Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-one.

It was strange, for the next few days, Elsa had found the courage and strength to return to her school…, mind you it did help that Yasmin, her sister…, unseen to the other students and teachers, I hasten to say, and she had attended school with my daughter, more I guess as a moral backup.

And I in turn attempted to rebuild my life…, and Eliza bless him…, had found the strength to continue living at our home, and even bless his soul…, had taken charge of looking after us all…, like the old matriarch he was; and a female in every way…, other than a few body parts; and I guess a matriarch was the best description I could find for him.

Although my daughter was buried in secret within the church crypt…, a joint public ceremony was held for Justin and her… and was attended by hundreds upon hundreds of friends…, students, teachers and families, including the military and the police.

It was a sad occasion…, and with lots of tears, yet I happened to glance at Elsa my daughter, and saw her quietly talking and smiling at a young man, but apparently no one else could see to whom she was talking with.

It was then Father John appeared beside me, and spoke into my mind…, “it is Justin the young man who died,” he informed me. “He has come to say goodbye to her,” I gulped at the romantic thought and saw the sheer delight within my child’s eyes.

No more was she bursting into tears and becoming all hormonal once again, and in truth I was unsure I even had the strength to cope with that again. So I moved to my daughter’s side and placed an arm over her shoulder, to the rest it looked like an act of compassion, and that I was comforting my daughter because she lost her sister.

I softly and quietly spoke, “He is welcomed to stay if he can… and return to our home with us.” I honestly thought my daughter was about to jump for joy, as that would have been looked upon as a bit strange for a funeral.

However, bless her she contained herself but gripped my hand so tightly it truly hurt…, and she thanked me. After the service over a hundred returned to our home…, and soon began celebrating their lives in a traditional wake.

The demon dogs were a great hit, but I had remembered to disconnect the power to the eleven-foot adult beast which guarded my stairs…, as I thought demon’s dogs interacting with each other would be most inappropriate, but the smaller so called pups the size of small ponies were active…, as they did nothing to be deemed as inappropriate.

However, the head teacher whom had seen the video of their parent’s actions, had placed a hand over her mouth to cover her laughter every time an unhappy parent was refused a working demonstration. There was one rather inebriated successful business man…, whom kept trying to buy them from me…, and offered as much as half a million UK pounds.

Susan saw my discomfort and politely explained that the smallest of the pups was insured by her boss whom owned the film company, for just over three point four million UK pounds…, and that the price rose in increments according to their size and computer software.

When he learnt that one single adult demon dog was valued at close to Ten million UK pounds…, he kind of went pale and quietly stopped trying to purchase them.

I watched him as in his inebriated state tried to count upon his fingers the total value, until it dawned upon his semi drunken mind…, and as he looked at me, his jaw kind of dropped at the realisation of their total worth.

He looked at me, and I could see him trying to equate everything within his mind. My home was nice, but nothing special or swanking, and I had an old looking pickup truck in my drive that was over fifty years old. Mind you he did not know I never purchased the demon dogs…, nor did I have that sort of money…, at that nor did Eliza, and I’m sure he would have been repaying the so called favour for the rest of his life…, if the CEO of Angelic Security had not stepped in and taken care of the bill.

Life had to continue, and I in turn returned to work…, and only to discover from the loss of so much life…, due to the alien invasion and demon war…, as it was being called, that much of the police had lost their lives or were wounded so badly that they would not be returning to work.

As such we were given additional duties and asked if we could take up the slack by investigating every day crimes as well as the special creature’s unit.

I awoke a few days later early one morning, to find Lewis was in the kitchen and awaiting my arrival downstairs, he had made waffles and coffee and we sat and talked.

It was then Elsa came into the kitchen all sleepy eyed and walked to my side and kissed me…, “Moring mum…, morning Lewis,” and she yawned again and made herself some cranberry juice and toast. I blinked and looked at Lewis…, I knew my daughter and she never got up early unless she wanted something.

After yawning yet again she placed an empty glass and plate beside her, and looked me in the eye, “Did you truly mean it mum…,” she asked. I thought for a moment and grinned. “Ah you want to know if I meant what I said at the cemetery…,” I said.

“Please mum can he…,” she said, and I looked at Lewis and back to my daughter…, and saw the panic look upon her face. “Yes, I meant it…, he is welcome but will still need to abide by our house rules…, and no bonking if that’s even possible.”

I looked while my daughter’s eyes grew large in shock, “Well I suppose it would be safe sex…, but you’re not old enough yet and as such it’s my home…, well our home yours included…, but rules are rules.” I said… and laughed.

She jumped up…, and ran over and hugged me…, she might well be starting to grow up…, but at times she was still my baby teenage daughter…, if that makes sense. Ah heck I’m sure you who are parents will understand what I mean…, it’s a difficult time for them and for us mums.

Well we accepted the new tasks placed upon us and life started to continue…, and if I am truthful if it had not been for Eliza, I never would have managed…, as he took so much responsibility upon his shoulders and confided to me…, it gave him the family he had always wanted…, but without going through all the messy parts of babies and pain etc.

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