Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 21

(Chapter song ‘Hey Mama’ by Black Eyed Peas)


“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Sorry I’m late.”

I throw open the doors to the conference room on the first floor of Horizon.

I smile as I stride up the aisle to the presentation stage at the back of the room.

I nod in acknowledgement to the many faces on either side of me.

Politicians, monarchy, business people and others, all fill the seats waiting for the material that will change the world.

Chet meets me and hands my the presentation notes. “The CEO of UNitech wants a private meeting after the presentation.”

“Huh.” I start as I look through the notes. I close the book and hand it back. “Probably wants to skirt the weight restriction. I’ll see him. It’ll be a nice wrap up to say no to his smug, narcissistic face.” I grin.

“You’re terrible.” He chuckles.

“I call them as I see them. Let’s get going, shall we?” I smile and turn to my audience.

I look over the crowd of high rollers and pick up a black rock.

I hold it up so all can see. “Jaxtium! The world’s newest and strongest material known to man. Discovered six years ago in a location only known by Horizon.” I hold the rock in my hands and place it at my waist. “From the studies we have collected, this alloy is a mixture of several natural metals put under immense heat and pressure. We are unsure of the event which caused it, but none the less, it’s here and I’m willing to share…for a price.” I smirk as the crowd chuckles.

“This is one of the most versatile metals on the market. It can be made into the outer shells of lunar landers all the way down to your teaspoon.” I nod to the British representative and he nods back.

I pick up a hammer. “Not only is it 1/8th the weight of any other metal, under the right process, it’s stronger and indestructible.” I place a large rock on the table and hit it with the Jaxtium hammer. The rock shatters in pieces and the crowd gasps. I raise the hammer to my eyes and spin it. “I’d probably back off the tempering if you plan on building the summer cottage.” I smirk and drop the hammer on the table. The crowd laughs.

I place the black rock in front of me and lean on the table. “A thin sheet will go a long way. You will use less than half of this material to make the same weapons you make now.”

“What weapons?” A man raises his hand.

“Anything really. Bullets, missiles, body and vehicle armor. The world is your oyster, but not too much.” I eye them all.

“Why should you get control?” A woman speaks out.

“Well, I discovered it so the rights are mine. I could not share and corner the market on the versatility of Jaxtium, but where’s the fun in that. You all have threats that affect the peace of your people. I want to help.” I say as I tap my fingers together. They all mumble in agreement.

“Now, to stay within the international laws, I am only allowed to sell enough for you. You will not be getting any extra. You will all sign contracts stating you will not supply anyone who hasn’t been vetted by Horizon and you will be held personally responsible should your share make it into foul hands.” My eyes float across the room.

“The ore is processed and waiting for delivery. The auction is for something else.” I motion to Chet and he brings out a silver mace. The crowd mumbles in shock.

“I will remind you all that what you see in this room is strictly confidential.” I say as I take the mace and hold it hands.

I place it in my palm. The five foot mace balances in my hand. “Perfectly balanced and lighter than any close combat weapon on the market. Tempered to perfection this weapon is destructive and deadly.” I arch a brow as I approach a six foot concrete block being wheeled out by stage hands.

I hold the mace in my hands at my thighs. “With minimal effort, you can bust in anywhere and destroy your enemies.”

I step to the wall and swing the mace. It hits the wall and the concrete shatters. The top falls to the floor with a loud thud and breaks more.

The crowd claps in surprise.

I hold the mace up walk it in front of the crowd. “As you can see, not a scratch.”

They clap more.

“Isn’t that the weapon from this Black Mace Character?” The British representative pipes up.

I smile. “Yes. It is. He’s been testing it in the field with 100% success.” I gaze at the mace. “He’s quite pleased.” I turn my smile to the British man.

“So you know him.” The Italian representative says.

“I know him, yes. Do I know who he is? Maybe.” My lip ticks up as I tick my head.

The crowd mumbles and they look to their neighbors.

“Now. The mace itself may be impressive, but the heart is the where the real power is.”

I lay the mace on its display table and remove a spike. I press a button under it and the mace spits in half from the ball all the way down the handle to the tip. I open it and it’s filled with wires, blue LED lights and computer components blinking away.

The crowd wows.

I rest my hands on the top half. “As you can see, the casing is only an inch thick. Leaving the inside hollow for an electromagnetic system that is five times more powerful than the current systems. This system can be programmed to whatever your needs may be. It’s all run by an AI who we lovingly call Trish.” I close the mace and pick up a white glove. I press a button on the glove and I feel the magnetism power up.

“With this system, you can do things like this…”

I pick up the mace, spin it and throw it out over the crowd. They all duck and shout in shock.

“RECALL!” I hold my glove up and before it can hit the back wall it stops and flies back over the crowd and the handle slams into my glove.

The crowd erupts in applause.

I blush and mouth thank you as I cradle the mace and take off the glove.

I motion to the mace as I come around and stand in front of them. “It took us years to perfect this system and I am willing to give one of you the plans to the Jaxtium mace for an opening bid of 5 million dollars.” I stop in the center. “Cash only.”

