Juniper Santiago - Book 2 of The Santiago Series

Chapter Chapter Four - The Marking

I couldn’t think about anything else other than ripping the throat out of every offender here. I was numb to everything else as I let Zeus take over. He was hungry to destroy everything and anything.

It had been this way for two weeks now.

I’d gained my memories back, only to have my mate taken away from me, by a person I later learnt, was the Demon King himself. I’m powerful, but I’m not stupid, which is how I know that Roman isn’t someone I would take up if I was sane.

But apparently I’d lost all my marbles.

I don’t care how powerful he is - he has my mate, and I want her back.

When the whole group was dead, I ran all the way back to my territory. My imposter had been busy, and seemingly people want revenge on me for things I didn’t do. If Juniper was here, she’d probably tell me not fight with them since they don’t know better, but given recent events, I couldn’t really care less.

There was a pair of shorts awaiting me at the border, and I knew Orion had put them there. With them on, I ran back to the pack house. By the time I made it, Zeus was agitated again. It’s a struggle to keep him from killing people.

“Matt, you’ve been gone for three days,” was the first thing Orion said when he saw me.

“I know. What’s your point?” I asked as I headed to my room.

“You didn’t tell anyone,” he replied, following me.

“I couldn’t wait to do so. Zeus was hungry for a kill and I couldn’t endanger any of you like that,” I pointed out.

He scowled. “So he killed innocent people out there?”

“No – he killed people who deserved to be killed,” I defended.

“He can’t keep playing judge and executioner like this,” he attacked.

Zeus growled lowly while I raised an eyebrow. “Oh? So you brought back his mate?”

“No, but I also know she wouldn’t like for you to go back to being the one thing she fought to change about you,” he replied before leaving the room.

His words lingered in my mind, except I’d already given myself the ‘June wouldn’t like it if you did this’ speech. I knew she’d hate me for it, but if it’s the only way to appease my beast and help me deal with the fact that she’s not here, then so be it.

I got up and went to take a much needed shower. I wasn’t even showering with hot water anymore. I was too agitated for hot water, so I was taking cold showers, grateful that I had a werewolf’s immune system and ability to heal – or else I’d be condemning myself to colds.

But then again, if I was a mere human, I wouldn’t have a mate to miss right now.

My shower was a quick one because despite needing it, I had other things to attend to. I finished up before getting dressed and heading to my office. My phone had a couple of voicemails on it, but I couldn’t be bothered to actually listen to them.

I opened one of the drawers at my desk, searching for something, until my hand came across a small, rectangular box. I took it out, not knowing where it came from, until I remembered that it was brought to me when Juniper first landed on our territory. Max is the one who had brought it to me, saying she had it clutched in her hands.

I took the time to evaluate it. It was a black box with silver, intricate carvings. It didn’t look like it had any opening though. If anything, it was beginning to look like a block. I was truly curious about it, and I remembered Juniper saying that she got it from Royce’s grandmother on her birthday.

“Mateo,” he answered the phone.

“Mark, do you still have Royce’s grandmother on your territory?” I asked.

“Tabatha? Yes, why?” he asked, sounding extremely confused.

“Summon her to your office. I’m on my way,” I said before hanging up.

I was shifted and out the window in seconds. This woman would probably have answers for me regarding this thing. She would have to know about it since she first had it. When I reached my border, I shifted and got dressed in a pair of jeans, before running on foot to Mark’s office.

“I’m not sure why you’ve been called here Mrs Fallon,” I heard Mark say before I walked in, startling them both.

She bowed to me. “Alpha Santiago.”

“What’s this?” I asked, showing her the ornament. Her eyes widened.

“You’re not supposed to have that,” she whispered.

“What is it?” I asked again.

“I cannot tell you, but Juniper is supposed to have it,” she replied.

“What for?” I asked.

“Her witch will need it soon,” was all the woman said before running out of the room.

