Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 5: Angel Puts Guardian's Cut On Him

Ace saw Angel waking up.

"He called Tara over and told her to go get two cuts."

Ace stood up and walked to the bar.

"Listen up all you mother fuckers."

Angel glared at him.

"Sorry, sis."

" Attention Please."

Angel sat up and saw she was sitting in the Guardian’s lap. She stood up and sat down in a chair.

"Damian and The Guardian front and center."

Angel then went into protective mama mode.

Ace said.

"Per Tara’s, and Panther’s request we are breaking a few rules today."

Prospects he said. "Remove your cuts."

He then looked at Tara and signaled Beth forward. Tara then started to go behind The Guardian and

"Angel said just wait a damn minute. What are you doing Tara she asked?"

Tara grinned and said. "I am going to put The Guardian's new cut on him."

" The hell you will. He is my Guardian and brother I will do it."

Panther leaned against the wall grinning and The Guardian had a shocked face.

"Panther he asked. Does Angel realize what this means?"

Panther said "I believe she just said what she means. You are her Guardian and her brother."

He grinned and turned and looked at Ace. He felt proud that Panther’s woman would put his new cut on him.

Ace said "let’s start again."

" Tara and Panther feel that Damian and The Guardian have earned the right to be patched in as full members."

" If they had not been there along with the wolf who stands beside Angel the girls would have been taken."

" Wolf," he lifted a collar "has also earned being patched in as a full member for saving them."

"So Beth, Angel"

we walked up and stood in front of the boys. Ace handed us the new cuts "please do the honors of putting the cut on our newest full-fledged members."

Beth and I put the cuts on the boys then walked in front of them again and fixed the collars and handed them their patches. We then kissed them on each cheek and stepped beside them.


Ace handed me the collar.

"Wolf come here" I said.

Wolf walked over and stood beside The Guardian. I bent down and put the collar around his neck and kissed his nose.

"You are full-fledged members."

Panther hugged The Guardian and he looked at Panther with tears in his eyes.

He said "I am happy to be a full member but I never thought I would have a female that cared enough for me to put my cut on me."

Panther said. "You’re my brother and Angel loves you like a brother too."

" Did you really think she would not do this for you?"

The Guardian said. "I didn’t even think about it."

" He said I am so happy for you Panther. I hope I find a woman just like Angel someday."

" You will brother Panther said. You will."

Due to Angel putting his cut on him he will always be her protector and guardian even if he does find his own woman. Angel has been there when he received his cut and that meant the world to him. Angel has a friend coming to stay with her for a few months. Her name is Donna. Her friend has been through some shit and needs a safe place to stay.

The Guardian was at the garage working on a brother's bike when he heard the car drive into the club and park. It sounded like it was on its last leg. He watched as the door of the car opened and a small girl with long dark hair climb out only to fall on the ground. He ran over and rolled her over.

God, she was beaten and he was angry. He picked her up in his arms and carried her into the club yelling for the doc. Angel saw me carrying the girl and she ran over yelling Donna.

"Guardian, what happened to her?"

" Someone beat the shit out of her. She fell out of the car onto the ground."

Guardian carried her to the medical room and lay her gently on the bed. Angel looked at him and said.

"You found your Valkyrie."

He smiled and said.

"Yes, I did."

The doc finished examining Donna and bandaged her ribs as she had three cracked and one broken. He put a cast on her left arm and stitched her cheek with 10 stitches.

He noticed she had been choked as well. He told Angel and The Guardian that Donna will be fine. He said she was lucky. A one-half inch over and the rib would have punched the lung.

The Guardian and Angel sat beside Donna’s bed. She slowly opened her eyes.

"Donna who did this to you Angel asked?"

" Jeff," she said.

He came home and saw the boxes and suitcases sitting beside the door.

"He said he wouldn’t be home until 9:00 tonight. I thought I would be gone before he came back. I was wrong. He said I was never leaving him unless it was in a box."

"After beating and kicking me he left but not before saying that when he came back he would have a surprise for me."

