
Chapter Chapter Fifty-One (Artemis)



I barely caught Faith as she collapsed. Her flesh was scalding hot. "Faith!" I cried in alarm.

I scooped her up and carried her from the room, not caring who or what we encountered. I could feel the last of her life force draining out of her.

Not again, I thought. I refused to lose her, especially when she'd used all of her strength to save my life.

"Stay with me," I begged her. "Just hold on a little bit longer."

I raced through the dark hallway, not sure where I was heading. Apollo, I thought. I feel Apollo. He can save Faith as long as I make it to him in time.

"Artemis! Where are you?" Apollo's voice echoed through the hall.

"Here!" I shouted. "We're over here! Faith's down!"

Relief flooded through me as my twin rushed toward me. He glowed just enough to make it easier to see. I noticed the cavalry behind him.

"Faith used her life force to restore mine and burn venom out of me," I explained. "It was Genie, her roommate. She's-"

"Theos's daughter," Apollo replied.

"You had a vision?"

"Baby Doll told us Genie betrayed you. We figured out the rest." He looked at Faith. "Give her to me," he said.

I released Faith into my brother's arms, but I didn't let go of her hand. I was determined to hold onto her and keep her with me until she was stable.

Apollo focused and began to glow brighter. I knew he was channeling the Sun's light and using it to try to restore Faith's energy. "Come on, little fire starter," he said soothingly. "Come back to us."

Vanessa clung to Billy. She looked like she might cry. Emily watched with a stoic, detached expression on her face as Jake held her. Jenna was visibly holding back tears. Even Krissy, who always knew how to lighten the mood, looked like she was about to start sobbing any second.

Prometheus knelt beside us. "Let me help," he said. "I blessed this child. I am not letting her go without a fight."

"By all means," Apollo replied.

Prometheus manifested Fire in his hands. He focused, charging it with energy before shoving it into Faith's chest.

Faith inhaled sharply but didn't wake up. "It's working," Apollo said. "I should be able to heal her now." He began focusing all of his attention on Faith again.

After a few moments that felt like millennia, Faith's eyes fluttered open. She smirked at Apollo and asked, "What did I miss?"

I pulled Faith out of Apollo's arms and into mine. The first thing I did was kiss her.

"Finally," Aphrodite said, causing me to notice her presence.

"Don't ever do that again!" I scolded Faith as I released her. "You could have died, Faith! What were you thinking?"

"That I love you, Gorgeous," she replied. "And that I wasn't letting my consort die."

Aphrodite squealed in delight. "I can make that official," she said, "if Artemis is willing to declare the same."

"This is not the time for frivolous romantic rituals," I replied.

"It's not about romance, Artemis," Emily said. "It's about joining your power together to become stronger. This is the best way to protect each other and become united in battle."

I sighed. "Does it have to be Aphrodite?" I mumbled.

Aphrodite huffed in response. "I'm the only one here who can do this," she replied. "Zeus and Hera couldn't interfere with the battle directly. The Fates didn't allow it. They're the only other deities in our pantheon with the authority to bind consorts to each other."

"What do you say, Artemis?" Faith asked flirtatiously. "Will you marry me?"

"It's not exactly a marriage," Aphrodite clarified. "That comes later, generally with much pageantry and celebration. This part is simply an intimate binding of your souls. It's a promise to always work together and to strengthen each other."

"That all sounds good to me," Faith replied. "How about you, Gorgeous?"

Looking at Faith and realizing I'd almost lost her again, I nodded. "Yes," I decided. "I will allow the binding as consorts."

Aphrodite looked entirely too pleased. I ignored her and focused on Faith. I could feel the magic binding us together. It was strange, and intense, but it felt right. I knew we'd be able to protect each other a hundred times better now.

"I'm happy for you, Sis," Apollo said as the binding was completed. He wiped a few stray tears from his eyes.

Thank you, I thought. I knew he heard me.

Faith kissed me, and the energy between us sprang to life. I was certain I'd made the right decision.

"There's one other pair I can strengthen," Aphrodite said, "but I need Hades to help me."

"Me?" Hades replied in surprise.

