Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 10: Tara's Rescue

They arrived at the club that night. Ace handed Jim the small tracker to put on the van. Raylan one of the bartenders that night was just getting ready to take the trash out.

"She said the van was out back next to the trash."

Jim gave the tracker to her and said. "Put if anywhere under the van. It is magnetic and will stick."

As she pushed the trash bin to the side of the building she noticed that no one was near the van. She put the bin near the building and went to light a cigarette when she dropped her lighter which ended up under the van.

She had the tracker in her hand and as she got on her knees to reach for the lighter she put the tracker under the bumper and reached for her lighter.

A prospect asked. "What are you doing?"

Raylan said "trying to reach for my lighter."

The prospect got on his knees and grabbed the lighter giving it to her.

"Thanks," she said.

As she stood up she lit her cigarette. She said "I was dying for this and was thinking I wouldn’t be able to since my lighter fell out of my pocket."

She smoked and then put the butt out and threw it in the trash can and walked back into the building. As she brought Ace and his men drinks she said.

"It’s done."

Tag grinned and asked.

"So do you have a man "he asked loud enough for Hater to hear?"

Raylan said. "Yes, I do and no I don’t ever date customers."

"Too bad."

She just smiled and walked back to the bar. Raylan continued to serve drinks and then Tara was announced.

Everyone turned to watch her dance. Ace said. "She is good."

" No wonder Hater wanted her."

Tat watched her and said. "If we get that girl out of her Panther, Guardian I want her."

They growled.

"For my Valkyrie."

They still growled and Tat laughed.

"Protective brothers," he said.

Hater got up and walked to their table he pulled a chair up next to Ace and he said.

"The best isn’t she," he said.

Ace said. "You weren’t lying. She really is good."

"By the way. I looked up that information and they do have people who teach classes in using the silk scarves. I plan on looking into it and send some of the girls there for lessons."

"I think that adding something like that to the club can bring in even more customers if we have them perform once or twice a month."

" Maybe" Ace said.

"So how has your stay been?"

" Good."

" We have the Crazy Girls tomorrow it should be an interesting show. We’ll see if it is as good as we heard."

"We also plan on doing some shopping to take our women something back from Las Vegas."

" Don’t know what yet but we will get them something. Is there any good stores with leather vests or somewhere I can get fringe boots?"

" My sister likes Indian boots that go up to the knee."

"Yes, there are a few on the strip. you shouldn’t have any problems finding what you are looking for."

" Good. I appreciate it."

" No problem" Hater said.

He said. "I want you to know. I looked at your club."

" Why Ace asked looking at him with hard eyes? I told you we weren’t here to start trouble."

"Can’t be too safe."

" Fine and did you find out what you needed to know?"

" I find it interesting that your club is legit. You own businesses and everyone works. I like how your club will escort or take a child to school who is being bullied and you do rides for toy collecting, and money to give to Children’s Medical Center."

"I am thinking of going legit myself. I am tired of having to look over my back all the time. I am getting too old for that shit."

" You aren’t that old" Ace said.

"I’m 30" Hater said.

"I need to settle down to find a good woman and have some kids. Can’t do that with a club that deals with prostitution, buying and selling women, messing with drugs and guns. Don’t want that around kids and a wife."

"Well, we have found that it is better than fighting and shooting at each other. We have given bikers a better name where we live. People like us better and we don’t have the law on our back as much anymore."

" We all can party and enjoy yourself without always finding the cops barging in shoving people around and destroying our clubhouse."

"Not saying that sometimes we don’t have issues with other clubs that try to move in on our territory. We welcome clubs as long as you don’t cause issues."

" We want our town to be safe for kids and women to walk down the street without being harassed. We don’t want the kids to grow up and beat people up, steal, damage property, bully other kids, or the elderly. We want a clean safe town."

"That sounds nice."

" We are not the only biker MC’s but others around us are doing the same thing."

" Sounds nice" he said.

"Well, my turn to get back to my group of friends. I guess you won’t be here tomorrow night he said grinning."

" Nope, we have a show to watch tomorrow and then we plan on doing shopping the day after that and then we are headed back home."

Of Course, that was a lie. They looked at each other and decided to go to Wendy’s across the street to eat. They got up and

Tat said. "Wendy's tonight. We can walk across the street eat come to get our bikes and head back to the hotel."

So they walked over to Wendy's where the ordered their food sat down to eat and talk.

They watched the club for a while and then Tag would test the tracker. They planned on using some old trucks that Jim has found for sale cheap around $200. After they are done with them they are giving them to some people that can’t afford a car. They won’t need them after tomorrow.

Tat is staying with Jim going to walk around the strip and see how the tracker works. If it goes well then Blaize and Reaper take out the back two bikes, and at the same time, Ace will get for the two front bikes and at the same time Falcon and Panther will force the van off the road. And take the driver and passenger out.

Tat and Tag will take the girls out of the van and put them in our van and head straight for the clubhouse while the rest take the trucks to the people they gave them to and get their bikes and meet at McDonald’s where they will eat breakfast and have their coffee before heading out of town and back to the clubhouse to meet their woman.

They all got up and walked to the door throwing their trash away. Tag went with Jim and walked the strip while the rest went to the motel. Around 4:00 am Tag and Jim arrived back at the hotel and met with the men.

" Tag and Jim grinned and said. Simple will be easy. We can do this without a hitch."

"Good. So the van leaves at 3:00 every night with the girls."

" Yes, we just have to hope that Tara is dancing that night."

" She will be said Jim grinning."

" How do you know they asked?"

" Because it happens to be a certain actor’s birthday and he is a friend of Haters."

" After they watch her dance for a while Hater and his buddy are going to the casinos. No woman allowed."

" That is none of Hater's women is allowed."

" Alright then. Let’s get some sleep and be ready to make this happen."

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