Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 15

(Chapter song ‘Fight Club’ by The Anxiety)


After leaving Audrey, I speed to the Complex. As I pull in, alarms are sounding and I see the fighters mobilizing.

I run to the Hub, making my way through people running to posts.

I throw open the door. “What’s going on?” I look around the room. “Where’s Marcus?”

“The lycans are attacking his pack.” Finn informs as he types on the computer for the holographic computer.

I see the areal view of his pack with hundreds of red dots descending onto his pack.

My blood turns to red hot, molten lava. “FUCKERS!!”

Finn looks at us all. “Security level 6. Everyone deploy now.”

Noah posts the message. “Done.”

“Lets go!” Finn says and we all run down to the deployment area.


We skate on our boots as fast as we can once we jump from the trucks.

Eddie kicks it into high gear and his hover board flies over head. I watch him pull out his throwing knives and start to blast them out to the roaring Dires and Lycans.

When we get to the front lines, Marcus' people are fighting with everything they have. Bats and clubs are swinging, knocking in as many heads as they can.

The city of Parkdale is about as big as mine. This town is Marcus' baby and these lycan assholes just had to fuck with it. Paybacks a bitch, assholes.

We enter the city of 10,000 and I see the mess it’s in.

With 5000 behind us, we enter the town with full force.

‘FIND MARCUS!’ Finn links.

‘UNITS 3, 7 AND 12. YOU’RE WITH ME!’ I link and we break off to the Southside of the city.

With a thousand fighters in jet boots behind me, we jump a hill and all land on a street in the city below.

Like water flooding between the buildings, we fill the street.

‘Targets ahead. Get ready’ I link.

The army behind me, readies their weapons as lycans come into view.

I hold my mace down toward the road, the tip of its spike creates sparks as I push my boots faster. My lips snarl and a growl builds in my chest.

The lycans see us and start running our way. Their growls shake the glass windows of the buildings that contain us.

The outside lines leap and ride the buildings like water splashing up the walls. They push off the walls and fly into the middle of the lycans just as they enter our attack zone.

Roars over power the clash that shook the ground as we collide with the mass of teeth and muscle.

I skid to a stop, pull back my mace and bring it up under the chin of a lycan. Swinging in a circle. I take out two more heads. Gun fire rings out and angry barks, growls and bites fill the city.


I look up the street and they are filling the building walls like fucking bugs.

Fighters are clubbing and shooting our way through.

I run and jump over bodies as I head to the Dires as they land. I want these mutated bags of shit.

A group of fighters join me and we leap towards a wall. We bring our weapons down on their heads and they crash to the ground.

I watch the one I hit stand up with the side of his head caved in. My brows go up as I watch his lips snarl and a growl resonates from his chest as the side of his head pushes back out like someone was forcing it. His eye repairs itself and his eyes glow.

“Oh, shit. Yeah. That’s not good.” I back up as he comes at me.

He jumps at me and I pull my mace back. His claws come out and his long, thin mouth opens wide.

I growl loud as I swing the head of my mace and connect with his chin. His head explodes and his body bounces across the road.

“AND STAY DOWN!” I yell.

I turn and see the fight behind me. ‘DIRES ARE DECAPTIATION ONLY!’

‘Affirmative.’ Several link back.

I’m grabbed by a lycan. He wraps his arm around my neck and I grab his arm with one hand.

“Fucker.” I grit. I kick my boots into their highest gear, rocket us into the air. The lycan tries to bite, but I throw my mace behind my head and he bites that instead, breaking several teeth. He howls and yelps as I lay us back and turn my boots off.

“Nite, nite, asshole.” I grind.

Gravity takes hold and pulls us to the street in a thirty foot fall. He hits the pavement and I hear a shit ton of bones crack. He screams in pain and lets go. I get to my feet, spin and bring my mace down on his head. His grey matter splatters across the road and mixes with the rivers of blood.


I turn and Noah is bouncing his silver ball. He grabs it, smirks and throws it toward us. I duck as it bounces off the road, hovers and extends all of its blades. It spins like a circular saw and flies through the battle. It slashes and tears through the lycans and dires that are standing. Once on the other side, it boomerangs and comes back for another pass.

The sharp, silver blades burn and cut the skin of the creatures and they all scream in pain.

‘FINISH THEM OFF!’ I link my fighters and we all stand. We all haul off and hit the wounded monsters with our weapons. The only ones not affected were the Dires due to their healing.

