Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 4: Angel Recognizes Her Kidnapper

Everyone looked up as the door opened and Nathan and his members arrived. Ace watched as they walked to the table and he saw three of his prospects move and stand in front of the door. As Blaize came forward he walked over to Beth and hugged her for a long time.

I was afraid it was not real. He then walked and knelt down in front of Jeannie and he said.


she looked at him and she said "do I know you?"

" He said I am Blaize."

She said thinking.

"I used to know a Blaize. He was my friend. He would protect me around the men."

" Blaize said. It’s me. I grew up."

"Jeannie said I don’t remember. But one day I will."

He stood up and then Jeannie saw the prospect behind Blaize and she started screaming and clinging on to Panther.

"No, No, don’t let him take me."

"Panther you promised. He came for me again. Please don’t let him take me she screamed with tears running down her face."

She was terrified. Everyone looked at him and Beth screamed as well.

"She recognized him. You son of a bitch. You raped her. You beat her with the whip and you cut her."

"Kill him, Falcon."

The prospect turned to run but was stopped by the other members. Doc had to give Jeannie a shot and it took three men to hold her still.

"Panther kept telling her that she was not going anywhere. He will keep her safe."

The shot started to take effect and he stood and headed to his room. He looked at the prospect who has watched over her and said. "Come with me."

He walked to his room and lay his Angel on the bed covering her up. "He said to stay in here and watch over her. If she wakes up call me. I will protect her with my life he said. I will let you know if she wakes up."

Panther started walking out of the room stopped and said.

"We won’t kill him until you have a chance at him."

The prospect smiled and said. "Thanks."

He locked the door after Panther and then he walked out he locked the door and pulled a chair up next to the bed.

He turned the tv on and watched football. Falcon carried Beth to her room and he asked another prospect to set with her and guard her while he went back into the bar. Blaize walked over to the prospect that was being held and watched as they forced him into a chair and tied him to it.

"He asked who are you working for besides The Snakes?"

" He said no one. That girl was mistaken and so was your sister."

Panther punched him.

"Panther said. My Valkyrie did not mistake one of the men who raped her, beat her, and threatened her. She was terrified of you. She clung to me for dear life thinking we would give her back to you. Did you rape and beat Beth too?"

"I don’t know what you are talking about. I never saw those women before."

" I think you’re lying."

" Did you see that prospect who followed me down the hall?"

" Yes," he said.

"That prospect is anxious to get his hands on you. My woman opened up to him. He knows your club has a mole and it is a prospect because when she saw his cut she went crazy."

"She told him she wouldn’t tell anyone that the Wild Riders kidnapped her, raped her, and beat her. Now how would she know the name of that club unless she saw the jacket?"

" I don’t know" he screamed.

"Ace said take him to the cells and chain him from the ceiling."

He told the prospects. Ace looked at Blaize and said.

"Beth is more with it mentally then Angel."

Blaize looked at Ace with sad eyes.

"I do not like seeing her like that. She used to be so carefree and had a sparkle in her eyes making everyone around her happy. Now we have to surround her and protect her now she is back home."

Blaize looked at Panther and he said.

"If you so much as ever cause a tear to come out of that girl or hurt her. I will kill you."

Panther said.

"I will never hurt her."

" She is my Angel. She calms me and she is the keeper of the flame, my heart, and my soul."

Blaize nodded his head and walked out to talk to Beth.

Panther turned and looked at Ace.

"Can you keep an eye on Angel? I am going to go pick up Wolf and bring him back here."

Ace grinned and said "sure."

" She will love Wolf."

I walked out and got into my truck and drove to my cabin about 10 miles from here.

When I pulled up Wolf came running off the porch. He jumped into the cab of the truck and I pulled away from the cabin and drove back to the club.

"I talked to Wolf about my Angel and how I need him to always protect her when I am not there."

He looked at me holding his head to the side as if he understood every word I said. As we arrived back at the club wolf jumped out of the cab and followed me into the club. Some of the guys started running away from the wolf when we walked in.

They yelled Ace "are you going to let him bring that dam wolf in here?"

Ace looked at the wolf and said. "Yep."

" Wolf is going to get to know Angel and be her protector."

Several of the guys said. "That dam wolf scares me."

Wolf ignored everyone and headed down the hallway to Panther’s door.

As Panther opened the door he saw the prospect still sitting there. Wolf walked over to him and he pets Wolf. He looked at Panther and said.

"She has not moved an inch."

Wolf jumped up on the bed and walked over to Angel and lay down with is head across her legs.

The prospect said. "Will you look at that."

