
Chapter Chapter Fifty-Two (Eliza)



The first thing Altheos did when he returned to my prison was demand that I heal him. A healing chant came easily to me, so I took care of him. He was pleased by my cooperation, and he promised if I kept it up, everything would be fine. I knew better than to believe him.

Now, as I stood beside him in what I knew was the big battle we'd been preparing for, I was nervous. I'd written several chants and spells for him that, on the surface, would help him. Each one contained a subtle flawed element, however, and that should keep things from tipping too far in his favor.

"Eliza..." Apollo whispered, making my chest ache. All I wanted was to run into his arms, but I had to stay with Altheos... Otherwise, my plan would fall apart.

"Liz!" Krissy cried. "Get away from her, Leo!"

"Please, I prefer my true name, Rydia," Altheos replied. "I miss hearing you call me Theos."

"Too freaking bad," she replied.

Leo is his mortal shell, I realized. On some level, that name keeps him from accessing his full powers.

"Eliza is with us, where she belongs," Viktor said.

Jack teleported beside them. "And so am I," he said. "I always wanted to prove I was worthy of your attention, Dad. This is my chance, right?"

Viktor smiled at him. "I'm proud of you, Jackson," he replied. "I knew you would see that this is the only correct path."

"You must prove your loyalty, Vincenzo," Altheos said firmly. "Last time didn't end well for you."

"Yeah, which is why I won't risk turning on you guys again," Jack replied. "I'm not looking to die again. I was an idiot to betray you... We were friends, Theos. It was wrong to turn on you, but the Gods got in my head and I believed Chaos was the enemy... It was never about you."

"Go on," Altheos encouraged him.

"You were the only person who ever saw me, Theos. I could never betray you. I was just afraid of what Chaos would do to us all. I should have trusted that you knew what you were doing."

I was relieved Jack was so convincing. We hadn't had long to go over his part in the plan before I sent him to rescue Krissy.

Altheos considered Jack's words carefully.

Pretty apologies you'll believe, question not what he said. Beautiful lies as good as you weave, no doubt at all shall enter your head, I silently chanted.

It wasn't my best work, but I didn't have time to make the chant beautiful. The intent behind the chant mattered more than the actual words. It was effective, and that was what counted.

"I believe you, Vincenzo," Altheos said. "I will give you a second chance to fight beside me."

I was relieved, but I kept that to myself. I watched as Viktor stepped forward. No trace of my father was left except for his body. He'd completely shed his facade, and that was terrifying.

"Surrender now, old friends," Viktor said to everyone else, "or face the consequences."

"Or, Option C, we kick all of your butts and go out for pizza and soda afterward," Krissy replied defiantly.

"I like Option C," Faith agreed.

"Me, too," Jenna chimed in.

"I could eat!" Vanessa declared.

"Things aren't looking good for you and your minions, Altheos," Emily added.

"Apostasia, you have served me well," Altheos said to his followers. "Only the best of you remain. Prove your worth."

The Apostasia attacked. Everyone began to fight. I hated violence, but I knew I needed to watch the fight. I had to wait for my opening.

"Kleia, I require a chant to strengthen my forces," Altheos said.

I took a deep breath and began to chant aloud, "With this chant, on this night, I cast a spell to improve their might. Fight as one, strong and true. Carry divine power in all they do."

"Make it specific to my followers, Kleia," Altheos pushed. "And make it strong!"

"Apostasia, rise and fight! May thy power be strong and bright!" I shouted. "The greatest power I give to you! The strength of the Gods shall carry you through!"

It sounded like the perfect spell. In truth, it was a subtle hex. No mortal was meant to carry the power or weight of the Gods. It would ultimately cripple them in battle.

At first, the Apostasia seemed invincible. I watched in horror as my friends fought against them. The Apostasia were vicious. They didn't hold back. One moved to slash Vanessa's arm, but Billy countered the attack with an army of shadows. The man vanished into the shadows, and I knew somehow that he would never return.

Emily and Jake battled together like a well-oiled machine. It was impressive to watch them cover each other. They didn't seem to need to speak aloud to communicate.

Jenna fought with Lucky and someone I didn't know at her side. "Adrian, watch out!" Jenna cried.

He ducked out of the way of an attack and grabbed Jenna, pulling her away from another one.

Nero, I registered as I saw his eyes. Adrian is Nero. He's back now, too.

