Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 39: Selina and Hanna’s Sisterhood

Hanna had just finished dressing when a knock came to the door. “Come in, it’s open!” she called out while tying her long hair up in a ponytail.

Selina continued to look at her legs, which were partially covered with her nightgown as they hung over the edge of the bed. The door opened, revealing Nathanael and Electra. Electra cradled a stack of clothes for Selina. When they came in, Selina cried out with joy, “Dad! Momma!”

“How are you feeling, princess?” Nathanael asked as they walked to the bed. He stood before her as Electra sat on the bed beside her, laying the clothes aside on it. “You look like you’re feeling pretty good,” he added as Hanna walked up.

“I’m feeling really good. For the first time in a very long time, I’m happy,” Selina said warmly.

“You look happy,” Electra observed. “In fact, I’ve never seen you this happy.”

Selina threw her arms around her mother, saying, “I am momma! The Lord has restored my soul. He has done so much for me. He saved me. He rescued Dad and me from the extinction of our race. He gave me Hannibal, my perfect soul mate...oh, I mean Hanna. He brought you and Kida back to me and just this morning, He gave Hanna and me a touch of heaven! It was glorious.” Selina bubbled with excitement and joy. Hanna stood by Nathanael in silence, but glowed with joy and peace. Nathanael saw it and put a fatherly hand on Hanna’s shoulder. Hanna grabbed his hand as it sat on her shoulder, looking up at Nathanael with a wide smile.

Selina started to tell them what happened when Nathanael interrupted saying, “Don’t say a thing, princess. Believe me, we get the idea, and I’m thrilled to see you both so happy. It does my soul good to see such joy from you. You’re bubbling.”

“Me too,” Electra agreed. “My precious daughter has finally found her place and her love. Today is indeed a good day.”

“That it is,” Hanna chimed pleasantly, “a very good day. I feel so alive and happy I can’t even begin to describe it.”

“We can see that,” Electra purred. “Furthermore, I can sense that you’re finally starting to heal.”

“I am, thanks to Selina,” Hanna replied humbly. “She has the soul of a healer and the spirit of an angel. I thank the Lord constantly for her. She’s my salvation.”

“And Hanna mine,” Selina called out. “We’re two sides of the same coin. I just wish I had the power to reverse what the Emperor did to her.”

“Don’t fret it, princess,” Nathanael chimed. “It’s only a little thing for the Lord. You’ll have Hannibal back before you know it. It’s the reason I came along this morning.”

“What? You mean Enoch actually found the interface?” Hanna asked with great excitement.

“Yes,” Nathanael stated. “They took your advice and checked the Teacher. The Teacher first confirmed Josephine’s compatibility with the machinery here, and then showed us where and how to hook her up. There’s a special healing chamber near the core Enoch didn’t know about that can be utilized for this very procedure. He’s already made sure your DNA matrix has been imported into this particular Healer.”

“Oh, Hanna,” Selina chimed with a broad smile. “See, I told you so. The prophecies are coming true. You’re transformation back into Hannibal really is at hand.”

Hanna hugged Nathanael warmly. “Oh, that’s the best news I’ve had in ages,” Hanna crowed. “Thank you so much, Nathanael.”

Nathanael returned the embrace, saying, “You’re welcome, little sister. I know you’ve been looking forward to this ever since the Emperor mutated you.”

“I have,” Hanna admitted. “Now, I can truly be the man Selina deserves and not just her sister.”

“But you will always be her soul mate,” Electra declared. “It matters not what form you have...male, female, even an animal. You and her are knit together at your very core and would know each other no matter what form either of you took.”

“That’s what I keep telling her,” Selina stated, her happiness about the news evident. “No force in the universe can separate us now. I won’t let it.”

“I know you won’t,” Electra replied, touching Selina on the cheek. “You’re literally glowing. It’s wonderful. I see that my nightgown suited you too.”

Selina held Electra’s hand to her cheek, asking, “This is your nightgown?”

“Yes,” Electra replied. “When I found out that you need clothes, I sent it by Kida to you. Now, I have brought you some more clothes. We have altered them to your size, but I think you will find them suitable.”

Selina latched on to her mother with the cry, “Thank you, momma! I’m finally home!”

