Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 19

(Chapter song ‘Come And Get Your Love' by Redbone, ‘Dark Deku Theme' by My Hero Academia)


The sun is bright and so is my toothy grin as I exit my car. I toss my hat on backwards and stride into work. I’m feeling amazing. I slept like a rock and had a sweet wake up shower with my stellar girlfriend. Sure, we could be eating pancakes, but I get it. She’s busy. We have plenty of time for that.

I run up the steps and spin my way into the entrance of the Security Complex, my earbuds playing the best song ever. People look at me like I’m nuts as I shuffle dance through the halls to the Hub.

I don’t care. I’m in love with Audrey, damn it. Fuck, yeah! I’m celebrating.

I strut into the Hub and belt out the chorus line with my arms outstretched. The guys all face me and I flash a smile. I dance down the steps and throw my back on Griffin. I sing to him and he arches a brow. “What are you on about? Look at the state ‘o ya.” He looks me over.

I grin, spin off him and dance my way over to Eddie and Noah. I sling my arms around their necks and dance in between them as I sing.

Noah looks at Eddie. “He’s cracked.”

Eddie rolls his head back to me. “You found my stash, didn't you?” I sing as I shake my head and wag my finger at his nose. I shove them both and dance my way around the circle. I lean to Marcus in his seat and sing in his face before shaking my ass into my seat. I spin around several times and stop with my hands behind my head. I’m grinning like a fool as Marcus slams a hand on my forehead. He whips his head to Finn. “Finley! Jaxton's broken!”

Finns brows stitch together as he leans on the table. “I know. I’m scared. Jax? Why are you…happy?”

I pull out an earbud. “What this?” I point to my smile. “This…is the best damn night I ever had in my whole life.”

“What?!” Marcus shoves me and I cackle. “With who?”

I lean back, put my hands back behind my head, kick out my legs and cross them on the floor. “With Audrey.”

“No.” His brows shoot up in shock. “Since when?!”

“Since we've been sort of hanging out at the Stadium.” I shrug.

Marcus spins in his chair and points to me. “We talked about this. Audrey, bad. Remember?”

“Marc, you wouldn’t understand. A love like ours…it’s supposed to be challenging.” I sigh as I think of fabulous hips and long, soft legs.

“Challenging? You destroyed our office just because she showed up!” He growls.

“All part of the game, my friend.” I say in a debonair tone.

Marcus spins back to Finley and points to me. “He needs a doctor, now!”

“I’m already a doctor, Marc. A love doctor.” I grin at him.

He turns to me. “A love doc…Ok, come on. This is some sort of joke.”

I lean forward on the table. “Nope. I’m in love. It took 20 years, but I think me and Audrey…we'll be good this time.”

“Jax, we all love you like a brother.” Finn starts. “I think we can all agree that we’re happy for you, but knowing what happened last time and how you’ve been since she’s been back, we just think that maybe…”

“You check your sanity.” Marcus scowls.

I chuckle. “Guys. I’m fine. Audrey and I worked it out. Turns out she wasn’t the problem, I was. I smothered her and she left. I own that.”

Marcus crosses his arms. “You buy that it was all your fault?"

I lean back and lace my fingers on my chest. “I do.”

“She takes none of the blame for cheating on you.” He scowls more.

I shake my head. “She never cheated on me. She left me because I was too controlling, but not anymore. Audrey made me a new man.” I smirk as I scan the table.

Finn scratches his temple. “Um…I how can I put this respectfully…Are you sure this isn’t just wishful thinking? You’ve been hung up on her forever. To just jump into love like this...”

“Look, you may have taken your dear sweet time to settle with April, but not me. I recognize Audrey is a strong, independent woman and I respect that. My controlling days are over and I’m ready to make this relationship work.” I motion to him.

“True. You can fancy the lass, Jax, but what Finn’s saying is don’t rush too much. You rushed the first time and look where it got you.” Griffin says.

Marcus shakes his head. “Yeah, what he said and since when do you like strong and independent? Audrey drove you nuts with the feminist stuff. She’s only going to drive you crazy and you'll be sitting in the morgue, depressed…again.”

I shake my head. “Not this time. Audrey’s it for me. I’m ready to give her the world.” I smile at my friend.

“You’ll regret you said that the next time she shit tests you.” He sings under his breath. “Bros don’t do that.” He looks ahead with his chin out.

I look him over and shake my head. I know what his problem is. “Don’t worry, bud. We'll still hang out.” I smirk.

He side eyes me. “We better.” He grumbles.