Genie cast a spell that immobilized Poseidon and Hades. To say that I was impressed at how much power she wielded would be an understatement.

"I take it this is my granddaughter," Hades said dryly. "No one else but my descendant could bind me this quickly."

"And take me along for the ride," Poseidon added.

"I'll handle the brat!" Nemesis declared. She ran at Genie and immediately tried to cut her head off.

Jack teleported Genie to safety. She looked at him in surprise and said, "Thank you."

"Anytime," Jack replied charmingly. Genie smiled at him and seemed to relax slightly.

"I'll have her head!" Nemesis declared.

"You're fun," Faith decided.

"Nemesis, perhaps decapitation is a bit harsh," Artemis said. "Even if she did try to kill me."

"She's a traitor, and she's my grandchild! The last time you all didn't let me destroy my kin, he betrayed everyone and got a bunch of our allies killed!" Nemesis pointed out.

"I'm with her," Hades chimed in.

"We're the good guys," Jenna said. "She's a teenager. Capture her, but don't kill her."

"Capture? I don't think so," Genie said.

Lucky put up his hands. Genie vanished into a labyrinth. "You were saying?" He asked.

"Viktor, kindly rescue my daughter," Altheos said.

Viktor tried to open the labyrinth, but it attacked him, blasting him backward. He turned toward Lucky and said, "I'll just have to eliminate this foolish boy first."

Vanessa, Emily, and Jenna all prepared to attack him, but Morpheus beat them to it. I watched in shock as Morpheus wrapped his hands around Viktor's throat.

"You will not touch my son," Morpheus said firmly.

Jenna grabbed Viktor's hands as he moved them through the air and tried to open a portal. Vanessa attacked him with an army of woodpeckers who decided to peck at his legs. Emily slammed a spell into his head that drew a lot of blood. He was getting weaker by the second.

I should have felt something. Some small part of me did, because this man looked like my father, but I knew Viktor was evil. I had to let the others handle him in whatever way was necessary.

In all of the chaos, Altheos grabbed Aphrodite and put a sword to her throat. She tensed and looked like she might cry.

"Theos, don't," she said softly. "Please..."

"Apologies, my dearest Aphrodite," he replied. "I wish it hadn't come to this. Release my daughter, Lysander, and I will release Aphrodite unharmed."

Lucky hesitated as he took in the scene. Ares, Nike, Prometheus, Poseidon, Tethys, and Krissy were fighting toward the back of the hall against the few remaining Apostasia members who hadn't been killed. Hades and Poseidon were starting to slowly regain the ability to move. Jenna, Emily, Vanessa, and Morpheus were trying to keep Viktor under control. Faith, Artemis, and Apollo were trying to fight their way toward me. Adrian, Jake, and Billy were keeping a giant chimera from interfering with what Jenna, Emily, and Vanessa were doing. Hermes was tending to the wounded, because the Apostasia had done some damage before we got the upper hand.

"What do I do?" Lucky asked. I could see how conflicted he was. I just wanted to hug him. Our side had been winning, but now, Altheos had found a way to tip the scales back in his favor. My sabotaged spells had not saved the day after all.

"This is a crossroads, Lucky," Hecate said. "Only you can make this choice."

I could see Lucky weighing his options. Seeing the terrified look in Aphrodite's eyes, he made up his mind.

Genie reappeared and looked too terrified to move. Altheos looked at one of the only followers he had left. "Deacon, you have proven your strength today," Altheos said. "Thank you for your dedication. Take my daughter and get her to safety."

Deacon fought his way to Genie. He guided her down the hall and fled from our sight. No one tried to stop them.

"Keep up your end of the deal," Lucky demanded.

Altheos smiled. "Of course, my friends," he said. He caressed Aphrodite's cheek with his index finger, causing her to whimper slightly. "I would never harm you, Aphrodite. I adore you."

She was trembling violently as Altheos released her. Poseidon, now mobile again, quickly pulled her into his arms. "Go back, Aphrodite," he said. "Your safety can't be guaranteed here."

"I can't," she said softly.

"Just bind them as consorts and leave," Jenna said. "You'll be safer on Mount Olympus."

"I'm afraid there will be no ritual binding Apollo and Kleia," Altheos said. "I prefer to keep her for myself. Her powers are of use to me."

