Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 12: Tat's Want's Tara

Meanwhile at the Black Widow MC Hater was destroying his clubhouse. They had found the van off the road and the girls were gone. Four of his men were hurt and not a goddamn one of them knows who ran them off the road. He wants Tara back. He is really pissed that someone dared to take any women from him.

One of the prospects asked.

"What about Ace could his club have done it?"

" You dumbass how could they do it when they were right across the street eating. You saw them, I saw them. Then they left and went shopping and bought shit for their woman. They were followed remember."

" I forgot. So who could do this?"

"What about that fucking new group who has decided to find and free kidnapped women?"

" It could have been them."

" I don’t know but when I find them they are dead."

Hater was pissed because he had not really mistreated Tara. He took care of her. Yes, he made her dance but she didn’t have to give lap dances or have sex with anyone. She only had sex with him.

"He will find her again. He will get her back."

He grabbed his whiskey and threw himself down on the booth and started to drink. Maybe he asked for this. He might find a good woman if his club went legit. He really should change the image of his club. He got up and walked to his room where he fell on his bed.

Back at Aces club as they walked in Tats was still holding Tara Marie’s hand. Tats noticed that the new club whore was looking from their hands and back to Tats.

He knew right then she was going to be trouble. He had fooled around with her once or twice and she seemed to think that he was hers.

Just about the time, there was a loud noise and a break came flying through the window.

"What the hell yelled ace."

Panther picked up the brick and found a note wrapped around it.

"We know what you did in Las Vegas it said. Give us what we want or we will let The Black Widow’s know where the girls are."

"Call this number in two days or else."

" I don’t know who the fuck this is but they just messed with the wrong club."

Tats looked over and saw the new whore had a smug smile on her face. He had a feeling she is involved in this somehow.

"Ace yelled church in 10 minutes."

Tats walked Tara Mari to the VIP table. He said "Tara I need to tell you something."

" What" she asked.

He said. "Do you see that club whore sitting over there staring at us?"

" Yes. Well, I was with her once or twice. I just want you to know I don’t want her, and I think she will try to cause problems between us."

Tara grinned and said.

"Tats I can’t say anything because you rescued me from Hater. I believe you when you say that you don’t want to be with her anymore."

He let out a sigh and said. "Thank you."

He was relieved that he told Tara he had been with the club whore.

Now she can try whatever she wants because he didn’t hide it from Tara.

"Tara, will you go out on a date with me tomorrow night?"

" Sure I will. What should I wear?"

" A nice dress and hills. We will leave around 7:00 pm if that is ok with you?"

" That is fine. I look forward to it."

" Good. I should be back in here in about an hour after church."

" Stay with the girls alright?"

" I will" she said.

She watched him walk away and turned and sat with the Valkyries.

Donna said looking at Tara.

"If Tats claims you your tattoo will be difficult."

" Why?"

" His name is Tats."

" Well what is his favorite animal or how about a tattoo of an artist."

" That would be too difficult. How about these she drew."

" That would be perfect. It matches his back."

" I think so to" said, Donna.

"So these will be your tattoo when it is time."

" You do know he wants to claim you, don’t you?"

" I know Tara Marie said."

" Do you like Tats" the girls asked?

"I do" she said.

"He is very sweet to me and he doesn’t judge me after what happened to me."

" He won’t the" girls said.

"He has always wanted his Valkyrie."

" Donna said he thought he would never find you. He is 26 years old now. You will make him happy if you accept his claim. He said when he finds his Valkyrie he will treat her like a queen."

"Donna said let’s go make some popcorn."

The girls jumped up and ran to the kitchen. They lit up a joint and smoked while making the popcorn. As they carried it back to their table they stopped at the bar and got a few cans of beer and then sat down to eat it and drink their pop.

Just as they sat down the club whore walked over and said to Tara Marie.

"Don’t get too sure of yourself where Tats is concerned. He won’t be faithful. He will always come back to me."

The girls were getting pissed and Tara Marie looked up and said with a smile on her face.

"No, he won’t be going back to you. Not if he wants to keep me."

Angel said. "Bitch you best getaway from the VIP table. Keep your mouth shut. You know he will be faithful and remember your place."

The whore felt her arm being jerked and Tats looked down at her with anger.

"Tats said. You never come near the VIP table and don’t ever talk to Tara Marie like that again. Like they said. Remember your place and it is not at this table."

He shoved her away from him and the girls.

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