“You can use it to lure her in,” Mark commented.

“How so?” I asked.

“Well, Tabatha just said Marissa is going to need it soon. I can only imagine she’ll remember where they last saw it, leading her right back to you,” he explained.

“Do you think it will work?” I questioned.

“Do I think she’ll come willingly you mean? No, I don’t. If what you say went down in Scandinavia went down the way that it did, then I believe that she will probably fight you for it,” he replied.

“Why is my life so fucking complicated?” I mumbled.

“Can’t say I know bro, but we’re all trying to help. Have you heard anything about Roman?” he asked.

“No! The bastard has called all demons back to the Underworld and he’s shut off access to anyone else,” I grumbled.

He frowned. “What do you mean he shut off access?”

“Some beings, non-demons, can gain temporary access to the Underworld, but only if he grants it,” I explained.

“Well that sucks,” he said. I could only scoff in agreement.

I took off back to my territory and was surprised to be met by Domitius and his little family. A big part of me was envious of him, but I pushed it down. I would get my own family back if it’s the last thing I do.

Crystal rolled her eyes at me. “Oh, do rejoice at the sight of us Matt.”

“It’s been two years Crys,” I said, deadpan.

“And I love you no less. What’s your point?” she smiled.

She did always let my words just slide off.

“Not that I don’t mind, but what are you guys doing here?” I asked.

“We came to check up on you,” Domitius was the one to reply. His little girl was fascinated with his hair.

“As you can see, I’m fine. You saw me just two days ago,” I reminded.

He raised an eyebrow. “Your point being?”

“Have I mentioned just how much I hate it when the two of you do that?” I glared at them before walking past them and heading into the house.

Of course they followed me.

“We’re just worried about you Matt. Can you blame us for being worried about our best friend?” Crystal asked me.

I shrugged. “I’m fine.”

“The hundreds of wolves you’ve killed in this week alone would beg to differ,” Domitius scoffed.

“But they’re dead,” I smirked, earning myself double glares.

“We’re being serious Mateo,” Crystal scolded.

“Look, you’re all worried for nothing. Just help me get my mate back, and I’ll be fine,” I told them.

Domitius smirked. “So you’re admitting that you’re not fine now?”

“I didn’t admit to anything,” I remained nonchalant.

Crystal rolled her eyes. “There’s really no getting through to you is there?”

“I wish you could make everyone else see this wonderful revelation you’ve just made,” I said with as much sarcasm as I could muster.

“This isn’t healthy for you Mateo,” she argued.

“I never said it was,” I countered.

“You need to stop,” Domitius demanded.

“You have my mate then?” I challenged.

He was about to reply when Sam ran into my office. “Alpha, we’re about to be attacked.”

“Stats,” I requested as I stood up.

“Five packs. Three are rogues. Not sure why, but we’re looking at almost a thousand wolves,” he reported.

“Mateo, you cannot kill them without finding out what it is they want,” Crystal tried to stop me as I was already mid-shift.

Too bad only one woman has the ability to make me see sense.


Balthazar screamed out in frustration for what felt like the millionth time that day, and his wife could only sit by and watch. He and Boris were trying to find a way of reaching Juniper, but they were coming up short.

Everyone was.

Boris sighed. “Why is she doing this?”

“She’s not doing it,” Balthazar mumbled.

“Who? Marissa? I thought it was her all along,” Gail commented.

“It used to be until sometime last night. Now it’s all three of them working together to keep us all out. It doesn’t help that we can’t penetrate the Underworld as is. Roman is the most powerful being after Juniper, Marissa and Star, which means their power combined is practically impenetrable,” Balthazar explained.

“I still think she’s safe,” Gail spoke up, earning herself glares from the two men.

Unlike everyone else, she chose to believe that her daughter is safe, no matter who she is with.

“That isn’t the point here Gail, and you know it! She’s meant to be with Mateo,” Boris argued.