"I will never do that ritual," Aphrodite said with far more courage than I expected. "Kleia and Apollo are destined to be together. That is the only union I will sanction."

"I don't need your blessing, Aphrodite. I'll simply ask Kleia myself." He smiled at me. "You'll do this for me, won't you? You're a smart deity. You always see the good in others. Help me, Kleia. Write a chant to bind us together."

"No," I whispered.

He stopped smiling then. "You know what will happen if you refuse me," Altheos replied. "Someone you care for must pay the price." He turned toward the others.

In a split second, he vanished and reappeared on the other side of the hall. He shoved his sword through Krissy's chest.

"Krissy!" I screamed. "No!"

To my great surprise, Jenna reacted immediately. She left Viktor with the others, grabbed a sword from Ares, and attacked Altheos. This forced him to focus on her and not on finishing Krissy off.

Jack wrapped his arms around me and teleported me to Krissy's side. I immediately began trying to heal her as Jenna and Altheos battled nearby.

Using the strongest healing chant I could come up with, I closed the wound in Krissy's heart and helped her blood regenerate. It was exhausting, but it worked.

"Liz..." Krissy said weakly.

"I've got you, Kris," I replied.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake. I wasn't sure what was happening until Gaia sprang from the earth. She turned toward Altheos and said, "I don't care what the Fates say! I'm not leaving my daughter to fight this fight alone!"

"Thanks, Mom," Jenna said softly.

Vines burst out of the ground and wrapped around the last of the followers. I smiled, because I understood what had just happened.

"You!" Altheos screamed at me. "I told you to give me a spell to defy fate and change destiny!"

"And I did that," I replied. "It just wasn't written in a way that would change destiny to your liking."

He ran at me, and I was certain he was going to kill me, but Hermes got between us. "Hey, honorary brother!" He said cheerfully. "It's been a while!"

"Hermes, get out of my way!" Altheos demanded.

"I can't do that. I'm sorry... Oh, wait! No I'm not." Hermes laughed.

Altheos kept trying to attack him, but as agile as he was, he still couldn't match the speed Hermes possessed.

"If you're going to do it, Apollo, do it now!" Hermes shouted.

"You'll tire and slow down soon," Altheos said.

"Please! I can do this for weeks without getting tired," Hermes replied.

"Eliza..." Apollo said softly. "Kleia... Will you become my consort officially?"

"Yes," I replied without hesitating. "Kleia has been your consort in her heart for millennia."

"That's all I needed," Aphrodite said. She began the ritual.

I could feel our energy blending together. Apollo's light filled my heart, and mine flowed into his. Kleia overwhelmed me, and for a brief moment, all I could think about was how perfect this felt.

I love him, I realized. It's not just Kleia.

Aphrodite smiled at us before saying, "Congratulations! Now, I have to go."

"Be safe," I said.

"Thank you, Aphrodite," Apollo added.

Hermes took a nasty blow to the head just as Aphrodite left us. "Dad!" Krissy shouted.

It was odd to hear her call him that, but it seemed so natural. "I'll fix him, Krissy," Apollo promised. "Focus on the battle!"

Altheos began gathering all of his strength. I looked at him and tried to see who he'd zeroed in on. To my horror, I realized it was Morpheus and his children.

The only way to stop him from trying to destroy them would be to distract him. I knew there was only one way to do that.

You know the spell, Kleia told me. Be brave, Eliza. Believe in yourself, and believe that you can survive this.

I refused to let my fear control me. I called Air to me and began to float toward the ceiling. As the air flowed through me, I felt stronger.

"Hear me now, I summon Light! The balance I shift with all of my might! Aid my allies in this plight! The darkness no longer burns bright!" I chanted. I felt the energy of the battle flowing through me. It was too much power for my body, but I couldn't stop now.

Altheos focused on me, leaving Morpheus and his children untouched. He began rising into the air, chasing me. I kept my mind focused and began chanting loud enough for the others to hear.

"We are Earth, we weave and grow. We are Air, we rise and blow. We are Water, we ebb and flow. We are Fire, we burn and glow. We are Spirit, we live and know. We are Dreams, we guide and show. We are united against this foe. We are victorious wherever we go," I chanted.

Krissy, Jenna, Emily, Vanessa, and Faith heard my chant. Somehow knowing it was only for the six of us, they joined me in repeating the words over and over again. I felt the chant uniting and empowering us.