She looked over and saw The Guardian. She thought he was the most handsome man she had ever seen. He could be a model. He looked strong with muscles and an 8 pack as he didn’t have a shirt on just a vest. She moaned and said.

"What did he do to me this time?"

The Guardian asked. "What do you mean this time?"

She said "in the past six months he has hit me or kicked me. He has refused to let me leave. He would keep track of me and I don’t know-how. He always finds me and then when he gets me back home I get a beating."

The Guardian said. "I will be back."

" Tag he yells as he walked into the bar. Can you find a way to see if a tracker has been put on someone’s phone or car?"

" Sure easy. I just need them both."

" The car is outside I can get her phone."

Tag grabbed his laptop and walked outside to look at the car. The Guardian walked back to the medical room and asked.

"Donna do you have a cell phone."

"Yes, but it is in the car."

" Ok, I will be back."

He opened the car and found her purse laying on the front seat. He found the phone and handed it to Tag. Tag grinned.

"He is not as smart as he thinks he is."

He did his magic and blocked the tracer on the phone. He found the planted tracker and said.

"There is a tracker under the back pumper."

The Guardian lay on the ground and felt for the box. He found it and grinned.

He jerked it off the bumper and threw it on the ground smashing it. He walked back into the medical room with the phone and tracker.

"This was on the underside of the back bumper. He also had a tracker on your phone but Tag blocked it."

" He will be getting really pissed."

" Angel, can I talk to you for a minute?"

" Sure "she said and followed him out of the room.

"Do you know where she lives?"

" Yes."

" Give me the address and we will get her stuff and make sure this Jeff never bothers her again."

Angel grinned and wrote down the address and gave it to The Guardian. They heard the bikes riding in and Panther walking towards them five minutes later. Angel hugged and kissed him.

"Your brother found his Valkyrie. She is my best friend Donna come meet her."

He walked into the medical room and what he saw made him angry. Donna looked over and Angel said.

"Donna this is my husband, Panther."

" He is The Guardian’s brother."

" Who is the Guardian she asked?"

" The man who was sitting with me. He is also going to claim you."

"What are you talking about Donna asked?"

" I will explain later."

Panther said. "We are going to go get your things. Did you pack everything you wanted?"

" Yes, I did it is all stacked by the front door."

" Good. You will be safe here."

He leaned down and kissed Angel again and said.

"Keep the wolf close."

" I will" she said.

Donna watched as he walked out of the door.

"Girl she said. Are all the men that handsome here?"

" Most of them."

" I was serious."

" The Guardian carried you in here and told me. You would be his. He will kill anyone that tries to take you away. Once the single men here lay eyes on the woman that will be there’s they get this feeling. The woman is made for them."

"For instance. Panther is an angry person and voices tell him to hurt bad people. But when I am around he becomes calm and he is not angry and doesn’t hear the voices."

" What about the Guardian?"

" I don’t know."

"He will tell you himself. He will never hurt you and you can trust him."

" I will try" Donna said.

"Good. That is all he would ask from you. Just give him a chance."

She saw Donna close her eyes and knew she had fallen asleep.

Angel walked out of the medical room with Wolf following behind her. As she walked to the kitchen she felt as if she was being watched.

She looked around but couldn’t find anyone watching her.

"One of the prospects asked. Are you all alright?"

" Yes, but I thought I was being watched."

I had a bad feeling and the wolf was unsettled as well.

We walked to the kitchen got a sandwich and coffee and went and sat down on a barstool. Angel was talking with Tara, Ace’s Valkyrie.

"Angel asked. Tara, do you feel as if something is not right?"

" Yes, I do. I can’t put my finger on it. I feel as if something bad is about to happen."

"I’m going out back for a few minutes. If I’m not back in a few minutes come to look for me."

Angel got up and walked out the back door. She had gotten no more than 20 feet from the door when she was grabbed from behind. She was thrown against the wall.

"You thought you would always have your man and wolf around to protect you."

"She tried to scream.

"I have tried to be nice. To get to know you. Ever since that prospect showed pictures of you I just had to have you but you were rescued."

" Now I can."

He threw Angel on the ground and ripped her jeans off of her.

