Juniper Santiago - Book 2 of The Santiago Series

Chapter Chapter Three - The Demon Queen

“The room is ready Your Highness,” the nervous servant told his King.

“And where is she?” Roman asked.

“She’s on the balcony Your Highness,” the servant replied.

“You’re dismissed,” Roman said curtly.

“You are most kind Your Highness,” the servant said before scurrying off.

Roman had tried for years to get his people to stop treating him so formally and rigidly, but he quickly learned that they weren’t going to give up their ways, despite him being a more laid back King.

He stood up from his throne and headed towards his chambers. He had been attending to his court of appeals, hearing cases and giving his final judgement on them the whole day. He headed towards his chambers with one purpose – to seek out the woman that had captured his heart.

When he walked into the room, the cool wind was already blowing inside from the open terrace doors. He could see her figure looking out at the balcony as he got closer. When she finally came to view, she was dressed in her new personal favourite colour red, and her stark white hair was free flowing all the way down to her waist.

She looked immaculate.

“What are you out here thinking about?” Roman asked her, his arms wrapping around her swollen belly. She was due to give birth soon.

“This place is so beautiful. The darkness and the cries of the lost souls are soothing to me,” she replied, the coldness in her voice still prominent.

It had been a week since their visit to Scandinavia, and things had taken a turn for the different. While Juniper was a bubbly person, she was now trapped within herself. In her place, was a completely different Marissa as well.

Marissa hadn’t recognized Mateo as her mate, but had instead recognized Roman. She’d stayed in her witch form since, but every part of her is distant, cold even. She doesn’t speak with any emotion, and her face is always expressionless.

Even the demons fear her.

When she was first brought to them by their King, they marvelled at her extraordinary beauty. They had worshipped the very ground she walked on, and still do, but her cold nature had also enforced fear upon them. They never know what to expect of their future Queen.

“It is, isn’t it?” Roman replied, murmuring onto her shoulder. As the King of the Underworld, even he finds peace in the anguished cries of the lost souls, for they are where most of his power comes from.

“How did everything go at court?” she asked.

“It was progressive this time round. I managed to sort out the problem with the demons of the East,” he replied.

“And how did you manage to do that?” she asked stoically.

“I simply gave them a deadline to find a solution and told them that I would banish them to the Land of Lost Souls if they didn’t,” he explained.

“That is a much fitting punishment, and would most definitely work to our advantage. Just more anguished souls feeding us,” she replied.

“Us? What do you mean us?” he asked in confusion.

She turned to face him, and he was taken aback by what faced him. She had paled even more, and her lips and eyes were blood red. Her eyes were even glowing a little, which could only mean that she possesses a demon.

“I feed on their anguished cries my love. It gives me power, power that I am yet to use. I crave their pain and their darkened souls,” she replied.

For the first time in a week, Roman saw some kind of emotion from her, as the pure glee flashed in her eyes. A part of him was overjoyed that the Demon Queen in her was making her appearance and marvelling in her true nature, but the bigger part was worried for her.

While he was overjoyed that she finally recognized him as her mate, he couldn’t stop thinking about the pained look on Mateo’s face. Roman had already recognized her as his mate from the moment he laid eyes on her in Utopia. His whole world came crashing down when she’d mentioned Mateo being her mate, and he’d failed to understand how she could have two mates.

But now he finally understood.

When he’d seen Mateo, his whole perception of what was, changed, and Juniper identifying him as her mate only added onto that. While he was confused before, he now knew the truth, except he didn’t know where to begin to try and set things straight.

He had shared his discovery with Max when they had gone through the Book of Originals together, and they were both unsure of how to approach the situation. They knew for a fact that what they had discovered would be very hard to prove, and that on its own was a huge problem.

Without a solution, the war of the millennium could break out.

One thing he knew for sure was that he wasn’t going to let his mate get away from him, or let anyone take her away from him. As much as there’s confusion about her ability to have multiple mates, she was still his mate too, despite Mateo having gotten to her first.

“And this brings you joy?” he questioned.

“It absolutely delights me. I know what it takes to be the Demon Queen, and I want to take up my place,” she replied.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked warily.

As much as he wanted her to rule beside him, he knew that that couldn’t truly happen until their mating issue was resolved. Besides, she was still heavily pregnant with Mateo’s children, and he knows that the children do not deserve to live without their father.

