Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-Four

We were supposedly tried in court and sentenced to death, and while been transferred to prison…, an accident was reported to have happened, and our vehicle was apparently gutted by fire…, fortunately for us…, it was all set up by the Mayor and as far as the criminal world was concerned…, Lewis and I were dead and only identified from what was left of our dental parts.

This in turn enabled us to resume our true identities well for me anyway…, as Lewis still had to revert back and pretend, he was DC Lewis. We basically returned to normal life…, ah heck it can never be truly described as normal, but normal for us.

Eliza had become seriously involved with a partner named Adrian, he was a builder who had met Eliza some months before the demon war.

Apparently, it was true love and they planned to marry…, Eliza had called me aside and explained the situation he was in. Basically he wanted to continue looking after us as his adopted family, but to do so…, would mean Adrian would need to live here and become a part of my extended family, well menagerie or zoo was a better description…, as I was now the keeper of one very strange adopted family.

Adrian however was totally awesome like candy to the eyes, he was heavily built and muscle not flab, tattooed, bald and muscular, and he had a chain for a belt and studded wrist cuffs, and usually dressed in black.

While he looked truly butch…, Eliza was the opposite like chalk is to cheese. That said they were good together and were amazingly gentle and not aggressive at all.

The look of Adrien was more one of self-preservation from the nasty comments while growing as to his life style of choice…, and as such he expressed himself as one very dangerous nasty looking creature whom was best avoided.

Basically, he fitted right in with my menagerie or zoo of a home, I mean just think about it…, my oldest daughter could have given lesson to a dragon a few months ago…, such was her fiery temper and attitude. Now she was dating a ghost and I think having a rather to personal relationship with him. Lewis was not truly the detective constable…, but an undercover Fay whom had taken Lewis’s place and was in love with me.

Eliza was born a man…, but in every way except her body parts was all woman. Father John was a vampire slayer come ghost buster…, before he died…, and now haunted my home as a helpful ghost. I was dead to the human world having been murdered…, but as I was part Fay through my father’s side my human side was gone…, but I existed now as 100% Fay, and had been gifted with powers from a grateful Fay King…, and whom I now served.

And Yasmin my youngest daughter had been murdered and now due to a very small Fay connection was a ghost living in my home and could become like Father John corporeal or solid at will. My blood Father was Fay and served the King of all magical creatures…, and the Mayor had made me his adopted daughter…, but he was would you believe it a Holy angelic warrior, so just how much crazier could a family become.

I had thought it could not become any stranger even with Adrien joining my weird adopted family or menagerie of a zoo…, but I should have known better…, but more of that later, but needless to say Adrian fitted right in.

It took time…, but we eventually settled back into our new way of life…, and Adrian actually turned out to be very useful to have within the home…, as there were hundreds of odd jobs always needing doing. It was at this time Father John informed me there were unusual Fay interactions and trouble was brewing.

Queen Morgan La Fay…, the winter and summer queen’s sister, and oldest daughter to King Oberon whom lived in Glastonbury in Somerset England…, had requested help…, and as representative to the humans and Fay I was summoned to her presence to learn of what was happening.

It turned out something had started causing the humans to become aware of the Fay and had started trying to entrap them and violence was becoming the result as Fay tried to defend themselves and their homes.

Dear Lord, as if I did not have enough to do with ghosts already living with me, no matter about having to cope with hundreds of excited humans trying to capture their very own fairies and pixies who could annihilate them if they became trapped or scared.

Queen Morgan gave me a gift from Merlin…, yes, the very same Merlin from King Arthur’s days, and he was still the most powerful wizard in history, but far from the young man he had once been…, and still in love with Queen Morgan.

I was given his staff which he used in his early days before he ascended to the next level…, and learnt to manipulate and focus his powers within his mind…, and no longer required the staff to focus his powers, plus his and Queen Morgan’s blessings…, and ordered to re-locate myself and family into Somerset United Kingdom, until I resolved these issues.

Rather than be separated yet again we rented a huge old well established farm house with several hundred acres of land, Father John and the others Susan included helped me to ward the rented home, and my menagerie of a family came to the UK to stay until the problems were resolved.

Amazingly and I guess thanks to King Oberon all obstacles were removed, and the USA President contacted his opposites in the UK government, clearing away any red tape.

Lewis and I were given diplomatic status and we made the government aware of what was happening…, it was not as if they were not aware, as the situation had made the national news channels and like the USA the British had its own section which dealt with the supernatural side of life…, they simply just did not make such knowledge public.

We went through the usual British cops who tried to intimidate us and pull us for all kinds of imagined infringements, only to find themselves arrested and locked away. The sheer shock and surprise upon their faces was worth the harassment and constant discomfort of having them trying to apply pressure upon us. What I had not expected was the history and professionalism of the British.

They were steeped in history where in the USA it was comparatively new…, and only a few hundred years old. The British on the other hand had thousands of years of history and experience, and a Royal Commission was set up by the late Queen Victoria to deal specifically with such creatures…, after the involvement of Jack the Ripper…, whom was a demon and not the human they reported him to be.

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