“According to who? She recognized Roman as her mate as well and you’re all just against the poor guy like it’s his fault. I understand that you all feel obligated to bring her back to Mateo, but I think you’re all attached to the wrong cause here,” she defended.

“What are you talking about?” Balthazar asked.

“Love, you’re supposed to be obligated to your daughter,” she pointed out.

“And you think I’m not? She’s meant to be with Mateo!” he snapped.

“Is she? I mean so far, none of you have actually stepped back to think about the fact that she has two mates. How did that come to be? None of you are concerned because you’re all so adamant on separating her from Roman. What do you hope will happen once you do? You bring her back to Mateo, and then what? You do recall that she recognized Roman as her mate with Mateo in the same place. Did it ever occur to you that she won’t want anything to do with Mateo if you get her back to him in any case?” she enlightened.

Boris and Balthazar were stumped. They couldn’t believe that they’d missed what she was saying. She was making a valid point. If Juniper had recognized Roman as her mate, then she obviously wouldn’t come back to Mateo willingly.

Boris grunted. “So, where do we begin with our new mission?”

“It, unfortunately, isn’t our mission to find out,” Merlin joined them.

“What do you mean?” Gail asked.

“Mateo told us that when he saw Max, Roman and Juniper, there was a big book with them. We’ve come to believe that it is the Book of Originals. It has been spelled to only be accessed by Naturalist Witches because it was created by two of the most powerful Naturalist Witches – Odezzia and Oden,” Merlin explained.

“Who are they?” Gail asked.

“My mother’s siblings. We believe that only Odezzia still lives in hiding since my mother killed Oden right before our very eyes,” Balthazar replied.

“She killed her own brother?” Gail asked wide-eyed.

“She’s a troubled woman,” Merlin mumbled.

“Really dad? Even after all these years? Even after all her sins, you still believe that there’s something misunderstood about that woman? She’s a murderer!” Balthazar shouted.

“Son, I understand that you hate your mother, but you have never sat down and tried to understand the way that she is. People aren’t just born evil. I still insist that something happened to her to make her like this. She’s adamant on taking that secret with her to the grave, but I’m pretty sure she will end up telling someone in her rage. We just need to be around for that,” Merlin said.

“Unbelievable!” Balthazar said before storming off. Gail followed her mate to go and comfort him.

“You really think Odessa has any good in her?” Boris asked curiously.

“Before we met, I’d heard stories about her – horrible stories, but I could never bring myself to believe them. When we met, it was love at first sight. I’d even forgotten everything that was ever said about her, and she ignored everything she’d heard about me too. She wanted nothing to do with me, and for thirty years, I went wherever she went. I wanted to prove to her that she was the only woman for me. In those thirty years, I never once saw her harm a single being, and I was basically with her day and night. Instead, she went around helping people. We got married when she realized that I was set on her, and we had Balthazar a few years later. I basically knew her for eighty years or so. On the day she killed Oden, she was antagonized into doing so, and I only know this because to this day, I can still feel all her emotions, including her pain and the darkness lurking in her. She truly didn’t mean to kill Oden, which is something Balthazar fails to understand. She was protecting us from her siblings, who had actually been sent to kill us. He left that day with me, but unlike me, he never turned back. I, on the other hand, went looking for her. I found her in a cave and she told me everything that she hadn’t already told me. I thought that I could help her, but she wanted to stay in the cave. She stayed there for years, basking in what she thought was her insanity, when it was really just the darkness consuming her, and that’s when she snapped – when the darkness finally took over fully,” Merlin retold, tears shining in his eyes.

He still loved Odessa with all his heart.

“You still love her,” Boris commented. He could see the pure love the man still had for his wife.

Merlin looked away. “I always will.”

“What about Mama Deo?” Boris asked.