He needed time to figure things out.

“Don’t you want me as your Queen?” she asked.

“Of course I do, but we need to do things right,” he responded. She looked into his eyes and he felt like she was taking him apart.

She cocked her head to the side. “You’re worried about that wolf.”

He frowned. “What wolf?”

“That wolf that claimed that I am his mate. Do you believe him?” she asked.

Another thing that hadn’t been addressed, was her memory loss. She has no recollection of her life before the rock fell on her head, so to her, Mateo is making baseless claims since she’s only recognized Roman as her mate. Max and Roman are the only two people she knows and remembers, and they had seen fit to keep her in the dark until they figure out what to do.

“I don’t,” he lied. She didn’t look like she believed him, but she let it go.

“What are your plans for tonight?” she asked.

“Nothing! I’m all yours,” he smiled.

“Good. Please run me a bath,” she requested.

“A hot one?” he asked.

“Yes. I want to relax. These babies are giving me one hell of a time with their kicking,” she sighed.

“Do you need me to massage you again?” he asked as he traced his fingers on her belly. As always, the twins moved excitedly at his touch.

“After my bath – they only respond to you,” she murmured.

He kissed her forehead. “You’re going to be a great mother Marissa. Stop worrying.”

“I can only hope for my sake and theirs that you are right,” she mumbled.

He went to his grand bathroom and ran the hot water for her in the massive tub. The tub was big enough to fit four people, and she always seemed to find comfort in the size of it. He left her to relax in the water, and instead went to seek out Max. He found the witch looking through some books in the library.

“Any luck?” he asked.

“I wish! There’s nothing here that explains how this situation came to be, or how to get out of it. It’s like there’s no record of any of this existing,” Max replied.

“But shouldn’t the Book of Originals have the answers for us?” Roman asked in frustration.

“That’s exactly what I thought, but then it only gives origins. It doesn’t actually expand on the lives of the different creatures. How this came to be is a complete mystery,” Max explained.

“This isn’t helping! Heavens know that if we do not find a solution, Zeus will wage war against the demons, and the last thing the Underworld needs, is a war and more unfairly butchered souls,” Roman pointed out.

“You’re a better king than most who would find themselves in your position,” Max commented.

“She may be my mate, but she’s his mate too. I cannot deny him of that. I do not have the right to do so,” Roman reminded.

“True, but I can bet you that Mateo doesn’t think that you deserve her at all,” Max pointed out.

“He’s clouded by anger, so of course he will not see reason,” Roman argued.

“And you? Why aren’t you angered by the whole situation?” Max asked curiously.

“What is there to be angry about? I am more confused than anything, because anger will certainly not solve anything. I need to remain level headed and figure this entire thing out. Anger will only deter me from that,” Roman replied.

Max smiled. “You truly are wiser than your years.”

“Thanks! Have you checked up on her family yet?” Roman asked.

Max had put a spell up on the Underworld Palace. No other creatures could get in without his knowledge and consent. With his growing powers, his spell was strong enough to block out even Merlin and Mama Deo. He didn’t think that Juniper being around everyone else in this state was a good idea.

Not when so much still needed to be figured out.

“I haven’t seen or spoken to anyone since Scandinavia, but that’s not to say that they haven’t tried to reach out to me. There’s an annoying buzzing sound in my head from ignoring their calls to me, but it’s nothing I can’t handle,” Max replied.

“You don’t have to do this you know,” Roman told him.

“I don’t blame you for thinking that, but I do. She’s not only my best friend, but she’s my sister. I live for June, and so this is where I truly need to be. If I have to protect her from the dangers outside, then so be it, and if I have to protect her from herself, then so be it,” Max said passionately.

“I understand,” Roman smiled.

And he did understand.

He’d seen the bond between them for himself. They are more than best friends, siblings or even lovers. The two of them are connected on a much deeper level that allows them to know what the other is thinking and feeling without being told or second guessing it. They always know what the other needs, and it is an amazing bond to watch.

One that Roman sometimes finds himself jealous of, but has fought the urge to give into the jealousy.

“Where is she now?” Max asked.

“She’s taking a bath. She was complaining about the twins again,” Roman informed. He wished the twins were his more than anything.