Electra held her daughter for a few moments, stroking her hair gently, and then pushed her back, saying, “All I have is yours, Selina. Anything you need and if it’s within my power to get it, it’s yours. Now you need to get up and moving around. Many people want to see you, especially your friends from the Harem. They’ve been asking about you.”

“That’s just what we were doing,” Hanna said. “And your timing is impeccable. I was about to look for something she could wear and you bring clothes. The Lord is surely working here.”

Electra turned to Hanna, saying, “That He is. We never hesitated in getting her some clothes ready, just like we did when you first came to us.”

Hanna nodded, saying, “Truly our God reigns.”

“There’s one thing, momma,” Selina said hesitantly.

“What is it, my dear?” Electra replied.

“I still don’t have hardly any strength in my legs or ankles,” Selina reported. “I can barely feel them. I’m not sure that I can move around under my own power.”

Electra looked at her, and then at Nathanael and Hanna, saying, “Do not fret about that. You’re among family now. We’ll find a way to help you get around.”

Nathanael squatted down in front of Selina, taking her hands in his, saying, “We will find a way to help you. You’re strong. In time with our help, you’ll walk again. I promise. Until then we will find something that will help you get around.”

Selina looked her father in the eye gratefully, saying, “Thank you, Dad. Now if you will excuse us, I need to get dressed.”

“Do you need any help?” Electra asked.

“No, momma,” Selina replied. “I already have some help. Hanna is very capable and willing.”

Hanna blushed with a nod as Electra and Nathanael look at her. “I’ll help her. After all, I wouldn’t be much of a sister if I didn’t,” she said humbly.

Electra rose from the bed and looked Hanna in the eye with a smile, saying, “Oh, you are more of a sister than I have ever seen. If you need any help, don’t hesitate to call on me, Nathanael, or Kida.”

Hanna nodded, saying, “Of course I will. Thank you for being there for us.” Nathanael patted her on the back and Electra gave her a friendly kiss on the cheek before following Nathanael out of the room. As Electra reached the door, Hanna called out, “Electra, wait a second.”

“What do you need?” Electra asked, turning back to Hanna.

“You didn’t happen to make us some swimwear, did you?” Hanna asked. “You know, something modest, but sexy that I can wear in public. I’d love to go swimming. I haven’t been swimming since I left Tiamat. It’s excellent exercise and a good way for me to relax and focus. I remember many times going for a swim when I needed to figure something out.”

“I see. That’s interesting. I figured you might want to go swimming at some point so I made you several suits. They’re already in your dresser,” Electra reported, smiling warmly. “I did it when I made your other clothes. I sensed from our telepathic contacts what your preferences were, so I tailored your swimsuits to your preferences just like I did for your other clothes. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you take a look at them. As for Selina’s swimsuits, I should have them ready shortly along with a larger wardrobe. Both Dr. Bishop and Dr. Drew suggested using swimming to help with her physical therapy. She’s going to need something appropriate to wear when doing that.”

“That she is,” Hanna agreed. “And so am I since I’m going to be there helping her. Thanks a lot.”

“You’re welcome, Hanna,” Electra purred. “You’ll find your swimsuits in the bottom drawer of your dresser there. Well, see you in a little bit.”

“Okay, momma,” Selina said pleasantly as Electra left, closing the door behind her.

“All right,” Hanna called out, quickly moving to her dresser and checking out the bottom drawer as Selina started looking over the clothes Electra brought her. Upon opening the bottom drawer, Hanna gasped in amazement, seeing several one-piece swimsuits lying there. “Wow,” she breathed, pulling out a sleek shiny metallic-blue one-piece swimsuit with high-cut legs, low Brazilian-cut rear, and low circular cut on the chest. It was trimmed with black leather. Holding it up by the shoulder straps, Hanna declared, “This suit is fabulous and it’s so modest too. Don’t you think so, Selina?”

Selina looked up at the suit and smiled warmly, liking what she saw. “Whoa,” she purred. “That’s one hot suit, Hanna. I think you’d rock any beach with that number. Why don’t you try it on? I’d love to see you in it.”

“Me too,” Hanna agreed, sitting the suit down and pulling out another. “But look at this one. Isn’t this to die for too?” Hanna held up a second suit similar in design to the first one. This one, however, was two-tone with silver and black tiger stripes and a keyhole halter-top instead of shoulder straps. The keyhole was designed to show two-thirds of the wearer’s breast cleavage.

