Juniper Santiago - Book 2 of The Santiago Series

Chapter Chapter Two - Eighty Years


“Mother, you cannot let them do this to me!” Cynthia pleaded, but her pleas fell onto deaf ears.

“Cynthia, you will do this. You do not want to disgrace our family!” her mother snapped.

“Our family? What about me? What about my virtue? My freedom? You’re forcing me to marry a man I don’t love!” Cynthia argued.

“A very powerful man who will be King very soon!” her mother pointed out.

Cynthia laughed miserably. “He’s a monster mother! If you think I want his power and status, then you are highly mistaken.”

Her mother gave her an odd look. “Who wouldn’t want to be Queen? Stop being ridiculous!”

Cynthia scoffed. “Not every woman wishes to be Queen, especially to that monster!”

“We’re all monsters Cynthia. We’re demons for heaven’s sake,” her mother said, rolling her eyes.

“You know that isn’t true mother. We’re some of the most peaceful creatures. Just because humans choose to see us as monsters, does not mean that’s how we should choose to see ourselves,” Cynthia admonished.

Her mother grinned. “You see? You have the makings of a queen. You just defended our kind without so much so as a second thought.”

“There are many other women who could do that,” Cynthia huffed.

“True, but you are the one that he chose,” her mother smiled.

“But why? He doesn’t even know me! Hell, he doesn’t even talk to people!” Cynthia complained.

“Cynthia, you are fifty nine years old! Must you complain so much?” her mother said, getting irritated.

“You would too if you were being made to marry a monster,” Cynthia mumbled.

Damien stood outside her door, his arm still lingering in the air. It had frozen on its way to a knock when he’d heard his chosen bride moaning about having to be with him. He knew that he wasn’t the most likeable guy around, but he had no idea that he was perceived as a monster.

It made him feel worthless.

He retreated from the room and approached his chambers. The room was as cold as his heart was rumoured to be. He’d had his heart broken many times before, and it not only made him turn against love, but it made him a better, yet ruthless warrior.

They all feared him, something his parents were proud of him for. They believed that his people needed to fear their King so that they would know never to cross him, but to rather respect him.

When he’d seen Cynthia at the river with her friends months ago, he had been enraptured. His heart hadn’t responded in that manner to a woman in too long, and he’d wondered if he would ever love again. Cynthia had captured his attention, and he wanted more of her.

Her silky golden tresses bounced as she laughed amongst her friends. Her voice soothed him and caressed his very obstinate thoughts towards love. He was mesmerized as he watched her twirl in the daisies, without a care in the world. He wished to possess that kind of spirit, but he was too far gone into the darkness to ever be saved.

He had retreated to his chambers and hadn’t stopped thinking of the woman he’d seen. He’d only seen her once more after that, and this time he was allowed to see her tempestuous eyes. Seemingly she’d always chosen to stay in her human form, and he yearned to see what she looked like in her demon form.

When his parents approached him and told him that it was time for him to choose a wife and take up the throne, he wasted no time in telling them who he wanted to get married to. They were both surprised and pleased with his answer, as they themselves were quite fond of the young maiden Cynthia.

To hear that she thought him a monster had only managed to crush his hopes of ever being close enough to her for her to see the real him. Unfortunately, there was nothing he could do to stop the marriage. His parents had already announced it to the Demon Kingdom, and excitement was all around.

He wished he could turn back the hands of time and give her back her freedom, but his hands were tied. He would marry her, and then keep his distance from her. That is the only way he could think of giving her freedom. She could even sleep in different chambers if she wished to do so.

Cynthia had opened the door to see the retreating back of her betrothed and guilt settled onto her. She knew he’d heard her refusal to marry him, as well as the word she’d used to describe him, but it couldn’t be helped. That is what everyone in the kingdom calls him.

They also call him The Dark Prince.

It had been rumoured that he kills with no thought, and that he doesn’t laugh or smile. It had been said that he was a stranger to any positive emotions and more often than not, spoke in grunts. She couldn’t picture herself being married to someone who wouldn’t be a husband to her.

She was a free spirit at heart, but she was also a woman who yearned to be loved. She yearned to find the man who would worship the very ground she walked on, while worshiping her body like his very own shrine.

She yearned to find a love so strong, it could withstand the very test of time. She yearned to start a family with a man who would give her and her children the best. She wanted the whole fairytale, and the happy ending.