“They’re suffering from withdrawals. They need their father,” Max commented.

Roman was baffled. “They didn’t need him last week.”

“True, but last week June was marked,” Max pointed out.

“What do you mean by that?” Roman questioned.

“June no longer bears any of Mateo’s markings. They vanished about two days ago,” Max replied.

“Around the same time the babies started giving her problems,” Roman said in realization.

“Yep! While she may not recognize Mateo as her mate, the babies know who their father is,” Max said before pursing his lips in thought.

Roman was concerned. “So what now? We can’t take her back to Mateo, but if it’s the only way th-”

“There are other ways. There is no way she’s going back! I’ll find a way,” Max said strongly.

“Alright, but what happens if we don’t find a solution before they are born? What are we going to do then?” Roman asked.

“June will be very attached to them anyway, so there’s no way they’d be leaving her side,” Max replied.

Roman was sceptical. “You seem very confident about that,”

“Trust me, I know her,” Max smiled.

“Well alright then! I can only trust you,” Roman stated.

“That’s a step,” Max chuckled.

“So, what have you put together so far?” Roman asked.

“Nothing solid yet. I wanted to go back to Utopia and see if I could get help from there,” Max said thoughtfully.

“If you’re thinking about asking Esmeralda, then she won’t help you. She never shares her visions,” Roman informed.

“Well, that’s a bummer! I guess my only other alternative is The Vaulsino, except it hasn’t revealed its new location since June left it, and I think she’s the only person who might be able to reach out to it, except she doesn’t remember anything about it,” Max pointed out.

“I guess we’re going to have to just find the answers ourselves,” Roman said.

Marissa lay in the bath water, letting the jets calm her down. The water in Roman’s bath stays hot for as long as you need it to, so she could stay in there for hours and the water would still be the same. She rubbed her belly and could feel her little ones calming down.

“Hello Vauly,” she smiled. The man was there, dressed in a more casual attire. She didn’t mind being seen naked by him simply because he’s not a person.

“Vauly? That’s a new one,” he chuckled.

She shrugged, a small smile on her face. “Yeah well, deal with it.”

“How did you know I was here?” he asked curiously.

“The air in the room changed from your presence,” she replied.

“Oh, I wasn’t aware. How are you feeling?” he asked.

“I’m fine! I just feel like a whale, and I also feel like I’m supposed to be remembering something, but I don’t know what. I also can’t stop thinking about that wolf,” she said, frowning.

“That is because that wolf is your mate,” he informed.

“Roman is my mate,” she argued.

“True, but that wolf, Mateo Santiago, is also your mate,” he replied.

“How is that possible?” she questioned.

“You met him first and you mated with him first. You only met Roman months after. A week ago, you had an unfortunate thing happen to you. A big piece of rock fell on your head, which is why you don’t remember a lot of things,” he explained.

“Hold on! Where was I when this happened?” she questioned.

“Remember the cave?” he asked. She nodded.

“That’s where it happened. Mateo was not supposed to enter the cave, and his presence is what caused the cave to give in,” he explained.

She was sceptical. “If that happened, why haven’t Max and Roman told me the truth?”

“Because you haven’t been yourself and they want to figure out the truth before letting you in,” he replied.

She frowned. “What truth?”

“Why it is that you have two mates,” he responded.

“And they don’t think I can help?” she asked, feeling a little hurt.

“On the contrary. They don’t want you to stress because your babies are already suffering from withdrawals,” he stated.

“What withdrawals?” she questioned.

“Mateo is their father, and it would seem his mark on you has vanished, hence why they are so restless,” he elaborated.

“Mateo? These are his children?” she asked wide-eyed.

“You are his wife and mate Juniper,” he pointed out.

“I’m Marissa,” she replied.

“True, but that is only one element of you. Your other side is named Juniper, and her wolf is named Starlet. I know that you can feel them, even though your magic has blocked them out for whatever reason,” he explained.

She was thoughtful. “You mean that the constant nagging in my head is actually a part of me?”

“That’s exactly what I’m telling you,” he nodded.

She sat in silence, mulling over what she had just learned. She had been cold and distant only because she felt like she was lost. She loves Roman, but to hear that there’s another whom her heart belongs to, definitely had her taking a step back.