"Tell them, Jenna," Nike encouraged her. "It's time."

Jenna sighed. "Alexia had a consort," she admitted.

"Na, you got married and didn't tell me?" Lucky asked.

"We didn't get married. We intended to, but we only got as far as the consort binding ritual," Jenna explained. "Alexia liked to keep her private life private."

"We need to make it official and strengthen their bond," Aphrodite explained. "We can only do that if her consort is alive."

"Nero..." Apollo guessed, making me realize that another supposedly destroyed God had joined us in our battle. I looked at the spirit and recognized Nero's bright blue eyes.

"Adrian Starr is dead," Hades pointed out. "I can't resurrect him simply because Alexia is alive."

"Nero is Photeus's balance," Jake said. "You resurrected me, Hades. I think that means you have to resurrect Adrian, too."

Hades frowned as he considered this. "You have a point," he admitted. "I knew you were meant to return, Jake. I felt it was your destiny all along, even if I didn't know why. If that's true, then surely your soul's brother is meant to return as well."

"So you'll do it?" Emily asked.

Hades hesitated. "It is not so simple, Emily. Jake was unjustly murdered by his mother. Adrian... Well, it wasn't the same," he said awkwardly.

"Why does it matter how he died?" Jenna asked.

"Because I died by my own hands, Jenna," Adrian replied softly. "And that changed my destiny."

"Can you give him a second chance, Hades?" Emily asked.

"Only if he wants it," Hades replied. He looked at Adrian. "What's your answer?"

Adrian looked at Jake and Jenna. I could tell he was weighing his options. Nero had always been playful and goofy. It was odd to see him so serious. His eyes fell on Morpheus, who nodded encouragingly. I vaguely recalled that Nero and Morpheus had been close friends once.

"Okay," Adrian finally agreed. "My brother and my consort need me. I'll try."

Hades shrugged. "Come here, Jake," he said. "You, too, Emily. Your Spirit affinity will be of use to me right now."

Emily and Jake joined him. Jake focused his energy on Adrian as Emily worked with Hades to bring the young man back from the dead.

A body formed from nothing. I watched in mild curiosity as it became solid. Slowly but surely, his chest began to rise and fall. Adrian's soul slammed into his body hard. Moments later, he opened his eyes.

"It worked," Emily said in relief.

"Of course it did," Hades replied. "Now, Adrian, promise you won't repeat your past mistakes and make all of that effort worthless. I will not be happy with you if you choose to throw away the gift you have just been given. You will not like seeing me when I am unhappy."

"I promise," Adrian replied. He looked nervous, but determined.

Jake hugged him tightly. "Welcome back, Big Bro!" He said with an excited smile.

Jenna walked over to Adrian as Jake released him. "Hi," she said softly.

"Hi yourself," he replied.

"I have a boyfriend," Jenna informed him.

"That's okay," Adrian said. "Our souls are consorts, but our incarnations are strangers. Let's start by being friends."

Jenna relaxed slightly. "I can do that," she agreed.

Adrian took her hand as Aphrodite started the ritual. Their energies came together, and I felt them connecting. I knew it was working.

Krissy laughed as she said, "So I'm the only one who's not connected to a consort. That sounds about right. Who wants to be tied down, right?"

"Right!" Hermes agreed.

"Aphrodite, you should go," Ares said. "You've done all you can."

"I'm still needed," Aphrodite protested. "Until Apollo and Eliza are bound, I cannot leave."

Apollo didn't argue. "You've decided to make it official?" I asked him.

"Kleia was always meant to be my consort," he replied. "I will claim her as such with joy, even if I don't treat Eliza as my girlfriend. It is time I make things official."

"How sweet," a voice said.

"Leo..." Faith said as she recognized him. "I should have known!"

"Altheos," I growled.

"It's nice to have everyone here at once," Altheos replied. Genie stood beside him. Faith's uncle Deacon stood behind him with a few other members of the Apostasia. And standing on Altheos's other side radiating with power was the last person I expected to see there.

Apollo's breath briefly caught in his chest before he whispered, "Eliza..."

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