She just didn’t see it happening with Damien De la Tore.

“Damien honey, did you speak to her?” his mother asked as she walked into his chambers. She scowled when she found her son hunched over.

“She will never love me mother. She sees me as a monster. She doesn’t even want to get married,” he growled.

Her heart melted. “Oh my baby, why would you say such a thing?”

Her son was so misunderstood.

“I heard it straight from her,” he whispered, finally looking up and she was horrified at the black liquid streaming from his eyes.

“Damien, do you, do you already love her?” she asked cautiously.

“I think I do. It hurts mother. Why does love have to keep doing this to me?” he cried. She rushed over to him and took him into her arms as her son cried helplessly into her chest.

“I am so sorry baby. I wish I could hide you from the very dangers of the world. I love you so much, even though it is not my love that you seek. I am so sorry,” she whispered as she kissed his forehead.

“Your love is the only one that is keeping me going as is,” her son informed her after a while. Her heart swelled with pride.

“Do you still wish to marry her?” she asked.

“I want to set her free, but I know I cannot do that, so I will do that once we are married,” he explained.

“Are you sure about this?” she asked.

“I am,” he nodded.

“Well look at it this way, she will have her freedom except that of taking on a lover. If she wants to be satisfied sexually, she will have no choice but to turn to you,” she pointed out. He got up with a scowl on his face.

“What are you talking about?” he asked.

“You may be granting her freedom in your marriage son, but adultery is still a crime punishable by death in our world. She can do everything but take on a lover. If she so desperately wants to be satisfied, then she will have to come to you,” she explained.

He frowned. “I do not wish to be her whore. I want to be her husband.”

She shrugged. “Then she will have no choice but to act as your wife.”

“I DO NOT WANT TO FORCE HER! I want her to love me on her own – not because I am her husband by law, or because I would then be the only one allowed to touch her sexually. I am not the person everyone perceives me to be mother, and you know that. I want her to know that as well, and all on her own,” he breathed raggedly.

“I hear you my son. I’m just worried that you are holding onto a lost cause,” she argued.

“I know I am. She called me a monster. That’s how she will always see me,” he whispered.

“It hurts to see you like this Damien. Please let me make it better,” his mother pleaded.

“You know that the councils won’t change their minds mother. I’m getting married to Cynthia, as much as she doesn’t want this, and as badly as I’d like to give her freedom back. There’s nothing I can do but stick to the original plan,” he said sadly.

“So what about her responsibilities as Queen? Are those going to be overlooked as well, just because she fails to see you for the person you truly are?” his mother asked, rage blazing in her eyes.

“I will handle everything so that she never has to be a part of anything,” he murmured.

“There are certain things that only a Queen should handle and you know it!” she snapped.

“Well, it’s not like she asked to be Queen. This is my fault, and I have to fix this!” he snapped right back.

“This will not go very well Damien. You have to get her in line,” she warned.

“I will not force her into anything! I can handle everything on my own!” he said before leaving the room. He needed some air.

What he was not aware of, was the fact that Cynthia had heard every word he’d said. She’d heard how he stood up for her, and that earned him a little bit of her respect, but she still hated the fact that she was being forced to marry, so he wasn’t off the hook.

It took two weeks before everything was ready for the wedding. Damien was anxiously waiting at the altar, while Cynthia was having a panic attack. She didn’t realize what the weight of the day meant until that very moment. She was about to become not only a wife, but a Queen as well. They were getting married and inaugurated at the same ceremony.

The Queen, Damien’s mother, approached the room her soon to be daughter in law was in. When she found the young girl panicking to herself, she smiled. At least her son wasn’t the only one who wanted to run away.

“Why are you panicking dear?” she asked.

“I can’t go through with this,” Cynthia hyperventilated.

“Oh, but you will! Your family and the entire kingdom is riding on this, and my son does not deserve the humiliation of not only people knowing that he’s marrying someone who hates him, but that she would even dare to leave him alone at the altar. I swear to the gods little one, I will destroy your very existence if you shame my son,” the Queen warned.

Cynthia scowled. “You have no right to threaten me!”

“Oh but I am a mother who is merely looking out for her son. You will understand one day when you have a son of your own,” the Queen smiled.

“I won’t have any children!” Cynthia snapped.