He reached out towards Angel and Wolf lifted his head and growled at him showing his teeth.

"Shit. He likes her."

The prospect slowly moved his hand back away from the wolf. wolf still watching him lay back on Angel’s legs.

"Panther I think you just lost your wolf to Angel."

Panther grinned and said. "I don’t care."

" He will protect her with his life."

The prospect got up and said. I will leave you three alone and walked out the door shutting it. I got undressed and in bed pulling Angel toward me. Wolf started growling and Panther said move.

Wolf moved to lay in front of the door. Angel woke up and saw that Panther was asleep. She wanted to use the restroom and wanted a snack. She got up and peed and then saw the wolf at the door.

She reached down and petted him then opened the door with the wolf following her. She walked to the kitchen and made a cup of coffee and got some chips out. She got wolf a bowl of water and then sat down at the table.

One of Blaise’s prospects walked into the kitchen and got himself a cup of coffee and walked over to sit next to Angel. Angel tensed up and the wolf growled at the prospect. The prospect stopped walking and stepped back. He sat at the end of the table away from Angel.

He thought shit. she is beautiful and I can’t get near her to get to know her. That dam wolf lay at her feet and didn’t stop watching him.

Panther woke up and noticed Angel and wolf both gone he got up and put his jeans on and found her in the kitchen. As he walked in he saw the wolf lying at her feet.

He walked over and pet wolf and kissed Angel. He then grabbed a cup of coffee and sat down beside her. Panther said.

"Babe if you wanted some coffee and chips you could have woken me up and I would have gotten it for you."

She smiled and kissed him and said.

"I can walk now and use both arms. It’s ok besides this wolf followed me."

Panther smiled and said "he is a wolf and that his also his name."

" He has taken a liking to you."

The prospect spoke up and asked. "Is she your woman?"

Panther hardened his face and said.

"Yes, why do you ask?"

He said "I wanted to make sure I didn’t step on anyone’s toes."

Panther said. "She is also the president of this club's sister."

" Shit," the prospect said.

"She is the one everyone has been looking for, for two years."

" Yes," this is "Jeannie but we call her angel."

" And to think he said with a growl one of our other prospects knew where she and Blaise’s sister have been all this time."

"I can’t believe we didn’t suspect a thing."

Angel stood up looking through the cupboards and Panther asked

"what are you looking for?"

She said "dog food."

He laughed and said.

"There is can food over by the back door."

He watched as Angel walked over and got a can out opened it and put it in a bowl for the wolf.

Wolf got up and walked over to the bowl she put on the floor for him. She rubbed his head and sat back down watching him eat. When he was done she picked up the bowl and put it in the sink filling it with water.

She put my coffee cup in the sink with hers then grabbed my hand and started walking back to the room. I noticed she never talked to the prospect at all.

As we entered the room and she climbed in bed wolf jumped up and lay at her feet. I took my jeans off and lay back down pulling her into my arms.

I saw her eyes closed and she was asleep again. The next morning after breakfast I asked a few Valkyrie's if they would take Angel shopping.

"Falcon said Beth too."

We handed them our credit cards and said. Get them everything they need.

The girls smiled and said will do. I then handed Tara, Ace’s Valkyrie the keys to my truck.

"take wolf with you and a couple of prospects."

The one from last night said "I’ll go with them."

" Angels' guardian angel said. No, you won’t. No one guards Angel and Beth accept myself and Damian. We take care of our own."

This pissed the prospect off as he was hoping to get to spend time with Angel. They walked out to the truck the girls getting in and Wolf jumping in the back.

Damian and I followed on our bikes. As we pulled up and parked next to the girls we helped them out of the truck. Wolf started to jump out but Angel said. Stay wolf.

He looked at her but he lay down in the back of the truck. We followed the girls and stood in front of the doors not letting any men enter. We noticed several men looking at the girls with lust in their eyes and that did not sit well with me when it came to Angel.

I noticed that the girls went to every store and did what Panther and Falcon said. When it came to Victoria secret I refused to watch them look through stuff. Instead, I noticed about five guys standing and looking in the window.

As the girls came out they said were done. They had about 30 bags or more. We started walking to the truck when I noticed a white van with no windows parked close to the truck.

Just as I was about to yell I saw hands reaching out to grab Angel. Wolf was out of the truck and in the van attacking whoever was in it. I grabbed Angel and threw her in the truck "telling her to lock the doors."

I then yelled truck wolf. He came out of the van bloody but jumped in the truck and we took off. I called Panther and told him the wolf was bleeding and what happened.