“Deondrameda has been a fantastic companion over the years, but she understands that I could never love her the way that I love Odessa. Dessa gets off on that, and doesn’t fail to remind her at every turn, but Deondrameda has always been understanding and supporting, even if she doesn’t believe in my view of Odessa. No one understands my view of my wife,” Merlin finished with a whisper.

“I do,” Boris mumbled. Merlin’s head shot up.

“You do?” he asked in disbelief.

“Yeah, I do. I agree with you that no one is born that evil. Something has to have happened to her, and if it was Auriela, I’d still love her through everything, as much as you love Odessa through everything,” Boris replied.

“Do you think she’s worth saving?” Merlin asked curiously.

“You’ve thought of saving her from the Land of Lost Souls?” Boris asked wide-eyed.

“Not the Land of Lost Souls son. I mean if she’s worth saving in general,” Merlin elaborated.

“Oh, I can’t say I know. Even if you managed to save her from the darkness, I highly doubt that she would survive considering how many people want her dead. If you were to truly save her, then she would have to live in hiding for the rest of her life,” Boris pointed out.

Merlin sighed. “She’d like that after the torment she’s been through.”

“Would you go into hiding with her?” Boris asked curiously.

“Without a doubt,” Merlin said before leaving the room.

Balthazar had been outside the room, listening to his father pour his heart out. Ever since the incident, he and his father had never really been close again because of their opposing views on Odessa, but he was truly astonished to learn that his father still loved his mother so.

“Balthazar,” Merlin said in surprise when he noticed his son standing there, tears in his eyes.

“You truly believe that there’s more to mother than the evil woman she is right now?” Balthazar whispered.

“With all my heart,” Merlin nodded.

“We will help her, but only if she’s willing to free herself from the darkness, and for as long as she doesn’t harm a single person in our family,” Balthazar said before walking away.


Royce and Dayton waited patiently – not that they had much of a choice considering the fact that they were strapped to chairs. They’d been told that the person who set them free would be with them shortly.

They looked around the room, taking in the black and red theme. There were dragon pictures everywhere, and they were wondering what fetish their captor had with the mystical beings, until the large doors were opened, and in came a red and massive dragon. Its owner soon followed, astonishing the two even further.

“You look exactly like him,” Royce commented in awe. They were staring at a replica of Mateo, except the replica had black hair and grey eyes.

“That would make sense since he’s my brother. The name’s Khal, but you would know me as The Imposter,” the replica introduced himself.

“Mateo doesn’t have any brothers,” Dayton pointed out.

Khal scoffed. “You’re right and wrong at the same time, but it isn’t my place to explain it to you, simply because I’m too lazy to. Hell, I have better things to do with my life.”

“Like take Mateo down?” Royce asked.

Khal raised an eyebrow, amused. “You think I’m trying to take him down?”

“Well, why else would you be doing everything that you are?” Dayton asked.

“I don’t need to tell you that, but you can be guaranteed that my aim isn’t to take my brother down,” Khal chuckled.

“So why kill all the wolves, vampires and witches?” Royce asked in confusion.

Khal smirked. “My, my, aren’t we full of questions? Mateo has something of mine and I want it back.”

Dayton scowled. “So why not just take it?”

“The son of a bastard is as powerful as I am, but she’s also fragile cargo,” Khal hinted.

“You mean Juniper?” Royce asked wide-eyed.

“Yes, and no. Oh, would you look at that, our time is up! Now you die,” Khal said coolly.

DIE?” Dayton and Royce panicked.

“I’m kidding sheesh! Lighten up would you?” Khal chuckled just as his dragon huffed.

“Down girl,” he whispered to it. The dragon huffed once more before settling into a sleeping cocoon.

“She’s been busy training so she must be tired,” Khal said absentmindedly.

“I thought dragons were extinct,” Dayton commented.

“Fifi here is the last of her kind, sadly enough,” Khal replied.

“And she’s sired to you?” Royce asked.

“Goodness no! Dragons cannot be sired. They only offer their loyalty to you, but they cannot be sired to anyone. Fifi has offered me her loyalty since I saved her,” Khal explained.