She couldn’t understand how it was possible that she would be in love with two people, but the more she thought about it, the more she felt it – the love for Mateo. It was coming from within her, and she could only guess it was Juniper.

“I can’t reach them,” she whispered.

“I know you can’t. It would seem that fate is out to play a very interesting game with you. There’s very powerful magic at play, and the saddest part is that the magic is within you, but it isn’t exactly being controlled by you. I’m not making any sense, but as you know, I cannot always be blunt about things,” he reminded.

“I know,” she agreed. She couldn’t remember why she was so familiar with The Vaulsino, but she knew what it was saying.

“Everything will be fine child. Just trust in your mate,” he said.

She smiled weakly. “Which one?”

“The both of them actually, even though right now Roman is the more level headed one,” he chuckled.

“The Demon King is the level headed one? What an unexpected turn of events,” she giggled.

“He’s a Demon King like no other though, but you’re right. It does sound strange,” he agreed.

“I’m not going to remember this when you leave, am I?” she asked.

“You will remember that I came, but you will not remember everything I have shared with you. I am not doing this for my entertainment, but for the sake of everyone and their existence. You are very important child, and I want to help you, so I will ask you this. Do you know who Rose is?” he asked. She thought about it before it hit her.

“My daughter?” she gasped.

“I thought you’d remember her. The two of you are bound in an extraordinary way since she’s bound to you, Juniper and Starlet. I think having her around might help you with your magic,” he said thoughtfully.

“But how would you get her here? The whole castle is spelled,” she pointed out.

“You’re aware of that?” he asked, amused.

“I know my brother’s magic like the back of my hand. I was wondering why he spelled the castle, but after what you’ve told me, I guess it makes sense,” she smiled.

“Well, Maximillan certainly has grown stronger since your trip to the caves, but his magic does not surpass mine. I will get Rose to you soon enough,” he winked.

“And what about Dr...” she trailed off. The name was on the tip of her tongue, but she couldn’t remember it.

He was taken aback. “Draxlon?”

“Yes! I need him too!” she noted.

“You do? Why?” he asked in confusion.

She raised an eyebrow. “I thought you knew all.”

“Apparently when it comes to you, my magic can be messed with. I don’t understand the relevance of having the young Prince of Atlantis here,” he said in thought.

“Well, something in my gut tells me I need him,” she replied.

“I don’t know if that much is possible. The Atlantians cannot be in the Underworld,” he pointed out.

“What about their souls?” she questioned.

“That’s a different situation altogether. In that case, it is their souls coming down. What I’m referring to, is their physical selves. The atmosphere of the Underworld is completely different from that of the sea and land, and he might die,” he explained.

“He won’t. I know what to do. You just need to get him here. Having him and Rose here will help me a lot,” she said.

“Alright child, I will bring them within the hour. Is that fine?” he asked.

“It’s perfect! Thank you Vauly,” she smiled.

“It’s my pleasure child. Let me be gone,” he chuckled before disappearing.

“Roman?” she linked.

“Yes love?” he replied.

“I need to get out of the bath,” she informed.

“I’ll be right there,” he said before closing their link.

Seconds later, he was in the bathroom, helping her out of the scorching water. He couldn’t understand how she could withstand such hot water, without it changing the colour of her skin. He carried her to their bed and put her on it before going to grab her nightgown.

“I don’t need that massage now, but I will ask that you please call Max in here. I need to tell you both something,” she notified.

“Oh, ok! Do you need my help getting dressed?” he asked.

“No, but I’d really love it if you’d kiss me,” she said before biting her lip.

Roman groaned. It was already hard enough helping her while she’s naked, but he hadn’t tried anything with her. He hadn’t kissed her, even though he’s technically justified to. He just felt like she would be breaking her promise to Mateo.

“I... Why?” he asked. He was truly confused about it.

“Because I want to remember,” she whispered.

“Remember?” he asked, baffled. He didn’t understand what she was saying.

“Just kiss me Roman,” she pleaded.

It was the second time he was seeing any emotion from her, and it overwhelmed him when he realized that she was close to tears. Her red eyes weren’t glowing this time, but they were definitely shimmering with tears.

“Are you sure about this?” he asked as he walked closer to her.

“Roman, you’re my mate. I don’t understand why you haven’t kissed me yet,” she pointed out.

