Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 13: New Rules For Club Whores

It was getting late so Tara Marie went to her room shut and locked her door before getting in the shower. As she got out and dried off she put on clean underwear and a tee-shirt before climbing into bed.

She fell asleep thinking about her date with Tats and what she would wear. She dreamed about Tats and how it would feel to have him kiss her. Tats had not kissed her yet. All he has done was hold her hand.

She dreamed of his strong arms wrapped around her kissing her moving slowly over her body finding her most sensitive spots bringing out a moan from her as he kissed, licked, and sucked on them.

She dreamed of him moving down her body slowly toward the area between her thighs getting closer until she felt his mouth on her clit. As he licked and sucked her clit she felt her muscles tighten and she grew even wetter. She moaned in her sleep.

In his bed Tats thought about how beautiful Tara Marie was and how he wanted to run his hands down her body kissing her lips, sucking and licking her neck leaving love marks making his way down her body until he knew every inch of it and just how to make her moan.

Then he thought about being buried between her legs licking, sucking, her clit, and leaving love bites on her thighs having her legs thrown over his shoulders and tasting her. Then how he would lay cradled between those thighs, shoving his cock deep inside her making her moan and her muscles tighten around him and sucking him dry.

If he knew she was dreaming about him doing just that he didn’t think he could stop himself from going to her room and doing just that. He got up earlier than usual as he couldn’t sleep. All he thought about was making love to Tara Marie.

He got out of his bed and pulled his jeans on and walked to the club kitchen where he got himself a cup of coffee and a plate of breakfast. Falcon said.

"You’re up earlier than normal."

Tats said. "Couldn’t sleep."

Falcon grinned and said. "Dreaming of Tara Marie and what you would like to do with her body."

Tats gave him a hard look.

Falcon said. "We have all done it, brother. No shame there. Let me tell you waiting is the hard part but holy shit is it well worth it."

" Falcon in his own thoughts saying seeing your woman naked on your bed, touching her soft skin, hearing her soft moans, and how your touch, your hands, and mouth make her scream your name knowing you are the one giving her that pleasure."

"Making your cock get even harder than it ever has been before. Shit," he said.

Tats looked at him laughing. "And now you have a fucking hard-on and your woman is visiting her best friend going shopping for the baby."

Falcon said smiling "she will be back later in the afternoon and I can take care of my hard-on in the most enjoyable way but what about you?"

"Cold showers he said laughing."

" Been there and done that too."

The fucking club whore that had to be put in her place last night heard them talking and said.

"I can help Tats with his problem and Tara Marie doesn’t need to know."

Tats growled looking at her he said. "I no longer need to fuck you whores."

"It would be best if you stayed away from me. If you continue to attempt to cause trouble between me and Tara Marie I will have Sandy and the other club whores remind you of your place."

" Even the Valkyries will do that do you feel me" he asked?

Tats got up and placed his plate and cup in the sink and walked out of the kitchen.

On his way to the door of the club, he looked at Sandy and said.

"Put that club whore in her place. Remind her of the rules and make sure she understands to stay away from me."

He then turned away from her and walked out the door. He walked over to his bike got on started it and drove to his Tattoo shop.

Before heading to the shop Tats decided to ride to his cabin and make sure it was clean as he wanted to take Tara Marie there this weekend with Panther and Angel, Falcon and Beth, Ace and Tara Lynn, and The Guardian and Donna for a cookout. As he walked into the cabin which was a five-bedroom he built on 15 acres he looked around. He loved this cabin.

This was where they would come and have family cookouts and other members would bring campers and tents and ride the four-wheelers and just have a good time relaxing. As he walked around the cabin he could see Tara Marie sleeping here, making it a second home sitting with him on the couch, or in the hot tub, laying in his bed with him making love to her all night long until they both were exhausted.

He leaves the cabin and gets on his bike and rides to his tattoo shop. As he enters he was greeted by his workers. Most of his artists are female but they know their stuff and are very good at what they do.

Donna said "Tats we have a full house coming in at 1:00. We are going to be pretty much back to back until closing."

" Thanks, Donna" he said. He walked to his station and prepared for his first customer.

She grinned and said "don’t get mad but your first customer is the club whore."

He turned and looked at her and said. "I don’t care how busy we are I want you in here with me when she comes. I don’t want to be left alone with her period. I don’t trust that bitch."

"I knew she would go back to the club and try to start shit. She already tried yesterday."

Donna said. "I had already planned on being in here with you. I won’t leave at all I promise. She wants to be your Valkyrie you know that don’t you."

" I know" he sighed.

"I think that when we get these new sluts the rules should be made clear and they sign a contract knowing they will never be a club members Valkyrie."

Kelly brought the club whore back to where we were sitting. When she saw Donna sitting there she asked.

"Is she going to be in here because I don’t want her here?"

Tats said. "She will be here or another one of my artists so take your pick."

" But why" she asked?

"Because I am tattooing a female and it is for your safety and mine as well."

"That way I can’t be accused of doing something inappropriate."

" What if I refuse to have anyone but you?"

" Then you can choose to leave and go somewhere else to get your tattoo."

She huffed and said "no I want you to do it. Fine then what are you wanting and where?"

She said "I want a red rose on my breast."

" Fine take your shirt off and lay back."

" Which breast?"

" My right one."

She chooses the rose she wanted and Tats worked on it. She noticed that he was professional and didn’t look at her with lust.

"Well shit," she said.

I have to go through with this now and can’t back out. Donna sat back leaning against the wall watching.

She grinned and thought I can go back to the club and brag about how Tats tattooed her rose on her breast and show it off leaving out that Donna was there.

Donna fooled her though. Donna had an earphone and she said call Tara Marie. Her phone called Tara.

"Donna said well hello Tara Marie."

"What are you doing?" Tara Marie said.

"I’m shopping for my dress. Get a beautiful one."

" I will" she said.

" So what are you doing Donna?"

" Tat’s and I are working on a rose tattoo for a club whore."

" She wanted it on her breast. Tats don't work on a woman unless one of us is with him."

Tara said. "Let me guess. The club whore who tried to start problems with me and Tats yesterday."

" The very one" Donna said. Tara laughed and said. "You were warning me, aren’t you?"

" I sure am. Aren’t you happy about that?"

" Thanks, Tara Marie said. I owe you one."

" Anything you want me to tell Tats?"

" Yes, tell him I am looking forward to our date. Bye."

Tats looked up and waited. "Tara Marie said to tell you she is looking forward to her date with you tonight."

He grinned and looked down and finished the tattoo. The club whore was pissed that Donna told Tara Marie about the tattoo. She has to find another way to put a wedge between them. He is hers and she intends on being his Valkyrie.

"Tara went to Ace and asked him to write the rules and hang them in the club regarding how club whores will never become a Valkyrie and Make them all sign a contract with that information in it."

" She said she wants him to add that if a club whore attempts to come between a club member and his woman that she shall be punished and depending on the problems she causes who gives the punishment will be decided by the Valkyries."

He agreed. He wants to keep Tara happy. He said "before Tats and Tara Marie leave on their date it will be done."

Tag printed out the rules and they were hung around the club. The contracts were printed out with each club whores name and they are to read and sign them tonight along with Ace as the president.

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