“Why are we here?” Dayton finally asked.

Khal looked at them. “You’re here because I want you here. You have an important task I want you to do for me.”

“And if we refuse?” Royce asked. He didn’t expect to be shot on the shoulder as he screamed out in pain.

“You can expect that, but to the heart,” Khal replied before he got up and left the room.


Roman paced in one of the hidden rooms of the castle. His demon was agitated, yearning for his mate, but he couldn’t bring himself to claim Juniper. She wasn’t his to have, despite the heavy mate pull between them.

He was hiding from her.

She’d become demanding of his affection towards her, and while he could handle their kisses, he couldn’t take things further. He felt like it was a betrayal to what Mateo and Juniper share. He wanted to first understand why it is that she had the both of them as mates.

But his mate wasn’t patient enough.

Marissa stormed into the room, the doors flying open at her command. Max jumped at the intrusion, until he saw who it was. From her glowing red eyes, he figured she was pissed off, despite him finding it funny.

“Where is he Max?” she asked him.

He decided to play dumb. “Where is who?”

“I do not have time for this Maximillan!” she snapped.

“Ooh, full name, I’m so scared,” he said, deadpan.

“MAX!” she screamed.

“What do you want from me?” he chuckled.

She scowled. “You’re laughing at me.”

“Of course I am. You look like a mental institution escapee,” he smirked. She narrowed her eyes into slits.

“Tell me what I want to know,” she demanded.

“Compulsion doesn’t work on me sis,” he laughed.

She glared at him. “I hate you.”

“Why are you looking for His Highness anyway?” he asked.

“I’m horny as fuck,” she replied.

“Ag, why would you do that to me?” he groaned.

“You asked,” she shrugged, a satisfied smirk on her face.

“And now I hate you right back,” he mumbled.

“Help me find my mate and I’ll leave with all my disturbing statements,” she bargained.

“He’s hidden to me too you know?” he pointed out.

“What do you mean?” she asked in confusion.

“I mean exactly that. Only your mate truly knows this place and he’s hidden himself quite well,” he lied. What he didn’t expect was for her to tear up.

“Why is he hiding from me?” she sniffed.

He hugged her. “He’s not hiding from you sis. He’s just keeping himself from doing something you’ll both regret.”

“But I need him,” she pouted.

“How about you go and wait in your room and I’ll go find him for you?” he offered.

She looked up at him with glossy eyes. “You’d do that for me?”

“I’d do anything for you,” he sighed before kissing her forehead.

Max went in search of the Demon King, knowing exactly where he was. It had been two weeks since their arrival. He was meant to go and visit the elders, but despite protests, Roman needed him. The young King was having trouble with keeping away from his own mate.

Max couldn’t, for the life of him, understand why Roman was holding back to begin with. He knew that if Mateo was in his shoes, he would’ve marked Juniper as his own long ago, anger or not – and yet Roman was being persistent about staying away from her. As honourable as that was, Max strongly believed that she needed to be marked by him.

If not, he was afraid she would go insane.

“Man, how big is this place?” Max murmured when he finally found Roman an hour later.

“Big enough,” Roman responded, having heard him.

“Still hiding?” Max asked him. Roman shot him a dry look.

“Look, I know you think you’re being honourable and all, but you’re driving the both of you insane. She’s raging Roman, and soon enough, she might as well go into heat,” Max pointed out.

“That’s impossible! She’s pregnant!” Roman protested.

“True, but it’s also her. You can’t just pin it down to impossibility when we don’t even know everything that she’s truly capable of. Why are you so adamant on staying away from her? And don’t try and bullshit me either. What’s the real reason why you’re hiding?” Max attacked.

Roman walked over to the window and looked out at his kingdom. Everything seemed to be running smoothly, but he knew that that could change at any moment, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to risk that – but he also knew that he had to at least be honest with Max.

