Legends of Amacia The Caverias Rebellion

Chapter 41: Kitchen Talk

Kitchen talk

Hanna entered the kitchen carrying Selina. The kitchen was bustling with activity as Electra and Kida worked preparing a meal. Hanna called out as she came in, “Good day, sisters. Something sure smells good.” Electra and Kida turned to them as she spoke.

“Selina, you’re up!” Kida cried out happily, extremely pleased to see her sister out of bed.

Hanna took Selina to the table as she replied, “If you can call it that. I have very little strength in my legs or arms for that matter.” Electra immediately pulled out a chair and Hanna sat Selina down in the chair.

“Would you like something to drink?” Kida asked Selina.

“Yes, I am a bit thirsty,” Selina replied as Electra brought forward two mugs of bison milk and honey.

“Here you go, Selina. Drink this. It’ll help,” Electra purred as she handed one cup to Selina. “Here you go, Hanna. Have some,” Electra purred to Hanna, handing her the other cup.

“Thanks,” Hanna replied.

“What is it?” Selina asked, sniffing the milk.

“It’s my special blend, sis,” Kida replied as she stirred some stew on the stove. “It’s bison milk and honey mixed with some herbs. It’s very soothing and will help you regain your strength.”

Hanna chugged some of her milk, saying afterwards, “Man, that’s good. Go on, Selina...try it. You’ll like it. I promise.”

Selina sipped her milk and found it was very good. She took a larger swallow and before she could stop herself, she had drained the mug. Hanna looked at her smugly, saying, “I thought you would like it.”

Selina sat the mug down forcefully. Wiping her mouth, she said warmly, “You’re right. It is very good. I didn’t realize I was that thirsty. Can I have another?”

Electra picked up the mug, saying, “Of course, dear. But don’t drink too much. You should leave room for dinner. It should be ready shortly.”

“I don’t think that’s going to be a problem,” Selina answered while Electra refilled her mug. “I could eat an elephant all by myself. I haven’t eaten a good meal since we were captured. God, that smells good.”

Electra sat down beside her at the table, handing her the cup of milk. “It’s good to see you with an appetite,” she observed. “That’s a good sign. By the way, do you like the dress? It’s one of mine I hemmed in for you.”

Selina took another large swallow of milk and replied, “It’s perfect, momma. I love it and so does Hanna.”

Hanna nodded knowingly at Electra, winking at her. “Yeah,” Hanna agreed. “I told Selina I’d wear if she didn’t. It’s a gorgeous dress. It’s so her.”

Electra chuckled. “Good. I’m happy you like it,” she purred, noticing the swimsuit beneath Selina’s dress. “It suits you. By the way, are you wearing one of Hanna’s swimsuits, Selina?”

“Yeah,” Selina admitted. “I wanted to go swimming later. You don’t happen to know if there’s any place around here where we can go swimming.”

“Why yes, there is,” Electra reported. “We have a large pool complex down next to gym where you can swim in safety. I go there all the time.”

“I was wondering about that myself,” Hanna interrupted. “I didn’t think to ask you earlier about it when you came to our room.”

“Ah,” Electra cooed, “That explains why I see you wearing your black swimsuit underneath too. How does it fit, Hanna? Do you like it?”

Hanna’s eyes sparkled. “Like it? I love it. It so sleek and fits like a glove,” she chimed. “It feels so good against my skin too. I didn’t think a skin-tight swimsuit could be this comfortable, but it is. It’s exceptionally sweet.”

Electra smiled and patted Hanna on the shoulder. “Glad you like it,” she replied. “I knew you’d love it. Do you like the others?”

“You bet,” Hanna crowed. “You read me very well in that regards. Even Selina loved them. Shoot, she liked that tiger-striped suit so much she borrowed it from me. I’m frankly a bit surprised how close Selina’s and my measurements are. That suit fits her like a glove.”

“A tight glove,” Selina added. “It’s just a little tighter than I’d like, but it’s not bad. I’ve worn tighter. I can’t wait to get wet and just float for a while.”

“I see. So you like Hanna’s swimsuits, Selina,” Electra stated, pleased that both Hanna and Selina liked her work.

Selina smiled warmly. “Yes, momma,” she replied. “They’re beautiful and so modest too. I have no trouble wearing them openly; unlike what both Hanna and I were forced to wear while we were prisoners. What you saw the girls wearing from the Harem when they came here was standard issue for us girls. It was extremely humiliating.”

“Indeed it was,” Electra answered, patting Selina on the hand. “I also saw what you had on when Hanna brought you back here. It was revolting. That’s why we gave you a change of clothes after the healer finished decontaminating you.”

“We did it for the others as well,” Kida called out as she stirred a pot of potatoes boiling on the stove. “Finding and making clothes for your friends has kept us pretty busy since the raid. There were so many in need of a decent set of clothes.”

“That it was,” Electra agreed. “Somehow, we managed to get them clothed properly. Everyone now has at least one good set of clothes they can cover up with, even if it’s just a jumpsuit. Expanding their wardrobes is a priority for me. I’m still trying to figure out how to do it. It’s one thing to create a wardrobe for your two. It’s quite another to that for the hundreds you brought back here.”

“You intend to expand their wardrobes?” Hanna asked with a raised eyebrow. She took another swallow from her mug of milk.

“Yeah,” Electra stated. “But getting the raw materials together and the help to physically do it is proving a challenge. I’ve had Kida, Emma, and Elle helping up until now. But to mass produce clothes for those who need them will be no small feat for us.”

“I’m glad you’re thinking along those lines,” Hanna stated. “I’m sure somewhere in this place is some machine or other that may be useful. Much of this place has lain idle for centuries, if not longer.”