I shove him and he shoves me back. Our bro bond is threatened and he’s lashing out. I get that. I won’t let what Audrey and I have get in the way of our friendship.

“Anyway. If you’re done celebrating, Jax, I have to get this meeting started.” Finn sits in his seat.

I pull in my seat. “Yeah, I’m done…for now." I smile and Marcus groans. I slap his back with a chuckle and shake him.

“Ok. I don’t want to ruin your good day, but I have to. I had this brought to my attention and I can’t stress enough that we need the street scanners operational as soon as possible.” Finn taps his tablet screen and the holographic computer monitor appears in the circle. It’s 5 x 7 foot frame cast a transparent blue hue on us all as images enlarge, spin and set up on the screen. “We caught this by chance this morning.”

He zooms into a guy getting into a black car with four other men. He zooms in more and facial recognition works its magic. It posts a photo with a bunch of background information.

“Vinnie.” I breathe.

My brows stitch up as I stare into the eyes of the man who looked down on me while I struggled to get my destroyed pack house off me.

My gut twists as I hear his evil laugh. I hear my mother scream before another lycan broke her neck. I smell the fires burn and hear my people die. I feel my anger rise and the blood pour out my side from the gaping hole caused by the collapse.

I try to contain the sting of tears as he glares at me. My heart races and my jaw clenches.

‘Tough luck, kid, but the devil deals the cards and it looks like I stacked the deck.’

I see him smirk as he plants a foot on the beam across my hips. I growl loud and try to push the thick wooden beams off me. He only laughs as I arch back and cry out in pain and agony. I remember hearing gun fire ring out when Axelridge showed up and I watched Vinnie run.

I remember laying there, pinned under the rubble of my childhood home, crying, waiting to hear something from my parents and my sisters. I called out their names to the smoke filled night air, but I was met with heartbreaking silence. I remember thinking I can’t die alone. It’s not fair.

“DAD!!” I screamed until my voice was hoarse. To this day, it still echoes in my mind.

Ice cold shivers run through my veins as I read the words. “Person of interest in the deaths of 5000 people.”

I tried so hard to get him locked up, but I was the only one who would ID him, everyone else was too terrified to come forward. It also didn’t help that no one was listening to a 19 year old kid who just had his family murdered when Vinnie had hundreds backing him up saying he wasn’t there.

I glare at Finn and growl darkly as I stand and point to the monster on the screen. “What the hell is he doing here?!!”

“Leaving a new acquisition by a firm called…”

I read the sign above the entrance. “Horizon Corps.” I put a hand on my hip and scrub a hand down my face. “Audrey.”

“What?” Marcus turns to me as does everyone else.

I motion to the screen. “That’s Audrey’s company. She said she had business this morning. What the hell is she doing with the Vinellis?!” I scowl.

“That’s a very good question that I want answers too. I don’t need someone funding this war.” He turns to me with concern.

I point to him. “Audrey isn’t funding the goddamn Vinellis. She wouldn’t. She’d kill him first.”

“He doesn’t look dead, Jax.” Eddie says.

I whip my head to him. “I don’t care what this looks like!! She’s not helping them!” I yell.

“Ok, Jax. Calm down. No one is accusing her of anything, but we need her brought in for questioning. This is very serious. The other serious matter is how he just waltzed into the city undetected. I need those scanners up and running.” Finn eyes us all.

“I’ll have them up by the end of the day.” Marcus grumbles.

“I’ll get Audrey. I have some questions of my own.” I snarl as I leave the table.

“Don’t lose your shit, Jax!” Marcus calls to my back.

I stare straight ahead with sheer determination and anger. “I won’t.” I grit as I walk out to the hall.

I’ll try not to, but knowing Vinnie was here talking with my girlfriend, it’s going to take every bit of strength I have to not go on a one man lycan killing spree.

First, I need to see what Audrey has to say. She better have a good explanation for lying to me…again.


I storm through the halls of Horizon Corps. upper offices and pass her assistant.

“Sir! Alpha! You can’t go in there!” She chases me as I stomp to her door.

“Watch me.” I growl and throw it open. “Audrey!!” I look around and it’s empty. I turn back out and glare at her assistant. “Where is she?” I growl.

The assistant blinks at me mouth agape.


I turn and see Chet. My gut boils over. “Come here!” I rush him, grab his shirt collar and pin him to the wall.

“I’m calling the Enforcers!” Audrey’s assist warns and leaves for her desk.

