Jax's X Game The Axelridge Series Book 2

Chapter 13

(Chapter song ‘Ballroom Blitz’ by Tia Carrere)


After Audrey left me, I knew she was hiding something. I want to find out, but it’s not really my place. I also don’t want to make the situation worse if it’s what I think. All I can do is wait until she asks for my help. It’ll bug the shit out of me, but I have to respect her privacy. Maybe it’s time we had a serious sit down. Knock off the chest bumping and games. I think I’ll ask her when I get back to the stadium.

Right now, I need new rope for my stick, so I’m in Axelridge stocking up.

“Thanks, Randy!” I say as I leave the Lacrosse supply store.

“See ya, Jax!”

I look in my bag as I walk down the sidewalk. As I pass an alley, I hear punching.

I stop and turn back.

My eyes widen as the Black Mace pounds a guy against the wall.

“HEY!!” I throw my bag and run down to the fight.

His helmet whips to me and he throws the guy my way. He jumps up a ladder and climbs it.

I catch the guy and toss him behind me. I leap, grab the railing, swing around and plant my feet on the rungs.

The ladder shakes and we both run up the ladder.

We get to the roof tops and run across them. I see him jump in the air and down between the buildings. I hit the edge as his jet boots guide him to the ground. He lands and takes off.


I climb down to the alley and run out to the street. I look both ways, and don’t see him. I decide to run right, checking alleys as I go.

I check one and stop. I stand in the entrance and cock my head.

He’s sitting sideways on his bike with a leg kicked up on the seat, picking at his gloves. His mace is leaning on the front tire with the ball on the ground.

He raises his visor to me and I raise my chin. I tick my jaw and step into the alley. The fact that he’s not running, means the game has changed.

“What you doing, shithead?” I shout as I approach. “How about you take off that helmet so I know who I’m about to destroy.” I say as I point to his helmet.

“You’re cute.” He leans back on the wall.

A Russian? Didn’t see that coming.

“I’m cute. I think that’s better than psychotic killer.” I tick my head and cross my arms.

“I’m not a killer. I don’t kill those who don’t deserve it.” He rests an arm on his knee.

“I doubt a school full of kids would deserve murder.” I say as I step closer.

He looks around then back at me. “They'll grow to murder. You and I both know that.”

“They are supressed kids.” I grit. “You aren’t judge and executioner.” My eyes flare as I spit my words.

He looks down. “You’re right. That’s why I couldn’t do it and now I’m here.”

“Why are you here?” I study his movements and his body. Trying to get some form of information off him.

He lifts his head. “To help. Kill the snake. I want to make it so this will be the last time a lycan walks the earth.”

“Ok, but you realize we're getting hurt in the process.” I say as I take a step closer.

He nods. “I understand. That’s why I need your help.”

I laugh and look around. “You need my help? How?”

“I need to know who’s running the family.” He leans back again. “In need any Intel you have on the Vinellis.”

I smile and shake my head. “Man, I’m not telling you shit. That’s classified.”

“Fine. I’ll just kill my way through the lycans and anyone else to get it.” He crosses his arms and I can feel his eyes on me from behind the visor. “It might get messy. Fair warning.”

I press my lips together, place my hands on my hips and look down. I think on it. On one hand, lowering the lycan count could be a good thing and on the other hand, a lot of innocent lycans could be killed.

I raise my head and shake it. “No. You are not me.” I thump a finger in my chest. “If anyone is taking out the Vinellis, it’s me. You back off and get the fuck out of my city!” I clench.

He tilts his helmet. “Alright, Jax. Have it your way. Just remember, I don’t go down easy and I don’t run away. I’m not stopping, so the blood will be on your hands.”

“You leave innocent people alone.” I rush him and point to his visor. I tried to find eyes, but it’s blacked out.

He moves his head as if he just did an eye roll. “OK. Fine. Bad guys only. Happy now?”

I opened my mouth, but closed it again and leaned back. My brows cinch together. “Um…yes?”

“Good. So I will assume that when I’m dealing with a guy who just mugged a woman, you won’t interfere?” He motioned a hand out then crossed his arms. His leather squeaks as he does.

I jut my head back. “That was a mugger?”

He nods slowly.

“You may think I’m a bad guy, Jax, but we both want the same thing. People safe. We have different approaches, but it’s the same.” He says.

“Not true. I only kill in battle, I don’t kill on the street.” I shake my head.

“Huh…I seem to remember you killing a bunch of rogues on the streets not too far from here.” He says in a cocky, Russian tone.

I arch a brow. “How did you know about that?”

“Hello, news?” He tilts his head.

I suck in my top lip. “Oh. Right."

“I will tell you. This is way bigger than you think. The innocent aren’t as innocent as you think. The Vinellis are planning something huge and they are recruiting everyone. If you are going to get in my way, I will have no choice, but to take you out too.”

My eyes narrow. “What are they planning?”

