Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 40: Myra’s Awakening

Myra’s Awakening

Meanwhile, Myra woke in a soft bed. She moaned and found that her limbs didn’t respond too well. They were halfway numb and stiff, refusing to move. With great effort, she lifted her hand and rubbed her eyes. They were blurry and weak as was the rest of her. But she felt much better than she had before Hanna had come to the Harem in her raid. Within moments, she realized that she was in bed with a blanket covering her. Then she heard voices and people moving around. “Uh, hello,” Myra called out weakly.

Instantly a familiar voice spoke to her. “Myra! You’re awake!” the voice cried ecstatically. It took a few moments for Myra to recognize Lola’s voice. “How are you feeling?” Lola asked joyously.

“Better than I did, sister,” Myra replied weakly. “Where am I?”

Just then, Emma approached, seeing Lola’s excitement. Emma heard the question and replied, “You are in the Red Tower of Antilla, my dear Myra. You’re safe here from the reach of the Emperor.”

Myra heard the strange voice answer her question with authority. She didn’t, however, comprehend what she was told. Myra looked, only seeing a heavily blurred image of Emma. “Who are you?” Myra asked in almost a whisper as Emma and Lola hovered over her.

Emma noticed Myra looking and that her eyes were clouded. “Can you see anything?” Emma asked bluntly.

Myra sighed deeply, shaking her head no slightly. “I can’t see hardly anything, only shapes and figures,” Myra whispered. “Who are you?”

Emma took Myra by the hand, hovering over her closely and looking her in the face. “Emma,” Emma replied softly, understanding that Myra was still not well.

“Your voice is soothing, sister,” Myra said weakly. “Where are the others: Izanami, Tasha, Jennifer, Sakura, Jasmine, and Hitomi?”

Emma looked her in the eye and said, “They are here with you. They’re not more than four feet from you as I speak.”

“What about them? Are they...?” Myra whispered, trailing off not wanting to even speak the grim thought that swirled around in her brain.

Emma squeezed her hand and said, “Fear not, princess. They survived like you did, thanks to Hanna.”

The mere mention of Hanna struck deep into Myra and she gripped Emma’s hand with surprising strength, asking, “Where is she, our deliverer? Did she rescue Selina too?”

Emma smiled at her as Lola watched. “Yes, princess, Hanna rescued her from the Tower after securing your release from the Harem. She’s tending to her right now.”

Myra rose up slightly and asked intensely, “She’s alive?”

“Yes, Myra,” Emma replied. “Selina lives.”

Myra slumped back on her bed and tears began to trickle out of her eyes as she began to sob softly. Emma stroked her hair as Myra asked softly, “Can I see them?”

“In time,” Emma replied. “Hanna means to see everyone as soon as she helps Selina get on her feet.”

Myra trembled with emotion. “Please get her to come as soon as you can,” Myra begged.

“That I will,” Emma declared. “I’m sure as soon as Selina gets her wits about her, she’s going to want to see all of you. Now just relax and rest. I will go and relay your message. Lola and Elle will watch over you while I’m gone.”

Myra began to relax as Lola said, “Yes, we’re here for you, sister. Nothing bad is going to happen while we are here.”

Myra released Emma’s hand with a faint smile, slipping back into a slumber. Elle walked up as Emma turned. “I’m going to find Hanna. She wants to see her,” Emma told Elle. Elle nodded and Emma left in search of Hanna.

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