Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 11: The Plan To Rescue Tara

Blaize and Reaper had driven to the home where the truck was. They got off their bikes and got into the truck. They drove to meet up with Falcon and The Guardian, and Ace and Tats. Tag was waiting with another prospect were waiting in the van.

"Tag said time to go they are half a mile from us."

The waited with lights off but motors running when they heard the first motorcycles coming down the road and then saw the lights. As they headed toward them Ace and Tats pulled out in front and let them catch up to them.

After they passed Blaise and Reaper pulled out and then Falcon and The Guardian. They ran the back two bikes off the road then followed the van. Ace and Tats slammed on their breaks and the two bikes behind them ran into them.

As this happened the trucks ran the van off the road and Tag and the prospect pulled up and as each woman was pulled from the van they were told they were safe and put them in the club van. After the woman were loaded the prospect and Tag drove off to the clubhouse.

Blaize, Reader, The Guardian, Falcon, Tats, and Ace went back to pick up the bikes and gave the keys to the trucks with the titles to the new owners and headed down the road leaving Las Vegas in a slow normal ride to the clubhouse. They were happy that the rescue took less than 30 minutes.

The girl was asking. "Are you sure they won’t find us?"

" Yes," Tag said.

"We will make sure you all get back to your families. It is fine if you sleep. We have a long ride ahead of us."

The girls lay back and closed their eyes dozing off. They slept all the way to the club. About 30 minutes later the rest of the club members caught up with Tag and the prospect.

As they were pulling into the clubhouse the girls woke up. They were taken out of the van and walked into the clubhouse. Angel ran to Panther hugging him telling him she missed him. He hugged and kissed her back. He said now we can say why we had to leave.

He said walking to Tara.

"Tara, don’t you remember me" he asked?

She looked at him and said. "No."

He said. "I am your brother this he said pointing to The Guardian is your brother too."

He said. "You were kidnapped three years ago. You are safe and home now."

" Angel this is our baby sister Tara Marie."

Come, Tara, she said taking her to her room. Tara followed her.

"Angel said go take a shower and I will get you something to wear."

She got her a new bra, panties, jeans, and a shirt with warm socks to put on. Several Valkyries did the same with the other five girls. After they had showered they took them to the kitchen to get them something to eat and drink.

When they were done Ace and Blaize asked "the other five to come to his office."

Once they entered and shut the door they sat down.

"We need to know if you have a family and you can call them."

After all five had contacted their family arrangements were made to make sure they were sent home. All the women were on their way to their families in two days.

In the meantime, Tara Marie was adjusting to being free from the Black Widow MC. She was quiet always watching making sure she didn’t do anything wrong. It had been a week since she had been freed that Angel asked "if they can take Tara Marie shopping during breakfast."

"At the same time Tats, The Guardian, and Panther stood to up and handed their credit cards to the girls saying buy her everything she needs."

They all looked at each other and Angel stood up and grabbed Tat's card saying "we will make sure she has everything she needs."

Falcon said. "Take the wolf and two prospects with you."

" Ok, they said and Angel grabbed Panther’s truck keys as they headed for the door."

The girls got into the truck and put the wolf in the back. They pulled out headed for the mall with the prospects behind them. As they got out of the truck and the prospects followed them they noticed the attention they received from men and women alike as they walked by. They went to every shop and the last one being for the cell phone.

They bought Tara Marie a good phone. As they had shopped they watched Tara Marie. She stared at everything.

Angel asked. "Tara, weren’t you allowed to go shopping?"

" No, I wasn’t allowed. Hater bought everything for me. I didn’t like the clothes he wanted me to wear. They made me look like a slut."

She said "I am happy to be away from him."

" Did he hurt you" Angel asked?

"He would rape me and beat me if I didn’t do what he wanted."

" I lost myself in my dancing."

She said "I would pole dance and I really liked it."

She said "that she wanted to open a studio and teach pole dancing. It is good exercise and fun."

"Well, now that you are safe and free you can do that."

She laughed and said. "No man is going to let me do that."

Angel said. "The men in this club are not like Hater and his club members. Tat’s likes you."

" Which one is he" she asked?

"The one with the tattoo’s whose credit card I took."

She said. "He will be mad we spent so much money."

"No, he won’t Angel and the girls said. He said to get you everything you needed and we did."

" He also has the money and he owns his own Tattoo shop."

Donna (little tattoo artist) said. "I work for him."

Tara Marie asked "you work for a tattoo artist?"

" Yes, I do tattoos."

The girls showed her their tattoo’s.

"Those are beautiful."

" Donna did them" they all said.

"When I get one you can do mine too."

Donna said. "I would love to give you a tattoo when you are ready."

The prospects continued to follow them close making sure no one bothered them.

When they were done they headed to the truck and put everything in it and drove back to the club compound. As they entered carrying the bags the girls walked to tats and Angel handed him the card.

"He asked did you get everything she needed?"

" We did the girls" said.

"Tara Marie said if it is too much we can return some clothes."

Tats looked at her and smiled saying.

"You will do no such thing. Now go put your new clothes away take a shower and get dressed. We are all going to go for a ride and then get something to eat."

The girls were excited as they loved riding on the bikes with their men. As they all walked out the men asked "are you already."

"Were ready" they said.

As Tats walked to his bike he picked up a helmet and put it on Tara Marie and helped her on the back of his bike. As he got on and started it and sat down he felt Tara Marie move forward close to his back and put her arms around them. The girls didn’t know where they were riding too but were happy to be riding with them.

The men rode towards the next town where the fair was going on. As they arrived and parked the bikes they got off hung the helmets on the bikes and grabbed the girl's hands and started walking to the gate.

They paid for themselves and the girls and then started to walk around and take things in. Tara Marie was having fun and Tats won her a small stuffed bear.

The men noticed the women getting several looks. The girls noticed that women were checking out their man. They didn’t mind as long as they didn’t try to talk or touch them. Tara hugged the bear close to her smiling.

Tats noticed how happy Tara Marie was. He enjoyed holding her hand and she didn’t seem to mind. They continued to walk around and ride some rides and around 5:00 they all decided to head back but to stop at Danny's to eat first.

As they started to walk the girls said.

"We have to use the restroom first."

So they all did. The girls finished and were waiting for the men when several men came up to them. They told them they were with someone and please leave them alone. The didn’t see the men come out of the restroom or that one man grabbed Tara Marie’s arm trying to drag her towards him.

"She yelled to let me go."

Tats walked over behind her and said in a very deadly voice.

"Let go of her."

The man noticed Tats cut and let go of Tara Marie. She turned and put her arms around Tats bearing her face in his chest. Tat’s arms held her close.

He asked "are you alright?"

she was shaking and this pissed him off.

He looked at the man and said to him.

"You need to leave now or I will kill you."

The men all turned and ran off. They walked to their bikes and the men lifted the woman on then. They then headed out of town back to the club compound.

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