Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 14

(Chapter song ‘Sharks' by Imagine Dragons)


My heart is a flutter as I enter the tall brown tower with blacked out windows in Axelridges east end.

I walk quickly past the large gold sign in the middle of the floor with black writing that says ‘Horizon Corps’.

My heels echo across the marble floor as I hurry across the large lobby to the elevators. Office people walk to and from offices that keep my dream alive.


I turn my head to my name as I walk. “Chet.” I smile.

He walks up to me and kisses my cheek. “How’s things?” He takes my briefcase and jacket.

“Good now. How was the mountain?” I ask as we walk together.

“Cold.” He chuckles. “The team is setting up new heat drills. Now that the material is being used on the drill heads, getting through the ice is faster now.”

“Good.” I nod. “The delivery?”

We fast walk and stop at an elevator. “It’s on loading dock 3 there’s four crates in total.” He pushes the down button.

“Four? There’s was only enough for two.” I say as the door opens and walk on.

Chet runs his hands through his light brown hair. “We found another vein at 4000 feet.”

“No.” I breathe as my eyes widen. I fold my arms and turn to him. “What quadrant?”

“Southeast. Audrey. I think it’s the main event.” He smiles.

“Is everyone on it?” I ask.

“Yes, all the teams are there. Audrey, the energy spikes coming off this are off the charts. Whoever hit that mountain, man.” He shakes his head.

I watch the numbers go down. “Research says it was a cosmic God named Eternity.”

He scrunches his brow and motions a hand to me. “Isn’t that the thing that attacked the city?”

I nod. “Apparently. Whatever this Eternity is or was, his power is proving to be quite fruitful.”

“I wonder if other event centers have the same results.” He rubs his chin.

“It’s possible.” I think. I turn to him. “Do me a favor. Check for more attacks. If he used the same power, there has to be veins there.”

“I assume you want the same exploration team?” He asks.

I tilt my head. “If you could. I know it’s asking a lot with all the travel, but I just can’t let this fall into the hands of other mining companies.”

He smiles. “You know I can’t say no to you.”

“That’s why we’re friends.” I bounce my brows as the elevator doors open.

We walk off and turn down a short hallway to the buildings loading dock.

It’s dark except for the light coming in from the open bay door. The large transport truck sits in the indoor loading dock and a forklift backs put of its trailer. It switches forward and carries a pallet with two crates on it.

We stand off to the side and I can barely contain my excitement. A dock man directs the driver to us and stops him. He tells him to drop it.

Chet walks over and rips off the wrapping. A man comes with a crowbar. Chet hands it to me. “Would you like the honors?”

“Yes, I would.” I smile as I take the crowbar, jam it in the edge of the lid and push it down.

Sounds of nails tearing out of wood, fill the dock as I pry the lid off the crate.

Chet frees it and pulls it off. He places it on the other crate and both of us blow out breaths.

Inside are chunks of black rock. I reach in and pick one up. I hold it up between us.

In its rough stone, silver metal sparkles. It’s light fills my eyes as I grin. “It’s beautiful.” I breathe.

Chet takes it and turns it over in his hand. “It’s almost solid.”

“Yes. The power changed the metals in the stone to this. A brand new metal unlike anything this world has ever seen.” I smirk.

He hands it back. “You’re going to be rich.” He ticks the corner of his lip up and crosses his arms.

“I’m already rich. This will make me famous.” I place the stone back in the crate.

“When’s the conference?” He asks.

“As soon as the purification is done. Of course, I’ll take what I need then we sell to the highest bidder.” I fold my arms.

He stuffs his hands in his pockets. “Are you sure you want to that? There’s no telling what could be made with this stuff.”

I nod to the dock man and they close the crate. He signals the forklift driver to take it to the storage.

“Chet. We can’t keep this a secret. This is game changing. Armor, weapons, even bullets. This could sway wars.” I turn and head back to the elevators.

“Well, ya. That’s my concern. What if gets into bad hands?” He says as he follows me onto the car. He pushes the 40th floor.

“All the buyers are vetted and they will only get an amount that won’t be worth sharing. This is why I need all locations secured under Horizon. I don’t need these people figuring out what we did.” I say as I step off the elevator and turn to my office on the top floor.

I open a door labeled Audrey Oakland, CEO.

I place my coat on my white, Victorian couch. My office is bright, and white. Small tables are topped with flowers and my white oak desk sits in front of the large windows over looking the city. Right in my view is Jaxton's tower.

I stand in front of the window and cross my arms. “I may want control, but I really feel the world will be a better place when we put this on the table.”

“You looking for a spot on the periodic table?” He asks.

I turn with a smile. “Of course. Jaxtium is the strongest metal alloy on the planet. It deserves its piece of the spotlight.”

“That name always sounds funny.” He chuckles.

I chuckle too. “I’m sorry, but I just feel it’s not far from the truth.”

He walks to my desk. “Let him in Audrey. I’m sure he’d understand.”

I turn to the window as my smile fades. “No. I want to keep him at arms length. He wouldn’t understand this.”

“Jax is a pretty smart guy, Rey. Sooner or later, he’ll figure you out.” Chet says.

That’s one thing that scares me the most. Jax finding out what I’m doing would be the worse case of all scenarios. Selling an indestructible metal to world leaders and those individuals who have the right price, he’d lose his head. A truly furious Jaxton is something I don’t want to see.

“Start processing. I want pure ore in three weeks.” I mumble.

“As you wish.” Chet says and I hear him leave.

I stare at Jax’s tower. If he knew the game I was playing, he’d be sure to have me arrested for treason or something.

No. The less Jax knows, the better. I’m not finished my plan and I can’t have him getting in the way.

My phone dinging breaks my thoughts. I read the message. A surprising one.

JAX: Can we talk?

