LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


New Strength to the Ojibwe

Jafiro stood tall, and seemed to expand far beyond his natural stature. As Captain Manthey watched next to Major Lee Anthony, it was as if he just grew. It was mainly his golden eyes- glowing orbs that seemed to look through you, right into your soul. Looking about, he realized that everyone else felt it as well- Major Lee Anthony had a look of fascination on his face, as did every member in the tribe.

It was as if they had suddenly seen all of their problems and frustrations…solved. Just by the view of this mage’s face and form, gazing at them all with hypnotic eyes of gold. All anyone could think, seeing such a thing, was to ask of him one question:

“What should we do?”

Jafiro, the new medicine man, smiled briefly at this query. He might have newly gained magical, almost supernatural powers, but he was still, inside, the young, abused kid from the inner city of Chicago- someone who had made his way with sly little witticisms, by sidestepping the violence and abuse he could not confront as a weak little black kid in the ’hood…

So, he spoke characteristically for his background, with a little rhyming cadence:

“Why then we should kill

Them that do us ill!”

Wulf began shouting orders, telling various members of the tribe what to do, and what the plan would be. Nikan acted as his lieutenant, getting the troops into order, while Major Lee Anthony helped to organize the men into lines of order for the attack.

Men and women both prepared for battle, since this was an equal army, and defense was the entire tribes’ business. Trina had taken command of the women, and saw to it that they were adequately armed and ready.

Behind them all, standing on the raised porch of the great hall, Jafiro stood motionless, a faint nimbus of yellow light playing about his head, a wise smile across his lips. His lean arms were folded across his chest, and he had taken Akula’s leather head band with the single eagle feather, and placed it atop his own wooly head.

Looking at the new medicine man, Major Lee Anthony could not tell if the outline of light that surrounded Jafiro was a natural one created by the bright golden sunshine that streamed through the trees about the clearing, or a more unnatural type that actually emanated from within the young mage. It was impossible to tell, yet in that rustic scene only the medicine man was so limned.

As they all were leaving the clearing, the medicine man spoke, with a soft voice, but it clearly carried to every man and woman of the tribe. It was as if the words were heard inside their heads, and not through their ears.

“My medicine cannot help you outside of this our ancestral forest. It is important that you thrust off this invasion with the strength of your own bodies and minds- only when freedom and liberty are earned with your own sweat and blood can they be truly earned and appreciated. So go, my children- I shall remain here, awaiting your victory!”

The only other observers to the attack force of the tribes’ departure were the prone forms of Captain Manthey, and that of Private Jimmy, who was slowly regaining his faculties. He groaned, and slowly opened his eyes upon the glowing, golden eyed figure of the medicine man before him. “Oh God- have my brains been addled??” he asked of Captain Manthey. The Captain only shook his head slowly in the negative.

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