Lisa & Lewis Collection - Books One to Three

Chapter Chapter Thirty-five

Finding a private school whom understood magic turned out to be easier than we expected. Especially for Somerset as it was steeped in history and the involvement of witches and magic.

Also, the School my daughter had attended had a sister section close to Street in Somerset…, who catered exclusively for high end young ladies…, and whose parents paid a small fortune so their siblings could become respectable young ladies.

At least that’s what the expensive brochures told you, what they did not openly state was it was the most esteemed magical school in the United Kingdom and catered for all levels of students whom had even the slightest of magical abilities.

Yasmin attended the school with her sister Elsa and also Justin…, simply to backup and because of Elsa’s nerves…, and they wanted to protect each other.

To our surprise ever since Elsa turned sixteen just like I had…, she had started discovering she had selected talents or gifts, and when the head teacher realised we were all from the blood line of King Oberon…, attitudes changed and they even offered a bursary…, desperate for the prestige in having one of such magical importance within their school.

The students were something else, and some were utter spoiled brats…, who did not care to whom they bullied…, and knowing their over wealthy families would bail them out.

That was until Julianne Shelby stuck her foot into her huge big mouth. Julianne was the only daughter of Lord Shelby a multi billionaire whom had contacts in all levels of Government, and he was actually a truly nice person…, except he was over protective about his little princess of a daughter and refused to believe she ever did wrong.

You can imagine what it was like for Elsa the new girl, Justin and Yasmin had appeared in corporeal form, and did not worry, and could give back better than whatever was thrown at them…, but Elsa was vulnerable and the bitch of a girl Julianne focused upon her…, and started tormenting my daughter.

Every opportunity Julianne got she manipulated the situation and brought a barrage of pain upon Elsa.

This went on for weeks and eventually she over stepped the limits of acceptability, numerous complaints had been made to her father from the head teacher but he simply refused to believe, until one day on a field trip…, the little madam used her gifted abilities to push Elsa in front of an approaching vehicle, and had intended to lift her clear at the last second.

But she became distracted and if it had not been for Susan whom had come to visit us and check upon our progress…, Elsa would have died. Even though there were many witnesses to the incident Julianne had refused to accept responsibility…, and her Father refused point blank to believe his daughter could be guilty.

I had enough and within an instant he found himself the guest of Queen Mabb…, and for the next six days and seven hours he remained her guest.

Dear Goodness, he was a different man on his release, the queen had been very inventive when it came to convince him of the lack of his responsibilities, and false faith in his little princess.

His daughter was withdrawn from the exclusive school as her abilities had stopped suddenly functioning, thanks in part to queen Mabb, and Julianne was placed into the roughest Secondary modern school Mabb could find…, and with no objection from her father.

The little madam quickly became humiliated and learnt the cost of failing to comply with Fay rules.

I can hear some saying…, yes that’s all very well but such things do not happen in real life…, and in my dreams etc. Think what you want, I’m just telling you how it happened, and that was one tiny good act of fortune. In what was an otherwise utterly shitty life which my oldest daughter had suffered?

Somerset was different and truly a beautiful county to live in…, and Glastonbury was another story in itself, as it had all kinds of magical creatures living openly with the humans…, and the culture of Glastonbury was one of acceptance and belief in magical creatures.

It even held the Goddess Centre., and openly practicing covens with many shops specializing in witchcraft and Fairy magic. You really need to visit Glastonbury to discover for yourselves the magic of the place.

It was from here that my investigation led me…, the old monastery was now in ruins, and it was over looked by the Tor which was perched high above the ground level via an old circular type hill, known as the Tor, and which had a path that led up in circles around the Tor itself…, but the council had since replaced it with a huge stairway to try and preserve the Tor from further damage.

Unknown to the general public the Tor was the focal point for seven crossing lay lines which circled the globe and intercepted directly under the Tor itself. This was why Queen Morgan had created the door as a magical portal into her kingdom…, and that millions of humans whom had even a hint of powers, congregated there…, as it magnified and recharged their abilities.

From the old abbey ruins ran a selection of monastic tunnels once used by the monks to safely access the various magical sights which were scattered around the town.

In its day it had been unsafe for the monks to openly walk among the humans…, for then demons that constantly roamed the streets. History will tell you that the mother of Jesus was taken to this area…, and Jesus himself when as a child and during his unrecorded years of growing into an adult, had come to Glastonbury with zoseph his rich uncle to trade in tin…, and to sell to the Romans.

It is recorded in the Abbeys records he was rested up in the sanctuary of the Monastery and a small church was built by angels so he could worship his Father.

You can look this up yourselves if you so desire, but it had attracted the demons and as such the tunnels had to be given runes and wards to keep them safe. So much so, that now long after the abbey was in ruins…, the tunnels had remained basically safe and almost undisturbed.

On further investigation Queen Morgan had shown me a section of tunnel which had finally after some two thousand years succumbed to time, and water had penetrated its way under the road and started years upon years of eroding away the soil, until the demon war had helped it on…, and part of the wards had collapsed breaking the spell which protected that section.

The Fay discovered it first, and an inquisitive Pixie had ventured inside, only to disturb one very ancient spirit which should never have been awoken, nor given access to this time or world.

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