Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-three.

It was a victory of a sort…, yet I knew the police commissioner and the mayor would want this to go as far as possible, and as it was, Father John would have made a great private detective…, as with his unique abilities to become corporeal or solid…, or to simply vanish and even walk through solid objects, gave him an edge over others when it came to investigative work.

It was actually Father John who convinced me to use Yasmin and Justin for the very same reasons that made him good at this type of work. So, Yasmin took the surveillance side of the work, where she could remain in her ghost form without becoming solid and becoming recognised…, while Justin took a slightly more active role…, yet after a few days even I noticed a remarkably difference in their apparent moods.

It’s so strange but you would think been a ghost that’s it…, but that was not the case, as Lewis, Eliza and I had noticed their mannerisms, I was about to say body language…, well I guess that will do as it sounds better than spirit body, and attitude had changed…, heck it was almost as if they suffered with multiple personality disorder or depression.

Ah heck that’s unjust of me…, as even I would become depressed if I discovered I was a ghost, in fact when I had died to my human side and became Fay, I did suffer depression…, some mother I am…, as now I’m judging my spiritual kids, adopted included.

We continued selling ice-cream, and I must admit it is far from frickingly easy, as vehicles break down…, freezers have apparent tantrums…, and decide to work one day and sulk intermittently, and refusing to even become cold, or they suddenly defrost and ruin your stock, and then there’s the bent cops and health officials…, all trying to put the independent workers out of business, and by placing illegal unethical pressure upon you, and abusing their use of authority…, just so you will either give in…, or join the big ice-cream company controlled by one ruthless bastard and uncaring evil businessperson…, and whose only motivation is profit, profit, profit…, and even if it is obtained at the cost of life’s and destroyed families.

Now I was truly, hand upon heart surprised to learn just how much corruption there was…, and remember I was a cop, but the moment these so called cops and health officials whom in my eyes, had been the devil standing before you…, saw you had the magical certificate upon your wall…, or my get out of jail card…, as Lewis and I started calling it…, then these monsters suddenly became angelic polite gentle beings…, and where apparently when you had had the magic card, then butter would not melt in their mouths.

Lord I was angry and wanted to bring this man down…, and to do it quickly…, like yesterday or last week. And I’m not joking, as one day Lewis and I decided to extend our selling area, and the kids loved us, as even I have to agree the actual ice-cream was Gob Smacking tasty…, and the crazy thing was this maniac of a business man…, actually made it within his own factory…, well he had staff making it…, but you know what I mean.

Truly this stuff was so good, and he could have made an independent living, and a good one at that in just selling the ice-cream by itself…, why the hell he had to ruin it…, and start into drugs and other shady deals was beyond me.

Hell, I know as I can hear you now in my mind telling me “Money and profit”, that’s why he did it…, even if it was illegal and killing kids and adults alike.

But as I was saying…, we extended our selling area, and there had been a cue of some thirty excited kids…, all waiting to buy an ice cream, and this cop patrol car pulls up and out came two young looking cops, immediately we saw the kids start to disperse…, heck these were customers and more so kids…, and for some reason scared of these fricking cops…, and that made my blood want to boil.

Honest to God, these cops for no known reason started investigating my vehicle and I heard glass breaking…, only to discover one of the cops had smashed one of my tail lights. Unknown to him he was filmed by digital miniaturised surveillance video. They were harassing us, and all we were doing was selling lawfully ice-cream.

Then one of the cops walked over to speak to me…, and when he saw the get out of Jail card upon our side wall. Dear lord, you would think you were imagining it, his whole attitude changed, “Oh sorry I slipped and broke your tail light, please allow me to pay for the damage…, and he took out his wallet and left Fifty Notes upon the counter grabbed his partners arm and went back to their patrol car.

Justin was with us…, and I quickly made up two huge triple 99 cornets and placed a milk chocolate flake in each and told Justin to take them to the cops before they drove away. As he returned, we were about to drive away…, and both cops were sitting in their patrol car eating their ice-cream.

No sooner had we turned into another street when the magic spell I placed upon the ice-cream affected the cream to topple over and fall into their laps…, bull’s eye…, directly upon their groin area…, and I knew how it would stain and make them so very uncomfortable. I had told Justin to become invisible and watch their reaction and to then follow them.

