Keeper Of The Flame

Chapter 9: Finding Tara

Blaize, Reaper, Red Devil, Falcon, Ace, The Guardian, and Panther arrived at the warehouse around 7:00 am. They decided to work over the Snake MC member.

As they walked down the stairs and Falcon walked over to the Snake MC member he punched him in his ribs. Panther hit him with brass knuckles and said "you are about to be wiped."

"The Guardian hates you right now."

" You had my woman and his sister in law locked in the cell in the basement. Your members raped her, whipped her, broke an arm and leg. And you starved her."

" I am so going to enjoy this."

The Guardian brought the whip back and let it fly. He hit the Snake MC member around 10 times. Ace walked over and said.

"You will tell me what we want to know."

The Snake MC said.

"I know where Panther’s sister Tara is."

" Everyone turned towards him and asked where?"

"Our president sold her to the Black Rose MC in Nevada."

" And how would we know if she is still there?"

" She is working at the strip joint called. Reno Strip Club. She is a pole dancer among other things."

"If she isn’t there your dead when we get back."

The men left the and road back to the Club. The boys told their Valkyries that they had to ride to Nevada and would be gone for a week. They assigned prospects to watch over them.

The went to Ace’s office and planned how to get Tara out if she was there. The packed and road out of the compound taking the van with them. They arrived in Nevada two days later and choose a motel at the edge of town.

They called their contact and he met them at their motel room.

"The contact Jim stated that they are not sure if the girl they saw is Panther and The Guardian’s sister but showed them pictures of the girls that were pole dancing."

" They pointed out a picture of one that looked the closest to Tara."

This girl was thinner, her hair longer.

"Jim stated that she is watched more than the other girls. There are always two to three men around her at any given time. She also seems to be the favorite girl as when the president of the Black Widow MC is there she is by his side."

" How often is he there?"

" Mostly late at night around 1:00 am is when he comes in and he sits in the back booth at all times"

He pulled out a map of the dressing rooms and back entrance to the club.

"He stated that the girls are escorted out of the club at the same time and put into a black van with no windows."

" How many men escort the van to where it is going."

" At least 4. Two bikes in front and two in the back. There are a driver and a passenger in the van. They are driven straight to the Black Widow MC making no stops."

"Ok, we need to follow them find a way to stop them before they get to the club."

" We start in the club its self."

That night they arrived at the club and choose a table within sight of the booth that the president of the Black Widow MC sits at. They got their drinks and sat down to watch the girls.

The didn’t see the girl that Jim had taken the picture of dancing that night. Instead, she came in with the president of the Black Widow MC. The Panther and The Guardian watched out of the side of their eyes. They did not make it known that they were interested in them.

They were talking quietly among themselves. In case asked why they were there the plan was to say that The Guardian was getting married next week and they decided to come to Nevada to celebrate.

They were laughing and talking and teasing The Guardian about finally being caught when a prospect of the Black Widow MC walked over to the table. He looked at Ace as he was the president of our club and said.

"My president has invited you to come to his table to talk to him."

Ace stood up grabbed his beer and said. "I will be back."

" Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do."

He followed the prospect over to the Black Widow MC table and the president was introduced to Ace. They shook hands. Ace sat down and the president of named Hater said.

"You are a long way from home."

" Yes," Ace said.

"We are here celebrating my member The Guardian. He is getting married next week. We are not here to cause any problems."

Hater asked "if he had any charters that might be moving this way."

" No" said, Ace.

"We are more North, East, West, and South."

"We are small-town MC’s compared to the MC’s here or California."

" We heard the girls here that danced were pretty good and that this was a nice strip club to come to where everyone minds their own business."

" Besides it is closer to the motel we are staying at. Don’t want to get pulled over for drinking too much."

Hater laughed and said "that could happen."

Ace said. "I have never been here before and was surprised at the number of people who walk around with drinks in their hands in public."

Hater laughed and said. "This is Las Vegas. It is how they make their money."

" Ace stated that so far they have enjoyed watching people enjoying themselves and that they don’t seem to mind bikers like some places do."