The Queen smirked. “I had no idea you were an oracle Cynthia. I can’t see how else you would’ve predicted your own future like that.”

Cynthia scoffed. “I am no oracle, but I will never love your son, and seemingly he is the only one who would be allowed to give me a son.”

“Oh no, you could have an affair if you’d like. That’s if of course, it’s a death sentence that you’d like,” the Queen offered impassively.

“You wouldn’t kill the Queen!” Cynthia gasped.

“Oh but dear, the consequences of adultery are the same for all, and only my son would have the power to spare your life if he so chooses. Since you’ve branded him a monster, I’m sure you know what to expect should you be found guilty of such a heinous crime!” the Queen explained.

Cynthia shook her head. “This can’t be happening!”

“Oh but it is! You are mistaken about the kind of man my son is Cynthia, and if only you’d seen that from the start. I wish you well on this marriage, and may you have the wisdom to avoid making stupid mistakes,” the Queen smiled before walking out.

Cynthia was furious, but she wasn’t sure why. She didn’t know who to be angry at, so she directed all of her fury towards her future husband. She decided that despite his speech about granting her freedom, it was his fault to begin with, and so she was dead set on hating him for the rest of their lives.

The wedding went through, as well as the inauguration and the guests were afforded a celebration of note. The new King and Queen of the Underworld couldn’t have looked more depressed. The guests felt sorry for the King, because anyone with eyes could see the longing looks he was giving his wife, who was clearly oblivious to his attention.

The pair was whisked away to the lovely island in the Bahamas for their honeymoon, but she preferred to stay away from her husband. She spent time at the beach during the day, and she went out during the night. He stayed in their room the entire time.

One night, she hadn’t expected him to be up when she returned, let alone half naked. He looked like he’d just taken a shower, and it was the first time she was seeing his human form. She forgot to breathe altogether.

Her husband was a gorgeous man, both as demon and human, and it was the first time she was realizing that.

“Cynthia,” he said without turning to look at her. His voice sent chills through her body. She’d never really truly heard him speak.

“Damien,” she whispered. He turned to find that she was entranced by his physique.

“Are you coming in or not?” he asked.

She swallowed nervously. “Aren’t you going to cover up?”

“Why? We are married, aren’t we?” he asked, raising an intimidating eyebrow. This was the longest they’d ever spoken.

His wild black hair and blazing red eyes were turning her on beyond belief, and her demon whispered the one word to her that she didn’t see coming.


Demon mates weren’t unheard of, but they were rare. True pairings amongst demons were sacred because it usually meant that the couple was destined for greatness. Damien couldn’t understand what was going on as he watched his wife’s eyes darken, lust pure as day in them. Her arousal was aggravating his demon.

“Cynthia, are you feeling fine?” he asked in concern.

“No,” she murmured.

“What is it? Do you need me to get you anything?” he panicked. Despite her treatment towards him, he still loved her.

“Make love to me,” the words escaped her mouth before she could stop them.

He staggered. “What?”

“I need you to make love to me right now,” she borderline pleaded.

He turned away from her. “You don’t want that! You think I’m a monster.”

“That doesn’t matter. I need you right now,” she replied, going closer to him. His whole body tensed when she touched him.

They both felt it.

He turned to face her, and she thought she would combust from the heated gaze he was giving her. Her touch alone had ignited things in him, things he had never felt before. Her reached out and cupped her cheek, and she closed her eyes.

“Please,” she whispered.

He lowered his head and placed a sweet kiss on her lips, only to have her trap him and deepen the kiss. His demon didn’t like her being in control, so he took over from her. Soon enough, she was ready for him.

For the following four years, Damien often thought back to that night as a mistake. While what they had shared that night was incredible, she had disappeared before he even awoke, and had been missing since.

No-one had heard from her in four years, and unfortunately, Damien was too great and dangerous a King to contest, despite not having a Queen. The council urged him to take on another wife, but he wouldn’t have it. He needed to find her first. He needed to know that she was alive, and if she was, he needed to know why she’d left him.

Cynthia had run away from the man who had turned her world upside down. He had taken her to a place she never knew existed, and she wanted to forget.

To forget that she almost let him in.

He was a monster, and she was sure of it. She didn’t want to be tied to him, so she ran. For the first two years, she was in hiding, until she decided to start living life again. She managed to get her hair colour changed, and she stayed under the radar.