Selina’s eyebrow rose dramatically. “Oh, Hanna,” she crowed. “That’s gorgeous. I might steal that one myself.”

“You’re welcome to it if you like,” Hanna chimed. “I didn’t realize your mother paid that close attention to our telepathic contacts. She apparently read me like a book and knew exactly what I liked.” Sitting the tiger-stripe suit down, Hanna picked up a third bandeau style suit with similar cuts on the legs and back as the other two. The bandeau suit was leopard print trimmed with black. “And this one, wow,” Hanna declared, holding up the third bandeau leopard suit so Selina could see it. “This one’s right down primal. I could really show off my assets with this, don’t you think?”

Selina laughed. “That is definitely you, Hanna,” she agreed. “And you’re right. It’s majorly primal. Are there any more?”

“Yeah,” Hanna called out, rummaging through the drawer again. “How about this one?” She held up a black swimsuit trimmed in silver made same as the metallic-blue swimsuit. “Oh, man,” she crowed. “I really like this one.”

“I can see that,” Selina purred. “That one is more you than the blue one. Are there any more?”

“Let’s see,” Hanna murmured, looking through the swimsuits. “Oh, here’s one.” She picked it up, showing Selina a magenta chestnut halter-top swimsuit trimmed in black with thin black stripes running across the front. Like the other suits, it had high-cut legs and a low Brazilian-cut back. However, this swimsuit’s halter-top gave it a plunging neckline wound show most of the wearer’s cleavage.

“Sweet,” Selina commented with a sultry smile.

“You’re telling me,” Hanna replied with a giggle. “And I love this color scheme too. It’s so passionate.”

“Yeah,” Selina agreed. “I hope momma gives me something like that.”

“Don’t worry,” Hanna stated. “I’m sure she’ll give you something special. In the meantime, you’re welcome to any of these.”

“Thanks,” Selina chimed. “I might take you up on that. Are there any more?”

“Not really,” Hanna stated, searching through the drawer. “It looks like she gave me two of each type so it appears I can definitely share them with you if you like.”

“That’s really nice,” Selina stated. “Why don’t you try on one, maybe that black one?”

“You bet,” Hanna agreed, putting away the other suits and leaving out the black swimsuit. She then stripped as Selina started looking through the dresses Electra left her. Hanna slipped the swimsuit on, feeling its fabric as it embraced her frame snugly. “Whoa,” she breathed, feeling a pleasant chill racing up and down her spine. “This suit is exceptionally sweet.” She looked at herself in the mirror, seeing the suit modestly covering and supporting her in every way. It bared all her hips while covering her butt and groin discretely. The suit wrapped and supported her breasts while cleverly accentuating their shape. With the semi-low circular cut on the chest, it showed off Hanna’s cleavage well, but didn’t reveal too much of her breasts. “And it’s so comfortable too, despite the fact it’s skin-tight,” she added. “What do you think, Selina? Am I hot or what?”

Selina smiled broadly. “That is so you, Hanna,” she declared. “It’s modest, but so sexy. Look at how it accentuates your chest, hips, and other curves without showing too much. Come closer and let me take a closer look.” Hanna walked over and posed in front of Selina, turning around slowly so she could see it from every angle. “Nice,” Selina chimed, touching the suit at Hanna’s belly, feeling the smoothness of the fabric, “Very nice. It’s snug and smooth as silk, drawing attention to just the right areas. And it’s functional too. If I were a man, I’d be drooling at seeing you in this.” She suddenly let out a seductive growl to show her approval of Hanna’s swimwear.

Hanna broke into hysterical laughter. When she calmed down enough to speak, Hanna asked, “You really think so?”

“I know so,” Selina chimed, holding a dress in her lap. “You’re going to have to beat the guys off with a stick wearing this in public. You’re so hot you’re sizzling.”

Hanna licked her finger and touched her butt as she cocked her hip in a seductive pose, making a sizzling sound as she did. “Well, when you have it, flaunt it,” she cackled happily. A deep sigh escaped her lips as she sat down beside Selina. “God, I feel so good, like a tremendous weight has lifted off me,” she stated. “And this suit feels so comfortable too. I think I’ll wear it today under my other clothes.”

“You should,” Selina encouraged. “Just having it on has improved your mindset tremendously. You’re not nearly as tense as you were after your flashback.”

