Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 20

(Chapter song ‘Come Out And Play' by The Offspring)


‘Enforcers continue with the investigation, but they have now confirmed the wreckage of a black 2023 Cadillac did, in fact, belong to Alpha Vincent Vinelli.

Three lycans were found deceased at the scene, but Enforcers say Alpha Vinelli was not among the dead. The car, having dropped the Alpha off at his home in Queens, New York before the attack, was found on a secluded piece of road on I89. It’s unknown where the car was headed at this time and Mr. Vinelli was also unavailable for comment.

According to investigators, the evidence suggests the car was allegedly attacked by known vigilante, the Black Mace. He was not present at the scene.

Enforcers refused to answer if they had found any evidence to identify the mysterious biker, but they did issue the warning that, if seen, to call Enforcers immediately.

We'll have more on this story at 11.’

I shake my head as I click off the T.V. “The guy has a set, I’ll give him that.”


“In here!” I yell to the front door. I throw the remote down on the coffee table and turn my attention to the front door.

Audrey walks in and drops her purse on the counter. She’s wearing sweats and her hair is pulled back. She doesn’t look happy at all. “We need to talk.”

She doesn’t sound happy and neither am I.

“Good because I want to know why you lied to me and don’t give me this ‘it’s none of your business' crap.” I cross my arms and scowl.

“I didn’t lie to you, Jaxton. I just didn’t tell you. I knew you’d go off half cocked if I told you and I can handle it myself.” She stands in front of me and mirrors my posture.

I lean to her. “That’s called lying in my book, Rey. You’re right. I would have stopped you. You can’t be around that guy.” I point to her. “If he shows up again, you are to tell me the minute he does, understand me?”

She juts back. “Excuse me? Interesting choice of words from a man who denounced controlling me.”

“I’m not controlling you, Audrey! I’m protecting you. You can’t handle Vinnie. You let me take care of him.” I growl.

She steps up to me. “I can handle much more than you think and if you think you can dictate my actions now, you have not been paying attention at all.” She looks me over. “If anyone has lied here, it’s you, Jaxton. You haven’t changed one bit.”

“No. I have changed. It's you who hasn’t. You’re still pushing me back and it’s pissing me off!” I glare at her.

“I’m sorry you’re pissed, but I won’t stand here and allow you to take over my life after doing quite well without you for so long. I don’t know what I was thinking. I, yet again, got caught up in your good looks and had one fleeting thought that you’d be different now. I can see how wrong I was. You call this combative? I call it a shy little girl standing up to you. If you don’t like that, go to hell.”

She spins around and walks to the door.

“Rey, wait!” I chase after her. “I just don’t want you getting hurt!”

“Don’t worry about me, Jax. Worry about yourself.” She spits as she whips her head to me, grabs her purse and throws open the door. “Goodbye. Call me when you grow up.”

She slams the door and I throw a hand on my hip. I run a hand down my face and place my hand on my other hip. I shake my head at the floor.

What the fuck do I do now?

I need real answers and I think the only way I can get those is if I go to the source.


Before I go on a suicide mission, I stop by the Complex and grab my gear.

As I leave, I’m stopped.

“Where you going?”

I turn and my jet boots thump on the floor. Marcus walks up the hall to me.

“I’m saving Audrey by doing something I should have done years ago.” I clench.

“You’re going after Vinnie.” He furrows his brow.

I turn and start to walk down the hall. “Don’t try to stop me, Marc.”

He runs to my side. “I won’t, but you aren’t going alone. We can take my chopper. It’s faster.”

I rest my mace on the floor. “Thanks.”

“Hey, I have a beef with him too. Give me 5 minutes.” He hops to a jog to get his gear.

By the time we reach Vinellis mansion in Queens, it’s dark.

We crouch down after jumping the wrought iron fence.

“What’s the game plan?” He whispers.

I shrug my spiked shoulders. “Go in and bust heads.”

He thumps his baseball bat in his palm and smirks. “I like that.”

“Follow me.” We slink to the house, avoiding all the security lights.

When we get to the driveway, I point my mace to the house. “You take the back. I’ll cut the Security.”

“Got it.” He crouches and runs around to the back.