We're going to win, I thought.

The six of us radiated with power. The last of the surviving Apostasia members fell to the ground as Gaia released them from her vines. Viktor took the opportunity to open a portal and flee. I didn't let it distract me. I could deal with him later. This was about Altheos.

My daughter, Polyhymnia whispered in my mind. You know what must be done. Be brave. You are stronger than you know.

I turned toward the rest of Iridescence. "Give him everything you've got!" I shouted. "You'll know what to do."

I cast a spell to unite our minds as one collective army. Then, I whispered, "Jenna, lead us. With our minds connecting, everyone can sense your intentions." I sent my message on the wind I summoned.

I knew she heard me and understood my message. Jenna suddenly sent vines weaving toward the sky. They wrapped around Altheos tightly. He used his sword to cut them, but more kept coming, keeping him bound and struggling.

I sent several gusts of wind his way. They pushed him around and kept him off-balance as he continued trying to escape from the vines.

Faith sent spirals of Fire at him. As each spiral wrapped around Altheos, he cried out in pain and frustration.

We're hurting him, I thought in horror. I knew we had to do this, but it was still hard on me. I hated to cause harm to anyone, and until recently, Altheos had been hiding in the body of my friend, Leo.

A flashback hit me briefly.

We're hurting him, Kleia thought. We're hurting Theos... He's Theos! We can't do this to him... He's family...

I shook off the flashback and focused. At least I knew Kleia had struggled with the same issues I was facing. In the end, she'd realized exactly what I had... Altheos was pure evil. He was the one entity in existence who could never be redeemed. As difficult as it was, I had to face that and stop him from hurting anyone else.

Krissy flung a tsunami wave into Altheos, forcing him against the ceiling. He struggled, but with everything else that was attacking him, he couldn't escape the waves that kept crashing into him.

I watched in fascination as Emily went into a meditative state. Her astral self left her body and floated up toward Altheos. Emily's astral self slammed her hand against his chest. I felt her taking control of his spirit. She began stripping away the powers his mortal body was never meant to possess.

Vanessa said, "I believe that anything is possible." She closed her eyes and faerie wings burst out of her back. She smiled and started to fly toward the ceiling. "I believe that we are going to win!" She announced. She touched Altheos's forehead and closed her eyes.

"What do you see, Vanessa?" I asked.

"He dreams of power... Of harming others... Of destroying anyone who stands in his way... But in his nightmares, he sees two things... Leo's mother, who he's kind of afraid will find her way back to him to get revenge, and the day Altheos died."

As Altheos started struggling against them harder, Vanessa made the ceiling turn into the night sky. Several shooting stars passed by before one came toward them. It hit Altheos in the middle of his forehead, causing him to black out for a moment. Only the vines kept him in place.

Now, Kleia thought.

"By Earth, we seal you. By Air, we stop your breath. Fire and Water burn and drown you. Spirit brings you to your death. The Dream is over, your nightmare has begun. You fought as many, we fight as one," I chanted.

"Eliza, don't!" Apollo cried. As a Seer, or perhaps as my consort, he was the only one who understood what was coming next.

"I have to," I replied sadly. "I'm sorry."

"What's she talking about?" Krissy demanded.

I looked at Emily. She nodded sadly, and I knew she also understood what was happening. "Do it," she said. "You've got this."

I had needed to hear that. Taking a deep breath, I focused all of my effort on redirecting the toxic energy Emily had removed from Altheos. His darkness was trying to take control a final time as he started to regain consciousness, and I knew that couldn't be allowed to happen.

I sealed the dark magic in an air pocket, using most of my strength to contain it. It took everything I had to force it down toward the ground. "Lucky!" I shouted.

To his credit, he understood what I needed. Lucky created his strongest labyrinth yet to contain the dark magic that I'd temporarily sealed away. The labyrinth sealed shut and I knew the evil would not be able to escape.

Altheos was growing weaker. He barely had anything left. With a final spell, he took aim at Vanessa.

I threw myself in front of her. The spell hit me hard. I tried to channel the energy out of myself, but I could feel my powers going haywire. My head felt like it might explode as my powers misfired and started attacking me.

Altheos began falling toward the ground rapidly. He landed with a loud crack and didn't move.

The last thing I heard before I blacked out was Apollo screaming my name as I plummeted toward the ground.

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