“Yeah,” Hanna agreed. “You’re right. I’m so at ease now. Maybe taking that swim is what I really need.”

“Possibly,” Selina purred. “But wait until I can join you if you can. I’d like to take a swim myself. I find just floating in water can be so relaxing.”

“You got it,” Hanna chimed. “Now let’s take a look at these clothes here. Maybe there’s something here I can borrow.”

“Maybe,” Selina answered with a chuckle. “We are roughly the same size, you know.”

“I know,” Hanna replied with a cackle as they started looking over the clothes Electra left Selina. There were several dresses along with some underclothes, teddies, shirts, and pants. Everything was modest. Selina looked at the clothes as Hanna sifted through them. Hanna came to a velvety soft sleeveless dress with a moderately low circular neckline, fitted chest and belly along with a low-cut open back. Being a strange shade of magenta, it shimmered as Hanna held it up. “Whoa,” Hanna breathed, impressed with the ankle-length dress that looked much like a formal evening gown, but obviously wasn’t. “This dress is fantastic. What do you think, sis? Do you like it? If you don’t, I’ll certainly wear it.”

Selina gasped at the dress’ simplicity and beauty. It seemed to have character with its simple, yet elegant construction. “My word; it’s beautiful. Momma has great taste,” she replied.

“I think I know where you got your taste in clothes now,” Hanna added with a chuckle as she sat the dress down. “It’s genetic.”

“Indeed,” Selina said pleasantly as she began to disrobe, pulling the nightgown over her head. Hanna immediately helped her take it off the nightgown. Once off, she tossed it aside and sat down beside Selina, picking up the magenta dress, handing it to her. Selina looked at the dress, completely unashamed or even seemingly aware of the fact that she was nude before Hanna.

“I must confess something,” Hanna said sheepishly, looking at Selina as she carefully examined the dress to see where the front of it was.

“What’s that, sis?” Selina purred happily, letting the dress lay in her lap.

“Well, I don’t rightly know how to say this,” Hanna admitted, blushing.

“Just spit it out,” Selina ordered.

“I never really stopped to appreciate how truly beautiful you are,” Hanna stated, blushing. “It literally took me getting turned into a woman to get me to see what true beauty is. You’re perfect, Selina: perfectly built and proportioned in every way. Your very presence screams to the universe, ‘Look at me. I’m beautiful!’ And what makes you even more gorgeous is your spirit. It enhances your beauty a hundred fold. And those eyes; oh, your eyes. They’re like looking at the sea after a storm, so calm and serene. It’s humbling that you chose someone like me when you could have anyone in the entire universe. But you chose to be with me. It’s so humbling.” Tears spilled out on Hanna’s cheeks as she touched Selina on the hand. “You’re so very beautiful, even with those scars,” Hanna whimpered. “Even the evil that scarred you couldn’t quench your righteous beauty. It boggles my imagination and keeps me humble. I will be your servant for all eternity no matter what form I’m in.”

Hanna’s confession took Selina aback, but it hit home with her. She instantly realized it was Hannibal and not Hanna that was speaking. It humbled her to see Hanna so smitten by her nudity. “Oh, Hanna,” Selina purred softly, taking her by the hand. “No one has ever said that to me and truly meant it. We truly are soul mates.” She pulled Hanna’s hand to her left breast and held it there. “I love you as no other,” Selina declared. “You see me as I am and I see you as you are. We’re both splendidly wounded. Even after all the evil that’s plagued you, you retain such goodness and purity. That in itself is a miracle. I’m yours forever, my beloved, and nothing is going to change it. I think the words ‘I love you’ say it all, don’t you?”

Hanna leaned in and touched foreheads with Selina. “It certainly does, my beloved princess,” she answered. “I just felt compelled to tell you how I feel before I have this mutation reversed. I just pray I can keep this balance of emotion and logic when I revert to my male form.”

Selina abruptly kissed Hanna on the lips. “Don’t worry, Hanna,” she declared. “You’ve taught Hannibal the most important lesson he’s ever learned. He won’t forget it or you. That’s a promise.”