Just as we pulled into the club parking lot Angel was out of the truck and jumped into the back holding wolf’s head on her lap covered in his blood.

She looked at Panther and said "help him."

" He attacked them and they hurt him."

Panther picked the wolf up and carried him to the medical room. Angel refused to leave the wolf.

"She was screaming at the doc to help the wolf."

After the doc cleaned the wolf to determine how bad he was hurt he found that the wolf had been stabbed once and just needed 10 stitches.

Most of the blood was whoever he attacked. After Angel was assured the wolf was going to be fine, Panther was able to get her to take a shower. He stripped to only his boxers and he washed the blood off of her.

He dried her off wrapping a towel around her and sat her on the bed. He found a bra, underwear, and sweatpants her size and one of his tee-shirts and put them on her. He then found footsie and put them on her. She didn’t like to wear shoes in the clubhouse.

He then took her hand with the wolf following them walked out to the VIP table. Just as she came out the prospect went and got her a cup of coffee sitting it in front of her.

The prospect from Blaise’s club walked over and said.

"You should have let me come with you. This would not have happened if I had been there."

For some reason, something snapped in Angel and she reached down in my boot and grabbed my knife and she was around the prospect that has become attached to her and put the knife to Blaise’s prospects neck and shoved him against the wall. It was so quiet you could hear a dime drop on the floor.

She said. "For some reason, I don’t like you. I don’t trust you."

" Since last night you tried to get close to me. Wolf stopped you. Then you tried to get my man to let you go with us shopping to guard us. You are not from this club."

"The guardian angel standing behind me. He is my guard and you will never take his place. Stay away from me."

" Or else this knife will be in your gut."

She slowly backed away from him. The prospect’s face got ugly and he grabbed her arm. Wolf jumped up and bit into his arm making him let angel go.

Blaize looked at him and leaned over and said.

"I don’t trust him anymore. Put him in your cells. Blaize asked."

" How the hell did the Snakes know the girls would be shopping today."

Everyone slowly looked over at the prospect.

He looked at Angel's guardian angel and said.

"Guardian Angel, search that prospect for a cell phone."

The Guardian found the prospect's phone. Blaize said "bring it to me."

Angel looked at her prospect and said.

"When you get your patch your road name is going to be the guardian is that ok with you."

The prospect said. "It will be an honor to use the guardian"

She clapped her hands and smiled. Everyone fell in love with her when she smiled at the guardian. Everyone was happy that she was becoming comfortable around the club members.

She looked at Panther and asked.

"Panther do we have any chocolate ice cream."

Everyone grinned because they already know her guardian has filled the freezer full of it because she liked chocolate ice cream.

Her guardian walked into the kitchen bringing her a big bowl of ice cream.

she said "you and Panther always know what I like."

They grinned at each other. She then looked closely at Panther and her guardian and her mouth dropped open.

"Why didn’t I see it before?"

" You two are brothers. Twin brothers."

They grinned and said. "That is true we are."

She looked at her guardian and said. "You’re handsome but not as handsome as my Panther."

Then she took a bite of her ice cream. They all laughed.

After she ate her ice cream she was handed a pain pill by the doc who was frowning. She reached over and with a finger on each side of his mouth lifted his mouth into a smile.

"Angel," he said.

"Stop that. You have not been taking your pain pill."

she pouted and said "I don’t want it with her arms crossed."

Ace and her brothers watched her with grins.

"Take it" doc said.

She leaned back away from him.

"I said take it now."

" No, you take it."

He said "if I have to force it down your throat I will."

She grinned and "said no you won’t. Wolf won’t let you."

Doc turned and looked down at the wolf who was showing his teeth.

"Wolf back off" doc said.

Wolf slowly walked over in front of Angel.

"Panther, she has to take this pill."

She looked at Panther and shook her head no. Panther looked at his brother.

His brother said. "Angel."

"Yes," she asked looking at him.

"Angel is your back hurting you."

She said "a little."

" What about your leg."

She said looking at him.

"It hurts like a bitch."

" It will take the pain away if you take your pill."

She said "but it makes me sleepy."

Then she leaned forward and said.


" Yes," he said.

"That prospect is always watching me with a look that scares me."

He said. "Angel, you know that Panther, wolf, and I will never let him get near you right?"

"Ok," she took the pill from the doc and swallowed it with her coffee.

Everyone let out the breath they were holding.

Ace asked. "How the hell did you do that Prospect?"

Angel looked at Ace giving him an angry look and saying.

"His name is not prospect."

" His name is the guardian. He is my guardian. Did you forget that William?"

Her brother’s eyes got big and they said "shit."

