Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 14: Club Whores Sign Contract

When Tats came around the corner and saw Tara Marie his mouth dropped open. She was so beautiful. He knew he was going to see a lot of men staring at her with lust. He was ok with that because she was with him and his. He walked over to her and told her she looked beautiful.

He took her hand and said. "Before we leave Ace wants to say something to the club whores."

Ace stood up in front of a table with a stack of papers on them. He said.

"It has come to my attention that some of you club whores think we were kidding when we said you will never become a Valkyrie and a few of you have attempted to cause problems for club members and their woman."

"As you look around the clubhouse the rules are on the walls."

Now he said holding up the contracts. "I have a contract here with every one of your names on them. If you want to remain in this clubhouse as a club whore, you will read them and sign them. If you chose not to sign them I expect you to pack your shit and leave my clubhouse tonight. Now as I call your name come forward, please."

Sandy was the first to walk to the table and read the contract. She signed her name and then Ace signed his. As the girls signed them the contract was handed to Tag to put in each girl's file. As Raylan the club whore was called she walked to the table read the contract and said. "What does this mean exactly?"

Ace asked "what does what mean?"

" The part that says that the Valkyrie will decide who gives the punishment."

" Just what it says." He said.

"They could leave the punishment to Sandy who is the head whore here. Whatever she decides the punishment will be then she will discuss it with me. she will then hand out that punishment herself if we agree on it."

"If the offense is really bad then the Valkyrie will decide the punishment and who will deliver it."

" What if I don’t agree with that part."

Ace leaned back and said. "You can pack your shit and leave my club tonight."

" I am not joking I am fed up with you whores thinking you can cause problems in my club. You are just whores."

She looked at him and he said. "Are you going to sign or not?"

She picked up the pen and signed her name.

She was pissed that this contract had been made. But she didn’t want to leave. They were a good club. She had room and board and she was not abused. She couldn’t take the chance of leaving and ending up in a club that would abuse her.

She knew that Ace was not kidding. He meant business. She was angry. Ace told Tats.

"You and Tara Marie can leave for your date now. I hope you have a good time."

They walked out of the door and Tats helped her into his truck. He was looking forward to dinner and a movie.

As Tats arrived at the restaurant he helped Tara Marie out of the truck. He held her hand as they entered. As they followed the waitress to their table he noticed the men looking at Tara Marie with lust. He smiled as he knew all they could do was look. She was his. He planned on getting to know her and in two months asking her to become his Valkyrie.

He has not kissed her yet. But he will tonight after their date. She looked around and said. Tats this is beautiful. He smiled and said. I actually am part owner. They ordered the food and ate talking about what they want out of life and that she wants to do open a pole dance studio.

He encouraged her to do what she wanted. He said he would support her in whatever she wanted to do. She said "what if I want to learn to do tattoos?"

He said. "Then we can teach you. Can I come and watch you sometime."

" Of course, you can" he said.

"You can come to my shop anytime you want to."

She smiled at that.

"I really want to watch you work."

He smiled and said. "I would like that."

They ate and he paid for the meal and they walked to the truck. He held her hand

All through the movie, he watched Tara Marie. He wanted to kiss her so badly. She lay her head on his shoulder and would feed him popcorn. After the movie, they drove back to the clubhouse and he helped her out of the truck. He held her hand and they walked into the clubhouse. As they walked in several club members gave wolf whistles.

"Looking good Tara Marie" they said. She just grinned and held onto Tats. They walked to the VIP table and sat down.

Donna asked. "How was your date?"

Tara Marie smiled her eyes lighting up and said "I loved it."

She described the restaurant as she leaned against Tat. She said he was a gentleman and I really like being with him.

"She told Donna that Tat said she could come and watch him work anytime she wanted."

Donna just smiled and said.

"You should come tomorrow."

She looked up at Tats and said. "I might just do that."

He looked down at her and smiled. Panther asked. "So you really enjoyed being with Tats tonight."

"Yes, I did" she said.

"I want to spend more time with him."

Tats leaned down and said. "You will baby, you will."

They all sat and talked for a while. About 2:00 in the morning she yawned and said. "I think I will go to bed."

Tats stood and walked her to her room. At her door, he leaned down and kissed her and said. "I will see you tomorrow."

" Ok," she said.

She then entered her room and locked the door. She took off her shoes and placed them in her closet and then took her dress off and hung it up before she walked in and took a shower and getting into bed. She fell asleep instantly.

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