“I hope so,” Hanna murmured. “Fact is I’m actually scared of reversing the mutation. I still don’t know what’s happening to me. All of these seemingly magical elemental powers I can conjure by instinct scare me. Josephine admitted that she tweaked my genetic structure when she mutated me, activating some of the Lynxian DNA in me. But what if she does it again? What’s going to come out of that healing chamber? Am I going to still be a human? Am I going to be a hybrid like Morpheus and his people, or maybe even a monster? I’m scared here, Selina...really scared.”

“Oh,” Selina cooed, now seeing what troubled Hanna concerning the mutation reversal. “I see now. You’re afraid you’ll lose your identity in the reversal and become a threat to everyone you care about. Is that right?”

“Yes,” Hanna moaned, looking down. “It’s an unknown I didn’t account for and it’s scaring me silly. It’s as bad as those missing memories of mine from Bolivia. I don’t know what to do.”

Selina let go of Hanna’s hand, putting her arm around Hanna for emotional support. “I know it scares you,” she told Hanna. “I can feel it, but you must do it. The prophecies say you successfully reverse the mutation and come out of it stronger than you did before being mutated. This is the Lord’s will, Hanna. He’s not going to give you something you can’t handle. Trust Him. He’ll not let your identity vanish in the mutation reversal. Just look at how He preserved your male identity when the Emperor mutated you. He had you and your guardian angels go to incredible lengths to secure your male identity so it wouldn’t be destroyed as the Emperor wanted. The Lord will do the same when we change you back. And He will not let you become a monster. You are His Man, Hannibal. This is why you were made. Accept it and this fear will have no power over you.”

A gasp escaped Hanna’s lips. “Oh, my Lord,” she breathed in awe. “A spirit of fear is trying to make me to circumvent the Lord’s will. Be gone, you vile spirit of fear in the name and power of Jesus of Nazareth, son of the most High Ancient of Days.” The fear plaguing Hanna suddenly evaporated and a deep sigh of relief escaped her lips. “Thank you, my feline angel,” she said gratefully, embracing Selina warmly. “Once again, you saved me. I couldn’t understand how I could be afraid of the very thing that would restore me. But you saw that spirit of fear sneak in and caught it before it could latch on completely. I now see why the Lord told me to bring you with me into this dark place. Thank you. You’re such a precious treasure to me.” She kissed Selina on the cheek.

“You’re most welcome, Hanna,” Selina chimed with a smile. “Now, please help me get dressed on so we can go and get something to eat. I’m starving.”

Hanna chuckled, saying, “Yes ma’am. What do you want to wear as underclothes?”

Selina’s eyebrow rose and a seductive smile crossed her lips. “How about lending me your tiger-striped swimsuit? I want to go swimming a little later.”

Hanna chuckled warmly. “Boy, can you read me or what,” she admitted. “That’s exactly what I had in mind. We can go swimming together.”

“Yeah,” Selina purred. “But where can we go swimming? Does this place have a swimming pool?”

“I think so,” Hanna stated while retrieving the tiger-striped swimsuit from her dresser. Turning back to Selina, she added, “But I’m not sure. I’ll ask someone about it. I haven’t had time to really explore this place. Too much has been going on. I do know it has a complete gymnasium down near the ground entrance.”

“Really?” Selina purred as Hanna handed her the swimsuit. “I didn’t know that. A gym would be a good place to get my strength back.”

“I agree,” Hanna answered, standing beside the bed with her hands on her hips. “I could use a bit of exercise and training myself. I need to practice my karate katas to make sure I haven’t forgotten them. Do you need some help with that?”

“Yeah,” Selina said, handing the swimsuit to Hanna. “I’m a bit stiff. Leaning over makes my back and hips hurt some.”

“Say no more, sis,” Hanna chimed, kneeling down with the suit in hand. “I can get this.” She knelt down and slipped the swimsuit over Selina’s legs, pulling it up to her thighs.

“I can reach it now,” Selina reported, taking hold of the swimsuit with both hands. When she tried to grab it with her left hand, the hand refused to work. “Oh, damn,” she swore. “I forgot that hand doesn’t want to work right. A little more help, if you would, Hanna.”

“Right,” Hanna replied, pondering how they were going to get the swimsuit up over Selina’s hips and waist. “Do you have any strength at all in your legs and hips?”

“Not really,” Selina stated, fingering the swimsuit with her right hand. “I’m tingling and half numb down there. It was a real chore to drag myself into this position.”