That was until she met him.

The charming sorcerer that had swept her off of her feet, and gave her the best sex since her husband, even though it never quite matched up. It was enough to get her to forget about Damien, and for two years, she managed to maintain her relationship with young Boris.

She was in town when she caught word that the King of the Underworld was coming to town for some business. Panicked, she knew she would be in trouble if he found her. She went back to her lover’s place and waited for him. He was taking very long, and she couldn’t stop pacing.

“Cynthia? What are you doing here?” Boris asked.

She didn’t bother to say anything to him. She just proceeded to kiss him, and soon enough, they were both naked. She needed to be with him one more time. Just as she was reaching her peak, the bedroom door flew off of its hinges, and there he was, looking as majestic as ever.

Damien, in his most powerful state as a demon.

And he was out for blood!

“Imagine my surprise when I came this side for some business, only to find out that my wife, who has been missing for four years, is currently screwing some sorcerer, after I spent that four years worrying about her,” Damien had said calmly, but his calm wasn’t to be mistaken.

“Wife?” Boris’ eyes widened.

“I’m sorry,” Cynthia said, not looking at either one of them. She meant it to both of them, but Damien was too angry to care, and Boris was scared out of his mind.

“I don’t suppose we can perhaps discuss this?” he laughed nervously.

“Run sorcerer,” Damien growled.

“In the nude?” Boris questioned in confusion. Damien produced a fireball from his fingertips and aimed it at Boris.

Boris took off in the nude, and Damien’s demon was excited for the chase. Despite Cynthia’s pleas for Damien to spare her lover, his demon took off after the sorcerer, determined on making him pay for touching his wife.

Boris ran, ignoring the horrified looks from people as he ran in the nude. He didn’t even know where he was headed, but he knew there was a powerful being after him. He was running when he bumped into a man.

The man frowned. “Young man, you are aware that you’re running in the nude in public?”

“My life is pretty much in danger right now, so I do not care much for my lack of clothing,” Boris panted.

“What are you talking about?” the man asked, before a loud crash was heard in the distance.

Boris’ eyes widened as he pointed at the approaching raging King. “That!”

“Damien!” Balthazar stopped him.

“WHAT?” the Demon King shouted, stopping to face the sorcerer. He was surprised to see that it was Balthazar. They hadn’t seen each other in a while.

“Why are you after this young man?” Balthazar asked.

“He’s been screwing my wife for the past two years!” Damien growled, glaring at Boris, who still looked close to fainting.

Balthazar turned to Boris. “Young man, did you know that the woman you were having a relationship with was married?”

Boris shook his head profusely. “No, I didn’t! I wouldn’t have approached her if I did.”

“Damien, is it then not Cynthia who is at fault? Is she not the one you should deal with?” Balthazar argued on behalf of the young sorcerer.

“He has to pay!” Damien countered.

“Go and deal with your wife Damien. It’s been four years,” Balthazar advised. Damien knew his friend was right, but it didn’t mean he was particularly happy about having to leave the situation.

“The next time I see you, I will kill you,” Damien warned the young man before running off.

“You saved me. I owe you my life!” Boris told Balthazar.

“Yes, you do,” Balthazar said before he disappeared.

Damien had gone back to the house where he found his wife, to find that his guards had already packed up her things, and they’d put her in the car. Her hands were tied since to their eyes, she was a criminal.

Except he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

She had betrayed him and was meant to be put to death, but he couldn’t do it. The people didn’t know that their Queen had returned, and he kept it that way for the next eighty years. She was put in a tower with her own maids and guards, and they were the only people who knew that she was back.

Cynthia couldn’t believe her luck. She had thought her husband a monster the entire time, and she couldn’t believe that she’d missed it. The man had been in love with her the entire time, and she’d chosen to believe that he was monster. She’d chosen to push him away, and even deceived him in the greatest way possible.

And yet he spared her life.

She was allowed to carry on living like a Queen, with her only limits being lack of freedom outside the tower, and people not knowing that she was actually still alive. Her maids often told her stories about her husband’s greatness. Everyone loved their King, and they wished he could find happiness again.

They didn’t know that his happiness was locked away in a tower.

Damien was staring at the fire, the brandy doing nothing to soothe him. His metabolism was processing the alcohol too fast, and he knew he needed something stronger. He could feel the urge to visit her returning.