I find the panel and cut the alarms.

I find an open window and step through it. After peeling the flowing blue curtains off my armor, I step into the common room. It’s dark and richly decorated. Blood money flows here.

‘Marcus. You in?’

‘Yeah. This kitchen is huge!’

‘The Vinellis never did anything small.’

‘I thought my family was over the top, but this?’

‘Has your dad said anything about the attack?’

‘Nah. He won’t. He’ll just send his goons out and show the Vinellis his disappointment.’

I leave the common room and enter a huge hallway. Off the to the side is white stairs. I head up the stairs as quietly as I can.

‘Pissing off the Luccos has got to be the dumbest thing the Vinellis ever did.’

‘Ya got that right. I can safely say the truce is broken. The hits will start again. Thank God I got out.’

‘Totally agree. You don’t need to get mixed up in that Mafia bullshit.’

‘My dad tries to pull me back in, but I’m not risking my career for his dumb ass.’

‘Smart move.’

I get to the top of the stairs and it’s lined with doors.

Marcus comes up behind me.

“You check that side, I’ll check this side. If you see him…kill him.” I growl low.

I open door after door and all I find are empty rooms.

I was about to head to the last room, when the door opens. My heart pounds and I ready my mace. This is it. The time you die mother fucker.

Only it wasn’t Vinelli.

I see black leather step out and a bike helmet turns my way.

“Hey! What the hell are you doing here, punk?!” I take big angry steps toward him and he pulls his mace. He throws it and I slam myself on the wall as it’s spike barely miss my stomach. He recalls and catches it. He lifts it up and jumps at me.

I bring my mace down and he slams his pole on mine. I fall to one knee as I fight his strength. “What the fuck?!”

“I told you to stay out of my way!!” He growls.

“I’m…trying…to…” I grit as my arms shake. “What the fuck do you eat man?!” With a loud growl, I shove him back.

He swings his spiked ball and I dodge it. It slams into the wall, smashing a hole right through it.

I swing mine up, bring it down on his and pin it to the floor. I hear a growl come from his chest and he pulls his up. His ball hooks mine and it rips out of my hand. He throws it and it flies down the hall.

“Oh shit.” My eyes widen as he throws out a punch.

I duck under and slug him in the ribs. My knuckles hit metal and searing pain explodes up my arm.

“Ah, fuck!” I grab my wrist as he chuckles. “You think that’s fucking funny?” I throw out a right hook and hit his helmet with my other fist. His head goes to the side and again, I crumple at the pain in my hand.

“Are you kidding me? What the fuck are you?” I scowl.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He hauls back, swings his mace up and brings it down. I jump out of the way and it buries itself in the flooring.

He rips it out and pulls it up over his head for another swing at me as I jump back again. It rips through the carpet and wood.

“Dude!” I growl as splinters hit my armor.

He ticks his head. “What?”

I point to the floor. “Must you?”

He looks to the floor and back up to me. “Yes…I must."

I comes at me, swinging and I’m dodging and leaning back waiting for an opening. He’s huffing breaths as he tries to kill me.

Finally, I see a shot and go for it. I grab his mace, tear it out of his hands and throw it down the hall where mine went.

I smirk. “Ha! What you got now?” I say sarcastically.

He pulls back and punches my jaw and I stumble back. I rub my chin as I glare at him. My jaw ticks. “Ok. I got that too.”

I rush him, throwing lefts and rights as he blocks. He kicks at my side and I grab his foot. I flip him in the air, but he lands on his hands and feet.

He closes the gap, grabs my hair and throws more punches at my head. When he connects, my eyes explode in white hot pain.

He grabs my chest pad and hits me between the eyes with his helmet. I drop to a knee as the bell rings in my head. I try to focus my vision and wipe the blood from my nose.

I stand and grin. “That was good…for a dickless helmet head.”

“What?!” He rushes me and throws out kick stomps.

I catch his foot and slam a fist into his knee. I grind and step back. Even his pants are armored. “Jesus, man!”

“Well, stop punching me then.” He chuckles.

“Not a chance, fuck nut.” I scowl and deliver more blows.

