Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 3: Angel Remembers Her Brother

Panther heard a knock on his bedroom door. He looked down and saw that Angel was still asleep. He slowly got out of bed and opened the door.

Doc said. "If you have time I can remove her stitches now."

I walked over to the bed and whispered.

"Angel," she looked at me.

"I said Doc wants to take your stitches out."

She said "ok."

I asked "Doc to turn around while I removed my tee-shirt from Angel."

I then helped her roll over onto her stomach which was not easy for her so we swung her right leg off the bed. Doc got the scissors out and started cutting and removing the stitches. He then rubbed her back with some lotion.

He said "after a shower rub this into her back and then do it 2 more times a day to keep the skin soft and smooth."

He then said. "Ready to take the casts off."

He turned around again while I put the shirt back on her. He then cut the cast on her leg off first and then her arm. Angel Said,

"I got to take a shower that looks nasty."

We both laughed. Doc said "you can walk now but don’t do a lot of walking outside yet."

He said "I am going to take Beth’s’ casts off now. See you later."

I helped Angel to the bathroom so she could take a shower. After she was done I helped her put on her panties, a bra, and another of my tee shirts and sweatpants. We had to roll the legs up about afoot. She is so short.

I then found her some socks to put on her feet to keep them warm. Next, I put her vest on her. I thought. I am going to have to take her shopping. I took her hand and we walked to the kitchen. I sat her near Ace and walked over and got two plates with eggs, toast, and bacon, lots of bacon for her she loves bacon.

I then got our coffee and sat down to eat. She said looking up.

"My brother William. He would always make me a fried egg sandwich with lots of mayo on toast and coffee. No one makes an egg sandwich as he does."

Everyone stopped and looked at her. She then looked over at Ace. She slowly lowers her hand with her fork in it. She said looking at him.


" William is that you."

He had tears flowing down his face.

"Yes, baby girl, it’s me."

She flung herself in his arms. She didn’t remember her other brothers yet but they were ok with it.

She held onto him saying.

"You found me. You didn’t sell me as they said. I’m really safe she said looking at him."

" She then said do you know Panther? He loves me. He is my husband and he won’t let anyone hurt me again."

" Yes, baby, I know Panther."

" He carried you out of the basement and has been with you ever since."

"I know" she said. Looking at Panther. She picked up her fork eating again then set it down and said.


" Yes, baby girl," he said.

"I want a fried egg sandwich."

He jumped up and got the eggs and put bread in the toaster and made her sandwich. He handed it to her and she grinned. Everyone watched this with their mouths open.

Angel bit into the sandwich and moaned. Panther thought shit. My dick is hard from hearing her moan like that. He thought will she moan like that when I pleasure her.

She looked at everyone and said. "Best sandwich ever."

Everyone smiled and Ace said.

"I am glad you like it."

" Like it she said. I love it. It has been so long since I had one of your sandwiches."

"Do you know how long it has been" she asked.

Ace looked at her and said.

"Two years. It has been two years since we saw you."

She said. "I don’t remember."

She leaned her head against Panther’s side and drank her coffee. After we all ate Ace said I want us to go sit at the RIP table.

"Falcon, I want you and Panther to hold the girls."

We all walked into the bar and sat down.

I wanted another cup of coffee so I asked "a Prospect, will you please get me a cup of coffee with regular cream."

" Sure" he said and walked away.

It was the same prospect who got her to open up last night. He has been by her side or close enough to watch over her without her knowing it. He sat the cup in front of her and she looked up and thanked him.

She said "you are my guardian angel."

His face turned red and he said. "You bet ya I am."

He then walked over and sat where he could watch her when the other club arrived.

The prospect thought to himself. She is so tiny that he could put both his hands around her waist. He noticed that when the sun shone through the window and hit her hair it looked like her hair was on fire. Her hair was beautiful. How could a fucking prospect do this to a girl?

He doesn’t deserve to be a full patched member of any MC. He was angry. He thought of his baby sister who has been missing for three years now. He doesn’t know if she is alive or dead. He has looked everywhere for her.

He hopes that when he finds his Valkyrie she is as beautiful and tiny as Jeannie is. He always wanted a woman that was small and came up to about his shoulder. He never cared for tall girls. He liked the short and tiny but spunky.

He was lost in his thoughts about how his baby sister was tiny and not afraid to stand up for herself. Not afraid to tell men twice her size off if they pissed her off. His parents are dead now and he is alone accepted for his biological brother.

The MC is the only family that they have. And now Jeannie. She is family to him. She and his sister Tara would get along well. They would be like two peas in a pod he thought smiling. If they ever found her.

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