“I can’t risk a war,” he sighed.

“A war against who? Mateo?” Max asked. Roman nodded.

“You’re kidding right? Mateo wouldn’t stand a chance. He could collect all the wolves on earth and they would still lose against the demons. Roman, you’re the second most powerful being after her,” Max argued.

Roman turned to him with a small smile. “What about you?”

“I’m powerful, but not that powerful. I’m probably third,” Max chuckled.

“I hear you Max, I really do, but you know I don’t want to risk any lives over this,” Roman argued.

“But you are! You’re probably risking the lives of the babies by putting her under so much stress. I know I’ve said this a million times, but I won’t give up until you fully comprehend what I’m saying. If Mateo found himself in your shoes, I can guarantee that he wouldn’t hesitate to mark her, regardless of the situation. Your own daughter pointed this out to you. You passed honourable a long while ago. You truly are a good man Roman, but I really think no-one would fault you for claiming what’s yours. Mateo or not, she’s your mate too, and you’d do well to remember your mate duties to her,” Max said before leaving the young king with that last thought.

Roman stayed in the room, mulling over Max’s words, and he realized that he was right. While Juniper was mated to Mateo, Marissa had also recognized him as her mate, and from that point on, it became his duty to be a mate to her.

With a newfound determination, he left the room to seek out his mate. When he walked into his chambers, he wasn’t all that surprised to find her sitting on their bed, crying. He could already pick up the sadness from her without trying.

“I’m sorry,” he apologized, picking her up and placing her on his lap. He felt horrible for causing her pain.

“Why don’t you want me Roman? What have I done to you?” she asked.

“My love, I want you more than you’ll ever understand, and I’m so sorry that I’ve neglected you. Let me make it up to you,” he pleaded.

“How?” she sniffed, wiping away the last of her tears. He grabbed her face and kissed her with everything he had, everything he felt.

“Let me make love to you,” he whispered.

“Please,” she faintly said before their lips met in union once more.

As they joined together as one, the sky turned red, unbeknownst to the human eye, while supernaturals alike knew what had happened – the Demon King had mated with his true pairing. The ground shook as Zeus released a feral, powerful growl.

“No,” Gail whispered as they all looked outside.

“Someone needs to get to Vistas,” Mam Deo commented.

“Something tells me we’d either be too late, or our magic would be too weak to stop him from tearing everything apart,” Boris mumbled.

“It’s a good thing that isn’t your responsibility,” Max said as he made his presence known amongst them.

They all turned to him in shock. They hadn’t seen him or Juniper since before they disappeared together, and he was the only person who was linked to both sides. Max knew that he’d managed to sway Roman’s thoughts towards mating with Marissa, and he also knew that that meant that he would have to take some extra measures. It was just a bonus that the Demon King was lending him some of his power as well.

“Maximillan,” Merlin said bitterly. He was royally pissed off at the events involving his granddaughter, and he felt betrayed by the young man before him.

“Before any of you make the mistake of thinking that I care about how you feel betrayed and blah, blah, blah, I’d like to stop you there. I’m not here to discuss how you feel that my sister should be with Mateo, and neither am I here to discuss her new mating. I am here however, to discuss the way forward. I will only be talking to anyone who is planning on helping me,” Max announced.

Balthazar was fuming. “How dare-”

“I? Well you see, it’s actually pretty simple. At this very moment, my loyalties lie only with June, and despite what any of you may think you know, or think should be, you are wrong. In fact, you’ve never been more wrong in your lives. You know nothing, and again, I’ll only be liaising with anyone who shares my loyalties. I only want what’s best for my sister, and right now, her being with the Demon King is exactly that,” Max said.


“No, she’s married to your best friend. His mate mark on her disappeared about a week ago. That mark disappeared so that she could be rightfully marked by her other mate,” Max replied.

“How are you so calm about this?” Gail asked him.