A sonic boom came from above as Eddie flies overhead. He’s throwing knives and dires are going down with blades between their eyes.

When they land, we rip heads off.

I run down a street and turn a corner. I was expecting more fighting, but I wasn’t expecting who was fighting. My blood pressure rose as I see the Black Mace take out a Lycan. I slam the heels of my boots together and the propulsion becomes faster. I rush in and fight my way to him.

He hits a lycan, but is grabbed and thrown. He bounces off a wall and hits the ground. I get under the lycan that threw him and slam a left hook on his cheek. I swing my mace and it hits his ribcage. He screams as he flies down the road, skidding into legs and taking out more lycans as he lands.

I run over to the Black Mace as he’s getting up.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?!” I yell at him.

“Not if I can help it. Excuse me.” He dusts himself off, picks up his mace and pushes past me.

“No!” I grab his arm and pull him back. His suit felt hard like it was plated. “You killed my friend, dick!” I raise my mace and he glances at it.

“Your friend was on the Vinellis payroll. He’s been releasing dangerous lycans onto the streets to shore up their numbers. That’s your friend. Don’t believe me, check it out.” He informs.

I lower my mace. “Really?”

He nods. “I told you. I don’t kill for no reason, but I have no problems making you hurt really bad.” He ticks his head at me.

The battle rages behind us as we stand at the entrance of an alleyway. “Even still. You can’t be here!” I point to his helmet.

“Thanks for the assist. I’ll be sure to mention it in my memoirs.” He rips my hand off and starts to walk off.

“FUCK SAKES!” I grab the back of his jacket and pull him back.

He throws his hands up. “WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT?!”

“I want you gone…NOW!” I point my mace out of the city.

“Sorry, buddy. This is an open invitation party.” He crosses his arms.

“No. It’s not.” I scowl.

He aims his mace at me. “Look. I told you to stay out of my way. Unless you want to be next.”

I shove his mace out of the way and notice how fucking light it is. I point in his face. “I will say it one last time, you don’t belong here.”

He puts his mace on his back and I feel the hairs on my arm stand up again. I noticed it before, but dismissed it. Now, I’m starting to think…

He folds his arms. “Why? Because I’m not a big, strong Alpha with spiked bra straps?” He flicks one of my shoulder spikes and stands with attitude.

I narrow my eyes. “They’re shoulder guards and yes, you’re not part of this team.” I thump a finger into his chest and hit hard metal. Questions raise in my brain.

“Ok, well, it seems you aren’t either if you want to stand here and bitch at me rather than killing lycans.” He motions a hand to me and looks at the battle behind us.

My jaw goes slack. “I wanna kill lycans.” I mumble.

He drops his mace to his side and raises a fist out in front of him. “Good. So, quit whining and let’s go, Alpha.”

I glance between his helmet and his fist. “OK, but I’m not still not with you.” I say as I fist bump him.

“Whatever you say.” He kicks on his boots and I do the same.

We skate out to the road, side by side and drop our maces.

In perfect sync, we swing our spiked balls upward and connect with lycan heads.

The Black Mace spins and takes out two more, while I drive my weapon into the top of the head of another one.

Our backs are together as we drive the spikes into the guts of Dires when they leap in our direction. We lift them up in the air and throw them.

I swing and the Black Mace throws his mace around my ribs under my arm. It flies out, creams a few skulls and comes back. He catches it and throws it out in front of him.

He leans on my back. “When I tell you to, hover!” He yells.

“Hover? What?” I scrunch my face.

“Just do it!” He yells back.

“Fine! Don’t be bossy!” I scowl.

I feel the electricity grow and raises his mace. “NOW!”

I turn on my boots and hover just as he slams the but end of his mace onto the road. My eyes widen as a wave of electricity shoots out from the metal pole in a circle electrifying everyone around us.

“MY GUYS WERE IN THERE!” I growl as I look over my shoulder.

He looks up at me. “Sorry. My bad.”

Lycans and Dires scream. They hold their heads and fall to their knees. Some pass right out.

We move in like a pack of hungry wolves, crushing skulls and ripping off heads.

A Dire leaps out of the mass at me and within a second, the Black Mace climbs my back, does a back flip in the air. He spins his mace and brings it down, driving the dires head through the asphalt.

