Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Two.

Time went by and we noticed kids were becoming involved with drugs, and a pattern was starting to appear, and for once there were no supernatural connections…, well certainly not upon the surface, and replacement staff still had needed to have been found.

So, Lewis and I were asked if we could go under cover…, but it meant been away from my family. At first, I wanted to say no…, but I understood children as young as five years were depending upon us solving this case file, and I did have Eliza and others whom could stand in to help look after my daughter.

After talking it over with Eliza and others, Lewis and I accepted the case file, and Susan arranged with her boss to have our appearance changed and new identities created.

I was shocked at my new appearance and Lewis used his skills to transform himself into something completely different, he went from almost six foot three…, to just over five foot and much slimmer and took upon an Irish accent. As for myself my height kind of remained but when I looked in the mirror…, I saw a complete stranger looking at me.

My eyes were narrower, and my green eyes were replaced by a light brown, and my hair was almost orange and cut short…, and spiked with hair gel, Tattoos appeared upon my arms and gold studs in my nose and tongue.

I had been given a custodial sentence for debt and drunken disorder, but other than that…, I appeared like the millions of citizens across the country, and we were renting a small semi-detached house in.., well a kind of respectable part of town…, and we had to lease an ice-cream business from a national businessman, who had rather an unsavoury reputation.

To the innocent…, it looked too good to be true, as he offered a vehicle and your first month’s stock for free…, plus a semi established round. The vehicle was licenced and the certificate was to be displayed at all times…, also as long as a person honoured the contract and paid a percentage of the month’s sales, and purchased an agreed amount of contracted stock from their factory…, then you were safe and in their good books.

All was well and the owner encouraged you to expand and take a larger round…, which meant buying even more stock…, and that was all very well…, and to be fare a person could make a substantial living…, but there was one very nasty catch.

Miss a month’s payment and you received an unpleasant warning…, fail to purchase the agreed months stock regardless if your vehicle was off the road, broken down, or it had been raining, snowing or whatever.

Then life became very unpleasant…, and the staff whom looked like human gorillas who had once been your friends…, suddenly changed character overnight…, and debts and interest…, and broken arms or legs along with accidents happened.

A wise person would never have accepted the contract in the first place, but once you had, then the next best thing was to ensure regardless of the cost…, that you always honoured your contract…, and those who did, progressed quickly up the company line.

Fortunately, for Lewis and me…, we had help, and thanks to that…, and that alone we were able to avoid the debt and kept the payments going. And if it ran to expected schedule, then we knew an unexpected or to us unplanned visit would appear one day from the owner’s right-hand man.

That is what happened…, but with a little encouragement of our own, I had become ill…, and Lewis had made the rounds by himself…, as such sales were down and the thugs had come for their usual monthly rent…, Lewis had invited them in and we talked, when he opened the fridge they saw it was almost empty except for a few slices of bread and a half full jar of peanut butter…, even the milk had finished.

“Sorry lads I can offer a black tea or coffee, we are a bit tight this month what with the misses like been ill,” he said.

They had actually come to like us as we had made them feel special and always welcomed in the past, and even occasionally socialised in the evening at the working men club.

“Do you have the monthly payment…, you know the rules”? Lewis shrugged “Well, yes…, we have had to go without food for the last week…, we…, well we did have bread and peanut butter like…, but we do have the contracted payment that must always come first,” Lewis joked.

They were surprised and the next day the visit arrived from the owner’s right-hand man. We talked and he saw we had made a genuine effort to ensure we met the payments.

“Why don’t you get yourself some teenager to help you then you can increase your sales,” stated Robert. Robert was the muscle who helped run this shady business. “Great idea I said, I hope to be back to working in a few days, but if we hired some cheap help…, we could increase the sales and then in time order more stock and hopefully build our round.”

Robert looked at us, “We like the way you think, and you have shown your value in honouring the payments…, how would you react if I told you I could help you triple your weekly sales.”

We pretended to look surprised, “OK that would be welcome…, then we could build the round and maybe take a van each,” said Lewis. Robert obviously liked our thinking and response and made a quick phone call.

“I’ve just checked with the boss and he has an opening…, so if you’re genuinely interested you could start today,” He pulled out his wallet and placed five thousand on the table, “We can even loan you this upfront…, so you can buy extra stock…, but the same rules apply, and as long as you make the regular payments…, you could make yourselves a small fortune.”

We could now see for ourselves how easily it was to entrap gullible desperate punters into selling their drugs. I pretended to be excited…, “Lewis my love we could equip the garage as a store room and increase the rounds and even store more stock so we cannot lose a day’s sales by having to visit the warehouse so often…, that would mean more money, and more sales.”