“Calm? You think I’m calm? Just because I’m fighting for her, doesn’t mean that I am in any way calm. If anything, I’m freaking out more than all of you combined, but at this very moment she needs to not see me panicking in any way, and Roman is what is best for her,” Max argued.

“And how did you reach that conclusion?” Faith asked.

“I will only be discussing that with people who have the same goal at heart,” Max reminded.

“Of course we all want what’s best for her, but you’re not exactly being very forthcoming about this,” Mark snapped.

“It’s not my obligation to be forthcoming about it. You’re either in or out. Again, my duty is to Juniper, and Juniper alone,” Max repeated.

Boris scowled. “What on earth happened to you?”

“I know things and I’ve seen things that probably won’t make sense to me for a very long time, but I do need to start trying to understand them now if I hope to get anywhere,” Max sighed.

“What about Mateo?” Jacob asked.

“He’s in a secure location where he can’t harm anyone,” Max informed.

Gail gasped. “He’ll harm himself!”

“That’s highly impossible. He’ll just go crazy trying to escape, and he’ll eventually give up. If I was in the mood, I’d actually bet on how long it will take him to give up, but I have much more pressing issues at hand,” Max replied.

“What is it that you need Maximillan? You didn’t come here for the fun of it,” Merlin asked him.

“Like I said, I have things that need to be answered, but I need help in doing so. Roman and I aren’t getting anywhere by ourselves,” Max responded.

“What about June? Why not bring her in?” Faith asked.

“You’re clearly not aware of her current state. She got hit with a rock on her head, and she’s suffering from some amnesia, though we’re under the suspicion that it’s only temporary since she managed to remember Rose and Draxlon,” Max informed.

“Are the babies alright?” Gail panicked.

“They’re all ok, especially now, but I don’t know how long that will last. As much as she needed Roman right now, I also know that she needs me to figure out what on earth is going on,” Max replied.

“What do you have so far?” Boris asked.

“Dead ends,” Max responded.

“How’s that possible? You’re a Naturalist witch, and you’re in possession of the Book of Originals. How can you not have a little bit of answers?” Balthazar asked.

“I can’t read the entire book. It’s been spelled. It’s only given us facts on the origins of the different supernatural creatures. Roman and I have both tried our magic on it, but nothing. It’s got magic of its own. It operates similarly to The Vaulsino, except it doesn’t move locations,” Max explained.

“It just moves words,” Mama Deo said in realization, to which Max confirmed with a nod.

“Well, that doesn’t help anyone, so where do we start?” Gail asked.

“I wanted to consult The Vaulsino, except since its recent move, it hasn’t settled. It has only revealed itself to June herself, as well as Rose and Draxlon,” Max responded.

“That’s the second time you mention them,” Faith commented.

“They’re currently in the Underworld,” Max informed.

“Impossible! Draxlon would be dead,” Boris argued.

“Not if Rissa, Star and June had anything to do with it. They made the impossible, possible,” Max countered.

“So, she remembered the two children, but no-one else?” Merlin asked. Max nodded in confirmation.

“What about Mateo?” Jacob asked.

“She refers to him as ‘the wolf’. Quite frankly, she has no connection with him as we speak,” Max said.

“And you say he’s secured?” Jacob asked.

“Yes, he is. Look, my greatest concern right now is figuring out what’s going on with my sister. Anything else really is of no bother to me. As far as I can see it, I’ve kept Mateo away from causing any harm, so we don’t have to worry about him. Has the imposter been busy?” Max questioned.

“Extremely,” Orion replied.

“Alright, so we need to deal with him as well,” Max noted.

“Son, what exactly is it that you need from us?” Merlin asked him.

Max could only stand there with a blank look on his face. He wasn’t trying to be mean or cold, but he just didn’t know what to say to them. He didn’t know what to do. He didn’t know where to begin. He just didn’t know anything.

And he wished more than anything that fate could give him a starting point.

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