“Now there’s a thought,” Electra declared. “I didn’t think of using the machines to help make clothes. We’ve always done it by hand. Doing it by hand makes each garment unique and allows me to put my personal stamp on them. What about the lack of suitable help?”

“You could always call on the people,” Selina suggested. “The people of Arionath had some of the finest clothes we’ve encountered since coming into the Caverns.”

“She has a point,” Hanna agreed. “We have people from Arionath, Cushar, and Cimmeria right outside our door. Surely, there are some fine tailors and garment makers among them. You just need to find them. I’m sure they’d be delighted to help. All they need is the chance. Besides, it’ll give you a chance to see how they make clothes and possible add to your own amazing skill.”

“Why didn’t I think of that?” Electra replied. “I have an untapped labor pool at my fingertips. With the numbers you rescued from the Black Fortress, I’ll definitely need their help to make sure everyone has adequate clothes. Thanks for suggesting it, Selina, Hanna.”

“Not a problem,” Hanna chimed after taking another sip of her milk.

“You’re welcome, momma,” Selina purred. “Sometimes, an outside view can be beneficial.”

Electra patted Selina on the hand as she rose. “That it is,” she said pleasantly. “By the way, have you been to see Josephine yet, Hanna? She’s been asking for you.”

“Not yet,” Hanna replied as Electra went back to work helping Kida with the meal. “But I mean to. How is she? I haven’t seen her since her extraction from the machines. I hope she’s okay.”

“She’s still weak and needs help moving around,” Electra reported while stirring some soup on the cook stove. “But the girl’s resilient. She’ll be just fine. Elle and Andrew have been helping her exclusively. I’m frankly astounded at the level of cyberization they did to her. It’s impossible to really tell where the machines stop and she starts. Furthermore, the girl’s mind is so powerful. How she kept from becoming a monster like the Emperor baffles me. You really do need to go see her as soon as you can.”

“I will,” Hanna murmured. “You can’t comprehend what they did to her or how old she really is.”

“How old is Josephine?” Kida asked after checking the roast in the oven.

“Josephine is the wife of the original Emperor that deposed Thoth,” Hanna declared. “She’s been imprisoned in the Black Fortress for over twelve thousand cycles. Josephine is literally as old as the drakens because of what Bolthor did to her in the 1st Age. I still don’t comprehend how she survived the Darkness for that long without being lost to it. The Lord must have a great purpose for her to keep her alive and sane that long.”

Both Kida and Electra stopped and stared with their mouths hanging open. “Twelve thousand cycles?” Kida asked softly in utter amazement. “That’s unheard of. Even the Emperor can’t keep his physical form for that length of time.”

“It’s the cyberization they did to her,” Hanna said soberly. “Bolthor literally entombed her alive inside the machines of the 1st Age. Without that machinery, she would have perished long ago. It’s been an everlasting mechanized hell for her. Bolthor had her programmed to do whatever his dark heart wanted, even the vilest of tortures.” Hanna sipped her milk again with a troubled look. “I should know,” she said softly, the pain of her captivity rising again. “I was a victim of those tortures along with many others. But thank God Almighty, she never truly became corrupted by those acts despite the Emperor’s programming. That’s why she’s here, and free and not still in the Black Fortress. She’s unique in ways you can’t even begin to fathom.”

Electra walked over to Hanna and put a caring hand on her shoulder. “That’s what I sensed when Andrew and Elle brought her in,” she said. “She also has psychological damage that makes yours look mild in comparison. All of us need to help her deal with it, especially you, Hanna. She latched on to you for a reason.”

“I know,” Hanna answered, grabbing Electra’s hand as it lay on her shoulder. “And I will. But one thing at a time. I can’t help her until I heal my own wounds.”

“We’re here to help any time you need us,” Electra offered. “Let us help.”

“And I’m here too,” Selina added after taking another swallow of her milk. “You can’t do it alone. Only together will we be able to help her.”

“Selina’s right,” Electra agreed, going back to work. “But that work doesn’t have to be done right now. Healing takes time. You know this. Just go to her and be her friend right now. She needs friends more than anything else right now.”

“She is my friend,” Hanna insisted. “I’ll go to her after we eat.”

“That’s fine,” Electra chimed. “We’re about to set the table. Why don’t you take Selina out to the living room and relax for a bit, Hanna. Dinner will be ready shortly.”

Selina drained her glass again, saying, “Wow, that’s good.”

Hanna finished her glass of milk, sitting the empty mug on the table. “Told you so,” she crowed. Selina punched her in the arm playfully.

“Go on to the living room,” Electra urged. “We have things under control here.”

“All right, momma,” Selina replied as Hanna got up.

“How about a piggyback ride, sis?” Hanna offered.

“Sure,” Selina replied. “Just don’t drop me.”

“Mwah...drop you? Perish the thought,” Hanna crowed in mock hurt. A warm smile crossed Hanna’s lips. “Come on, sis,” she ordered pleasantly while turning Selina’s chair away from the table. “Climb on.” Hanna squatted down with her back to Selina. In seconds, Selina latched on, wrapping her arms around Hanna’s neck and chest as Hanna grabbed her legs and hips. Once Hanna secured her hands beneath Selina’s rear, she slowly stood up. Electra and Kida watched closely, hovering close in case something went wrong. Hanna grunted as she shifted Selina to the optimum position on her back. “There we go,” Hanna murmured softly. “Ready?”

“Yeah,” Selina replied in Hanna’s ear. “Let’s go, sis.”

“Right,” Hanna whispered. “Enjoy the ride.” With that, they left the kitchen heading to the living room where Hanna first met Electra and Kida.

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