I was excited and Robert got caught up in my enthusiasm, and jokingly I said…, and I order you to help us some more…, Oh shit sorry Robert it’s the pain medication…, I am jumbling up my words.”

He blinked not realising I had just compelled him to want to help us some more, Lewis took his cue…, “I think she was trying to say we could order some more, and it would help us.” Robert laughed as I pretended to be embarrassed, “Ah shit Lewis he is an intelligent man…, I’m sure he knows what I said or is it meant.”

Robert looked at us. “Are you going to accept as I have to get on…, business is business…, and I don’t want to stop you earning a small fortune.” “Yes”, we both said at the same time, and Robert laughed.

He pulled out a document, “This is the same as before stating your position of repayments etc. and of contracting to buy from us, and us alone…, but you will need to sign it before I can hand over the new stock.” He flashed the cash before our eyes, and we noted he had avoided telling us what was involved.

It was here I took a risk…, “I want to…, but I’m in need of help…, and could do with more capital and help from you.” Fortunately, he responded as I had hoped he would, “How can I help you” he enquired…, and I could see the confusion in his mind.

“Well what if I wanted a round of my own and some extra cash to get started?” He was flummoxed and wanted to help as he was under the compulsion…, but his mind kept telling him it was out of order…, so I took away the pressure.

“Oh, I did not mean now…, no sorry Robert you have been so good to us and you are a true friend…, aren’t you,” I said emphasising the Friend command and statement…, and then continued talking to him.

“Yes, we will sign now and take delivery straight away…, and maybe you could demonstrate what is needed for us to do.” Now this pleased him, and it was something he could easily do…, as even he once started like us and worked his way upwards.

We took delivery of the cash and the first month’s stock free as usual. Robert showed us barrels of toppings…, and of various flavours and tiny little multi coloured sweets like little spots which was placed on top of the ice cream.

“You will notice two type buckets of the same products, the ones with a green label are for your everyday customers…, and the ones with the red label are for those customers who will soon regularly start asking to buy from you, and they will ask for the alt-dred topping.

For those you can charge Five times the price of the others, and after a time up to ten times the price…, but you will quickly learn…, as you are intelligent and keen to get on,” he said. And as we looked at the stock, he winked at us.

“If you are wise you can offer the kids a free tasting of the alt-dred topping…, and we guarantee you they will want to buy more…, just use your brains and do not give the really young kids too strong of a topping. If your wise you will mix a special batch say ten parts normal to one alt special, just to play safe and get them interested.”

My heart raged in anger at the monster before me and of how casually he wanted us to hook little kids into drugs. But we forced ourselves to remain calm.

“Wow great idea like…, and you guarantee we will make a fortune.” “The more you sell the quicker you will become rich…, he stated. “What about the police…,” I enquired, and he grinned…, “We control over 90% of them and if they see the certificate upon your wall…, then they should leave you alone. If by any chance they do not…, then either one of you, or get a friend to phone the boss…, and I promise you he will take care of the matter for you.

We parted and Robert made his way to the next victim…, while Lewis and I continued to gather evidence…, we had a portion of the substance sent for annalist by giving it to Yasmin and Father John pretending to buy an ice cream.

As soon as it was purchased, they drove away, and Yasmin had the sample placed into a semi frozen container in a cool bag and driven straight to the police laboratory.

It turned out to be a very powerful synthetic drug made in their own laboratories and was three times stronger than heroin, and it was no wonder the kids were becoming hooked.

We continued selling just to the regulars for the first eight weeks and truly we made a vast amount of money…, and more and more customers came, and we had to keep increasing our stock, and charged the maximum price we could to try and discourage them…, but they just kept queuing to buy from us.

I hated selling drugs as did Lewis…, and if we are truthful, we never thought we would ever be in such a position ourselves…, but worked called, and we knew of the greater evil.

We planned it that a visiting DC was drafted in and arranged for a drug bust. By now Robert was convinced of our cover and the owner was truly pleased at the vast increase in his sales.

On the eleventh week the bust took place and word quickly reached Robert…, and he did his best, but the DC refused to budge, so he called the boss…, and he personally exerted pressure.

Each contact and phone calls were traced and recorded…, along with Father John using his unique skills of been a ghost to observe the owner’s actions, and in whom he spoke with, and contacted.

It was a surprise to us all when he played a round of golf with the assistant deputy commissioner…, we then realised just how high up the chain this went. But by the next day the charges were dropped as the evidence had vanished, and the DC had been transferred to another county.

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