And so he did.

He gave her a toe curling kiss that ignited something in them both. His demon growled in approval, while she felt something stir in her. Her babies moved around like they always do when Roman is around. The kiss was everything he imagined and more.

“I love you,” she whispered when they pulled apart.

“I love you too,” he said before pecking her lips and leaving the room.

He needed to recollect himself as the shock travelled through him. While the entire situation was confusing to him, he never imagined that she actually felt anything towards him. He’d been under the impression that while she’d identified him as her mate, that’s as far as it went.

He never imagined she would love him.

Marissa could feel her love for Roman searing through her very veins. While her encounter with The Vaulsino was fading from her memories, she knew that she was undoubtedly in love with two men, and that she loved them equally.

It hit her that Roman is a better man than most would expect of the Demon King. While most would’ve seized what belongs to them, he kept his distance from her because he knows that she also belongs to another, but she couldn’t deny that she belonged to him too, and she wanted him to know, before she would forget what she had been told.

Roman found Max in the library, and wasn’t surprised that he was still in the same spot he’d left him. “Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she is, but she wants to see us both,” Roman informed.

“Now?” Max asked.

Roman nodded. “Yep!”

“Well alright then,” Max sighed.

The two of them left for Roman’s room and arrived to find Marissa pacing. They could tell that she had something heavy on her mind, and they were beginning to wonder if she’d regained her memories. She looked up at them and she smiled. They were even more wary of the situation then.

“Are you feeling ok?” Max was the one to ask.

“I am, why?” she giggled.

“You’re laughing and smiling,” Roman pointed out.

She shrugged. “It’s nothing out of the ordinary.”

Max scoffed. “The past week would beg to differ.”

“Ok, fine! I’ve been a bitch, but I’m a confused, pregnant bitch! Let me be,” she said before sticking her tongue out. Both Max and Roman realized that it was something June was capable of doing.

“Do you think she’s back?” Roman linked Max.

“I highly doubt it, but she’s definitely surfacing a little,” Max replied. He could feel the shift in Marissa.

“If you’re done linking, Rose and Draxlon are coming here,” she informed them.

“Draxlon as in the Prince of Atlantis?” Roman asked in confusion.

Max scowled. “You know who they are?”

“Am I not supposed to?” she asked, the memory of her encounter with The Vaulsino completely fading.

“Uhm, never mind. How are they getting here?” Max asked.

“I, I actually don’t know,” she frowned at the realization. The memory was gone, so she didn’t know, but she knew they were coming.

“So, it is the Prince of Atlantis then?” Roman asked. Max nodded.

“Mermaids can’t breathe in the Underworld,” Roman pointed out. Before Max could reply, a scream was heard in the castle.

“Rose,” Marissa whispered before teleporting herself to her daughter. Max and Roman followed.

Rose was hunched over Draxlon who was having trouble breathing. His legs were shrivelling and they were transitioning between his human legs and his tail. He was coughing up blood, and Marissa somehow knew that she had to act fast.

She started chanting a spell that just came to her. The boy was still having trouble breathing, and Max realized that Marissa needed his help. He joined in the spell, and soon enough, Draxlon stopped coughing and his human legs returned to normal.

“I’m so sorry sweetie,” Marissa told Draxlon.

“It’s ok, but we can’t breathe in the Underworld, so how am I not dead?” Draxlon asked her as he got up.

“The spell we just put on you should help you survive the Underworld atmosphere,” Marissa explained.

“Mom?” Rose whispered. She had tears in her eyes.

While The Vaulsino had explained to her and Draxlon that they are not to bring up Juniper’s life, she couldn’t believe that her mother was alive. For the past week, she’d seen her father lose a little more of his sanity every day. To know that her mother was at least safe, offered her some solace.

“Hey baby,” Marissa smiled before opening her arms. Rose went up and hugged her as gently as she could.

“I’ve missed you,” Rose sniffed.

“I know baby! I’ve missed you too,” Marissa sighed, holding onto her daughter as tightly as she could.

Roman and Max watched on curiously. They couldn’t understand how Marissa could remember the two children. She hadn’t shown any signs of remembering anything or anyone else, and yet the familiarity she was showing towards the children, showed them that she definitely knew who they were.

“Roman,” Draxlon smiled his way.