I look at the blood covered hole as he pulls it out and whip my head up to his helmet. “I want your mace.”

“You’re not worthy.” He ticks his head. I hear the smirk behind his words.

“What?” I scowl.

“Behind you.” He motions.

I spin and connect with two dires. They fly to the side and pile on more lycans. I rush them and slam my mace into their brains one after another.

The Black Mace swings his mace around and heads explode.

‘FINN! WHERE’S MARCUS?!’ I stop, my chest heaving and link.

‘We have him. His royally pissed off, but ok.’

‘Ok' I asses the situation and a group of lycans run down the street and around the corner. ‘They're coming your way!’


“UNITS! REGROUP!” I look around my for my men as they kill the lingering lycans. The dires take to the walls and roofs, heading Finn’s way.

I turn. “Hey. Thanks…” I scan the area and the Mace is gone.

I look up and he’s flying onto the roof of a four story building.

“Shit.” I click my boots on and follow. He can’t just bounce like that. No way. I have way to many questions for that.

When I get to the roof, I see him running across another roof and disappear.

By the time I catch up, I hear tires squeal and I slam my chest to the edge wall. I look over it just in time to see him peel away on his bike.

“THE FIGHT’S NOT OVER!!” I yell at him. I hit the concrete wall edge. “Damn it!” I need to pin this guy down.

I push off and head back to the guys to clean up and check with Marcus.

After, Marcus is a raging wolf. “HE'S DEAD! I’M RIPPING HIS FUCKING HEART OUT!”

Finn stops him. “We'll get him. We just need to regroup.”

He gets in Finn's face. “Make it goddamn quick. This bus is leaving with or without you.”

I step in between them. “Buddy, we have to make sure the guys are OK, first. Just don’t lose your head.”

“That’s rich coming from you, Mister one man army.” He growls.

I point in his face. “I know you’re pissed, but come at me for it. I’m helping you.”

He rubs his nape and blows out a breath. “You’re right. Sorry. I just…” He looks around at the destruction of his pack and town. “This was ballsy even for the Vinellis. They know who I am.”

I nod. “Don’t worry. We'll make it known. I'll help you clean up.” I turn to Finn. “I want a few of these Dires brought the morgue. They displayed some skills I want to investigate.”

Finn nods. “Right away. Marcus. We got your back, always. Send everything you need to the Complex and we'll take care of it.”

“Yeah, ok.” He places his hands on his hips and shakes his head.

Noah, Griffin and Eddie join the circle.

“You guys alright?” I ask as they try to shake off the gore.

“No worse for wear.” Griffin says. “These gobshites really need their arses carved.” He growls.

“We are carving asses, right?” Eddie asks as he picks a piece of flesh off Marcus and tosses it.

Finn ticks his jaw. “They won’t know what hit them.”

Noah holds his ball between his arm and hip. “Did…uh…Did I see a biker in black fighting with you?” He looks at me along with everyone else.

My mouth goes small and I stare at everyone. “Uh…Yeah, the Black Mace stopped in to…lend a hand. He didn’t do too bad.”

“Dude, he has warrants for like a million assaults and the murder of an Enforcer chief.” Noah raises his brows.

“He told me Evan was bought by Vincent. He was putting convicted prisoners back out on the streets for the Vinellis to build their army.” I fold my arms and scan their eyes.

“You believe him?” Finn asks.

I nod. “I mean, I’ll still have to verify the information, but I think I do. He could have killed me at any point and he didn’t. He fought right by side and had my back.”

“He could be just saving his skin.” Griffin shrugs. “If he gets on your good side, you won’t backlash.”

“Maybe Jax has a soft spot for the guy.” Eddie grins.

“Gross!” I punch his arm as he cackles. “I don’t like him. He still took my gig. I just think, for now, maybe having him on our side would actually be a good thing.”

“The public won’t see it that way. They’re calling for his arrest.” Noah supplies.

I side eye him. “I’m sure things will cool off once they see who these lycans were.”

“Maybe.” He says as he chews his cheek. I know he’s thinking about the PR nightmare he’s about to face.

I can’t change the publics mind, but all I know is, as I keep running into this guy, the more I may actually start to like him. He may have stolen my moves, but I feel like he’s actually skilled enough to use them. To fight at my side like that…I have to give credit where credit is due. The guys good and his tech…I need a closer look. The question is how do I do it?

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