He did and materialised in the back seat but remained invisible, and the cops drove to a satellite diner…, and went to their rest room and locked the door, so they could part strip and clean their pants and splattered shirts.

Dear Lord, I wish I had been there, but no sooner had they stripped to their under clothing that Justin scooped up their clothing and vanished taking their radios, car keys and pants, unfortunately they had been trying to clean their shirts at the time.

Justin brought the items directly to me, and we kind of decided to stop selling for the day and dumped their gear except ID cards in a business trash bin.

Fortunately, we had videoed their attempted harassment and kept the ID as evidence. I did wonder how they explained why they had been locked in a restaurant toilet, part dressed and having lost their pants…, radios, car keys and wallets containing their collective I-D.

After five annoying months we had gained the evidence required…, and Lewis and I arranged with the Mayor to be arrested in a massive coordinated attack upon those involved in these hideous crimes, it was an unwanted loss to the judicial system…, but in simple truth we did not want these types in the force abusing their authority and destroying the lives of the innocent especially fricking kids.

That single day over thirty-four beat or patrol cops were arrested…, along with seven C I D detectives, one Sargent…, and one defence attorney, however what surprised us was the others who were also arrested, as apparently Father John and Yasmin had done an incredible job in gathering evidence.

Two assistant police commissioners, and three high court judges were arrested as was Robert and the owner of the Big Ice-Cream Company, along with accountants and staff etc.

But the biggest shock of all was the boss was not a man as we were all led to believe…, but one rather innocent looking female, Angela Louise Crawford was very much a woman, one truly powerful bitch, and whom had carved herself a vast empire on the blood of others, and had dressed as a male to full others.

Dear Lord…, how a woman could knowingly sell drugs to kids, and as young as five years of age was beyond my understanding, and she had kids of her own…, I was surprised she had not sold them into the sex trade…, as she was one true uncaring bitch.

Fortunate for us Father John remained on surveillance and had caught her ordering her attorney to use contracted killers to make us and the evidence vanish.

John had used button-hole video cameras…, and filmed all of the off record meetings and telephone conversations to be used as evidence, also it was noted someone had allowed unauthorised use of a mobile phone while in custody, and not just a phone…, but one with a built in camera, and photos had been taken by a cop and passed back to her.

To top it off the cop protested his innocence and claimed to wonder why he was arrested and taken into a different station for interviewing…, of course we were awaiting the inevitable attempted assassinations, and once the thugs realised it was a set up…, they turned state evidence…, and that in turn gave us extra leverage upon the attorney.

To our surprise, the attorney was found dead having killed himself…, however he had left for us, a stack of evidence of every single illegal deal Angela had forced him to do.

It turned out from his suicide confession note, he had a sister who was married and had children of her own, and one of the daughters aged six had been given an ice-cream and died from a fatal overdose of the drug inside.

Since then the attorney had learnt it was from Angela where the drugs had originated, and her sales staff whom had used their business plan to give free samples to kids, only the stupid vendor had got the mix reversed and placed ten times the drug to one-part normal ice-cream, and it basically was one incredibly painful agonising death for a child to have faced.

It would appear after that the attorney started collecting his own evidence and videoed every session and gathered enough evidence to put her and many others away for life.

The Mayor and the chief commissioner were wise and had the evidence stored within secret storage facilities known only to them and dummy files placed into the stations evidence room.

It was two days later when surveillance filmed the entire building ablaze. Upon playback it showed a janitor washing the floor with a highly volatile liquid and leaving a rubbish sack outside the evidence door.

Upon close observation we saw fluid was seeping from an unseen container in the bag, and it was running under the evidence room door…, and then something within the bag ignited and a flash of scorching energy burned the entire building down before the fires could be put out.

Angela thought she was going to be freed from lack of evidence and had one huge surprise when she was forcibly dressed in an orange suit and taken to an undisclosed location under the terrorism act, and never seen or heard of again.

The same fate awaited almost all of those arrested especially the judges and deputy commissioners, all had thought themselves untouchable, but under the emergency laws from 9 11…, they found themselves not defendable and lost in the terrorism system…, and locked in with radical terrorists and bombers etc. who truly hated authority and ex-law officials.

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