LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


Civilization Watches

In the clearing, the television cameras were still rolling live, and Danny Roberts was frantically trying to make sense of it all to his myriads of viewers worldwide. General Williams stood before the cameras with him, in his full uniform. He was conscious mainly of trying to suck in his gut.

“General,” said Roberts, “it appears that once again, despite the shooting of their medicine man by that detective Gibbons, the magical incapacitating of our machinery and weapons has resumed. Perhaps the medicine man has been revived?” he wondered.

“Danny- do you mind if I call you that- I mean you are such a famous face that it seems we all know you personally!?” asked the General. Danny Roberts smiled winningly, more at the camera than at the general, and nodding, ran his hand through his long hair self consciously. The General continued, “I think it is imperative that we succeed with our mission. With that goal in mind, I plan to contact the White House directly, and ask for a nuclear strike on the Ojibwe reservation!”

Nora looked over at Shiela Westerman, with a shocked look on her face. “What a great idea! A nuclear strike on that god-forsaken place would be wonderful- they would all be removed, dead- no longer able to disrupt civilized society, ever!”

Shiela and Nick Westerrman had invited the elite leftist professors from Hyde Park to view the final extraction of the Barbarian Wulf, and the destruction or at least arrest of all of those Indian savages. Charles Jonas of the Black Studies department was there, along with Donna and Cindy of Environmental Studies.

Shiela looked back at Nora happily. “Well, even though I am a professor of Environmental Studies here at U of C, I think I could handle a little radiation in such a necessary cause!” The whole group laughed loudly at this witticism, and Charles Jonas waved for them to be quiet.

Lifting his wine glass high, he began:

Wulf has run away,

We glad he did not stay,

He ain’t in no-ways wise

And he cain’t be civilized.

He thought the injuns would be cool

But he be jus’a fool

Fo’ by runnin’ to the red

They ALL gonna end up-dead!”

Nick Westerman yelled with laughter, and his wife Shiela laughed so hard that wine bubbled out of her nose. Nora rose, and ran up to hug Charles, who hugged her back with his free arm. They all protested that they had never heard such a dope rap line done, ever!

“Yo be mah niggah,” sang out Donna and Cindy in near unison, laughing. Charles grinned back at them, since he had told them that it was cool to get a nigga pass from your black friend.

The “foreign girl”, Rosie, ran around trying to keep all the wine glasses full, which was a major job in and of itself. Luckily for her, the oil-less vegetables and butter-free breads were so unappetizing that she had no need to replenish them. As usual, the liberal elite of the U of C preferred to consume copious amounts of wine and spirits, rather than all of that unappetizing, but oh-so-politically correct non-nutritious “food”.

Meanwhile, the General continued on the television- “Danny, we need to spread our civilization, and protect it at all costs. But, unfortunately, my advisor,” he nodded over at a curly haired man in uniform, “Colonel Elliot reminds me that once the warhead enters the airspace above the reservation, it will probably be rendered inert, just as did our helicopter and other weaponry.” The general looked sad, and taking off his uniform hat, ran his hand through his white, short hair. He turned a little sideways, showing his best angle to the cameras, and tried to flex his muscles in a not-obvious sort of way. He even flexed his neck, which Danny noticed and thought was really weird.

“And so, Danny, we may just have to get overwhelming manpower and flush these rats out. Like I say, I will call the president directly-”- and at that moment he stopped speaking, and the cameras spun around to face the edge of the woods.

“Oh my God!” screamed Danny Roberts in a high voice of terror. “The Indians!!”

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