Hater stated "that there are all types of people that visit Las Vegas. A lot of things to do."

" We are going to see Crazy Girls."

Ace saw the girl sitting next to Hater and noticed that she continued to look around instead of at him. Hater said "you won’t see the best dancer tonight."

Ace asked. "What do you mean?"

" The best pole dancer is Tara here he said looking down at her."

" She will be dancing tomorrow if you come back you can see her."

" She is amazing with the pole."

" Really" Ace asked.

Looking at one that he thought was the best on the stage he said.

"That one there. She is better than the rest of them up there. She is really good and she uses the pole to her advantage and is pretty sexy."

Hater looked at the girl Ace pointed at.

"She is good but not as good as my Tara here. Tara is much better. She has the advantage of being shorter and able to use her upper body and she is really good with two poles."

"We have girls that work on silk scarves. when they climb those things you wonder how they don’t rip or fall."

" What is that" Hater asked?

"Here I will show you."

Ace pulled out his phone and showed him Cammy working on them.

"Jesus Christ" Hater said.

"She has nothing to catch her if she falls. she has to be at least 50 feet off the floor."

" You haven’t seen anything yet watch to the end."

" As she rolled down the scarves Hater said she is fucking good."

"Yes, she is."

" I am sure they have girls that do that around here somewhere."

" We should add that to our club."

" Girls who can do that are amazing" Ace said.

"Does that girl still work with them "Hater asked?

"No. She doesn’t she was in an accident a year ago. A car ran a stop sign and slammed into the bike she was riding. She is in a wheelchair now."

"That’s too bad. I would be willing to hire her to come and perform for us."

" Like I said. I’m sure there is a woman who does this around here. As big a state as this is there has to be."

" I will have to check on that."

He pulled out a notebook and pen and wrote working with silk scarves down.

"Well, I best get back over to the boys."

He stood up and shook Hater’s hand.

"Nice to have met you."

" You too. I will check on this tomorrow."

" You do that."

He watched as Ace walked over and sat down. He leaned over to his prospect.

He said. "Remind me to look up the information I wrote down tomorrow. I will forget about it. I really do want to check on this silk scarves thing."

" Yes, sir," the prospect said. Hater thought I have to add that to the club. It can bring in more money. That girl in the video Ace showed me was good.

He leaned back and watched the girls dancing. He liked that Ace. Nice guy he thought. He heard them joking with a guy about getting a ball and chain and other things but then said. They really were happy for him. Getting to be married, start a family. Have little kids running around.

Then Ace said.

"We need more little tattoo artists running around."

They talked about how good his Valkyrie was at drawing and tattooing. Then they talked about how the president’s little sister was doing in nursing school. Hater liked how they all were able to joke and laugh with each other.

He looked up the club and found he liked the fact that they escort kids to school who are being bullied, and they do toy rides and give the toys collected to children services for kids in foster care to have a good Christmas and how they do a ride for Children’s Medical Center and gives them the money collected. This is the type of club he would like to have.

A club that does good things for kids. They also collect money for bikers who may have died for their families and have once a month camping with the bikers and families. They really are a good club. They are a legit club. They own businesses and work for a living.

They are not into prostitution or selling drugs or guns or kidnapping and buying a woman. Yes, I do believe that it is time to change his club's image. He felt good about this. Then he heard the boys saying. Time to go we need to get something to eat and head back to the hotel. They stood up and left.

After leaving the club The Guardian snuck around the building finding the cameras. So they marked them out. Good thing they brought Tag. He had already found most of the hidden cameras inside the building and was ready to pull the club upon his laptop once they arrived back at the hotel.

They went to McDonald’s and sat in a both.

Ace said. "She is dancing tomorrow. She wouldn’t look at me. She never talked."

Panther said. "That was Tara. She is scared. She is almost like Angel was. Programmed."

" We need to put a tracer on the van but how?"

Jim said. "I have a friend that works at the bar. She can do it when the trash goes out or she takes a smoke break. All we have to do is give it to her."

Tag said "I can give her a small tracker that she just walks by the back of the van and puts it anywhere under it. It will attach its self."

" Good give it to me tomorrow.

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