It had been eighty years though, so why now?

He paced in his room as the urge grew stronger. He could feel the pull to her, and before he knew it, he was on his way to the tower. When his wife’s servants saw him, they were all shocked and dismissed themselves. They secretly hoped that the King and Queen would finally resolve their issues.

Damien walked into the room to find his wife brushing her hair. They’d gotten rid of the horrid colour she’d put in, and it was back to its natural colour. The light coming from the fire in the room glimmered on her skin and golden waves.

She didn’t look a day younger than when he’d last seen her.

“Mira, do you think my hair looks fine?” she asked, unaware of her visitor.

“It looks as beautiful as it has always been,” Damien didn’t stop himself from saying.

Cynthia jumped up at the sound of his voice and warily turned to face him. She’d missed the sound of his voice, and seeing him again made her realize she’d missed seeing him in general. He was still the same, save for the bags beneath his eyes.

“Damien,” she whispered.

“You know, I thought I’d had heart my broken three times before I met you, but little did I know I would soon know what true heartbreak would feel like. I knew you wanted nothing to do with me, and I was beginning to accept it. You asked me to make love to you on our honeymoon, and I thought you felt what I did, but you ran. You ran from me Cynthia! You made me look like a fool, and four years later, I was introduced to true heartbreak when I found you with that sorcerer. You were supposed to be put to death for your crime, but I couldn’t bring myself to order your death. I still can’t because for some unfathomable reason, I still love you,” he told her.

All the while he was speaking, he was walking towards her until her back hit the wall and she had no choice but to look up at him as his words pierced her heart. She knew she didn’t deserve him, but she couldn’t help the fact that he was still hers, despite the years they’d spent apart.

“I don’t know what it is about you that calls to my demon,” he whispered, caressing her cheek.

“We’re mates,” she said lowly, but he heard her.

“You’re telling me that you cheated on me, knowing that we’re mates?” he asked, scowling. She was surprised by the lack of anger.

“I cheated on you because I wanted to forget you,” she mumbled.

“Forget me?” he asked in confusion.

“I’M MADLY IN LOVE WITH YOU OK?” she screamed as she hit his chest at every word.

“What?” he asked, all colour drained from his face. He’d gone to her in his human form.

“I grew up hearing stories about how brutal you are. I didn’t believe it until you killed my best friend and my brother. They say you had lost your mind then, but I hated you. I hated how quickly everyone forgave you, how quickly they all forgot about the lives you took. Your mother told the people that you had gone on a rampage from heartbreak and the loss of your third love, but you had no right to kill anyone else. You had no right to inflict that kind of pain on anyone else. You killed my brother and my best friend when you gave into your demon’s urges, and I’ve hated you since. My parents forgave you for killing their only son, and they still forced me to marry you, so of course I saw you as a monster. Of course I didn’t want to marry you or be your Queen. That night, my demon told me that you’re my mate, and I wanted to know what it would be like being with you. I had already decided to leave you, and you being my mate was the final push. I knew that if I stayed, I would fall in love with you and betray my brother and my best friend’s memories by forgetting what you did to them. That’s why I ran from you. Boris only helped me forget about you for a little while, but not even that would’ve lasted because you are my true love, no matter how much I wish I could hate you,” she ended in tears.

Damien was frozen in place. He could remember the time that she was talking about. When his third lover was killed, he had been so furious and heartbroken that he’d turned off his emotions. His demon was hungry for blood, and he let him have it.

About ten people lost their lives before he was stopped. He had apologized to everyone and had paid the families of those who had lost their loved ones, which was only three of the families. The other seven people had been loners who were on the outskirts of the kingdom.

He couldn’t believe that he’d caused his wife this much pain, especially as he watched her cry before him. He moved to hold her, and was surprised when she not only let him, but also clung onto him for dear life. He didn’t even know where to begin to apologize.

It was those very deaths that had caused him to shut down completely.

“I am so sorry Cynthia,” he whispered.

“I know, and I’ve forgiven you,” she replied once her sobs had died down.

“You have?” he asked her in shock.

“Eighty years is a long time for one to be one with their thoughts. I realized that I was wrong about you, and that even though it had been irresponsible of you to let a blood hungry demon free, you were also hurt at the time, and for that part you couldn’t be faulted,” she explained, looking up at him.