YOU: Go ahead.

JAX: No. In person. Come to dinner with me.

I chew my lip as I mull it over. I had other plans, but I’m sure I can put them on hold for a night. I’m sure they’ll still be there tomorrow.

YOU: What should I wear?


I walk into the restaurant and look around the room. From a set of two stairs, the dining floor is covered in tables with red chairs and black tables.

I fix my white dress and hold my clutch in front of me as I search for Jax.

The host arrives. “Reservation?”

“I’m meeting Alpha Dupree.” I smile.

“AH. Yes, of course. Right this way.” He guides me into the restaurant and we round to the back. I quietly suck in a breath as he stands and buttons up his dinner jacket. He gives a small smile. I had forgotten how dashing he looks in a suit.

The host sits me and Jax sits back down. “Thank you for coming.”

I settle myself in. “Who am I to turn down a handsome man.” I smile.

“You…You look…” He adjusts his tie.

“Thank you.” I giggle.

“I took the liberty of ordering for you. I hope you like seafood. I mean. I remember you did.” He straightens the cutlery in the table. He’s clearly uncomfortable.

“Yes, I do. I’m surprised you remember.” I say.

His eyes meet mine. “There’s a lot I remember. You still sleep with a body pillow?”

I nod. “I do. But I’m not here to talk about my sleep habits.” I tilt my head to him.

He sits up. “No…Not entirely. I just…”

“The wine list, sir.” The waiter approaches and hands Jax the wine list.

“Oh…um…” He looks over the list. “The house white is fine.”

“Very good, sir.” The waiter takes the list and leaves.

“White, right?” He questions.

I smile. “Right, again.” I chuckle.

I looks down and straightens his plates. “White was always your favorite.”

“It is. What’s on your mind, Jaxton?” I ask.

He shrugs. “I just wanted to catch up. 20 years is long time. I want to know what you’ve been up to. I know you’re not career with Lax so, what have you been doing with yourself?”

I fold my arms on the table. “Oh. Well, I just traveled mostly. I got my masters in geology.”

“Really? That’s great, Rey. I think rocks are boring as…” He clears his throat. “No, that’s awesome. I know you love that earth stuff.”

I laugh at his awkwardness. “Yes. It’s fascinating if you have an understanding of minerals, chemicals and earth metals.”

The waiter comes back and pours the wine.

I pick up my glass and sip it. Jax thanks him and sips his wine.

“Ok. So you got your degree, now what?” He asks.

I set my glass down. “As you know, I got a sizable inheritance from my parents. After coming back from Africa, I started a precious metals company called Horizon Corp.”

His brows shoot up. “That’s you?”

I smile and nod. “All me.”

“Dude. You’re killing it on the market!” Then he corrects himself like he said the wrong thing. “I mean, it seems like a successful company. I’m proud of you.”

“Thank you, Jaxton.” I say with surprise. “Honestly, I wouldn’t think you would approve of a woman owning her own business.”

He shakes his head. “No. I don’t have a problem with that. I think it’s great. It’s the contentious attitudes that come with it, that I have a problem with.”

“You think business women are contentious?” I tilt my head and look into his eyes.

“I know they are. They walk around here all the time with this holier than thou attitudes and its aggravating.” He leans back and adjusts his jacket.

“Could you possibly be mistaking confidence with contentiousness?” I ask with a little bit of offence.

He shakes his head. “No. I know the difference. I don’t care how successful you are. Don’t throw it in my face.”

I sit back, cross my arms and legs and bounce my heel. “Like men don’t brag about their money and success.”

“I don’t.” He answers.

“You may not, but plenty of men do and I find it funny how those men get back slaps yet a woman gets backlash for the same.” I chew my lip as my gut boils.

“It’s a guy thing. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m just saying from a guy’s perspective, it’s expected. No guy is interested in a woman more powerful than them.” He ticks his head and straightens his tie.

I lean on the table. “Of course. The male privilege is thick. Well, I apologize, but in today’s world, women are becoming powerful beings. If you men would put aside your fragility for two seconds…”

He holds up a hand. “Ok, Rey. I didn’t make this date to argue, ok. So can we drop the gender war, please.”

I jut my head back. “This is a date?”

He ticks his head. “I was kind of hoping so.”

I sit proper and adjust myself. I push down my wolf and my attitude. “Oh. In that case, I truly apologize. I won’t bring it up.”

“Thank you.” He breathes.

The waiter brings our food and it turned out to be a great time. A time I missed with Jax. We talked, laughed and relived all the good times we had. By the time dinner was done, I felt so comfortable with him that it felt like we reconnected on a more deeper level.

“This was nice, Jax. Thank you.” I smile and hold my wine glass.

“You’re welcome. I was hoping we could put all this behind us. So…um…you want to come back to my place?” He asks as he pays the bill.


My phone pings just as I was about to answer.

I swipe it open and read the message.

CHET: If you want to test the new armor, lycans are attacking outside the south bridge.

YOU: Get everything ready. I’ll be there in 15 minutes.

“I would love to, but something just came up. I must go.” I say as I stand.

His phone pings. He picks it up, swipes it open and reads. “Yeah, ok.” He mumbles as he types. “I gotta go, too.”

He walks over to me and grins.

“We should do this again.” I lock my eyes with him.

He leans me and kisses me so softly, I melt into him. My heart almost cries because it was a kiss I thought I’d never feel again.

He pulls back, slowly. “Definitely.” He mumbles on my lips. “I’ll walk you to your car.” He smiles a sweet smile I haven’t seen in years.

“That would be lovely.”

He takes my arm in his and walks me out of the restaurant. If the lycans hadn’t have shown up, I surely would have taken Jax up on his invitation.

Unfortunately, there are things way more important than my love life.

Like destroying the lycan horde.

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