He dodges, raises his hand and recalls his mace. Once in his grip, he drops, spins and takes out my ankles.

I land on my back and my air leaves me. Coughing, I try to roll to my side, but the Mace straddles my legs and raises his mace above his head.

I throw up a hand. “WHOA! OK! I TAP!”

He drops his weapon to his side and steps over me. “Good. I don’t have time for you. Vinellis not here and I have to find him.”

I scramble to my feet, grab his shoulder and turn him. “I know why I want Vinnie, but why do you? Who are you?”

He rips my hand off and points to his helmet. “Would I wear this if I wanted you to know?” He shakes his head, waves me off and continues down the hall.

“Look! We both want the same thing. Why was Vinelli at Horizon?” I ask his back.

He stops and turns. “You’re just not gonna let this go, are you?”

I cross my arms. “No.”

He lowers his head, slams his hands on his hips and walks to me. He raises his head. “Vinelli is on a long list of enemies. I don’t have time for games.”

“This isn’t a game. I want in. I have just as much to gain as you do. If you know something I don’t, you need to tell me.” I look around the destroyed hall and back at him. “If we work as a team…”

“You’re not exactly a team player, Jax.” He folds his arms and cocks his head.

“How do you know that? I work great on a team.” I scowl.

“I know you. I’ve seen how you operate. You may be on a team, but if you aren’t leading, you run your own show.” He says.

“That’s not true.” I mutter.

He looks around. “Funny. I don’t see any other Alphas here. Is that teamwork?”

I rub my nape. “Ok. You got me there. Finn would have stonewalled me. He doesn’t get what it’s like.”

The Mace nods. “I understand.”

“See. So, let me join you. We'll get Vinelli together.” I motion between us.

He raises his visor to me. “No.” He spins and walks down the hall.

“Why not?!” I yell as I grab my mace and jog to his side. “Ok. I get that you have this mysterious dark knight thing going on and I won’t get in the way of that. All I ask is if you find Vinelli, you find me first. That’s all.”

We stop and face each other.

He rubs his chin strap then nods. “Ok. If Vinelli shows, I’ll call you.” He points in my face. “You can back up only. Vinnie's mine.”

I put up my hands in surrender. “You got it, man. Whatever you want.”

That’s complete bullshit, but I figure the fastest route to Vinnie is through this guy. He knows things that I don’t.

“Now, tell me what the Vinellis want with Horizon.” I say as I cross my arms.

“I’m not sure. It may have something to do with the war, but I can’t confirm it.” He says.

“Ok. I’ll see what I can dig up. In the meantime, let’s hunt some lycans.” I smirk.

He looks me over. “I can think of better ways to spend my Sunday night. Toodles!” He wiggles his fingers at me, turns and runs down the stairs. I hear the front door open.

My brows stitch together and I turn my head slightly. I raise my hand and slowly wiggle my fingers back. My eyes fall to my hand. “Toodles?” I whisper in confusion.

My attention is diverted by screaming.


My head whips to a room down Marcus' side. “Marcus?”

I run to the door and stand in the door way. Marcus is calming a young woman down. She looks completely freaked.

“LEAVE ME ALONE!” She screams as she tries to get Marcus away from her.

“Calm down! I’m trying to save you!” He says as he tries to catch her flailing arms.

“NOO!” Her eyes turn gold and she shoves him hard. He lands on his ass at my feet. My mouth falls as my eyes flick from him to her.

She roars, turns and jumps out the window.

“WAIT!” Marcus jumps up and runs to the window.

I slam beside him and look out to see her jump the fence and run into the trees.

I look him over. He’s breathing heavy and smiling.

“Who was that?” I ask.

He slowly turns his head. “I have no idea, but if angels were real, she’s one of ‘em.” He slowly turns back to the window. “I don’t get it. She was locked up in here. I tried to save her.”

I clap his back. “You can’t save everyone, buddy.”

He turns back with me and we walk out of the room. “I don’t know. I felt like she needed me.”

I put my arm around him. “Women are weird, dude. Maybe it’s best to let that one save herself.”

He looks back at the room as we hit the stairs. “Yeah.” He grumbles and we head back to Axelridge.

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