Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-four.

They held the one advantage over the invading armies, in that the further away the army became from its home planet, the less it was able to draw upon the strength the land itself gave them, yes they could draw upon the vast resources of dark matter…, but so could the fay…, and they had the additional surface of their land to draw upon, and giving them far greater energy to continue, and to overpower the invaders.

It was a good plan, but it suffered one drawback, and that was the sheer volume or numbers of the invading army, they simply came in waves of innumerable warrior bodies, thousand after thousands, almost never ending, and the Fay could only fight so many at one time.

Yet they continued coming, until five days later King Oberon was forced to seal off the boarders to the Fay Dimensions and the moment, he did that, the Earth Rune Gate closed down, and having given us by then…, an extra five days to prepare.

As the Gate closed the warrior to the Fay court was forcibly ejected against the Queens wishes into Chicago, and then the gate sealed firmly close. The Air Runes brought us only two extra days’ protection, and the creature’s amassed in outer space seeking a way into our world.

Eventually they found the weakest areas were at the north and South Pole regions were the atmosphere was at its thinnest and at just one section there was a tear and the few runes there could not prevent the forced entry.

It was at that point in time the invasion started for us, we had brought ourselves a week seven days only, but they had a further seven days in which to invade us, before they were forced to return. I even enquired with the Arc Angel why they were invading us and if they could intervene.

I was shocked by the reply, “They hate the human race, simply putting it they want to destroy every single one of you, and it was for this reason they convinced likeminded Angels to rebel in the heavens when God created man and woman. It was for this reason the angels called the fallen were cast down to earth and these beasts were cast into exile within a distant dimension and space,” stated the angel.

But what shocked me even more was when he told me the angels could not interfere directly but were looking into finding a way of preventing further attack. Even I found this difficult to understand yet that is what happened. As the creatures swarmed the earth countries started falling like flies hit by a cloud of poison, and billions upon billions of lives were lost.

The countries who were prepared and protected by wards and runes favoured much better, but it was the Air Runes which proved the most valuable, yet again simply by sheer numbers the creatures tore away at every weak spot they could find, even if it was through earth tremors moving or knocking over an alignment post, disturbing the protection circles.

Wherever they found a weakness, they exploited it and for a time we thought we were going to win, as our weapons destroyed thousands upon thousands of them. The most affective were the warded claymore mines and loaded with rune inscribed ball bearings. The army set up millions of them and had them glamoured to look like innocent and different objects.

As they were set off countless hundreds of invaders were killed at a time, and as vast as they were and even powerful, when a warded ball bearing covered in specific runes designed to penetrate your defences and kill, then to have hundreds if not thousands of them impact into you at the speed given from the exploding power, which in itself was written in wards, and with runes…, simply increased the devastation.

For a time, we thought we were going to win…, that was until the alien invaders played their hand, and they appeared in numbers the earth had not seen in millions of years.

They also played dirty and started sending their what to them were android type genetic clones to physically remove the defences even if it meant losing a life in doing so, the carnage was vast, and we fought and fought. And the brave news channel reporters needed medals for their bravery as they kept reporting for as long as they could, so we and the public knew what was happening.

It was then Chicago came under a vast attack, and there was a series of huge explosions…, as the Mayor working with the crime lord, and the wizard council, released what could best be described as specific warded nuclear bombs. They had them detonated at measured distances from Chicago itself…, and where they had laid baited traps to try and protect the city, which had been covered by a huge bubble of Air Runes and pressure runes from above and below.

The huge mushrooms clouds could be seen from space and even from Detroit we felt the earth tremor and heat waves, which were empowered for more distance and force. I do not know how many alien invaders were taken down at that time, but it must have been vast, as it brought us some much-needed rest and time.

As a result of the resistance the creatures ventured into deep oceans to try and find refuge, only to discover the sea bed was littered in wards and runes preventing them from finding refuge.

They needed to draw upon the energy of the earth but could only find a very few selected areas which had not had runes placed, and with many of those ruins also so deeply buried preventing them from been removed at the surface.

They were forced to retreat and found they could only return to the countries where they had already invaded and destroyed to try and draw what energy they could from the earth, but these areas were already over occupied now by their colleagues and they refused to share less they themselves lost power.

None the less the damage created by hordes of millions of rampaging aliens, greatly reduced any certainty of success and even though there was another four days to go, we knew that we could still lose, simply from exhaustion and the vast sheer numbers from the two-pointed attacks.

Incredibly it was the angels who eventually found a way of intervening, the moment the aliens had sided with actual demons, which was more an act of desperation as they had never faced such mass loss of life before, and now for their first time ever, they were forced to retreat to regain strength.

In this act they had become involved in breaking the letter of the angelic law, as they were part of the initial reason for the fall of the angels, they had been forbidden association or involvement with the creatures evicted to the distant planet or any of their representatives.

It was that one legal point which enabled the Angels to come to our aid, one of the planets nearest the invading world was suddenly set out of alignment by angelic forces, and instantly the rainbow bridge was destroyed, and no longer able to draw upon the gravitational power it needed to empower it, and then the Angels returned in force and fought alongside the humans and fay to destroy the invaders and any demons or alien warriors they came across.

My girls were safe…, at least I thought they had been until what we thought to be an angel appeared before the girls and told them and Eliza, he had come to lead them to safety, and that I had requested he reinforced their protection. He even killed over five demons before their eyes and took down over a dozen of the invaders.

“Quick give me the rosary beads you wear for protection they need reinforcing,” he said to Yasmin and she so innocently removed them and handed the over.

Unknown to me this was happening in my home and I had pulled up outside as I desperately was drained from days of battle and no sleep, and as warned all the power within me was depleted and below functional ability, my eyes were almost held open by match sticks that’s how tired I was, and as I walked into my kitchen I saw Yasmin hand over the beads.

When Eliza saw the look upon my face, she launched herself at the angel and fought like a pit bull with a septic tooth driving it crazy.

His maternal instincts were strong…, and for a time the angel was taken aback, and with seeing me standing before him, I myself was caught off guard and had not been able to draw my sword. Suddenly the angel faded into Father Gerald and it dawned in my tired brain, whom it was…, and what was happening, I saw a greenish light emit itself from his body and I was thrown against the freezer door crumpling to the ground.

Father Gerald reached for me and I am not sure if it was the impact, but my spirit separated from me Nano seconds before my heart stopped and Father Gerald grappled Yasmin and myself and vanished.

I was dead, and this time I could feel the wrench of my body been dragged away, and Yasmin…, my baby child was taken…, I had failed, and been so tired my guard had been dropped as had Yasmin’s, and Father Gerald had known this would happen, and seen his chance and took advantage.

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