" Protective mama mode coming out."

"Panther asked them why they said mama mode."

Bear said "even though we are all older than she is if someone tried to hurt us or we acted like idiots she acted like a mother bear."

" one time bear was fighting three guys when we were in high school in front of the house. She went tearing out the front door and jumped on one of their backs."

" She grabbed him by his hair screaming at him that he will stop hitting her brother or she would kill him."

" Butcher, Snake, and I had to get her off of the kid. The other two stopped fighting and when she looked at them they swore up and down that her eyes were red."

"She had this evil look on her face that told them she would hurt them if they hurt bear."

" Bear said it was funny."

" This little four-foot girl who weighed about 80 pounds at the time was on the back of a six-foot-four-inch guy pulling his hair, scratching his back, and biting his neck."

Hunter said. "She actually drew first blood. Ever since then if they saw Angel coming their way they would walk around her as far away as they could get."

" I do believe our Angel is coming back to us."

Blaize speaks up saying. "Angel can be very protective of someone she cares about."

"If you got on her wrong side just like that prospect did trying to come between her guardian and her she would not hesitate to gut you as she said."

" I am still wondering why my prospect would do that even when he knows that she is Panthers woman."

"I do believe that her eyes did flash red when he tried to make her guardian look like he did not do his job."

" Those eyes flashed red, I swear they did. If we get her back god help whoever took her. She will be out for revenge."

Bear said. "I think we need to do a background check on both your prospects."

" They both might be involved. Even I noticed the way that prospect stared at Angel. It was as if he wanted to throw her on a table and fuck her."

"Angel was right in ignoring him and not talking to him. She still has her instincts."

" Panther I have never seen wolf protect anyone but you. He seems to be really attached to Angel. This is a good thing."

"Whoever tried to snatch her from the mall has to be hurt badly due to all the blood that was on the wolf."

" Hell, even I thought the wolf was hurt really bad."

By that time The Guardian saw Angel crawl over the chair and climb onto Panther’s lap.

She sat facing him with her legs on each side of Panthers. She lay her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around Panther’s waist.

The Guardian smiled at her. He was happy for his brother. Because she made his brother happy she wrapped me around her little finger.

"I would do anything for her. I will protect her as much as I would Tara our sister who has been missing for three years."

" Angel is now my sister as well."

The Guardian looked at his brother and said.

"You do know she has me wrapped around her little finger."

Panther laughed saying. "I know."

Panther he said. "I have never seen you so relaxed and calm."

Panther said. "When she is near me I am calm. but when she is away from me the anger and hate return."

Panther looked at his brother and said. "If anything ever happens to me I know you will keep her safe."

The Guardian said. "Yes. I will keep her safe."

Panther leaned down and kissed Angel’s neck. She snuggled further against him sleeping. Wolf would stand and sniff her every now and then to satisfy himself she was alright. He then would lay back down next to Panther’s chair.

Some of the club members said.

"That dam wolf follows her around and keeps checking on her even though Panther is holding her."

The Guardian said. "I never saw a wolf move as fast as he did today at the mall."

"Before I could reach for Angel wolf was out of the truck and in that van. He gave me time to grab her and throw her in the truck telling her to lock the door. Panther is the only one I ever saw that wolf protect."

Panther looked at Angel then stood up and walked to his brother.

He said hold her "for a few minutes I will be right back."

The Guardian opened his arms and his brother lay Angel in them.

He then walked over to Ace and said "come to the kitchen with me."

They walked to the kitchen and Panther said as they sat down.

"I would like for you to break the rules."

" What rule" Ace asked?

"If Wolf, Damian, and The Guardian had not been at the mall. All the girls could have been taken. They were smart in throwing the girls in the truck because their backs were open to the van they could have been hurt or killed."

" I am asking that you prospect them in as full members"

"Tara said the same thing to me. I talked to my brothers and they all agreed to do just that."

" Thanks'" I said.

Ace said. "Beth will put her guards cut on him and I am sure that Angel will not let anyone but herself put The Guardian’s cut on him."

Panther laughed and said "that is true."

Panther. Ace asked. "Does it bother you that Angel has strong feelings for your brother?"

Panther said. "No, it doesn’t bother me."

" I think she sees him as just that her guardian angel and like a brother."

" Good. I am glad that it doesn’t bother you."

Panther said. "He thinks of her as his sister that is all."

" I enjoy that she loved my brother. It is difficult to have a woman that doesn’t get along with your brother or vice versa."

" Let’s do this when Angel wakes up."

" I want to see what she does if Tara tries to give your brother his cut."

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