“I haven’t confirmed it, but a weapon. One that’s been in development for years by an organization called The Foundation. They’re hunting for it and if they find it, life as we know it will end.” He informs.

“What? Like a nuke?” I cinch my brows together.

“Worse.” He says. “If I don’t stop this, we're all dead.”

My jaw drops as I process the information he just gave me.

“Anyways. Nice talk. I have a mugger to beat the shit out of.” He goes to stand.

“Wait…Is that a voice scrambler?” I point to his helmet.

“Yeah. Why?” He sits back down.

“That’s the only voice you could come up with?” I smirk.


“Really? Russian?” I fold my arms and arch a brow.

“Yeah. What’s wrong with it?” He motions his gloved hand to me.

“I don’t know. It sounds a little douchey.” I say.

He fixes his jacket. “I was going for tough and scary.” He tosses a hand out.

“Well, that’s not it, dude.” I snort.

He sits up. “You…You think it’s too much?”

I shrug. “A bit.”

“Ok.” He hops off his bike and closes the gap between us. He wraps his arms around himself and his visor meets my eyes. “So, what do you suggest?”

I think. “Um…Spanish?”

He rubs his chin strap. “Nah…Too Latin lover.”

I nod. “French?”

He tilts his head. “Are you kidding?”

“Ok, no.” I motion to him. “You could try American.”

He throws his arms to the side and stands with attitude. “Now, you’re just being ridiculous.”

“How’s that ridiculous?” I scowl. “American is tough and scary.”

“Oh, please…”


I spin around and two Enforcers are running down the alley.

“Gotta go.”

I turn back to the Black Mace as he hops on his bike and revs the engine. He slams his mace on his back.

“No, wait! I’m sure that…” I try to stop him.

“Good talk, Jaxton. We'll do it again, I’m sure.” His back tire squeals and he drives toward the Enforcers.


He pulls his mace off his back.

“Uh, guys! DUCK!” I yell.

They jump out of the way as the Black Mace throws the spiked ball and it flies toward the patrol car.

I cringe when it hits the grill and pushes it at least a car length into the road. It’s siren wails and dies and the engine starts to smoke.

“Damn!” My eyes widen.

He disappears around the corner and I see the mace start to shake. It drags the patrol car a few feet around and rips out of the grill spreading pieces of the engine in its wake ad it disappears.

I stand there in shock as the Enforcers slowly get to their feet. Sirens fill the streets and patrol cars with flashing lights, speed past the entrance in the direction the Black Mace went.

“Holy shit.” I breathe. I rub my neck as I go over what this all means.


‘Six patrol cars were destroyed and 4 Enforcers were injured in the attempted capture of the Black Mace in the city’s downtown today. An estimated 500, 000 dollars in property damage was also recorded after the investigation.

Enforcers say what prompted the pursuit was an attack on Council Alpha Jaxton Dupree as he was shopping. The Alpha was not injured and says the Black Mace did not brandish his weapon, but urges people not to try and apprehend him as he is armed and dangerous.

As of right now, the Black Mace remains at large as the city tries to recover from this devastating event. More at 11.’

I watch my phone as I walk to the Hub. “Damn.” I shake my head and pocket my phone. “I need that fucking mace.” I mutter as I push open the door.

The guys are all bickering and goofing around. Finns not in yet so it’s no surprise.

“We need to get this guy off the streets!” Noah thumps his finger on the table.

“He’s doing are job for us. I don’t have a problem with it.” Marcus leans back and crosses his arms.

“He’s poking the hornets nest, Marcus. We can’t let him make matters worse.” Griffin informs.

“The Black Mace?” I say as I walk in and sink into the chair beside Marcus.

“Yeah. They want him behind bars, I say let him do his thing. Less lycans the better.” Marcus puts his hands behind his back.

“You got a point.” I nod.

“Jax. He’s killing people in the city. We can’t have that.” Eddie says.

I shrug. “I had a talk with him. I don’t think we have to worry about good people. Just bad guys.”

Eddie and Marcus shoot up and lean on the table. “You actually spoke to him?”

“Yeah. We shot the shit before the Enforcers showed up.” I look around the table.

Noah leans on the table. “Shot the shit? Are you kidding?”

I smirk. “I mean, yeah, he’s a bit crazy and reckless, but all in all, he’s actually a good guy. He just needs to realize that he can’t just kill people for being lycan so, we came to an agreement. I trust him.”

Just as I finish, Finn bursts in the door. “The Enforcer Chief of District 4 was just murdered.”

“What? Evan? How?” Eddie says.

He takes a deep breath. “The Black Mace. Killed in his home.”

My face falls. “He was lycan.”

Finn nods.

“So much for your agreement.” Noah mutters.

I chew my cheek and swallow as I realize I made a huge mistake trusting his leather coated ass. Evan was a friend.

“I gotta go.” I growl.

“Jax, wait!”

I don’t stop. I’m hunting his ass now. I’m finding out who this fucker is if it’s the last thing I do.

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