“Hey little man!” Roman winked. He knew the little one because of Royal relations.

“Uncle Max!” Rose said excitedly before hugging him.

“Hey Rose bud!” Max chuckled, hugging her back.

“I’m so glad the two of you are ok,” Rose smiled.

“So am I,” Max winked.

“Baby, this is Roman, my mate and the King of the Underworld,” Marissa introduced. Rose was confused, until she faced Roman.

Her eyes widened.

“Dad?” she whispered as her eyes glossed over.

Without his permission, Roman’s demon pushed through full force as his eyes glowed bright red. Rose reached out to hug him, and that’s when they were both introduced to the bond they share. Marissa also felt something, while Max stared at the three of them in confusion.

The whole thing was just messing with him even more.

He knew that Mateo had also felt a bonding to Rose, and while the multiple mates thing was confusing him, throwing Rose into the equation was just downright messing with him. He was the only person who knew everything there was to know about Juniper, Marissa and Starlet, and despite Roman’s efforts to help, he was getting nowhere with figuring out the truth.

“How do you have two dads?” Draxlon asked Rose in confusion.

“I don’t know,” Rose replied, shrugging when her eyes were back to normal. Draxlon was already used to her eyes glossing over.

In the short time that they’d known each other, Rose and Draxlon had grown considerably closer. They knew everything there was to know about each other, and despite their age difference, they were best friends. Draxlon has had the crazy urge to protect her from the moment they met, and he knows about her visions, and the little things she does with her powers.

He’s the only person who knows that she has powers.

When they went to Atlantis together, she passed out the moment they arrived. King Tristan wasn’t sure why the little girl reacted that way, but they got her out of Atlantis before she awoke.

“Two dads?” Marissa asked in confusion.

“My biological father,” Rose quickly replied. Marissa was still suspicious of the statement, but she accepted the answer.

“Well, I’m tired, but I definitely feel better knowing that my babies are here. I’m going to bed now. I love you guys,” Marissa told the four of them.

“We love you too,” they said. Max hugged her before the children hugged her too.

“Let me walk with you,” Roman said as he took her hand in his. She smiled at him before they left for the bedroom.

“Uncle Max, what’s going on? Why does mom have two mates? And why do I have two dads?” Rose asked him.

“I’ll explain everything to you guys when your second daddy joins us,” Max replied. He knew that Rose and Draxlon weren’t like most children their ages and could understand the situation at hand once explained to them.

“Will the presence of Rose and Draxlon help with the babies and stress?” Roman asked his mate as he helped her into the bed.

“Yes they will. Please set them up in the room across,” she requested.

“I’ll get someone on it,” he replied.

“Thanks for letting them stay here,” she smiled.

“Anything for you,” he winked.

“Do I get a goodnight kiss?” she pouted. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss her.

“Goodnight my love,” he whispered.

“I love you,” she smiled.

“I love you too,” he returned the smile.

Roman stayed in the room until she fell asleep. He watched her, not believing the unexpected turn of events of that day. He knew that until the mystery was figured out, he couldn’t let himself get attached to the idea of a life with her – but he allowed himself that little space to dream.

He sighed and left the room. He bumped into a servant on his way out and asked her to prepare the room across from his for the children. She nodded and got to it before he went in search of Max and the children. He found them in the kitchen as Max was making them food.

His eyes landed on the little girl, and he felt the fatherly protection overtake him once more. His demon had adopted the little girl as his, and it had taken him by surprise. He wasn’t sure what she was, and he remembered Juniper telling him all about the powerful child. He could feel her power alright, but it was like nothing he’d ever felt before.

“So, what’s going on?” he asked as he walked into the kitchen.

“That’s what I asked Uncle Max, but he said we had to wait for you,” Rose replied.

“And now that he’s here, I’m going to tell you everything. You remember the last time you saw your mother right?” Max asked her.

“Yeah! It was at the dinner in Rome with everyone,” Rose replied.

“Well, your mother and I left for an important mission the following morning,” Max replied before telling the two children the rest of the story.

He told them all about Utopia, all the way to Scandinavia. They paid close attention to his every word, and they couldn’t believe what they were hearing. They were both horrified when they learned about the events at Scandinavia especially.

“And the babies are alright?” Rose panicked.

