Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-five.

Eliza lay stunned looking into open space, and then reacted just as assister Elise and Brother Lewis appeared, they had seen what happened…, but Father Gerald had prepared well and had demons intercept them, and this had prevented them from immediately rescuing us.

My spirt was fading as if I was being drawn into a bright light, and even in my spiritual presence I was drained and powerless to prevent what had happened.

I have no idea how long it had been or from where I was, but somehow I awoke screaming “Yasmin…, my baby Yasmin he has her…” and then my eyes were blinded by a light, and it dawned upon my memory what had happened.

“I’m dead…” I said to myself…, and I thought I had failed my daughters by not keeping them safe. I should have returned days earlier and rested, to allow my body to recharge.

But in the heat of the battle there was not time to rest, and while Fay could go months at a time without resting and use the wards and runes to empower them even more. Humans were different…, firstly we were not near immortal and secondly the runes and wards were designed for Fay creatures, and specifically Elves…, so although the runes and wards worked and functioned as they should, we as a species never had the energy to sustain or empower them for any length at a time, hence the reason for humans needing to rest and recharge.

Basically, the result was we became drained of our very life given energy much like the energiser bunny on the TV advert, it kept going much longer than its counter parts, much longer…, but eventually even it drained and came to a stop. I guess that is what had happened to me, and now my daughter paid the price for my lack of foresight, and I honestly felt at that moment that I deserved to have died for been a bad neglectful parent.

As my mind started to clear, I heard voices and to my eyes still trying to find their focus and adjust to the bright light, I assumed they were angels moving around wherever I was. That was until I heard a voice I recognised. “Yes my little Sparrow you died,” I blinked thinking my father must have been killed as well…, and then as my eyes cleared and the brain adjusted to the light, I could see my blood Father, and that the angels were not angels but Elvin Lords.

“It’s over child…, the war is over, and although the demons and invaders are gone or still fighting in small batches, it is in all purposes over…,” he stated, and then sighed.

“The Fay lost thousands of warriors and even some important Elvin Lords…, who shall be honoured for the way they fought to protect human kind. But the humans…, well… let’s just say you escaped by only hours to spare, or you would have become an extinct species.”

I could see tears in my father’s eyes, as he cried for the loss of so many lives, and he looked at me and reached forward and hugged me. “I am dead…, am I not?” I asked him. And he moved slightly away so we could see each other. And I watched him bite his lower lip. “Well yes and no my little sparrow, death is such a subjective word.”

He paused and looked upon me, “Yes the human side of you is truly dead and gone, and can never return as a human,” he said, and it was then my brain came into gear as my thoughts caught up to myself and came into play. “But…, I was taken by Gerald and he has Yasmin,” I said, and tears once more loomed up in my eyes.

My dad smiled, “Yes and again no…, he did take you…, but you were a dead weight and was difficult to drag away…, believe it or not…, Eliza used the wards and runes she had and fought like a lion, and he actually truly hurt the demon, not fatally…, but enough to draw his strength…, so he stopped between dimensions to feed from your soul, to re-acquire the energy he needed. But your soul and spirit were gone and then he saw us pursuing him.”

He paused giving me time to take in this news, and then he continued, “Yasmin saw us and fought to free herself, but his grip upon her was immense, however, it gave us the seconds we needed to surround him and we fought, and it was as bitter of a battle as we had fought here.”

I looked in stunned disbelieve. “Well it became a battle to remember and sadly we lost in that one battle five Elvin Lords who were over seventeen thousand years old,” he said, and I gasp.

It took immense skill and strength to kill just one Elvin Lord of that age, and father Gerald eventually killed five of them. I realised even if I had been fully rested, I would never have had the power to have taken him down by myself.

My father must have viewed or guessed my thoughts, as he answered that thought. “That’s not strictly true…, as here upon earth you would have stood a chance…, but he stopped just outside the boarders of Hell itself and was able to draw upon it to empower him.”

However, he was tiring even then…, and he realised he might lose, so he thrust Yasmin at us and brought himself the seconds needed to teleport into Hell, but just before he vanished I had withdrawn your sword and pierced his back as he was fading away…, I think he was fatally wounded, or close to it.”

I blinked as this knowledge sank in, but he continued talking. “If you are wondering why the sword never rejected or attacked me…, I believe it was because it knew you were dead and recognised my blood as matching in a close part that of yours.” But his speech went over my head as I thought over his words.

I looked at him and he was smiling and then laughed…, and I heard a door been opened, and a wheelchair been pushed into the room. “Mum…, oh mum you’re alive,” I heard and saw my daughter Yasmin trying to get out of the chair, she was crying and wanting to hug me…, and hold me and just be so close to me as to never again leave my side.

We were both shaking in fear and joy and shock… and trying to regain control of our emotions. “Your dead…, at least I thought you were…, I…, saw your body, before they led me here for safety.” She said crying…, and I kissed and hugged her again.

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