realising the alien just could not see what was happening. “Zivem, please understand that is just the problem, as this takeover was entirely none aggressive, and almost as if the entire planetary leaders handed over control, with no resistance at all, she stated.

Zivem thought, “Still I cannot see how this could happen,” it responded. Gresteller breathed deeply and thought, “Could something be manipulating the field and changing it from within someway to whatever its intended advantage,” she stated.

Zivem thought, “Yes, it is, theoretically possible but most unlikely as it would take immense power to alter such energy fields and it would need to be undertaken upon a quantum level of harmonic resonance,” it stated.

Gresteller was pleased it had at least now confirmed her suspicions, but she still had to solve how this could be undertaken. As this appeared to happen almost instantly and without reaction, and even here upon earth she knew the citizens, herself included would not just willingly give themselves over to an alien attack, even with the energy field been active.

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