“Don’t worry, they are. She only injured her head,” Max replied.

“What we don’t understand is how she remembers the two of you,” Roman commented.

“The Vaulsino,” the kids replied.

“What?” Roman and Max asked in shock.

“The Vaulsino came to us in human form. It told us that we were allowed to tell the two of you why and how it came to be that we are here, but we’re not allowed to say anything to her. It visited her before coming to fetch us, but it also told us that it wiped her memory of the visit, so to her, she remembers who we are, but she doesn’t remember why she wanted us here to begin with. The Vaulsino told us that it believes that Rose will help her with the magic holding her. Apparently my coming here was her idea, so my presence might also help in whatever way,” Draxlon explained.

“This just keeps getting more and more complicated. I mean, now you’ve adopted Roman as your dad,” Max told Rose.

“Could it be because of the fact that he’s mom’s mate? I mean I have the same bond with Mateo,” Rose pointed out.

“The exact same bond?” Draxlon asked. She nodded.

“Well, you adopting Roman definitely confirms that he’s your mom’s mate. We still don’t know how that is,” Max commented.

“How come you haven’t marked her?” Draxlon asked Roman.

“Mateo is still her mate. I can’t just disrespect that by marking her,” Roman replied.

“You do know he would mark her either way, right?” Rose questioned, scowling. While she loves Mateo, she knows that he wouldn’t think twice about it.

Roman nodded. “Like I told Max, he’s blinded by rage, so of course he would.”

“You’re an honourable King,” Draxlon commented.

“Thank you,” Roman smiled.

“So, what can we help with?” Rose asked.

“Have you had any visions of your parents?” Max asked her.

“No! I’ve had visions of vampires, mermaids and even witches, but not my parents. I’ve been having visions of war and flashes of bright light. Ever since last week, none of my visions make sense,” she responded.

“Perhaps they don’t make sense because at the moment, nothing makes sense. Once we know what we’re dealing with, they might start to make some kind of sense,” Roman commented.

Rose nodded. “Maybe.”

“Well, the two of you should eat and head up to bed. I’ve had a room prepared for you,” Roman notified.

“Is it close to mom?” Rose asked.

“It’s the room across from us. I’ve arranged for two single beds,” Roman replied, making his implication clear. Rose blushed while Draxlon looked everywhere else but at the Demon King.

“Very subtle,” Max teased.

Roman shrugged unapologetically. “She’s my princess and she’s a child.”

“Hey! Does that mean I’m really a princess now?” Rose asked excitedly.

“It actually does. You’re the Princess of the Underworld,” Roman smiled.

“Yes! I’m royalty!” she danced, making them laugh.

“Is it officially or just by what you say?” Draxlon asked Roman.

“It’ll become official when everything with your mother is sorted out. When she becomes Queen, you become Princess,” Roman informed Rose, who nodded in understanding.

“Ok. That sounds fair enough. We’ll have that food now. I’m so tired,” Rose yawned.

Max chuckled but gave them their food regardless. The two ate while animatedly telling Roman and Max about their adventures at Vista. Max was surprised to learn that the two of them had actually found the entrance to Utopia on Vista pack lands, but they couldn’t go further because of the magic blocking them.

When the children were done eating, Roman led them to the newly prepared room. Rose mentioned that the two of them actually didn’t have clothes, so Roman arranged for clothes to be brought to them. When they were asleep, he passed by his room to check on his mate, before going back down to the kitchen, where Max had just fixed himself a sandwich.

“This is just frustrating,” he commented.

“You’re telling me! It doesn’t make things any better that we’re the only two people trying to figure this out,” Max added.

“The Vaulsino isn’t making things easier by not revealing itself officially. I wasn’t even aware that it makes house calls,” Roman commented.

“It rarely does, but it is said that if it appears to you in human form, then you are a chosen. It has never really been said what exactly you’re chosen for,” Max explained.

“Well, it doesn’t make situations better. Do you think we should probably involve the elders?” Roman asked.

“By elders you mean Balthazar, Merlin and Mama Deo?” Max asked.

“Yeah,” Roman nodded.

“It’s worth a try at this point I guess! I’ll go there in two days’ time,” Max sighed. Roman hoped for their sakes that this would get them somewhere.

Heavens knew they needed answers, and soon.

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