Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Twenty-three.

On viewing the results Susan informed her boss, and he ordered all of our vehicles protected with the new runes, and quietly explained to Susan the Mayors orders. So, she set about having the teams purchase their own vehicles, so they could be prepared, but also had notified Chicago and had military teams across the USA start protecting buildings, land and areas and items of extreme importance.

Word was sent to other countries and it was left to them to decide on what actions they took. The problem was we did not want our enemies obtaining these runes, yet if they did not, then millions of innocent civilians were going to die, and if they obtained them then millions of our civilians would die.

I was truly glad it was not my responsibility in deciding whom should be told. It was then Susan asked me a rather disturbing question. “Lisa are you brave enough to undertake an experiment?” I looked at her wondering what she was referring about, “Can you explain some more…, “I requested, and she did.

“I would like you to volunteer to have the Runes from within that book highlighted in answer to the prayer, tattooed upon your body.”

I blinked in shock, as that was not what I expected, “I have read the book twice and believe they contain runes which would protect you from even attacks by the fallen,” she said, and I trusted her, she was over two thousand years old and trusted and trained by a demi God, so I felt sure she understood far better than I about the Runes.

“I need a human I trust…, and as an animal cannot tell me what it is feeling,” she told me, and if as I think it will work, you can be the first among many to receive such protection.”

Her words made perfect sense and I agreed knowing I could protect my daughters more if the runes acted as I suspected.

I stripped and awaited the tattooist, and it turned out to be James bless him, and he breathed in deeply and focused his eyes upon the job rather than upon my body.

Each rune was included…, I started giving details of what I could see or understand. After some thirty minutes, I noticed a difference in my perception and strength, and found I could see brightly coloured rays of light emitting from me into the ground and air around me.

As I explained in detail, James had on occasion rested while I continued talking, I think it also disturbed him just a bit at having to touch me in rather personal places, and I noticed a rather large bulge in his pants, but bless him, before I could comment, he quietly spoke so just I could hear him.

“Lisa I am so sorry, honestly I mean no disrespect, but I have never slept with another, and you are so fricken beautiful, it would be inhuman of me not to react in any other way.”

I rested an arm on his shoulder and softy answered him, “James..., I trust you with my life and you’re rather an attractive hunk yourself, I think it would be more of an insult if you had not had such a reaction.”

And we both laughed as the tension decreased, and we got on with the job before us. I suddenly realised what was happening…, as the lights entering the ground were drawing energy from mother earth herself, and the light entering the air was drawing energy directly from unseen miniature particles of dark energy, which surrounds us all.

I thought of Star trek and of Scot the engineer drawing energy from dark matter and I laughed and then explained to Susan my visions. Just as the last Rune was tattooed onto my body, directly over my heart area, I heard and then saw the Arc Angel, and millions of lessor angels around us.

Quickly he placed a fingertip to his lips, “Do not tell them you can see me,” he said, and then requested I simply told them, this rune actually took some power away from me, which was not a lie, as it did just that, and used the extracted power and energy to power the Air Rune, also the angel informed me it was not intended for humans.

I expressed this to Susan, and I saw a look of disappointment on her face, none the less the overall experiment had been an outstanding success, and I expressed to Susan that until the last rune was added, I felt vastly more invigorated than I ever had, and again it was the truth.

Then I saw the Arc Angel speak into her mind…, and Susan agreed…, stating the runes except the one Air rune should be included upon our bodies.

The military managed to protect its staff and loved ones with the new runes, and to protect as much land and equipment including rivers and water supplies etc. as it could, including surrounding cities above and below, and from within the sewers using all of the runes and Air runes in the air above.

On the penultimate night we noticed a distinct difference in the night’s sky and the moon acquired a weir circle of light almost as if it was shifting in its orbit, the military had all low-lying sea-level land evacuated and by the final night I understood why.

Honestly, how I do not know and nor do I understand, but the fricken moon appeared so close it blotted out the sky and you felt that you could almost reach up and touch it, I know this was not the case, but it appeared that way.

Tsunamis hit the coastal regions across the planet as the tidal forces reacted to the violent forces been placed upon them, and still millions of lives were destroyed from the countries whom refused to react to the advice given, it was almost as if they wanted this to happen to elevate some of the over population and allow what to their eyes was nature taking care of the situation in one gigantic swoop.

As the new day arrived it was just one hour before we noticed a disturbance in the heavens, and all of a sudden it was if we had two suns in the sky, and there was what appeared to be a physical rainbow extending from the moon into the heavens, and as each minute pasted the rainbow grew closer and closer towards earth.

Suddenly working in coordination with the CEO from Angelic Security, the governments collectively released huge barrage balloons covered in runes and Air runes into the skies… and had them tethered by hugely long braded rope which itself was covered in runes.

Then the CEO himself sent a gigantic Air Rune to form directly out of orbit, and the space station, working in union with participating countries ejected Air Runes into orbit as the station itself orbited the earth.

The test came when the station passed through the rainbow and the runes upon its outer and inner skin protected it; allowing it to pass straight through.

With only seconds to spare the CEO just managed to create a huge Rune Gate below the moon, and then we waited, and waited and waited. Earth tremors had started the night before, but the areas protected by the runes especially the vastly populated cities were unaffected, other than a minor dampening effect as the runes reacted to their corresponding wards or spells and protected the area it covered.

Amazingly it was five full days later before we were able to understand what had happened, the Fay were great warriors and had fought these creatures before, and the Elves were past masters.

King Oberon had counter ruled his angry daughters and ordered them to absorb the first strike. As the gate just below the moon directed the invaders directly to their surprise into the kingdom of Fay, which itself is within a different dimension of space.

I was to learn later the dimension could best be described like an onion skin, remove one layer and there were multi layers underneath until you reached the core. That is an almost perfect analogy for the dimension surrounding our earth.

Each dimension was the home of selected Fay, with King Oberon’s been at the very centre protected by all the outer dimensions, yet within each dimension there was a perfectly independent universe of their own.

For five days the fay battled on our behalf and using their knowledge and vastly superior weapons, they killed millions of the invaders, while only losing a few thousands of their own.

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