She was crying fighting him and the wolf started howling. The Guardian felt something wrong.

He ran into the club asking "where is Angel."

" Outback."

He ran out back and ripped the prospect from Blaise’s club off of her. He proceeded to beat the shit out of him. Tara ran outside screaming.

Ace ran out the door and saw his sister laying on the ground blood gathering around her head and between her legs. Several men pulled the Guardian off of the prospect. Tara had covered Angel with a blanket. The Guardian growled and yelled.

"Don’t touch her" as a prospect started to pick her up.

The Guardian walked over and gently picked Angel up and carried her to the medical room. He gently lay her on the other bed.

"Donna screamed what happened to her?"

The Guardian looked at Donna and said.

"A prospect from a visiting club attacked her. I am going to slowly kill that mother fucker. He did this to my sister and he will pay for it."

The doctor came in and closed the curtain.

"The prospect had raped Angel and it was bad. Panther is going to go berzerk."

" She had to have 10 stitches put in the back of her head where he slammed her head onto the cement sidewalk. Panther was just getting off his bike when he walked into the club. It was quiet. Too quiet. He saw his brother Guardian pacing the bar.

"What’s going on" Panther asked?

Everyone looked at him with sad eyes.

"What the hell is going on?"

" Panther, Ace said. you need to sit down."

" Why?"

" You are not going to want to hear this."

Panther sat down and looked at the Guardian. Ace said.

"Panther. Angel went outback to do something."

"She was attacked by that prospect. He raped her and hit her head on the cement sidewalk. When Guardian found her he jerked the prospect off Angel and proceeded to beat the shit out of him."

" The Guardian refused to let anyone but him touch Angel."

Panther asked. "Where is Angel?"

" In the medical room."

Panther stopped and hugged his brother. He said. "We will kill him. Slowly."

Panther walked into the medical room. The doctor said.

"Panther he used so much force that she lost the baby."

" What baby?"

Doc said. "She was one month pregnant. She didn’t know."

" Did he kill our baby?"

" Yes," doc said. "She will be able to have more."

" But with everything else she has been through she will be depressed and we need to watch her."

"She will blame herself."

" This is not her fault."

" Can I see her?"

" Yes, but be careful what you say."

He walked over and sat beside his Angel. She opened her eyes and with tears running down her face she said.

"I’m sorry Panther."

" He said this is not your fault. You should have been safe."

"I love you, Angel. We will get through this. I need you to get better."

He leaned over and kissed her. She said. "I feel so dirty."

" You are not dirty" Panther said.

"You did not ask for this. I will make him pay. I promise you that."

He watched as she closed her eyes. He got up and walked back to the bar.

"Well, how is she everyone asked?"

" She was pregnant."

" What do you mean she was pregnant?"

" He used so much force that she lost the baby."

" I was going to be an uncle?"

" Yes, and I was going to be a father."

Everyone was pissed.

"He killed her baby and he will pay for that."

Blaize was angry he was so angry he wanted to skin that mother fucker alive. Instead, he said.

"Let’s go take care of another issue. The Guardian’s woman was beaten. We need to go load up her belongings and bring them here."

"Along with this man Jeff."

Everyone got on their bikes but one prospect drove the van to the address that Angel gave The Guardian. The house was quiet as they entered. The things were loaded up and put in the van. The Guardian, Blaize, Falcon, Panther, and Ace waited in the dark house for this man to return.

Falcon was sitting in a chair behind the door. About two hours later the door opened and they heard voices.

"One man said. You can fuck her all you want just give me the money."

As he shut the door Falcon silently stood up and locked it. Blaize turned on a lamp. They heard.

"Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house."

They grinned and Ace said.

"To for the price of one."

" The man who came in with him was a member of the Snake MC."

The Guardian said. "I am going to kill both of you. But not right away. I am going to take my time. You, he said to Jeff put your hands and feet on the wrong woman."

Panther and Falcon said.

"And you, your MC kidnapped the wrong woman and your club owes us money."

They knocked the men out, tied them, and carried them out and dumped them in the back of the van. They shut the light off and left the house headed back to the compound.

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