The conference room door opens and my assistant runs up the aisle as the representatives start to shout. She whispers in my ear and I put my hands up. “Ladies and gentlemen. The auction will start after refreshments. You are welcome to look it over, but security will be watching.” I eye them all. “Mingle amongst yourselves.”

I grab my assistants arm and walk up the aisle. “Why didn’t you send him away?”

“I tried, ma'am. I told him you were indisposed, but he won’t listen.” She says with concern.

I let her go and walk ahead. “He never does.” I grit as I walk to the door and step out.

I fix my hair and walk to the leather jacket covered back. “Jaxton.”

He turns and I try not to get taken by his gorgeous eyes. I raise my chin and approach him.

He raises his hand. “Rey, I…”

I cross my arms. “I don’t believe you made an appointment.”

“I didn’t. I’m sorry.” He looks around. “Look. Can we talk somewhere more private?”

I look to the conference room then back at him. “My office.” I eye him, whip around and walk to the elevators.

The ride up and walk to my office was deadly quiet.

I walk in, take off my suit jacket and throw it on couch as I walk to my desk. “What do you want, Jax?”

He looks around. “You…uh…you really did well for yourself.”

I sit in my chair and pull it in. My irritation is growing by the second. “Spare the pleasantries, ya? You had something to say?” I shuffle papers and glance up at him.

He walks to my desk and rubs his nape. “Rey…” He sighs and flops his hand to the side. “I’m a dick.”

“That's an understatement.” I grumble.

“I’m sorry. I get that I don’t have a right to control you. I thought about what you said and I admit, I haven’t grown up. I just…when I see you, I feel like I don’t want the world to touch you. I feel…” He looks down and stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Everything’s a threat to you. Like if I let you go for a second something or someone’s going to hurt you and I can’t let my guard down. I’m sorry, Rey. I don’t know why I do it, but I really want to change. I need your help.” He raises his eye to me.

I look down at my desk. I have to take his words seriously. I can understand his fear having been the target of Lycans for his whole life.

I stand and walk around my desk. I stand in front of him. “You’re afraid I’ll die like your family did if you don’t know what I'm doing.”

He lowers his head and nods.

I step up to him and find his eyes. “Shouldn’t the fact that I’m here after two decades be proof enough that I can take care of myself?”

He swallows. “I’m scared, Rey. When I heard Vinnie was here…with you. I lost it.”

I place a hand on his cheek. “Jax. Vinnie won’t hurt me in the city, ok. He was here and I sent him away. There’s nothing to be scared of. Truthfully, instead of controlling me, work with me. Build the trust we should have had. Help me build something great on equal ground. I want to. I want to love you, but I won’t stand under you.”

He takes my hands in his and lifts them to his lips. He presses them on my knuckles. “I want it too.” He mumbles. He drops my hands. “Rey, it’s going to take a lot for me to change 100 percent. Can you be patient? I know I’m going to fuck up. I just don’t want to lose you every time I do.”

I take a deep breath and tilt my head. “I think we both could use a bit of patience. I don’t expect perfection, Jax. I expect respect and trust. You need to trust my decisions and yes, I need to trust yours. I fail in that aspect, I’ll admit. But, we can do this together.” I say softly.

“So…you…you forgive me?” He says as he ticks his head.

I smile. “For now.”

He threads his fingers into my hair. “For now?”

His lips move closer to mine. “Yeah. Can’t give in too much.” I chuckle.

He chuckles too and his lips consume mine. Our tongues dance and I’m lost again. My arms wrap around his neck and I let out a tiny moan as his arms encase me and pull me in.

I will certainly try to have patience if he shows he will back off. I think I owe my own heart that much. Being apart from him, it almost hurts. I can’t stay angry at him. My heart feels at home with him. He makes me feel comfortable even if he’s trying to run my life. I think it’s because I know what he can be. I’ve grown up a lot over the years, I think it’s time I help Jax do it too instead of leaving him on his own.

He pulls back and rest his forehead on mine. His thumb traces my bottom lip. “I love you, Rey. I need you so much. You do something to me and I want to find out what that is.”

“I want to find out too. I love you so much. I can’t deny it. I need you too.” I stare into his eyes.

He nods on my head and smiles. “Ok. So can I take you out tonight?” He whispers.

A small smile grows on my lips. “That would be lovely.”

Just as his lips touch mine for another kiss, a loud explosion came from below and the entire building shook us apart violently.

“What the hell was that?” Jax says as he hangs onto a chair arm.

The alarms sound and my wide eyes look into his. “The conference.” I breath with worry.

“What?” He looks at me concerned.

I run for my office door.


We get to the hall and people are panicking and running for the exits.

“EVERYONE USE THE STAIRS! DO NOT USE THE ELEVATORS!” I shout as the run by me to the right.

I turn left and run.

“Where are you going?” Jax says as he chases me.

“The elevators!” I say as I run down the hall.

“You said…”

“I lied. I didn’t want a crowd.” I say as I press the button.

He looks at me with confusion. “What is going on?”

I grab his shirt. “Do you trust me?”

“Yeah.” He says as he looks my face over.

“Good.” I kiss him hard. “Get on.” I say as the elevator door opens.

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