“Yeah, you do that.” I say as I flare my eyes at Chet who’s struggling against my anger filled arm. “Where’s Audrey?”

“I…don’t know…she left…ten minutes ago…” He stammers.

“WHERE?!” I clench my teeth as I push on him.

“I have no idea! She just left!” He answers.

“Why was Vince Vinelli here?” I question angrily.

“How did you…” He stops struggling.

“WHY?” I repeat.

“He wanted to buy some diamonds, but Audrey refused his business. We don’t deal with lycans.” Chet says as he tries to push me off.

I let go and he furrows his brow as he fixes his tie.

I try and think of where Audrey might be. “What time is it?” I side eye him.

“Almost 1:30.” He answers.

“She’s probably headed to the game.” I say to myself. “If she comes back, tell her to call me immediately.” I order as I point to him and walk away.

I break every traffic law driving to the Lumber Jax Stadium. I was supposed to play, but I’m sure this is more important right now.

“The Lumber Jax are trailing far behind. If they want to stay in this tournament, they’re going to have to pull out all the stops. The question is where is the team Captain?”

The announcers talk on the monitors as I search the faces walking the main lobby of the stadium. I can hear the cheers of the audience out on the field and glance up to my team in the defending zone. My defenders fight like mad for the ball, but can’t get it from the Toronto Rock. I shake my head and think that I should just search for Audrey later until I hear my name.


I turn and Audrey is walking toward me.

“Where have you been? I’ve been worried sick!” I throw my arm to the side as I approach her.

“I was meeting you for the game. Why are you cross?” She scrunches her brow at me.

I get close and look her dead in the eye. “Why didn’t you tell me your business was with Vincent Vinelli?” I jut my chin out as I wait for an answer.

A look of surprise and confusion fills her face. “How did you…”

“It doesn’t matter! Tell me!” I yell.

She’s taken aback. “Firstly, my business is not yours. I don’t have to tell you anything. The privacy of my clients is first and foremost. Second, I didn’t know he was in my office until Chet told me this morning. I sent him on his way as soon as I arrived.”

I cross my arms and glare at her. “Why didn’t you inform the council?”

“Again, Jaxton. It’s none of your or the councils business who I see.” She raises her chin to me.

“He’s a goddamn war criminal, Rey! He killed your parents and mine. You have a duty to me as your Alpha to tell me he was in your orbit.” I thump a finger in my chest then point to her.

Her eyes narrow. “You haven’t been my Alpha for a very long time, Jaxton. I hold a duty to no one but myself.”

I run my hand down my nose and mouth. “You know how serious this is? The council is looking at you for aiding and abetting the war.” I say under my breath as I eye the passers by. “They have a lot of questions and so do I. If you want a relationship with me, you need to be honest with me. What did Vinelli want?”

She crosses her arms and looks me over. “He wanted to invest in our gold bars. I told him no. He left.”

I tilt my head. “Chet said diamonds.”

She blinks a few times. “Those too. I still said no.”

“What did he want them for?” I study her face.

“I don’t know, Jax. To play the market? We didn’t get into details.” She flops her hand to her side.

I run my fingers through my hair and look around. I shake my head at her. “The council is investigating now so, you better have better answers than that.”

“You don’t believe me.” Her face softens as looks into my eyes.

“I have to admit, Rey. It doesn’t look good. Vinnie took a huge risk coming into the city. For diamonds and gold…I’m sorry, Audrey. It doesn’t add up.” I speak softly to her.

“That’s unfortunate, Jaxton.” She takes a step back. “If the shoe was on the other foot, I would have believed you 100 percent. It’s nice to know where your loyalties lie.” She spins in her toes and walks away.

“Audrey!” I call to her. “What about the game!”

She turns back around. “Apparently, I have a council meeting to get to. We'll talk later.” She turns and leaves me standing in the lobby.

I place my hands in my hips and chew my lip.

Tolman, one of my back up defenders, sees me and breaks my thoughts.

“Jax! What the hell, man?”

I lift my head to him as he meets me. “Hey, bud…Look, I’m sorry. I have a pack emergency. I can’t play.”

“We're dying out there, dude.” He whines.

I nod. “Ok. Go into my locker and there’s a play book with new plays I developed. They should bring us back.”

He shakes his head. “Whatever you say, Captain.”

I slap his shoulder as he jogs off.

If it was the playoffs, I might be singing a different tune. Right now, my intuition is off the charts. Audrey lied to me for a third time just now. Her blinking eyes told me that. The question is why. She’s hiding something and if my gut is right, it involves Vinnie.

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