“But I killed two important people to you,” he argued.

She cupped his cheek. “And you’ve lived with the guilt for years. I know that it is the reason why you are like this. I forgive you Damien, but you also have to forgive yourself.”

“Ten innocent lives died that day. I don’t deserve to live,” he mumbled.

“Ten lives may have died that day, but you have saved thousands, if not millions since then. You are a great King Damien, and your people love you. Forgive yourself so that you may find happiness,” she said as she caressed his cheek.

“Be my happiness,” he whispered, a tear leaving his eye.

“You would have me? Even after all this time? After everything we’ve been through?” she asked in surprise.

“We’ve both done things we are not proud of, but this is the first time we’ve actually spoken. We now know the truth. Let us move forward from this with a new start,” he pleaded.

“What about the people? How are you going to explain such a lengthy disappearance?” she asked.

“I will deal with them. Be my Queen. Be my wife and let me make up for the years we’ve missed,” he whispered.

“Yes,” she smiled, tears leaving her eyes. He leaned down and did the one thing he’d been yearning to do for eighty four years.

Despite her concerns, the people hadn’t cared about her disappearance. They were instead elated to see their King happy and laughing. It was all they’d ever wanted for him, and they were glad to have their Queen back.

Damien and Cynthia remarried to solidify their reunion, and they lived happily for the next fifty seven years. One day, Cynthia was sitting in their chambers when she felt funny. She called Mira in for some water, and the maid immediately picked up on what was wrong with her Queen.

“My Queen, you are pregnant,” she beamed.

Cynthia paled. “What?”

“You are pregnant. You are going to have a child,” Mira giggled.

Cynthia couldn’t believe it. While she and Damien were happy, she knew that her husband wanted an heir, and she was beginning to wonder if she’d ever give him one. It had been so long, and she was certain that she was perhaps infertile.

Damien was away on business when his wife had called him and told him to come home urgently. He was so panicked that he couldn’t centre his magic. Instead he enlisted Balthazar’s help and the sorcerer happily teleported them back to the Underworld, where his wife was pacing.

“My love, are you ok?” he asked. She turned to him with tears in her eyes and his demon had already assumed the worst.

“I’m pregnant,” she smiled, her tears rolling down her face.

“What?” the King numbed.

“Damien, we’re finally having a baby!” she laughed.

He loved his wife without a doubt, but he had been curious about when it is she would give him heirs, and to hear that she was finally pregnant brought him a joy he couldn’t explain. He picked her up and twirled her around as she happily giggled while crying.

“I love you so much,” he said, kissing everywhere on her face.

“I love you too,” she said before grabbing him and kissing him on the lips.

Nine months later, she’d given birth to a healthy baby boy. He had his mother’s blonde hair, but his father’s ruby eyes. They named the boy Roman. The entire kingdom was overjoyed at their future King, and Roman grew up to be loved by all, even other supernatural creatures.

“You called?” twenty year old Roman said as he walked into his father’s library. His parents were sitting, awaiting him eagerly.

“Ah yes! Son, we’re leaving,” they announced excitedly.

Roman frowned. “Leaving?”

“Yes, leaving! We’re touring the world,” they replied.

“Alright! When do you leave, and when do you plan on coming back? This kingdom won’t run itself,” Roman pointed out.

Damien smirked. “Oh we know! We’re leaving indefinitely, and we leave in a week’s time. We first have to be here for your inauguration.”

“For a minute there, I was so sure you were making me King,” Roman chuckled.

“That’s exactly what we’re doing!” Cynthia smiled.

“Mom, I’m only twenty! I’m not ready!” Roman panicked.

“We believe in you. Even the council believes that you can rule without a Queen, so you don’t even need to get married. You can find your Queen later,” Damien explained.

“That doesn’t mean I’m ready! This place is going to disappear without you guys here. Please don’t leave it in my hands,” Roman pleaded.

“We promise you’ll do fine,” they smiled.

By the end of the week, the Underworld had a new King, and they couldn’t stop singing his praises. Damien and Cynthia left for their trip, while Roman spent the first week getting used to things, and changing a few things.

It had taken him a while, but four years later, the young King is one of the most respected and powerful beings in the supernatural world, and perhaps the world in general as well.

He had been searching for a Queen, and he’d found her.

The only problem was how to get her out.

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