LAIR OF THE WULF- a Barbarian in Chicago- part 2


Barbarian Indians Attack!

As Nora and the others watched on the very large screened television in the fashionable Hyde Park home of Nick and Shiela Westerman, they were all at once dumbfounded. Nora dropped her wine glass in shock, spreading a wide red stain over the pure white of the expensive carpet.

An attack of Indians had stormed out of the forest! Wulf and Nikan led the group, and came charging across towards the newscaster Danny Roberts as he interviewed General Williams. For once in his life, Danny was speechless! Not so the general, however.

“Men!’ he yelled, “get those guns up and ready! We are under attack!”

There were roughly 50 men in the area in which the soldiers were bivouacked. They were not really prepared, since this was the last thing they had expected. Grabbing their rifles, they hastily fell into a protective formation about their general.

Danny Roberts, regaining his wits, returned to face the cameras. “We are facing an unexpected attack on the United States army by the Indians,” he stated in an uncharacteristically nervous voice. “Not to panic, however- we have full use of our weapons out here beyond the reservation, and,”- he cut off, as a spray of bullets shot near him, shattering one camera behind him. ‘For God’s sake,’ he thought, ’they are using guns themselves!’

They were, and very effectively too. Wulf and Nikan were using their automatic pistols, blasting away at the soldiers protecting their general. Many of the soldiers were wearing kevlar vests and body armor, and so they went down but were not killed. One soldier got the large form of Wulf in his sights, and pulled the trigger- the barbarian youth staggered back, and then ran directly towards the soldiers. He and his men were also wearing state-of-the-art body armor, something that the attackers had never even considered to be possible.

Nikan was on the heels of his friend Wulf, and they were quickly at hand-to-hand grips with their enemies. Not for these two a long distance, sniping sorts of warfare- Wulf grabbed the foremost soldier, and threw him back with such force that he tumbled three men over besides himself as he careened backwards. Another soldier pulled his pistol, aiming it at the barbarian, as Nikan quickly shot him through the head.

General Williams, his face contorted with anger, pulled out his own sidearm. He was so enraged, not only at this attack, but that this brute of a Barbarian had stolen his moment in the limelight! Wulf was turned to the side, his hands strangling the life out of two soldiers as he held one in each massive fist, their legs kicking in the air. Nikan and the other braves were fighting with their all, as the soldiers fought back as best they could. Holding his pistol steadily pointed at the back of Wulf’s head, he slowly squeezed the trigger. ‘This is it for the Barbarian,’ he thought. ’I am a trained marksman, not some simple “noble savage” kind of bumpkin, and here is where he gets what he des—”

This was his last thought this side of hell, however. As he had been taking aim at Wulf, Trina and the women of the Ojibwe had emerged from the wood’s edge, each of them mounted on horses. Instantly, Trina had spotted the general taking aim at the barbarian she so admired, and taking her rifle quickly from the scabbard slung by her saddle, instantly shot off an expertly aimed round that took the general down with a single shot. He slunk to the earth, blood spouting from a gash on the side of his head.

The newscaster, famous Danny Roberts, let out a very un-newscasterly scream of pure terror, which was broadcast around the world, and then fell to the earth in a faint caused by sheer terror. All the soldiers were down- civilization had been vanquished by the barbarians! The cameras broadcast the scene, unmanned, as the Indian natives, consisting of buckskin clad women on horses brandishing rifles and similarly clad men and youths on foot let out a blood-curdling yell of triumph.

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