“Hmmm,” Hanna murmured, suddenly sitting down next to Selina. “Too bad these suits don’t have snaps down low like the teddies do. Oh, well, we’ll figure this out.” After a few moments of contemplation, Hanna declared, “I got it. Lie down on the bed.”

“Right,” Selina answered as Hanna rose. She laid down while Hanna picked up her non-functional legs, gently moving them back on the bed and then climbing on beside Selina. In less than a minute, Hanna helped Selina slide the swimsuit the rest of the way on her frame. It teased Selina’s body with its snugness as Hanna helped her hook the halter-top portion of the suit up after sitting her up. “Ohhh,” Selina purred. “This suit is so soft and comfortable.”

Hanna sat back on her knees, smiling after making sure the suit fit Selina. It enhanced Selina’s curves and body while covering her modestly. Hanna let loose a wolfie whistle as Selina used her right hand to adjust the fit. “Man, you rock that suit, Selina,” she complimented. “And those stripes are so you. I just knew you were a tiger at heart.”

“Thanks,” Selina replied, giggling. “Like you said...when you’ve got it, flaunt it. But honestly, it’s a splendid suit. It feels so right. I wouldn’t have any trouble tooling around in the open wearing it. It’s so much more modest than what the Emperor gave us to wear.”

“You’re telling me,” Hanna agreed. “I feel the same way about this suit. Now, how about let’s finish getting you dressed. You want the magenta dress or another?”

“The magenta one,” Selina said firmly. “It’ll go well with this swimsuit.”

“That it does,” Hanna agreed, fetching the magenta dress. “You’re really going to rock the Tower today when you come out of here with that on.”

“Maybe,” Selina answered. “I just want to feel pretty and covered. Both this swimsuit and the dress make me feel that way. Besides, I haven’t worn something this beautiful since we left Tiamat. Just consider it an itch I want to scratch.”

“Consider that itch scratched,” Hanna chimed, “Let’s get it on you and then we can get something to eat. I’m starving.”

“Me too,” Selina agreed.

In less than a minute, she helped Selina put the dress on and move her to the edge of the bed. “Do you want to try standing before we leave?” Hanna asked. “You know...just to test yourself?”

“Yeah,” Selina replied, smoothing the dress across her body and legs as she sat on the edge of the bed. “I have to try.”

Hanna got up and stood before her. “Uhhh, you might want to put on something other than that hot swimsuit before you help me up,” Selina suggested.

“Oh, right,” Hanna returned with a blush. She sprinted to the dresser where she put back on the tan trousers and snug gray tank-top shirt. Both formed to her figure splendidly. Slipping on her sandals, Hanna asked, “Am I forgetting anything?”

“No,” Selina answered. “I don’t think so. By the way, that outfit looks good on you, Hanna.”

“Right back at you,” Hanna replied with a wink, quickly moving back to Selina. “You haven’t looked this good since our wedding. That dress fits you like a glove.”

“Thanks, sis,” Selina chimed with a wide smile.

Hanna took Selina by the hands and said, “Whenever you’re ready.” Selina nodded and Hanna pulled her off the bed. Her legs held for a second, and then gave way. Hanna caught Selina immediately and noticed her dismay at it. “Don’t be that way,” she told Selina while scooping her up. “You suspected this all along.”

“That I did,” Selina admitted as Hanna cradled her. “I just hoped it was baseless fear. Now, I know for sure. I’m crippled.” A discouraged sigh escaped her lips.

“Don’t be so down by it,” Hanna encouraged. “This is just temporary. You’ll be walking before you know it. We’ll get some physical therapy going. I bet some swimming would be most beneficial.”

Selina’s inability to stand greatly discouraged her. “I hope so,” she stated, “I’m not used to being crippled like this. It’s depressing.”

Hanna looked her directly in the eye and said confidently, “Tell me about it. I know exactly what you mean. I was crippled too until I came here and Enoch helped fix me. Don’t you worry about it. Like I said earlier, this is just temporary. When the Lord wants you to walk again, you will. Now come on, beautiful. Let’s get something to put in your belly. You haven’t had a good meal in since our capture.”

“I’m sure blessed to have you as a sister, Hanna,” Selina confessed. “You’re always there for me.”

“Ditto,” Hanna chimed with a broad smile as she carried Selina out of the room, heading for the kitchen.

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